Monday, December 31
County attorney asks judge to dismiss homicide charge
The Flathead County Attorney’s Office filed a motion Monday to dismiss the homicide charge against James Quen of Martin City in the shooting death of Bradley Allen Winters, citing a lack of forensic evidence and a lack of cooperation by a critical witness who failed to respond to a subpoena.
Legals December 31, 2018
No. 25878 Montana Eleventh Judicial District Court Flathead County In the Matter of the Name Change of Luis Angel Aquino, Jr.: Luis Angel Aquino, Jr, Petitioner Cause No. DV-18-1274A AMY EDDY Notice of Hearing on Name Change This is notice that Petitioner has asked the District Court for a change of name from Luis Angel Aquino, Jr to Angel Luis Beveraggi. The hearing will be on January 29, 2019 at 8:30 a.m. The hearing will be at the Courthouse in Flathead County. Date: December 10, 2018 PEG L. ALLISON Clerk of District Court By: /s/ SARA SMITH Deputy Clerk of Court December 24, 31, 2018 January 7, 14, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________
Flathead Valley welcomes 2019 with a thriving economy
Here we are at the threshold of a brand new year.
Elderly woman takes on alleged dopers
An elderly woman in Hungry Horse, who had reached her limits, wanted a “civil standby to kick out all the dopers” from her house including her son. She was advised that her son, and all his friends who had been living there, would need to be legally evicted before Flathead County Sheriff’s Office could assist in removing the alleged dope fiends.

Polar Plunge still going strong after quarter-century
People of all ages start out the new year by running into chilly waters

Cities focus on downtown strength
In 1964, singer Petula Clark turned the song “Downtown” into an unlikely international hit. A downtown booster group could have penned the lyrics.
Sunday, December 30

Sunriser fishing derby a family favorite
Hundreds of hardy anglers, young and old, were out in force Saturday on Smith Lake at the Sunriser Lions Club’s 48th annual ice fishing derby.

Residential construction continues at frenzied pace
Realtor demographics might be one of the best reflections of the state of home sales and residential development in the Flathead Valley.
Internet, phone outages wreak havoc again
For the second time in the span of a little more than a week, internet outages involving different service providers have wreaked havoc across the country for people trying to do business or enjoy some entertainment.
Ranch provides loving home for animals in need
All Mosta Ranch Montana is a nonprofit livestock rescue adoption and educational center in Marion whose mission is to provide a sustainable quality of life for abused, displaced, neglected or unwanted farm animals.

Flathead Electric project gives boost to solar-energy usage
While hydroelectric power likely will always be the top source of electricity in the Flathead Valley, solar energy is something that some denizens of Northwest Montana have chosen.

Timber industry still a driving economic force
After being with F.H. Stoltze Land & Lumber Co. for more than four decades, Chuck Roady is encouraged about the future of the timber industry more than he has been for several years.
Landowners: What they don't know can hurt them
Last year, Pat McGlynn and a host of other presenters taught a small acreage landowner seminar for landowners who wanted to learn best practices for their properties.

A room with a view - of another roof Growth pains continue in Flathead Valley
Debbie Street recalls a childhood lived along Rose Crossing in Flathead County that included riding her pony into town for ice cream. The pony occasionally bucked her off. But she climbed back on.
Legals December 30, 2018
No. 25827 CITY OF KALISPELL REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQs) FOR WATER AND WASTEWATER COST OF SERVICE AND RATE STUDY Pursuant to the authority granted to it under MCA Title 7, Chapter 5, Part 43, the City of Kalispell is soliciting statements of qualifications for services to perform a comprehensive cost of service and rate study for the City's water and wastewater (including wastewater treatment) utilities. The Statement of Qualifications must be received by the City Clerk at 201 First Avenue East, Kalispell, Montana, by 5 pm local time, January 7, 2019. The anticipated scope of work, proposal selection criteria, and submittal requirements can be found at the City of Kalispell website at, under the Services Tab, Bids & Proposals, or by calling or emailing the City Clerk at (406) 758-7756, General questions pertaining to the project should be directed to Susie Turner at (406) 758-7852, December 2, 30, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________
Snow puts end to vandalism investigation
A man wanted to report incidents of vandalism to his equipment to the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office. He said he believed a boyfriend of an upstairs tenant was responsible and now had tracks in the snow to prove it. But his efforts were undone by the fact that there was no damage to either vehicle and the hood of the one truck had been closed, which he claimed had been opened. He was also further undone by the fact that the footprints were covered by snow and the size didn’t match the suspect’s boot size.

