Friday, June 30
Carolyn Pfohl Erickson, 53
Carolyn Pfohl Erickson passed away as a result of cardiac arrest on June 27, 2006, in Victoria, British Columbia, while vacationing with her adoring husband.
Columbia Falls police went to accidents on Nucleus Avenue
and on U.S. 2 near Western Building Center. Both had minor injuries.
Lucille Bissner, 80
Lucille Bissner, 80, passed away on Wednesday, June 28, 2006, in Kalispell.
Libby cleanup included in bill
The Daily Inter Lake
Gold leads
4th of July golf play with a 68
The Bigfork Fire Department went to a controlled burn
near the fire hall at 3 a.m. Friday and a brush fire on Bridge Street.
Restrictions on young drivers starts Saturday
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office took reports of a moose hit by a vehicle on Many Lakes Drive
and a bear hit by a vehicle on U.S. 93 near Whitefish.
Whitefish police were called Thursday night about four or five youths drinking at Riverside Park.
Two reportedly were taken to the hospital for treatment of alcohol poisoning.
Old World classics under the Montana sky
An "Evening In Vienna" is the musical theme of an outdoor family concert featuring the Glacier Symphonic Pops orchestra on Saturday, July 8 at 7:30 p.m.
House OKs Sun Road funding

Lakers sweep Electrics
One look at the lineup card for the Class AA American Legion Kalispell Lakers Thursday and six names jumped out as having a lot of experience already this season - and those were non-starters.
Man of many talents
Folk, country mainstay in Kalispell for one intimate show
Kalispell police fielded a number of oddities Friday.
Among them was a report of an intoxicated man in a shirt that said "Southern Style," scampering back and forth across the highway in front of Wendy's. He was warned, like countless children before him, not to play in traffic.
Plenty of fun ahead for the holiday
Flags will be unfurled across the Flathead at area Fourth of July events. Here's a list of some of the things going on:

Too hot to handle
Kalispell Police Department conducts a saturation patrol today, for speeding, and stop sign and equipment violations, East Idaho.
Performing Arts Center fundraising continues
Debate far better than ad mania
Last Sunday's debate between Sen. Conrad Burns, R-Mont., and Democratic challenger Jon Tester was immensely valuable for voters - especially compared to the vaporous campaign advertising that's already swirling through Montana's airwaves.
Board votes against Haskill subdivision
The Daily Inter Lake
Thursday, June 29
Bird flu draws crowd to KRMC talk
If they weren't losing sleep before, medical professionals left a recent bird-flu presentation with at least a wake-up call to the urgency of pandemic planning.
C-Falls loses both thinclad coaches
Beckwith, Knutson step down from Wildcat, Wildkat track and field helms
Belva Jolene 'Jo' Brockel, 73
Belva Jolene Brockel, 73, "Jo" to her friends and family, passed way of natural causes, June 26, 2006, at her home in Whitefish.
James Robert Clark Jr., 64
Jimmy "was taken from us" unexpectedly on June 25, 2006, doing what he loved -- helping people.

Whitefish Police
Whitefish Police arrested a woman for DUI on Armory Road.
Kalispell Police
Kalispell Police was asked to intervene in troublesome communications. They included a disturbing voice-mail message that turned out to be a prank on Liberty Street, a threatening letter received on Airport Road, a death threat delivered on Liberty Street, and a promise to damage some property on First Avenue East North. A woman at Lambert Court said her ex-husband drives by and litters the road with profanities.
Smith Valley Fire Department and Montana Highway Patrol went to a car fire on Foy's Lake Road.
Back into boys basketball
Julio Delgado returns to Whitefish hoops
Libby asbestos victims
The Daily Inter Lake

Sails at sunset
Officers investigate 2 suicides
The Daily Inter Lake
FVCC trustees get first look at 2007 budget
Flathead Valley Community College trustees voted to approve the first reading of the preliminary 2007 budget Monday, reflecting about an 8 percent general fund increase to $10.21 million.
Columbia Falls Police
Columbia Falls Police took a report of a carload of youths toilet-papering everything on Seventh Avenue East North.
Kalispell Police Department conducts a saturation patrol today for speeding, and stop sign and equipment violations, East Idaho.
Propane may have sparked pack string mishap
The Daily Inter Lake
Let's learn from housing mistakes
The federal government's mutual self-help housing program has allowed dozens of low-income Flathead Valley residents to become homeowners in the past four years.
Kalispell's Muhlfeld now 28th in the world
United States' sixth-ranked rider jumps 74 points in World Cup standings
Flathead County Sheriff
Flathead County Sheriff's Office took a call from someone about two deer stuck in the Swan River near Montana 209 Tuesday. An animal warden was called for help.
Wednesday, June 28
Whitefish council nixes court raises
Lakers split with Stallions
The Kalispell Lakers split a Western AA American Legion baseball doubleheader with the Great Falls Stallions Tuesday at Griffin Field.
Mother: Eureka shooting was accidental
Police cast Web at criminals
Agency delays while shore recedes
There's nothing like failing to respond to a 20-year emergency.
Kalispell police investigated a report of a suspected drunken driver
who was "swerving all over" U.S. 93. The driver was sober, but lost.
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office was busy with vandalism and hostilities.
On South Many Lakes Drive, a woman reportedly broke a window with a rock and jumped on the hood of a vehicle when someone tried to leave. In Martin City, a woman in a vehicle reportedly tried to run over someone, hitting a freezer and the person's hip.
Youth, 18, injured by fireworks
The Daily Inter Lake
Kalispell Police Department conducts a saturation patrol today for speeding, and stop sign and equipment violations, Appleway Drive.
380 chase 29th annualWhitefish Lake Run
Mark Tarr, 44, of Columbia Falls said he felt like he was at a high school track meet.
Bigfork Fire and Medical
went to Flathead Lake Lodge, where a woman was injured by a horse.
Columbia Falls board supports subdivision
The Daily Inter Lake

Road on the west shore of Hungry Horse Reservoir may reopen this weekend
Whitefish police were called Monday to a fight on Somers Avenue.
It ended with some hugging.
New hearing sought in Downtowner lawsuit
Tuesday, June 27
3 Kalispell Police Department conducts a saturation patrol today for speeding, and stop sign and equipment violations, U.S. 93 South.
The Kalispell Fire Department went to a motor-home fire
Sunday night on Second Street East.
James G. Walter, 77
James G. 'Jim' Walter, 77, 'went to be with the Lord' on June 25, 2006, after a long and courageous battle with cancer. He will be remembered by his family and friends as a very loving and caring man. Jim was born Sept. 21, 1928, in Froid a to Joseph and Inez (Tunison) Walter.
Helen S. Collins, 97
Helen S. Collins, 97, died Friday, June 23, 2006, at Immanuel Lutheran Home in Kalispell. She was born June 14, 1909, in Saltese to Herman J. and Sadie Ellen (Shelley) Seidemann.
Jennifer 'Jenny' Rose Lanktree, 20
"Our beloved Jennifer "Jenny" Rose Lanktree, 20, "left us to be with the angels" Saturday June 24, 2006, at her home in Kalispell, after fighting a long and courageous battle with leukemia. Jenny was born May 16, 1986, in Kalispell to Scott and Laurie (Schultz) Lanktree.
Whitefish police are investigating a burglary
at Subway, reported at 4 a.m. Monday, and a burglary at the City Beach lifeguard stand, reported at 7:30 a.m. Later in the day, another burglary was reported at the concessions stand at Smith fields.
Robert Franklin 'Bob' Dyer, 88
Robert Franklin "Bob" Dyer passed away Thursday, June 22, 2006, at Immanuel Lutheran Home in Kalispell. Bob was born Jan. 20, 1918, in Chanute, Kan., to Cora Ethel Armstrong Dyer and Charles Henry Dyer. When Bob was 6 years old, the Dyer family moved to California.
Columbia Falls police arrested a man on suspicion of DUI
on First Avenue West.
James W. Christensen, 81
James W. Christensen, 81, passed away Sunday, June 25, 2006, at Kalispell Regional Medical Center in Kalispell. He was born Dec. 20, 1924, in Havre, the son of James and Mary K. (Kjois) Christensen.
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office took another report of the man in a primer-gray Camaro
who prompts complaints wherever he goes. On Monday, he returned to an area near Batavia Lane, where a resident had complained about him Friday night.
Court voids conviction of sex offender Rytky
The Montana Supreme Court last week overturned the conviction and sentence of sex offender Wilbur Rytky.
James Thomas Kane 79
James Thomas Kane 79, a longtime Whitefish area resident passed away of natural causes Friday, June 23, 2006, at North Valley Hospital in Whitefish.

