Sunday, September 29, 2024

Toole County has 25 coronavirus positives, mostly senior citizens

Daily Inter Lake | April 13, 2020 1:00 AM

Toole County has 25 confirmed cases of COVID-19 as of Sunday — a number composed of mostly adults 60 years of age and older.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says seniors and individuals with preexisting conditions including heart and lung diseases are considered high-risk for the virus.

Fourteen of Toole County’s positives are considered seniors according to the Montana Coronavirus Executive Task Force and state health department. Three individuals who have tested positive for the virus are ages 60 to 69; three are 70 to 79; five are 80 to 89 and three are 90 and older. Additionally, four of the county’s positive cases are 50 to 59.

According to a Toole County Health Department press release, multiple cases stem from an assisted living facility in Shelby.

The county has an estimated population of 4,900, but has the state’s fifth most positive cases as of Sunday. The county is close behind Missoula County which has an estimated population of about 120,000 and 30 confirmed cases.

A separate press release from the Toole County Health Department has confirmed two of the 25 individuals are currently hospitalized and five have recovered. Overall, six people in Montana have died from the virus. Of that number, three deaths occurred in Toole County.

Montana gained 22 new coronavirus cases over the weekend. Of this amount, seven came from Toole County.

There are likely more positives in Montana than the 387 confirmed cases. According to the task force, the state testing laboratory in Helena has run nearly 9,000 tests, but testing capabilities are limited due to a global shortage of kits.

Reporter Kianna Gardner can be reached at 758-4407 or