Rose Marie Nielsen, 93
Rose Marie (Clark) Nielsen, 93, passed on peacefully, Wednesday, Dec. 26, 2018, in Kalispell.

Frank Edwin Mast, 90
Frank Edwin Mast was born Nov. 3, 1928 in White Sulfur Springs, MT, and passed away at North Valley Hospital on December 28, 2018 from complications of old age.

Nancy Lee Moore, 72
Nancy Moore, 72, of Kennewick, WA, ended her battle with Alzheimer’s disease the morning of Christmas Eve, surrounded by family.

Doreen Kay Nerison, 68
Doreen Kay Nerison was brought into the world on May 18, 1950, the youngest child of Kenneth and Verona Borgen.
Saturday, December 29

Skiers stuck on lift at Whitefish Mountain
More than 100 skiers were stranded after a lift malfunctioned at Whitefish Mountain Resort Saturday afternoon.
Filing period now open for area school trustee candidates
The filing period is open for people interested in becoming school board trustee candidates.

Planes, trains and automobiles U.S. 93 bypass, increased air service highlight transportation upgrades
When it comes to measuring the tangible economic development of transportation improvements in the Flathead Valley, the U.S. 93 bypass around Kalispell stands head and shoulders above the upgrades seen over the last decade.
Kootenai National Forest offers fire salvage sales
Wild fires in 2017 and 2018 burned more than 100,000 acres of the Kootenai National Forest and the U.S. Forest Service has responded with fire salvage timber sales in the burned areas.

Hospital to focus on repairing trust with community
Growth can be difficult to measure, especially for an ever-changing industry such as health care.
Phones out at Daily Inter Lake Saturday morning
The phone system has been out of operation at the Daily Inter Lake for the better part of the last 24 hours. As a result, the Inter Lake has been unable to accept customer service phone calls regarding delivery of the Saturday edition. We apologize for the inconvenience and have someone working to correct the problem at this time.
Legals December 29, 2018
No. 25865 NOTICE OF PASSAGE OF RESOLUTION OF INTENTION HIGHWAY 93 NORTH ZONING DISTRICT The Board of Commissioners of Flathead County, Montana, hereby gives notice pursuant to Section 76-2-205(5), M.C.A., that it passed a Resolution of Intention (Resolution No. 837DM) on December 17, 2018, to change the zoning designation in a portion of the Highway 93 North Zoning District from AG-40 (Agricultural) to SAG-10 (Suburban Agricultural). The boundaries of the area proposed to be amended from AG-40 to SAG-10 are described as: Parcel B of Certificate of Survey No. 13727, located and being in the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NW1/4NE1/4) of Section 07, Township 29 North, Range 21 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. The regulations defining the AG-40 and SAG-10 zones are contained in the Flathead County Zoning Regulations, on file for public inspection at the Office of the Board of Commissioners, Courthouse, 800 South Main, Room 302, Kalispell, Montana, at the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office, 40 11th Street West, Kalispell, Montana, and on the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office's website at: Documents related to the proposed zone change are also on file for public inspection at the Office of the Board of Commissioners and the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office. For thirty (30) days after the first publication of this notice, the Board of Commissioners will receive written protests to the change proposed for a portion of the Highway 93 North Zoning District from persons owning real property within Flathead County whose names appear on the last completed assessment roll of Flathead County and who either are registered voters in Flathead County or execute and acknowledge their protests before a notary public. DATED this 17th day of December, 2018. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Flathead County, Montana By: /s/ Pamela J. Holmquist Pamela J. Holmquist, Chairperson December 22, 29, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________
Juvenile sidesteps scary, but tethered, German shepherd
A 12-year-old boy attempting to cross a street in Kalispell said a German shepherd owned by a transient man tried to attack him. The good news was the dog was tied up and had limited mobility, according to the Kalispell Police Department.
Friday, December 28