Major project PGA star Nick Faldo arrives in Eureka to plan new golf course
Among the vandalism reports to Kalispell police
were a house hit with paintballs on Russell Drive, rocks thrown through a business window on North Meridian Road, four tires slashed on West Montana Street, a sign torn down and flower pots overturned on North Meridian, and pop machines tipped on North Meridian Road and at Woodland Park.
Monday, June 26
Jacob Randall Lee, 19
Jacob Randall Lee, 19, died Saturday, June 24, 2006, in Eureka from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
The Smith Valley Fire Department
The Smith Valley Fire Department treated two burn victims Saturday evening and took them to Kalispell Regional Medical Center after fireworks apparently went off in their car on U.S. 2 west of Kila. The car burned up in the middle of the highway.
3 AARP Driver Safety Program for all drivers age 50 and older, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. today and June 27, St. John's Lutheran Hospital, Libby. $10 course fee. Call 406-293-0100 to register.

No headline

No headline
Round One
Columbia Falls police
Columbia Falls police arrested a 41-year-old woman Saturday evening on suspicion of drunken driving, assaulting a domestic partner and issuing a bad check.
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office is investigating a Saturday evening stabbing at Hungry Horse Reservoir that ended up with two people at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Gunshot victim identified
The Daily Inter Lake
Saturday, June 24
Frank Miciewicz, 87
"His Lord and Savior Jesus Christ received Frank Miciewicz, 87, into heaven" in the presence of his loving family on June 21, 2006.
Whitefish police
arrested three men and one woman for disorderly conduct downtown. Later, two men were arrested for disorderly conduct outside a bar.
Used sleeping bag for sale?
Someone called the Flathead County Sheriff's Office to report a person lying in the middle of U.S. 2 in a gray sleeping bag or thick blanket.
Velma Miller Stacy Hutton, 89
Velma Miller Stacy Hutton, 89, died Thursday, June 22, 2006, at Brendan House in Kalispell. She was born Oct. 14, 1916 in Valier to Clarence and Rose (Adams) Miller.
Two dead in shooting near Eureka
The Daily Inter Lake
Kalispell police
were notified when a group of kids left their cars in the parking lot of a local golf course, piled into the back of a pickup and drove across the green.

Project on pause
Elva Arlington Crockett Whiting, 88
Elva Arlington Crockett Whiting, 88, fell asleep in death June 22, 2006. Elva was an eccentric, feisty, young-hearted lady who loved her family, loved life, loved her fellow man and loved her god Jehovah, without reservation.
Joan A. Deist, 81
Joan A. Deist, age 81, passed away on Thursday, June 22, 2006, at Kalispell Regional Medical Center in Kalispell. She was born Jan. 29, 1925, in Great Falls to Ory J. and Eva (Kittelsrud) Armstrong.
Montana seeks closer ties with
Canada Eyes 'Crown of the Continent' destinatio for 'two-nation vacations'
3 Flathead Audubon birding trip to Tobacco Valley. Meet at 7:30 a.m. at Four Corners Cafe and Casino at intersection of U.S 93 and 37 in Eureka. Bring binoculars and lunch. Call Lewis or Lynda Young at 889-3492 to sign up.
And now for a few dissenting opinions
You may have noticed a new ad running in the Inter Lake the past few days promoting this column.
Columbia Falls police
cited a driver for failure to yield after a three-vehicle accident Friday afternoon.
Coram/West Glacier Fire Department checked out a power line that suddenly sparked, popped and broke on River Bend Drive in West Glacier. The fire was extinguished before they arrived.
Jane Margaret Harshbarger Riedinger, 86
Jane Margaret Harshbarger Riedinger, 86, died Tuesday, June 20, 2006, at Immanuel Lutheran Home in Kalispell. She was born Dec. 23, 1919, at Weyers Cave, Va., to John and Mattie Marie (Ruckman) Harshbarger.
Robert Franklin 'Bob' Dyer, 88
Robert Franklin "Bob" Dyer passed away on Thursday, June 22, 2006, at Brendan House in Kalispell. Bob was born in Chanute, Kan., on Jan. 20, 1918, to Cora Ethel Armstrong Dyer and Charles Henry Dyer. At Bob's age of 6 years, the Dyer family moved to California.
Friday, June 23
Velma Miller Stacy Hutton, 89
Velma Miller Stacy Hutton, 89, died Thursday, June 22, 2006, at Brendan House in Kalispell. She was born Oct. 14, 1916 in Valier to Clarence and Rose (Adams) Miller.
Teen intruder leaves gift behind
Strange happenings were reported to the Flathead County Sheriff's Office Thursday and Friday. A man on North Cedar Drive got home at about 3:30 a.m. to find a man in his garage. The intruder appeared to be a teenager. He fled when the resident arrived. Nothing was missing, but the resident is the new owner of two flashlights later found in the garage.
Columbia Falls police
"And stay out," was the order given to an unwelcome patron at the Columbia Bar, according to Columbia Falls police.
Kalispell police
Kalispell police arrested a man for allegedly stealing from a vehicle at Northwest Truck Repair.

Schulz resigns as Whitefish boys basketball coach
Derek Schulz has resigned as the head boys basketball coach at Whitefish High School.
Whitefish police
Whitefish police took a call about a pair of bears dining on garbage on Wisconsin Avenue Friday. They ran into the woods when a resident yelled at them.
Margaret I. Grace, 85
Margaret I. Grace, 85, passed away Wednesday, June 21, 2006, at Kalispell Regional Medical Center in Kalispell. She was born Nov. 25, 1920, in Rock Glen, Saskatchewan, the daughter of Peter and Clarabel (Abbot) Engel.
3 South Kalispell Volunteer Fire Department rummage sale 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., 1255 Willow Glen Dr., Kalispell. Donations accepted through Friday. Contact Colleen Warricks, 212-3045.
Local woman survives fall at Big Mountain
The Daily Inter Lake
Farm insurer pleads guilty to wire fraud
Myron "Mike" Felt, the former president of Crop Hail Management, Inc., in Bigfork, pleaded guilty Friday to wire fraud and money laundering. He will be sentenced on Oct. 19.

Sledding in Glacier National Park
Matt Gilbertson, middle, sleds above Logan Pass with his wife Caroline and 10-month-old son Brayden. The family is on vacation from Hawaii. "I left Montana to escape the cold, but this is pretty nice," Gilbertson said. "It's quite a sledding hill." Above: Cars line up at Avalanche Creek for the Going-to-the-Sun Road opening Friday afternoon in Glacier National Park. The road is now open through the entire park.
Fundraiser gets folks out of their seats
Inter Lake editorial
Somers Fire Department went to a controlled burn Thursday on Blacktail Road.
Wednesday, June 21
Columbia Falls police took a report
of someone who damaged a fence, stole a post, and trespassed on Ninth Street West.
Kalispell Police Department conducts a saturation patrol for speeding, and stop sign and equipment violations, on First Avenue East.
Redesigned subdivisions go before planners today
The Daily Inter Lake
C. Falls City Council denies Twin Peaks Farms proposal
Driver, 48, charged in April deaths
Kalispell woman was hurt critically in crash that killed sister, motorcyclist

