Friday, September 27, 2024

Wrestling: Columbia Falls, Eureka win divisional titles

by The Daily Inter Lake
| February 7, 2015 11:37 PM

POLSON — The Columbia Falls Mat Cats pushed 11 wrestlers through to the finals at the Northwestern A Divisional tournament, capturing seven individual championships on their way to the team title at Linderman Gym in Polson on Saturday.

Haze Bell (126), Kaleb Gravelin (132), Shonn Roberts (138), Colton Gove (145), Storm Kemppainen (160), Mikey Denison (182) and Spencer Ross (285) were crowned divisional champions for Columbia Falls, who ran away with the team title, scoring 255 points while Polson claimed second place with 154.

It was the Mat Cats third straight divisional team title, and Roberts won his fourth straight individual title on his quest for four state championships.

Frenchtown took third with 116 points, Libby came in fourth with 90 and Whitefish was fifth with 70.5.

The Greenchain had two individual champions. Zach Crace (152) pinned Frenchtown’s Preston Downard in 3:16 for the title. Defending state champion Garret Chapel (170) pinned Polson’s Tele Seeman in 1:47.

The Pirates, who had six wrestlers in the finals, claimed two individual titles, both of which came against the Mat Cats. Cameron Brown (113) beat Ben Windauer 6-0, and Mike Corrigan (205) pinned Bekzat Abdyrazokov in 2:19.

The top-four place winners in each weight class will head to MetraPark in Billings on February 14 for the All-Class state wrestling tournament.

Northwestern A Divisional

(Linderman Gym, Polson)

Team Scores: 1. Columbia Falls 255; 2. Polson 154; 3. Frenchtown 116; 4. Libby 90; Whitefish 70.5.

Championship Matches

103 — Caleb Bagnell, FT, pin Austin Nelson, CF, 5:27. 113 — Cameron Brown, Pol, dec. Ben Windauer, CF, 6-0. 120 — Cody Warner, FT, dec. Parker Adler, Pol, 4-2. 126 — Haze Bell, CF, pin Laine Young, Lib, 5:53. 132 — Kaleb Gravelin, CF, dec. Jaben Wenzel, Pol, 6-2. 138 — Shonn Roberts, CF, pin Skylar Knutson, Pol, 3:19. 145 — Colton Gove, CF, pin Colton Sweeney, CF, :45. 152 — Zach Crace, Lib, pin Preston Downard, FT, 3:16. 160 — Storm Kemppainen, CF, dec. Judah Prestegaard, WF, 7-3. 170 — Garret Chapel, Lib, pin Tele Seeman, Pol, 1:47. 182 — Mikey Denison, CF, pin, Cole Jones, FT, 2:21. 205 — Mike Corrigan, Pol, pin Bekzat Abdyrazokov, CF, 2:19. 285 — Spencer Ross, CF, pin Steven Quimby, WF, 3:56.

Third Place

103 — Mateo Quinones, Pol, pin Parker McWhirter, WF, 3:48. 113 — Shayne Pierre, Pol, dec. Winfield West, CF, 9-3. 120 — Mason Fetters, CF, pin James Buckley, WF, 1:39. 126 — Thunder Morales, Pol, pin Dillon Thorsteinson, WF, :41. 132 — Tyler Isher, FT, pin Garrett Rice, WF, 2:27. 138 — Hunter Peterson, CF, dec. Bryce Williams, FT, 5-4. 145 — Jon Blanchard, FT, dec. Dylan Parrish, Lib, 9-3. 152 — Cody Walters, CF, dec. Wyatt Green, CF, 2-0. 160 — Michael Miller, Lib, pin Matt Sampson, WF, 2:58. 170 — Miguel Garate, CF, pin Alex Yeadon, Lib, 3:54. 182 — Tristan Austin, FT, win by forfeit. 205 — Nathan Bennett, FT, def. Travis Catina, WF, injury default.

Lions win Western B/C

EUREKA — The Eureka Lions claimed their first divisional team title in 20 years while sending all 10 wrestlers entered in the tournament to the state meet to edge Ronan at the Western B/C Divisional wrestling tournament on Saturday.

Zach Durden and Garret White took home individual titles for the Lions. Durden (120) won by medical forfeit and Garrett White (126) defeated Ronan’s Cole Snyder 7-3.

Sam Johnson (205) took third for Eureka.

The Lions finished with 201.5 points and the runner-up Ronan Chiefs scored 195 as a team.

Ronan had one individual champion in Hunter Peterson (113). Peterson won by major decision, 12-2, over Eureka’s Kahden Bakkila.

Bigfork also had one champion. Vinny Quirk (205) pinned Luis Gonzalez of Ronan in just 36 seconds. The Vikings placed ninth as a team with 48 points.

The top-four place winners in each weight class will head to MetraPark in Billings on February 14 for the All-Class state wrestling tournament.

Western B/C Divisional

(Lincoln County High School, Eureka)

Team Scores — 1. Eureka 201.5; 2. Ronan 195; 3. Mission (St. Ignatius/Charlo) 150.5; 4. Thompson Falls 134; 5. Florence-Carlton 97.5; 6. Plains/Hot Springs 92; 7. Deer Lodge 91; 8. Drummond 49; 9. Bigfork 48; 10. Noxon 44; 11. Superior 24.

Championship Matches

103 - Kaleb Frank, TF, dec. Colin Rogers, DL, 7-3. 113 - Hunter Peterson, Ron, maj. dec. Kahden Bakkila, Eur, 12-2. 120 - Zach Durden, Eur, def. Jonathan Schmidt, medical forfeit. 126 - Garrett White, Eur, dec. Cole Snyder, Ron, 7-3. 132 - Jaimie Mullins, Msn, dec. Connor Rogers, DL, 6-3. 138 - Torren Lawson, FC, dec. Jake Lile, PHS, 7-3. 145 - Russell Kujala, PHS, dec. Jared Neiss, Ron, 6-4. 152 - Trent Dennison, Msn, dec. Bridger Lapierre, Sup, 10-5. 160 - Kyle Milner, TF, dec. Luke Crowe, Nox, 11-9. 170 - Alex Bertollt, Arl, pin Jace Pancake, FC, :50. 182 - Steven Bravo, Msn, dec. Joe Fehr, Eur, 7-6. 205 - Vinny Quirk, BF, pin Luiz Gonzalez, Ron, :36. 285 - Ethan Goss-Dickie, Msn, dec. Michael Irvine, Ron, 2-1.

Third Place

103 - Daniel Uli, PHS, dec. Spencer Stagg, Ron, 6-4. 113 - Seth Cheff, Ron, pin Jethro Thorne, FC, 2:34. 120 - Cody Garrison, TF, pin Alex Waite, DL, 1:42. 126 - Wesley Gilroy, TF, pin Bryce Henning, PHS, 4:48. 132 - Dean Klakken, FC, maj. dec. Dusten Henning, PHS, 13-1. 138 - Jase Sorenson, TF, dec. James Dunn, Eur, 10-8. 145 - Tony Bergerson, Drm, dec. Josh Schmidt, Eur, 4-2. 152 - Colton Bray, TF, pin Garrett Graves, Eur, 2:55. 160 - Sean Cooney, Drm, maj. dec. Colby Hammack, Eur, 11-2. 170 - Sheldon Danforth, DL, maj. dec. Graydon Irish, Ron, 8-0. 182 - Alan Chojnacky, Nox, pin Kail Cheff, Ron, 4:42. 205 - Sam Johnson, Eur, pin Shane Morigeau, Msn, 2:43. 285 - Gray Cook, Ron, pin Chris Anderson, Msn, :33.