Judge rejects plea deal for homicide suspect
Homicide suspect James Quen of Martin City will remain in jail after Flathead County District Judge Heidi Ulbricht rejected a plea agreement in court Friday. Quen is charged with the deliberate homicide of Bradley Allen Winters on April 25.
Legals December 28, 2018
No. 25853 618068/618006MTS NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE TO BE SOLD FOR CASH AT TRUSTEE'S SALE on March 11, 2019, at 11:00 AM at the East door of the Flathead County Justice Center located at 920 South Main Street, Kalispell MT 59901, the following described real property situated in Flathead County, Montana: TRACT 1: LOT 1 IN BLOCK 5 OF CAMERON`S ADDITION TO KALISPELL, MONTANA. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THE SOUTHERLY 99 FEET OF SAID LOT 1, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, FILED IN OFFICIAL RECORDS OF FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA. TRACT 2: A TRACT OF LAND IN THE SE1/4NW1/4 OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 28 NORTH, RANGE 21 WEST, M.P.M., FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWESTERLY CORNER OF LOT 1 OF BLOCK 5 OF CAMERON`S ADDITION TO KALISPELL, MONTANA, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG THE WEST BOUNDARY OF SAID LOT 1 A DISTANCE OF 99 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE NORTH 76°11` EAST A DISTANCE OF 22.8 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EAST BOUNDARY OF LOT 1 AND BEING THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE NORTH 76°11` EAST A DISTANCE OF 59.3 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE NORTH 13°49` WEST A DISTANCE OF 120 FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF COLORADO STREET; THENCE WEST ALONG THE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF COLORADO STREET A DISTANCE OF 60 FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 1 OF BLOCK 5 OF CAMERON`S ADDITION; THENCE SOUTH 13°49` EAST ALONG THE EAST BOUNDARY OF SAID LOT 1, A DISTANCE OF 133.5 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING. Matthew D Eixenberger and Stephanie N Fosse and Sharon L Davis, as Grantor(s), conveyed said real property to Alliance Title of Flathead, as Trustee, to secure an obligation owed to American Homestead Mortgage, as Beneficiary, by Deed of Trust dated August 1, 2014, and recorded on August 1, 2014, as Document No. 201400014238. The beneficial interest is currently held by Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC. First American Title Company of Montana, Inc., is currently the Trustee. The beneficiary has declared a default in the terms of said Deed of Trust by failing to make the monthly payments beginning August 1, 2016, and each month subsequent, which monthly installments would have been applied on the principal and interest due on said obligation and other charges against the property or loan. The total amount due on this obligation as of November 24, 2018 is $187,776.74 principal, interest totaling $19,124.00, late charges in the amount of $667.66, escrow advances of $12,062.76, and other fees and expenses advanced of $2,643.95, plus accruing interest, late charges, and other costs and fees that may be advanced. The Beneficiary anticipates and may disburse such amounts as may be required to preserve and protect the property and for real property taxes that may become due or delinquent, unless such amounts of taxes are paid by the Grantors. If such amounts are paid by the Beneficiary, the amounts or taxes will be added to the obligations secured by the Deed of Trust. Other expenses to be charged against the proceeds of this sale include the Trustee's fees and attorney's fees, costs and expenses of the sale and late charges, if any. Beneficiary has elected, and has directed the Trustee to sell the above described property to satisfy the obligation. The sale is a public sale and any person, including the beneficiary, excepting only the Trustee, may bid at the sale. The bid price must be paid immediately upon the close of bidding in cash or cash equivalents (valid money orders, certified checks or cashier's checks). The conveyance will be made by Trustee's Deed without any representation or warranty, including warranty of Title, express or implied, as the sale is made strictly on an as-is, where-is basis, without limitation, the sale is being made subject to all existing conditions, if any, of lead paint, mold or other environmental or health hazards. The sale purchaser shall be entitled to possession of the property on the 10th day following the sale. The grantor, successor in interest to the grantor or any other person having an interest in the property, at any time prior to the trustee's sale, may pay to the beneficiary or the successor in interest to the beneficiary the entire amount then due under the deed of trust and the obligation secured thereby (including costs and expenses actually incurred and attorney's fees) other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred and thereby cure the default. The scheduled Trustee's Sale may be postponed by public proclamation up to 15 days for any reason, and in the event of a bankruptcy filing, the sale may be postponed by the trustee for up to 120 days by public proclamation at least every 30 days. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Dated: October 31, 2018. /s/ Kaitlin Ann Gotch Assistant Secretary, First American Title Company of Montana, Inc. Trustee Title Financial Specialty Services PO Box 339 Blackfoot ID 83221 STATE OF Idaho ss. COUNTY OF Bingham On this 31st day of October, 2018, before me, a notary public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Kaitlin Ann Gotch, known to me to be the Assistant Secretary of First American Title Company of Montana, Inc., Successor Trustee, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same. /s/ Rae Albert Notary Public Bingham County, Idaho My Commission Expires 09/06/2022 Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC vs Mathew D. Eixenberger; Sharon L. Davis; Stephanie N. Fosse 102597-1 December 14, 21, 28, 2018 MNAXLP _________________________
Weekend update
Lions fishing derby