T. rex didn't dance
Sun Road opening on Friday
The Daily Inter Lake
Rookie Mitchell wins compacts
The Daily Inter Lake
Helber resigns as Twins' AA coach
Preserving the peace of the parks
Think about these words from the new management guidelines being drafted for national parks: Activities must not damage "the atmosphere of peace and tranquility and natural soundscapes."
Phone trouble Wednesday evening in West Glacier prevented people
from being able to call 911. The source of the problem was unknown, but it reportedly affected about 500 phone lines. West Glacier residents were told if they needed help, they should call the non-emergency line at the Sheriff's Office. That number is 758-5610.
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office took a report
from a man who said teenagers in as red Nissan threw things, including death threats, at the home of an elderly couple on East Evergreen Drive. The caller said he chased the youths off once with a bat, but they returned. He suspects they have the wrong address.
Big Mountain master plan passes
Whitefish police took a report
of a camera bag containing $3,000 in equipment that was stolen at Grouse Mountain Lodge. It wasn't stolen and someone who found it left a name and number for the owner to contact.
Kalispell police took several complaints about people
trying to get petition signatures at Smith's, Depot Park and Target. Asking people to sign is not illegal, but a group of youths with that mission were reportedly disorderly at Target.
James P. Knutson, 75
James P. Knutson, 75, of Polson died Feb. 20, 2006, of brain cancer at Life Care Center of Yuma, Ariz. He was born to John A. and Pauline (Rau) Knutson on Aug. 11, 1930, at Shelby. The family moved to Polson to a farm out in Valley View, where they were living at the time of his mother's death in January 1934. Jim, the oldest of three children, was raised by his grandparents, Pete and Mary Rau, in Lost Prairie.
Council meets in July to decide city budget
The Kalispell Fire Department's ambulance went to a vehicle accident
with injuries Tuesday at the underpass.
Tuesday, June 20
Jackson Ethan Oftedahl
Jackson Ethan Oftedahl son of Lacey Gendreau and Jerod Oftedahl of Kalispell, was born June 4 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 9 pounds, 14 ounces, and was 20 1/2 inches long.
Lane Ivan Mann
Lane Ivan Mann son of Wyatt and Michelle Mann of Marion, was born June 4 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 5 pounds, 14 ounces, and was 17 3/4 inches long.
Cory John Flagg
Cory John Flagg son of Natasha Flagg of Kalispell, was born June 2 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 6 pounds, 6 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Mickel Alexander Lessor
Mickel Alexander Lessor son of Sarita Lessor of Kalispell, was born June 5 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 9 pounds, 3 ounces, and was 20 1/2 inches long.
Linus Michael Guillory
Linus Michael Guillory son of Jacob and Cassie Guillory of Columbia Falls, was born May 31 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 7 pounds, 1 ounce, and was 21 inches long.
Ellie Elizabeth Kenney
Ellie Elizabeth Kenney daughter of Mark and Angela Kenney of Kalispell, was born June 1 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces, and was 22 inches long.
Nathan Scot Evans
Nathan Scot Evans son of Brandon Evans and Carina Weiss of Kalispell, was born May 31 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 8 pounds, 6 ounces, and was 21 inches long.
Cera June Sabodski
Cera June Sabodski daughter of Charles and Ramanda Sabodski of Kalispell, was born June 10 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 5 pounds, 6 ounces, and was 18 1/2 inches long.
Elaina Rebecca Zamora
Elaina Rebecca Zamora daughter of Derrick and Ginni Zamora of Kalispell, was born June 2 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces, and was 19 1/2 inches long.
Ella Marie Montague
Ella Marie Montague daughter of Adam and Shari Montague of Kalispell, was born June 7 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces, and was 20 1/2 inches long.
Avery Renee Role
Avery Renee Role daughter of Mark and Kim Role of Columbia Falls, was born June 5 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 8 pounds, 9 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Ashton Wade Deitrick
Ashton Wade Deitrick son of Sara and Austin Deitrick of Kalispell, was born June 5 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces, and was 21 1/2 inches long.
Gabriel Luther Fjheld
Gabriel Luther Fjheld son of Dan and Sarah Fjheld of Kalispell, was born June 2 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 9 pounds, 9 ounces, and was 21 1/2 inches long.
Katherine Elizabeth Ward
Katherine Elizabeth Ward daughter of Patrick and Kelly Ward of Kalispell, was born May 31 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 8 pounds, 13 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Allura Jazmyne Zollman
Allura Jazmyne Zollman daughter of Crystal Ford and Anthoney Zollman of Columbia Falls, was born June 12 at North Valley Hospital.She weighed 6 pounds, 9 ounces, and was 19 inches long.
Aleen B. Chestnut, 90
Aleen B. Chestnut, a resident of the Flathead Valley, passed away June 13, 2006, in Whitefish. She was born Aleen Byington in Lava Hot Springs, Idaho, on June 6, 1916, the daughter of Henry and Viola Byington. She graduated from high school in Lava Hot Springs in 1934. She attended the University of Idaho in Moscow and graduated in 1939.
Dennis Jeffrey Poncelet, 37
Dennis Jeffrey Poncelet 'was carried home by the angels' Friday, June 16, 2006, after a tragic electrical accident. Dennis was born June 30, 1969, and attended school in Whitefish and received a GED. He was going on to acquire his nurse's aide certification. He spent the last eight years of his life working as a concrete finisher and form fitter for Arrow Concrete Co., and was so proud of his accomplishments there.
Flathead County Sheriff's Office
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office took a report from Parliament Drive, where a resident finds some intruding huskies to be a biological hazard for his flower garden.
Flood outlook improves here
The Daily Inter Lake
Crash kills Kalispell woman, 27
The Daily Inter Lake and The Associated Press
3 Kalispell Police Department conducts a saturation patrol today for speeding, and stop sign and equipment violations, on Two Mile Drive.
concrete truck tips over
It took four hours to remove a loaded concrete truck that tipped over into a ditch Monday on Stillwater Road. No one was hurt.
Kalispell Fire Department
The Kalispell Fire Department went to a smoking trash container Sunday on Fourth Street West.
Park crews tackle slides on Sun Road
The Daily Inter Lake
Kalispell Police Department
The Kalispell Police Department took reports of thefts from garages on West Nicklaus and Fifth Avenue East.
Linus Michael Guillory, son of Jacob and Cassie Guillory of Columbia Falls, was born May 31 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Fast ride
"You mean I get to drive one?" I asked. "Seriously?"
Whitefish Police Department
The Whitefish Police Department took a noise complaint at about 1 a.m. Monday on Second Street East. There, officers cited three teenagers with underage possession of alcohol. Two also allegedly had drugs.

Building blocks
Masonry by Muller employees Keith Brannon and Ben Woodson haul blocks into place Monday afternoon while constructing a wall on the new Occupational Trades building at Flathead Valley Community College. The $4 million, 25,000-square-foot building is expected to be completed by December. It's the first of three new buildings planned in a major college expansion.

Full circle
Stock car racing began on short dirt tracks in towns like Mars, Pa. - the town where Bill Bowser grew up and discovered his passion for auto racing more than 50 years ago. And just like a driver pushing through the final straightaway of a race, Bowser's career as a stock car racing announcer has come full circle.
Monday, June 19

Hot rod history
Couple's car turns heads at top shows
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office arrested a man suspected of striking his son at their home Saturday evening.
3 Logan State Park west of Kalispell will be closed today and Tuesday for chip-sealing.
The Evergreen Fire Department
The Evergreen Fire Department handled the aftermath of a stove fire in a trailer home on U.S. 2 Saturday evening.
Kalispell police
Kalispell police received reports of items stolen from six cars Sunday morning. The cars were on Sixth Avenue WN, Sixth Avenue West, Mission Trail, First Avenue EN and Seventh Avenue WN.
Twins fall in finals
The Daily Inter Lake
Sunday, June 18
Gary Victor Gravem, 44
Gary Victor Gravem, 44, died peacefully at Kalispell Regional Medical Center, Tuesday afternoon, June 13, 2006.
Red Eagle Aviation open house 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., 1880 U.S. 93 S.-Kalispell City Airport. Free helicopter rides noon to one p.m. (first come, first served) then discounted helicopter and airplane rides 1-3 p.m. Refreshments.
Libby Dam spill increased; flooding at Bonners Ferry
The Daily Inter Lake
Letitia Ann Tish Miller, 71
Letitia Ann "Tish" Miller "went home to be with her Lord" on April 20, 2006, in Casa Grande, Ariz.

Federal neglect
Erosion chews into wetlands on north shore of Flathead Lake
Columbia Falls police
are investigating a reported burglary on Frontage Road.
Dads and kids and the ties that bind
Is it Father's Day again?
Public parks, public information
We are relieved that the National Park Service has decided not to withhold information on injuries, accidents, deaths, and crimes that occur in national parks.
After receiving a complaint about a loud party
on Sixth Avenue West, Kalispell police arrested four girls for underage drinking. They also arrested a man of legal drinking age for endangering the welfare of children.
Flood warning issued
Log dam on Stillwater River bursts Saturday afternoon
A woman on Woodland Road in Columbia Falls
found more than lint while doing laundry. A strange man in dark clothes smelling of tobacco left when she discovered him in her laundry room, but she called the Flathead County Sheriff's Office nonetheless.

