Letters to the editor Feb. 3
As we remember the horrors of Nazi Germany’s attempt to purge the earth of the Jewish people 80 years ago, is it not fitting to recognize the resurgence of antisemitism on our college campuses, our streets, around the world and, most importantly, in Muslim countries in the Middle East?
As foolish campus snowflakes repeat, “From the river to the sea” calling for the extermination of Israel, a phrase many of them likely don’t understand, should we not assure Jewish students access to classes and expel or arrest those calling for genocide?
It is fortunate that most Holocaust survivors are dead. Can you imagine their horror if they were still around to see the Hamas terrorist flags so proudly displayed by these illiterate fools, much as they watched the Brown Shirts of Nazi Germany terrorize Jews, culminating in Kristallnacht in 1938 when they destroyed Jewish businesses and synagogues.
So now, as liberal politicians and news anchors call President Trump and his supporters Nazi’s, they need to educate themselves and perhaps look at some film footage taken on the liberation of the Nazi concentration camps where the 6 million Jews were murdered. If they can view those pictures of the living skeletons who were liberated or the mass graves or gas chambers filled with naked bodies as the allies entered the camps and still call for the destruction of Israel and call Trump Hitler, they lack humanity, not to mention intelligent thought.
Never forget.
— David Myerowitz, Columbia Falls
Non-existent problem
It’s disheartening to learn Rep. Courtney Sprunger has spent her time crafting a bill which at best addresses less than 1% of the Montana workforce.
We do not have an undocumented worker problem in Montana. All her bill does is create more busy work and paperwork for employers and small businesses for a problem darn near non-existent in Montana.
How about crafting an honest bill to address the unfairness of the doubling and tripling of property taxes on your fellow citizens, or a bill to allow your city to participate and benefit from a resort tax like Whitefish or to find some alternatives to fund public schools in your district?
It seems all the GOP legislators are doing is fighting each other, tossing dirt and allegations at each other, and producing bills that benefit few Montanans. What a way to make Montana great.
— Karlene Khor, Kalispell