Former Flathead commissioner depends on blood donations
Nine years ago Dale Lauman of Lakeside was diagnosed with lymphoma. The retired postal worker and former Flathead County commissioner has since undergone chemotherapy, affecting his bone marrow and making it difficult for his body to produce red blood cells.

County taxpayers invest heavily in education
The last decade has been one of transformation and growth for several school districts in the Flathead Valley.
Sperry Chalet reconstruction focus of open house
The National Park Service and Glacier National Park Conservancy will host an evening about Sperry Chalet Tuesday, Jan. 8, at the Hilton Garden Inn in Kalispell.
Update: boy who shot himself was 16, not 8
What initially was thought to be an 8-year-old boy turned out to be a 16-year-old who accidentally shot himself in the thigh with a .22 on McCaffery Road in Bigfork, according to a report from Flathead County Sheriff’s Office. A friend called in the report. The teen also had a minor hand wound.
Kalispell school district seeks to fill board vacancy
Kalispell Public Schools is seeking to fill a school board vacancy representing the elementary district.
Thursday, December 27
Celebrate Climate Smart art and sustainability
Climate Smart Glacier Country is hosting a “Climate Smart Art” contest and is accepting submissions that capture the spirit of sustainability and climate preparedness in the local communities.

Harpdog Brown brings the blues to Eureka
Harpdog Brown takes Chicago Blues down to New Orleans for a unique and vibrant sound.

Critically acclaimed film 'Wildlife' screened at Museum at Central School
The Museum at Central School will host a one-night screening of the Montana Film Festival Roadshow’s Montana-made, critically acclaimed feature film “Wildlife” at 7 p.m. Friday, Jan. 11, at the Museum at Central School, 124 Second Ave E., in Kalispell. This may be the only chance to see this film playing in Kalispell.
Weekly events Dec. 27 - Jan. 2

Make it a memorable New Year's Eve
Bigfork Playhouse Children's Theatre holds auditions
The Bigfork Playhouse Children’s Theater invites students in grades two through six to audition, Tuesday, Jan. 8, for the cast of “The Great Ghost Chase.”

Memoir highlights pioneer women
In her memoir, “Montana Women, From the Ground Up: Passionate Voices in Agriculture and Land Conservation,” writer Kristin Ellis creates portraits of pioneering women who share their experiences of growing up and raising families on farms and ranches in Montana’s vast landscape.