Bigfork hiker logs 2,500 miles in the Alaskan wilderness
Herbert 'Herb' Raymond Dedman, 83
Herbert "Herb" Raymond Dedman, 83, died on Monday, June 12, 2006, at his home in Woods Bay, Bigfork, surrounded by his family.
Whitefish police arrested a man for DUI
and driving while suspended when his vehicle drifted toward the middle of Spokane Avenue and hit two oncoming cars. All three vehicles were damaged in the accident, but no one was seriously injured.
Park plans meetings onSun Road
The Daily Inter Lake
Kalispell Fire Department ambulance took a man
to Kalispell Regional Medical Center after a rock came through his windshield. At first he said he was hit on the head; later he said it only struck him on the arm.
Whitefish wins Downtowner lawsuit
Banking online? Guard against fraud
Graduate gets wheels thanks to classmates' generosity
When she hits the gas on her trip east for college this fall, Vanessa Maycumber is going to have one big smile on her face.
Saturday, June 17
Oisin Kale Isaly McBurney
Oisin Kale Isaly McBurney son of Jonathon and Deborah McBurney of Kalispell, was born May 27 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 7 pounds and was 20 inches long.
Jack Alvin Weigum
Jack Alvin Weigum son of Todd and Kerri Weigum of Columbia Falls, was born May 28 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 8.78 pounds, and was 20 inches long.
Bryson James Brown
Bryson James Brown son of Tony and Sarah Brown of Kalispell, was born May 22 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 7 pounds, 15 ounces, and was 21 inches long.
Jason Russell Anderson
Jason Russell Anderson son of Grant and Dani Anderson of Kalispell, was born May 29 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 8 pounds, 14 ounces, and was 22 inches long.
Tanyon Lex Patrick Murray
Tanyon Lex Patrick Murray son of Pat and Merisa Murray of Kalispell, was born May 26 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 5 pounds and was 19 inches long.
Gavin Lee Miciewwicz
Gavin Lee Miciewwicz son of Rachel Askvig and Trever Miciewicz of Kalispell, was born May 24 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 8 pounds, 13 ounces, and was 21 inches long.
Clint Jacob Rooney
Clint Jacob Rooney son of Cameron Rooney and Richelle Brouwer of Kalispell, was born May 28 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce, and was 20 inches long.
Madison Rose Feiler
Madison Rose Feiler daughter of Christina Evans and Jake Feiler of Kalispell, was born May 23 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 7 pounds, 5 1/2 ounces, and was 19 inches long.
Katya Abramchuk
Katya AbramchukShe weighed 8 pounds, 2 ounces, and was 19 3/4 inches long.
Otto Nathaniel Baptiste Anderson
Otto Nathaniel Baptiste Anderson son of Cory and Sarah Anderson of Columbia Falls, was born June 8 at North Valley Hospital.He weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Jonathan Marcus Shvets
Jonathan Marcus Shvets son of Yaroslav and Natalya Shvets of Kalispell, was born June 7 at North Valley Hospital.He weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces, and was 20 1/2 inches long.
Kelsey Marie Larsen
Kelsey Marie Larsen daughter of Travis and Emily Larsen of Kalispell, was born May 24 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 7 pounds and was 20 1/2 inches long.
Jasper Bernard Best
Jasper Bernard Best son of Jesse and Jessie Best of Columbia falls, was born May 18 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 5 pounds, 7 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Harriet Suzannah Waltenberg
Harriet Suzannah Waltenberg daughter of Chad and Emily Waltenberg of Kalispell, was born May 29 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces, and was 21 inches long.
Breanna Lynn Egbert
Breanna Lynn Egbert daughter of Cameron and Brook Egbert of Kalispell, was born May 29 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces, and was 21 inches long.
Something fishy
Montana wildlife agency is tankful for transport designed by Flathead High School students
Flathead Audubon birding enroute to Tally Lake. Meet at 7 a.m. at Fish, Wildlife and Parks building, on North Meridian Road. Contact Bruce Tannehill at 862-4548. Everyone welcome.

Rain washes out lake access

No. 1 at the counter
Kalispell pharmacist named Montana's best
Twins gain spot in semis
But suffer another injury
Olsen falls to Franca
Three local cheers
This past Wednesday, June 14, was Flag Day, and for the second time this year 60 flags were flying on Main Street in Kalispell. Those same flags also were displayed downtown on Memorial Day, flanking the street from the courthouse to Depot Park.
A mystery was solved Friday
after a woman on Goodrich Road told the Flathead County Sheriff's Office that her cat came home, partially shaved and marked with an X on Thursday. A spokeswoman for the spay and neuter clinic said the cat was spayed a few weeks ago. The animals are tattooed after they are sterilized so future owners know the cats don't need the surgery.
Columbia Falls police arrested a woman
Thursday evening when she allegedly assaulted someone hired by her landlord to change the lock on her apartment.
Listening session on forest plan is today at Flathead High
A public listening session sponsored by the Flathead National Forest on the proposed forest land management plan will be held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. today at the Flathead High School auditorium. Call 758-5252. Everyone interested is welcome to attend.
Top two seeds upset in match play golf
The Daily Inter Lake
Harold Arne Buz Dalen Jr., 56
Buz passed away on Jan. 31, 2006, in Albany, Mo., from cancer of the larynx.
Local jury deadlocks in sex case
Retrial scheduled to start Oct. 30
Whitefish police
took reports of tires slashed on Railroad Street and at the high school Friday and at Super 1 Foods and on Spokane Avenue Thursday.
Local Births
Jonathan Marcus Shvets, son of Yaroslav and Natalya Shvets of Kalispell, was born June 7 at North Valley Hospital.
Kalispell police went to Fatt Boys bar, where a woman was reportedly bleeding
after being hit in the head with a beer bottle. She refused an ambulance, didn't want to press charges, and went to the hospital with a friend.
Whitefish Fire Department
was called to Colorado Avenue Friday when burned food produced smoke. The crew also went to Arielle Way for a broken gas line and to Central Avenue to check out a basement fire report.
Friday, June 16
Harold Joe Johnson, 76
Harold Joe Johnson, 76, passed away Tuesday, June 13, 2006, at Kalispell Regional Medical Center in Kalispell.
Griz golf event at Mission Mountain
The Daily Inter Lake
Glacier victorious in North Dakota
The Daily Inter lake
Floods plague Glacier
The Daily Inter Lake
Bluegrass and blues
Veteran talents in two genres play local club
Court issues mixed verdict in mall suit
Bring out the baskets
Kalispell outdoor concert series begins this week
Columbia Falls police
Columbia Falls police were called Wednesday about a woman found sleeping in an apartment building on Sixth Street West. She said she was cold and tired, and it looked like a good place to sleep. She went to a friend's house.
County approves proposal
Ronald W. Dodge, 19
Ronald W. 'Ron' 'Ronnie' Dodge, 19, of Columbia Falls, passed away Tuesday morning, June 13, 2006, in Billings as the result of a vehicle accident.

Golfers survive soggy start
Aluminum firm, energy company ink deal
The Daily Inter Lake
Kalispell Fire Department
The Kalispell Fire Department went Wednesday night to Indian Trail Road, where a resident heard crackling in a wall. It turned out to be a water problem, not a fire.
Kalispell police
Kalispell police were called about the boomerang effect at Albertsons, where an unwelcome panhandler keeps coming back, and at the Scoreboard bar, where a woman who has been banned from the premises keeps returning.
Kalispell Police Department conducts a saturation patrol, for speeding, and stop sign and equipment violations, U.S. 9 South.
Flathead County Sheriff's Office
"X" marked the cat on Goodrich Road, where a resident reported an odd incident to the Flathead County Sheriff's Office. A woman said her cat returned home with a shaved belly, marked with a black X. She thinks the same thing happened to her sister's cat a year ago.
Aceto sentenced to 220 years
Vivian Marie Pallo, 86
Vivian Marie Pallo, 86, of Coos Bay, Ore., passed away June 9, 2006, in Coos Bay.
Ronald Paul Hawkins, 48
Ronald Paul Hawkins left this world June 10, 2006. His family says there is an immeasurable void in the world but believes he now is flying high, fast and free on his silvery wings.
Getting vote results is primary concern
County election officials promised a smoothly run primary election and predicted that final results would be in by 10 p.m. election night.
Public meeting Wednesday on gravel mines
The Montana Department of Environmental Quality has decided to analyze the cumulative impacts of all the sand and gravel mines in the Flathead.
Jury gets case

High rollers
Whitefish police
Whitefish police took reports of tires slashed at Super 1 Foods and on Spokane Avenue.
Eleanor 'Sue' Lean
Sue Lean, 79, of Washburn, Wis., passed away unexpectedly June 13, 2006, near her home. Sue was celebrating life and relishing in its beauty, as was her way.
Thursday, June 15
Robert L. Hanson, 67
Robert L. Hanson, 67, passed away Tuesday, June 13, 2006, at HealthCenter Northwest in Kalispell.
James H. Bingman, 29
James H. Bingman, 29, passed away Monday, June 12, 2006, in Kalispell.
Primitive ways in the woods
Summer fun is here, but snow lingers at high elevations
Summertime is here, so camping, fishing and hiking season is in full swing.
Columbia Falls police
took a report of a man sitting in his car for a suspiciously long time on Sixth Avenue West. He was just watching the lightning.
Whitefish police
are investigating a burglary at a home on Wisconsin Avenue, where some items were taken.
Planners delay Meadow Lake decision
The Somers Fire Department
went Tuesday night to a smoking slash pile on Political Hill Road.
The Flathead County Sheriff's Office
took a complaint about a transient with a backpack and a broken nose who tried to pick fights at Wal-Mart.
Wilbur 'Bill' Lee, 82
Wilbur "Bill" Lee, 82, passed away May 31, 2006, at Brendan House in Kalispell.
A transient who caused problems Tuesday at Wal-Mart
and said he was leaving for Cut Bank didn't make it very far. At about 1 a.m. Wednesday, someone reported a body on the railroad track near Smith's. Officers found the man alive but extremely intoxicated and in need of medical care. Later on Wednesday, someone else called and said the same man had threatened to kill a dog and assault the dog's owner. This time, a Kalispell police officer gave the man a ride out of town.
John Alfred Roog, 84
John Alfred Roog, a resident of Stuart, Fla., was born June 17, 1921 in Shelton, Conn., the son of Peter and Aniela (Garbien) Roog. He graduated from Shelton High School in 1939 and attended Montana State University.

