Columbia Falls High Band Director Don Lawrence was presented a bouquet by a German student after a concert in Germany in 1970. At right is Herr Reinhold Schaper, headmaster. From left are some of the Columbians: Virgil Larson, Clinton Hoerner, Roger Newman, Harold Riley, Jerry Knutson and Dave Thorkelson. (Mel Ruder photo)
July 26, 2023
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March 8, 2024 1:20 p.m.
Musician Don Lawrence dies at age 94
From 1959 to 1984 Don Lawrence was the band director at Columbia Falls High School. He left a legacy not only at the school but with his musical arrangements he performed with the DLO and other groups. He was 94.
July 27, 2023 2 a.m.
Columbia Falls concert celebrates anniversary of trip to Europe
Some 53 years ago, 87 Columbia Falls High School band members and 22 chaperones departed for Europe to put on several concerts for largely adoring crowds.