Hail of a storm
Cherry orchards take a pounding during second day of wild weather
House supports $1.1 billion for Amtrak
The Daily Inter Lake
Kalispell Police Department conducts a saturation patrol today for speeding, and stop sign and equipment violations, Woodland Avenue.
Berosik denies charges
Governor criticizes Libby dam spill
Schweitzer questions Libby project priorities
Are these seats taken?
Buy a bit of history Tuesday and help fund the renovation of the Whitefish Central School auditorium
Progress in Iraq, plus challenges
The president's recent trip to Iraq highlighted both the successes and the continuing challenges in that country.
Watkins answers the call
Former FHS defensive back will play in Saturday's Badlands Bowl
Rain delays west opening of Sun Road
The Daily Inter Lake
Wednesday, June 14
Kalispell police were called Monday
to Merganser Drive, where a resident reported a neighbor's dog barking and a man screaming at the neighbor. More robust lungs were reported on Garland, where neighbor children yelled, and on Two Mile Drive, where a man screamed. Noise was also a problem at 2 a.m. on North Meridian Road.
Emergency services were dispatched Monday afternoon by the Flathead County Sheriff's Office
when a baby was run over by a pull trailer that was backing up on Lone Star Trail. ALERT helicopter, Kalispell and West Valley fire departments, and the Montana Highway Patrol were notified. The 1-year-old child was taken to Kalispell Regional Medical Center with injuries that were not thought to be life-threatening.
Columbia Falls police
arrested a man on suspicion of DUI at 3 a.m. Tuesday on U.S. 2.
Road work crucial near new school
Looking at maps of proposed roadways around the U.S. 93/Reserve Drive vehicular vortex might lead one to conclude that Los Angeles traffic engineering is coming to the Flathead Valley.
Whitefish police
were needed to help with a combative patient at the hospital Monday night.
Lakers swept by Electrics
The Daily Inter Lake
Hockaday seeks loan to fund expansion
Meet the mascot
Agency reverses Glacier policy on information
Names, ages, hometowns of visitors injured in the park will be released
Francis 'Frank' S. Redmond, 82
Francis "Frank" S. Redmond, 82, passed away Friday, June 9, 2006, at his residence in Kalispell.
Evidence of griz cubs in Cabinets
A grizzly bear that was transplanted to the Cabinet Mountains last fall appears to have emerged from her den last month with no cubs. But there is hope for future cubs, based on the recently revealed genetic history of another bear that was moved to the Cabinets in 1993.
3 Kalispell Police Department conducts a saturation patrol today for speeding, and stop sign and equipment violations, West Idaho.
Whitefish ambulance
went to a vehicle accident near the hospital. One person went to the hospital with a back injury.
Three alleged victims testify in sex-abuse trial
Three girls say Darwin Berosik coerced sexual favors from them by threatening to cause trouble for them. A jury will decide whether that is true.
Tuesday, June 13
3 Kalispell Police Department conducts a saturation patrol today for speeding, and stop sign and equipment violations, Appleway Drive.

Blood sport

Kijrstjn Kruse, 10, of Kalispell plays under the mushroom waterfall Monday at the Woodland Water Park in Kalispell. Kruse was playing with her friend Alexis Cahill during a Kalispell Parks and Recreation day camp. The water park opened last week.
Columbia Falls police
Columbia Falls police are investigating a theft of an amplifier and CDs from a vehicle on Third Avenue West.
Kalispell police
Kalispell police took a report from a man who said he was assaulted and threatened by two men on Seventh Street West, but didn't want medical attention.
Dam spills from Libby causing problems
Vast amounts of water are being released over the spillways at Libby Dam, to the detriment of property owners and fish downstream as far as Boundary County, Idaho.
Kalispell man gets 25 years
mowing marauder
A man rode an orange lawn mower up to a house on Columbia Mountain Road, where he dismounted and lay down on the lawn. He asked a resident there to look into his eyes to see whether he is crazy. That behavior, combined with the pistol carried by the mowing marauder, prompted a call to the Flathead County Sheriff's Office.
Marion Fire Department
The Marion Fire Department went to a chimney fire at McGregor Lake Sunday evening.
Whitefish police
Whitefish police were notified of two missing adolescent girls, who were eventually found.
Monday, June 12
Jesse Eugene Megahan, 86
Jesse Eugene Megahan died June 1, 2006.

Making movies
3 Red Cross blood drive, 2-5 p.m., at the center, 17A First Ave., Kalispell.
A canoe capsized
A canoe capsized on Whitefish Lake, spilling two youths into the water. A kayaker rescued them. The Whitefish Fire Department responded to the call.
Two mountain lion sightings
Two mountain lion sightings - Saturday evening on Caroline Road and Sunday morning at Grouse Mountain Estates - were reported to the Flathead County Sheriff's Office.
Whitefish police
Whitefish police arrested one man on suspicion of drunken driving shortly before arresting another man on some felony warrants late Saturday evening.
C. Falls to consider Meadow Lake development
Kalispell police
Kalispell police arrested a 53-year-old Kalispell man and his 24-year-old son on suspicion of disorderly conduct at Fatt Boy's late Saturday evening.
Sunday, June 11
Gudrun V. Stafford Rowlan, 91
Gudrun V. Stafford Rowlan, 91, born Oct. 11, 1914, in Landa, N.D., passed away Sunday, June 4, 2006, at Lake View Care Center.
Juanita Haney Logan, 98
Juanita Haney Logan, 98, passed away at Heritage Place in Kalispell the morning of June 5, 2006.
Rosetta M. Goulet, 68
Rosetta M. Goulet, of Kalispell, "returned to be with the Lord." She peacefully passed away in the comfort of her own home on Thursday, June 8, 2006, after a brief battle with cancer. She was 68 years old.
Velma Irene Quinn, 94
Velma Irene Quinn, 94, died peacefully Saturday, May 6, 2006, at Immanuel Lutheran Home in Kalispell.
Racing, baseball reschedule events
The Daily Inter Lake
An overturned vehicle on Haywire Gulch caused excitement Friday night.
When Flathead County sheriff's deputies arrived, no one was in the car.
Growth policy up against tight deadlines
A man called Kalispell police
after he watched a boy put dents in his pickup with a skateboard at the Woodland Park Skatepark.
Sun Road opens
The Daily Inter Lake

Burton, Stone majority draw
Messy start for District 5 Finals Rodeo
Rain turns arena grounds into a quagmire
Kalispell Fire Department ambulance
took two people to Kalispell Regional Medical Center Friday evening, one of them a Kalispell police officer.

Persistent growers, vintners hope to turn shores of Flathead Lake into Wine country
Their dream has taken root - literally.
Health officials regroup after levy loss
Columbia Falls police
arrested a 40-year-old man for his fifth DUI, a felony.
Board rejects permit for gravel mine
The Daily Inter Lake
Keep those visitors coming back
A 'Declaration of Interdependence'
I once believed that the United States was sovereign - you know, that we could make our own laws and govern ourselves - but I have gotten over that misguided foolishness, thanks to the illegal immigration debate.
Inter Lake wins 17 press awards at press convention
The Daily Inter Lake

A connection for Glacier High?
Venita B. Nelson, 89
Venita B. Nelson, 89, "went home to be with our Lord and Savior" on Wednesday, June 7, 2006, of natural causes at Brendan House in Kalispell.
3 Fundraiser for Monica Lindeen, Democratic candidate for U.S. Congress, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Swan River Community Hall, junction of Montana 83 and Swan River Road. Hosted by Flathead County Democratic Women.
Elsie May Robinson, 88
Elsie May Robinson passed away peacefully on the morning of June 7, 2006, at her home in Whitefish of natural causes.
Good year for local tourism expected despite gas prices
The Daily Inter Lake
Senate race starts with bang-bang
Many Montanans get annoyed and irritated by the end of every election cycle. They get tired of hearing and watching ads for weeks on end, and by the time the election is over, there is usually a palatable sense of relief.
Whitefish police and Whitefish Fire Department
responded to a report of a flipped canoe of Whitefish Lake Shore. The two kids in the water were rescued by a kayaker.
Saturday, June 10
Oscar Eric Kallis
Oscar Eric Kallis son of Eric and Tara Kallis of Kalispell, was born April 30 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 9 pounds, 9 ounces, and was 21 1/2 inches long.
Chantel Ellysse Whitcher
Chantel Ellysse Whitcher daughter of Brian and Meriah Whitcher of Whitefish, was born April 28 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 5 pounds, 8 ounces, and was 18 1/2 inches long.
Brian Lui Kunzang
Brian Lui Kunzang son of Christine and Chhi'med Kunzang of Marion, was born April 28 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce, and was 21 inches long.
Owen Robert Bilau
Owen Robert Bilau son of Joe and Kelly Bilau of Whitefish, was born April 29 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces, and was 19 1/2 inches long.
Kaitlyn Grace Wilke
Kaitlyn Grace Wilke daughter of Jeff and Kristy Wilke of Lakeside, was born April 28 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.Kaitlyn joins Jenna, 10, Kendra, 8, and Jake, 2.
Makayla Glen Stroh
Makayla Glen Stroh daughter of Matthew and Elizabeth Stroh of Bigfork, was born April 28 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces, and was 20 1/4 inches long.
Jacob Richard McLauchlin
Jacob Richard McLauchlin son of Derrick and Angela McLauchlin of Kalispell, was born April 28 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Bode RJ Hipple
Bode RJ Hipple son of Katie and Justin Hipple of Kila, was born April 27 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces, and was 19 1/2 inches long.
Venita B. Nelson, 89
Venita B. Nelson, 89, "went home to be with our Lord and Savior" on Wednesday, June 7, 2006, of natural causes at Brendan House in Kalispell.
Amanda Nicole Leib
Amanda Nicole Leib daughter of Mike and Charlene Leib of Columbia Falls, was born April 28 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 8 pounds, 5 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Quintin John Gerbozy
Quintin John Gerbozy son of Jason and Jocelyn Gerbozy of Kalispell, was born April 27 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 8 pounds, 15 ounces, and was 21 1/2 inches long.
Sean Isaac Dziuk
Sean Isaac Dziuk son of Stephanie Cerise and Charles Dziuk of Kalispell, was born April 30 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 6 pounds, 15 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Quintin John Gerbozy, son of Jason and Jocelyn Gerbozy of Kalispell, was born April 27 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
He weighed 8 pounds, 15 ounces, and was 21 1/2 inches long.
Summer carnival
A Summer Carnival fundraiser for Montana All-star Cheerleaders in conjunction with Kalispell Parks and Recreation is planned for 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., today at Woodland Park.
A woman called the Flathead County Sheriff's Office
when someone broke into her vehicle in a supermarket parking lot. She'd only been inside about half an hour, she said, but during that time several items were stolen.
Logan Pass opening still planned today
Glacier National Park's Going-to-the-Sun Road is expected to be open up to Logan Pass from the east this morning, but as of Friday evening, the park had yet to set a time for opening a gate at Jackson Glacier Overlook.

New life for old oils
Restoring paintings is part chemistry, part art, part delicate instinct
The Kalispell Fire Department
was called to handle a flaming couch in an apartment on Eighth Street West. Witnesses saw a man running from the scene. Kalispell Fire Department ambulance took one person to Kalispell Regional Medical Center afterward.
A 33-year-old man refused to leave
a local RV park and threatened the owner. When Columbia Falls police arrived, he still refused to leave, so they arrested him for assault and criminal trespass.
'Paws, Claws, Scales & Tails'
Libraries make summer reading fun for all youths
Sun Road money absent from bill
Legislation aimed at restoring $50 million for an overhaul of Glacier National Park's Going-to-the-Sun Road has been stripped from an appropriations bill in a Congressional conference committee.

Burton, Stone square off tonight
Kalispell's Shelley Burton battles Seattle's Dakota Stone for the North American Boxing Federation Women's Middleweight Championship at Majestic Valley Arena tonight.
A 33-year-old man refused to leave a local RV park and threatened the owner. When Columbia Falls police arrived, he still refused to leave, so they arrested him for assault and criminal trespass.
A garbage can was stolen from a Talbot Road residence.
3 AARP Driver Safety Program for all drivers age 50 and older, 8:15 a.m. to 4:45 p.m., The Summit, Kalispell. $10 course fee. Call 751-4500 to register.
Flathead bike trails growing
As the Flathead faces its annual summer traffic, bicyclists appreciate even more all the trails being blazed across the valley.
Friday, June 9
Roger Milton Frampton, 60
Roger Milton Frampton passed away at Kalispell Regional Medical Center on June 5, 2006, due to complications from surgery.
Miriam Lee Murdock, 75
Miriam Lee Murdock, 75, of Polson, passed away on Tuesday, June 6, 2006, from natural causes at Evergreen Health and Rehabilitation Center.
3 Kalispell Police Department conducts a saturation patrol for speeding, red light and stop sign violations, and vehicle equipment violations on U.S. 93 South.
Lodge being investigated for fishing trip
Summer music camps for all levels in Whitefish
This summer North Valley Music School in Whitefish is offering summer camps and master classes for all ages and levels of students as well as private lessons in piano, violin, guitar and voice.
It's go time in Legion baseball
Western AA scheds kick into full gear for Lakers, Twins
Park pass may open halfway on Saturday
West-side opening may be delayed until next week
C.F. firefighters balk at automatic aid plan
Flathead County Sheriff's deputies
arrested a woman for DUI on U.S. 2 Thursday. She had left an establishment in a cab that had been called for her but returned and drove away in her car.
County eyes committee for impact fees
Clinic gets contract for X-ray research
Yaak man turns mountain life into music
Whitefish night spot also hosts trio of bluegrass bands
Ninjas meet challenge of Sea to Ski Race
Turnout up, but no applause yet
Congratulations, Montana.
Columbia Falls police
are investigating a report of a counterfeit $50 bill received at Glacier Bank Thursday.
Grizzly death still a mystery
Whitefish police
assisted deputies in a pursuit just before 4 a.m. The pursuit went from Whitefish Stage to Hodgson to Bear Trail to Cougar to Goat Trail back to Hodgson on to U.S. 93 to Montana 40. Whitefish officers assisted by planting stop sticks. The chase continued on Dillon Road, on Armory Road, to Second and down Edgewood.
Kalispell police were alerted about a man on a go-cart
who was in traffic on Seventh Avenue West with a child on the front of the cart.
Twice-cleaned Libby site still contaminated
Thursday, June 8
Adina Belle Lockwood
Adina Belle Lockwood daughter of Timothy and Ariel Lockwood of Kalispell, was born May 8 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Carson Andrew Miller
Carson Andrew Miller son of Jon and Tami Miller of Whitefish, was born June 4 at North Valley Hospital.He weighed 6 pounds, 11 ounces, and was 18 1/2 inches long.
Natalie Brooke Hammond
Natalie Brooke Hammond daughter of Veronica Campbell and Jim Hammond of Kalispell, was born March 28 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Miles Patrick McMahon
Miles Patrick McMahon son of Patrick and Joy McMahon of Whitefish, was born June 4 at North Valley Hospital.He weighed 7 pounds, 11.5 ounces, and was 21 inches long.
Brady Thilmony
Brady ThilmonyHe weighed 5 pounds, 8 ounces, and was 17 inches long.
Aydon Scott Markham-Larson
Aydon Scott Markham-Larson son of Alexandria Markham and Colton Larson of Whitefish, was born May 29 at North Valley Hospital.He weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces, and was 21 3/4 inches long.
District 5 Finals rodeo at county fairgrounds
The Daily Inter Lake
Has ImageTwins hold off Kootenai Valley
WHITEFISH - It was a low-scoring, tied game for 6 1/2 innings - and then Glacier's Class AA American Legion baseball player Jesse Paulson tore into Kootenai's bullpen.
Local Births
Natalie Brooke Hammond, daughter of Veronica Campbell and Jim Hammond of Kalispell, was born March 28 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Albert 'Al' Ellsworth Suter Jr., 73
Albert "Al" Ellsworth Suter Jr., 73, of Polson, died Thursday, June 1, 2006, in Polson. He was the center of his family and adored for his wit, wisdom and love.
Council delays decision on Twin Peaks Farms
A Columbia Falls rezoning request from Twin Peaks Farms was put on hold Monday night.
It's Lauman vs. Crowley in November
With all but a handful of ballots counted, Flathead County commissioner candidates Mark Crowley and Dale Lauman have been chosen to represent their parties in the November general election.

Geese on the greens
Kalispell police
arrested a man, 30, on a warrant from another jurisdiction on Main Street Tuesday evening.
Four Flathead County Sheriff's deputies
responded to a disturbance involving two women who are neighbors in the Youngs Lane area. The two had been feuding over a parking spot in front of their apartments, and one woman reportedly threatened to kill the other.
House panel OKs $3 million for park road
The Daily Inter Lake
40-inch screen or 4.0 scholar?
Here's an idea to help out you overworked parents: Just put a TV in each kid's bedroom and then you don't have to worry about those pesky parenting skills.
Columbia Falls police
are investigating a man who was making threatening phone calls to a First Avenue West resident. The man could be charged with privacy in communications violations.
Kalispell Ambulance
responded to a report of a child on a bicycle being hit by a car on Seventh Avenue West Tuesday morning.
Kalispell Police Department conducts a saturation patrol today for speeding, red light and stop sign violations, and vehicle equipment violations on Two Mile Drive.
Wednesday, June 7
Only 3 finish Compact main
The Daily Inter Lake
Columbia Falls officers
responded to a report of underage drinking at an automotive business. Officers arrested a 17-year-old at the scene.
Dispatchers for Flathead County Sheriff's office
received several animal-related calls Tuesday.
Workshop will explore neighborhood planning
The Daily Inter Lake
More information released on fake $100 bills
The Daily Inter Lake
Kalispell police
received a report of a man clad only in his underwear running around the area of Flathead High School Tuesday afternoon. He apparently underwhelmed the witness who could only describe him as wearing blue underwear.
Election results
Following are unofficial results from contested races in Tuesday's primary election:
Whitefish moves to dim the lights
The Whitefish City Council on Monday gave initial approval to new outdoor lighting standards, but acknowledged the ordinance still needs some fine-tuning.
Kalispell studies $55.7 million budget
Property taxes might rise slightly

Meehan wins sheriff showdown
Voters turn down two levy requests
The Daily Inter Lake
Burton's title fight Saturday at Majestic Valley Arena Saturday
The Daily Inter Lake
Fields coming to Montana to rehab
Nothing like coming home to get back into it.
A. Harold Small Jr., 80
A. Harold Small Jr., 80, passed away at his home on Saturday, June 3, 2006, in Kalispell.
Whitefish boxers dominate smoker
The Daily Inter Lake
New park policy shuts public out
"A visitor was hurt after falling into Avalanche Gorge, prompting a 14-hour rescue effort by Glacier National Park rangers."
Crowley wins, Lauman leads for commissioner
It looks as if Dale Lauman and Mark Crowley will square off in November to decide who will replace Bob Watne as Flathead County commissioner.
Kalispell Police Department conducts a saturation patrol today for speeding, red light and stop sign violations, and vehicle equipment violations on Stillwater Road.
A 15-year-old was charged with tobacco possession
at Whitefish High School at noon Tuesday.
Jackson pushes back Loranger; Olson loses bid for third term
Rep. Verdell Jackson, R-Kalispell, handily defeated challenger Don Loranger in Senate District 5.
Voters support some roads in roadless areas
Flathead County voters have once again shown a lopsided view of federal roadless areas, with 65 percent saying roadless lands "should be managed for multiple use purposes including motorized recreation and roaded timber production."
Tuesday, June 6
Kalispell Fire Department ambulance took one person to Kalispell Regional Medical Center after a two-vehicle accident on U.S. 2 just north of West Reserve Monday afternoon.
Be on the lookout for phony $100 bills
Counterfeit $100 bills recently have been passed to local businesses, a local bank told the Kalispell
Kalispell police
Kalispell police received many reports of theft between Sunday evening and Monday afternoon.

The house that students built
Habitat starts new building project today
Two families will turn over the first shovels of dirt on their new homes today when Habitat for Humanity of
Flathead County Sheriff
A man called the Flathead County Sheriff's Office after he encountered an obstacle on Kelley Road Sunday night. A string had been attached about 4 feet off the ground to fence posts on either side of the road.
Vote today: Polls open until 8 p.m.
The Daily Inter Lake
Final days of plowing under way in Glacier
The Daily Inter Lake
Kalispell Police Department conducts a saturation patrol today for speeding, red light and stop sign violations, and vehicle equipment violations on Airport Road.
Whitefish police
Whitefish police arrested a 27-year-old man for criminal trespass at Casey's.
Columbia Falls police
Columbia Falls police are holding two illegal immigrants from Mexico.
Monday, June 5
Cody Noel Long, 89
Cody Noel Long, 89, of Kalispell, Montana, passed away on Friday, June 2, 2006, at Brendan House in Kalispell.
Polls open at 7 a.m. Tuesday
Tuesday is primary election day in Flathead County.
Group appeals gravel-pit ruling
The Daily Inter Lake

Brain tumor won't stop mother of five
Sunday, June 4
Bigfork ambulance
responded to a report of a person using pepper spray on several people after a fight in a Bigfork bar.
Molly Strong, 62
Molly Strong, 62, former Ferndale resident, passed away on Tuesday, May 30, 2006, from respiratory failure.
It's time to send a message
Let's TP the U.S. Capitol - and maybe the White House, too.
Licensed to sell
If you build it in the Flathead, real-estate agents will come
After fighting in a bar, a brother and sister took their argument into the parking lot.
The brother was hit by a car, driven by an unidentified man.
Vote Tuesday - it's your future
While the national political scene often seems to be dominant in conversation and debate, we still believe that the most important politics are local politics.
Flathead Audubon birding along North Fork in Glacier Park. Meet at 6 a.m. at Alberta Visitor Center in West Glacier. Bring binoculars and lunch. Sign up with Steve Gniadek, 888-7833.
Robert Wesley 'Punk' Riley, 82
Robert Wesley "Punk" Riley, 82, passed away peacefully at his home in Kila, surrounded by his family on May 31, 2006. Punk is once again chasing wild horses and riding "the good horses" with his two brothers, Cliff and Will, his daughter Gloria and a few others of the "old gang."
Someone called the Flathead County Sheriff's Office
after a fight in a Martin City bar turned ugly. Many people were involved and began hitting one another with pipes.
Busy ballot awaits voters Tuesday
The Daily Inter Lake
A woman called the Kalispell Police Department
when she heard people in her backyard trying to steal her kayaks. When she yelled, they dropped the kayaks in the alley and scattered.
Aaron Roger Sandon, 26
Aaron Roger Sandon, 26, of Helena died at his home May 31, 2006. He will be dearly missed by all who knew him.
Local Births
Lewi William Bjork, son of Nicole and Arnold Bjorke of Creston, was born May 5 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Saturday, June 3
Kassandra Lucille Winters
Kassandra Lucille Winters daughter of Andrew and Jennifer Winters of Kalispell, was born April 10 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces, and was 22 inches long.
Emma Jean DeLong
Emma Jean DeLong daughter of Marc and Brenda DeLong of Kalispell, was born April 13 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Stella Marie Kent
Stella Marie Kent daughter of Sara Tiffany and Casey Kent of Columbia Falls, was born April 6 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 6 pounds, 2 ounces, and was 19 inches long.
Kameron Cole Porter
Kameron Cole Porter son of Kris Porter and Skyler Dodson of Creston, was born April 13 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces, and was 20 1/2 inches long.
Tarek Jeffrey Bernau
Tarek Jeffrey Bernau son of Jeff and Elizabeth Bernau of Kalispell, was born April 5 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 9 pounds, and was 21 inches long.
Lane Ryan Hoerner
Lane Ryan Hoerner son of Joel and Candece Hoerner of Columbia Falls, was born April 4 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 7 pounds, 1 ounce, and was 20 1/4 inches long.
Gretchen Athena Parker
Gretchen Athena Parker daughter of Karl and Rachel Parker of Kalispell, was born April 4 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 8.2 pounds, and was 20 inches long.
Persephone Belle Williams
Persephone Belle Williams daughter of Alta Williams of Kalispell, was born April 10 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 6 pounds, 6 ounces, and was 20 1/2 inches long.
Avery Lee Gravning
Avery Lee Gravning daughter of Alan and Teena Gravning of Kalispell, was born April 8 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces, and was 21 inches long.
Jaden Benjamin Taylor
Jaden Benjamin Taylor son of Jeremy and Patricia Taylor of Kalispell, was born April 16 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces, and was 19 1/2 inches long.
Leif Dawson Simonson
Leif Dawson Simonson son of Bo and Michelle Simonson of Kalispell, was born April 6 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces, and was 20 1/2 inches long.
Cassidy Charlotte Thibert
Cassidy Charlotte Thibert daughter of Toby and Bridget Thibert of Kalispell, was born April 13 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces, and was 20 1/4 inches long.
Ella Grace Kincheloe
Ella Grace Kincheloe daughter of Aletha Schaus and Eric Kincheloe of Lakeside, was born April 16 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.She weighed 10 pounds, 5 ounces, and was 23 1/4 inches long.
Greylen Storm Jackson
Greylen Storm Jackson son of William and Marie Jackson of Kalispell, was born April 10 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces, and was 20 1/2 inches long.
Cole Andrew Pickert
Cole Andrew Pickert son of Ross and Coleen Pickert of Whitefish, was born April 12 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.He weighed 8 pounds, 14 ounces, and was 20 inches long.
Marion Fire Department and Ambulance
went to U.S. 2 for a vehicle accident that hurt three people Thursday.
Walk, run for fun this morning at Fair-Mont-Egan
Fair-Mont-Egan School is sponsoring the Bruin's Boogie Fun Run and Walk today at the school, 797 Fairmont Road. The on- mile walk starts at 9 a.m.; the 5K run is at 9:30 a.m.
Gretchen Athena Parker, daughter of Karl and Rachel Parker of Kalispell, was born April 4 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
She weighed 8.2 pounds, and was 20 inches long.
It's definitely not Mr. Rogers' neighborhood
in some parts of the county. Flathead County Sheriff's Office went to Skookum Lane where a resident said a neighbor threatened to shoot a dog if it comes back on the property. Those people were able to work out their problems. Other neighborhood disputes came from Emmons Canyon Road, Pickleville Lane, and Ridgewood Drive.

Live from Kalispell
'Pea Green Boat' drops anchor for local show
Columbia Falls police
answered a noise complaint at the high school Thursday night. It turned out to be graduating seniors camped out on the lawn.
Sports, theater team up
For the past 17 years, the Whitefish Theatre Company and Project Whitefish Kids have teamed up to open opportunity's door for youths through sports and the performing arts.
Whitefish police
dealt with the fallout from a brief, but powerful, rain storm that left some parts of town without electricity and trees sparking from downed power lines Friday afternoon.
Pope John Paul II Catholic Church, 195 Cloverdell Road, Bigfork, Rags to Riches Rummage Sale, 9 a.m. to noon. Proceeds benefit local charities. Call Mary Clough at 837-0057.
Spending adds up for local election races
Political contributions to local election campaigns have exceeded $180,000 so far this year, with expenditures approaching $120,000.
Tobacco-shop owner found innocent
The Daily Inter Lake
Flathead's Anderson named assistant wrestling COY
An assistant coach can make the difference from an average team to a state champion. Just ask the Flathead High School wrestling team - the 2006 state champions.

Crews converge on Logan Pass
The Daily Inter Lake
Kalispell police
investigated a report of a man digging holes on property on Second Avenue West. It turned out to be a man with a metal detector.
Friday, June 2
Molly Strong, 62
Molly Strong, beloved mother, grandmother, daughter, friend and unforgettable Flathead Valley character, "left this dimension" on May 30, 2006, after suffering respiratory failure. Her daughters, Elise and AnnEve, partner, Leland Hall, and several friends were at her side May 30, when her soul rose with the smoke of burning sweetgrass.
Five seek seat on public service panel
The Daily Inter Lake
Mildred Amelia 'Millie' Wollan, 92
Mildred Amelia "Millie" (Hark) Wollan was born Feb. 10, 1914, in Roberts County, S.D., to Adolph and Emma (Duwe) Hark, on sister Edna's second birthday. The sisters maintained a special bond throughout life.
Whitefish police
dealt with traffic trouble Thursday when construction work on Baker Avenue slowed movement and drivers tried to zip through parking lots. There was one incident of road rage and probably numerous incidents of road irritation.
Another roadside distraction? No thanks
We applaud the decision of the state Transportation Commission this week not to legalize electronic billboards across Montana.
Approval would fund safety needs
Flathead County is asking voters to approve a three-mill levy Tuesday for the Juvenile Detention Center, but what it really wants is more money for public safety and the court system.
Beginning at 5:30 a.m. Flathead Electric Cooperative members may experience scattered and brief outages from Third Avenue West North to U.S. 2 West and on to Batavia Lane to 1400 block of Ashley Lake Road. The house move could last into the afternoon. Call 751-4111.
Olga Steblina, 81
Olga Steblina, 81, passed away Wednesday, May 31, 2006, in Kalispell.
Park limits information on accidents and deaths
Glacier National Park and other national parks have adopted new policies that prohibit the release of names or identifying information about people who die or get injured within park boundaries.

Lakers 10-run Rangers
Reichhoff pitches compete-game 6-hitter
Meaningful moves
Local dancers pull out all the stops for annual extravaganza
Inmate stabs himself in courtroom
After medical treatment is refused, court sends Straight to jail
Kalispell police
investigated a report of three boys and a girl moving kegs of beer across a field near Appleway Drive. The kegs were returned to the distributor that owns them and one boy was arrested.
A multitude of emergency agencies went Thursday afternoon to Creston
when a 12-year-old boy reportedly was run over by a sport utility vehicle. He reportedly suffered injuries that are not life threatening
Montana group's lawsuit reassigned
President of Montanans for Multiple Use hopes change will expedite the case
C. Falls aluminum firm, BPA approve contract
The Daily Inter Lake
Columbia Falls police
are investigating a suspected Internet scam. A woman reportedly gave financial information to the suspected con man.
Whitefish ambulance
was needed when a piece of equipment fell on a man on U.S. 93.
Ballot mix-up repaired
The Daily Inter Lake
Thursday, June 1
Leonard Allen Wurtz, 77
Leonard Allen Wurtz, 77, passed away Saturday, May 27, 2006, at Kalispell Regional Medical Center in Kalispell after many years of a long hard battle with lupus and other illnesses. "He left this world for a far better place."

Cultivating the sweet life
Assault on Big Drift under way
The Daily Inter Lake
Fire at Bigfork inn snuffed quickly
A fire at Swan River Inn on Bigfork's Grand Avenue was stopped in its tracks Wednesday afternoon.
Vote yes for mosquito-control levy
Flathead County has a mosquito district - now it needs money to run the district.
Kidnap suspect is Kalispell man, 57
The Daily Inter Lake
James E. 'Jim' Alefteras, 52
James E. "Jim" Alefteras was born April 19, 1954, to Jim and June (Line) Alefteras in Whitefish. Jim passed away May 16, 2006, in Aberdeen, Wash., from heart failure. Jim started school as Jim Stock. He attended in Olney, Whitefish and Demarsville. After school he went to the Job Corps in Darby.

Twins overwhelm Loggers
Whitcomb, Paulson, Bell smack two hits each for Glacier
Dr. founds St. Lucia health nonprofit
Ruminations of a convicted kidnapper
As Joseph Aceto plans his appeal, he also wants to clear his guilty conscience
Columbia Falls police
checked out a noise complaint Tuesday night on Martha Road.
Kalispell and Creston fire departments
went to a rollover accident with injuries Tuesday night on Montana 35.
Kalispell police
provided a lot of counseling for people who couldn't get along.
Whitefish police
took a report of a wallet stolen at The Wave.
Six candidates vie for 2 judge positions
Justice of the Peace David Ortley has a spectral opponent in his bid for re-election in Flathead County, while four other candidates face off for the other open judge position.
Red Cross blood drive, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Meadow Lake Resort, Columbia Falls.
Velma Muhleman, 88
Velma Muhleman, 88, of Bigfork passed away in peace at her home Monday, May 29, 2006, after a very long illness. She was surrounded by her daughters and husband.
Mission drops Lakers in 10 innings
Lakers host Kootenai Valley today at 6 p.m.
It looked much worse than it was Tuesday
when someone reported to the Flathead County Sheriff's Office that a man in a chef's coat with a butcher knife was chasing a woman on U.S. 2 near Jagz restaurant. The hat and knife were just tools of his trade as a cook and he was engaged in a dispute with a woman with whom he lives. The woman said she was not threatened by the man, though he ran at her car, screamed and punched it.
Male grizzly found dead in Glacier
Bear anesthetized by research team Sunday; found dead on Monday
Try Brown's Lake for rainbow trout
Memorial Day weekend is the traditional opening of summer camping and fishing season for Western Montana. So last weekend, regardless of the dire weather forecast, my wife and I headed to Brown's Lake in the Blackfoot Valley.