DeNae Weimer teaches watercolor course
The Kalispell Senior Center is sponsoring a six-week watercolor course taught by DeNae Weimer.
Legals December 27, 2018
No. 25850 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE TO BE SOLD FOR CASH AT TRUSTEE'S SALE on April 8, 2019, at 11:00 AM at the East door of the Flathead County Justice Center located at 920 South Main Street, Kalispell MT 59901, the following described real property situated in Flathead County, Montana: Lot 13A of the Amended Plat of Lots 13 and 14 of Columbia Range, according to the map or plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Clerk and Recorder of Flathead County, Montana David Eugene Salmon and Tricia Rose Salmon, as Grantor(s), conveyed said real property to Alliance Title and Escrow Corporation, as Trustee, to secure an obligation owed to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Mann Mortgage LLC as Beneficiary, by Deed of Trust dated on July 29, 2016, and recorded on July 29, 2016, as Document No. 201600015163 and re-recorded August 11, 2016 as Document No. 201600016980. The beneficial interest is currently held by Caliber Home Loans, Inc. First American Title Company of Montana, Inc., is currently the Trustee. The beneficiary has declared a default in the terms of said Deed of Trust by failing to make the monthly payments beginning August 1, 2017, and each month subsequent, which monthly installments would have been applied on the principal and interest due on said obligation and other charges against the property or loan. The total amount due on this obligation as of October 31, 2018 is $282,976.25 principal, interest totaling $14,136.69, late charges in the amount of $373.17, escrow advances of $6,519.08, suspense balance of -$579.68, and other fees and expenses advanced of $2,086.33, plus accruing interest, late charges, and other costs and fees that may be advanced. The Beneficiary anticipates and may disburse such amounts as may be required to preserve and protect the property and for real property taxes that may become due or delinquent, unless such amounts of taxes are paid by the Grantors. If such amounts are paid by the Beneficiary, the amounts or taxes will be added to the obligations secured by the Deed of Trust. Other expenses to be charged against the proceeds of this sale include the Trustee's fees and attorney's fees, costs and expenses of the sale and late charges, if any. Beneficiary has elected, and has directed the Trustee to sell the above described property to satisfy the obligation. The sale is a public sale and any person, including the beneficiary, excepting only the Trustee, may bid at the sale. The bid price must be paid immediately upon the close of bidding in cash or cash equivalents (valid money orders, certified checks or cashier's checks). The conveyance will be made by Trustee's Deed without any representation or warranty, including warranty of Title, express or implied, as the sale is made strictly on an as-is, where-is basis, without limitation, the sale is being made subject to all existing conditions, if any, of lead paint, mold or other environmental or health hazards. The sale purchaser shall be entitled to possession of the property on the 10th day following the sale. The grantor, successor in interest to the grantor or any other person having an interest in the property, at any time prior to the trustee's sale, may pay to the beneficiary or the successor in interest to the beneficiary the entire amount then due under the deed of trust and the obligation secured thereby (including costs and expenses actually incurred and attorney's fees) other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred and thereby cure the default. The scheduled Trustee's Sale may be postponed by public proclamation up to 15 days for any reason, and in the event of a bankruptcy filing, the sale may be postponed by the trustee for up to 120 days by public proclamation at least every 30 days. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Dated: November 19, 2018 Kaitlin Ann Gotch Assistant Secretary, First American Title Company of Montana, Inc. Trustee Title Financial Specialty Services PO Box 339 Blackfoot ID 83221 STATE OF Idaho ss. COUNTY OF Bingham On this 19 day of November, 2018. before me, a notary public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Kaitlin Ann Gotch, known to me to be the Assistant Secretary of First American Title Company of Montana, Inc., Successor Trustee, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same. Rae Albert Notary Public Bingham County, Idaho Caliber Home Loans, Inc. vs David E Salmon; Tricia R Salmon; 104397-3 December 13, 20, 27, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________
No headline
- Red Cross blood drive, 10:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m., Moose Lodge.
Compromise for a greater good
I met President George H. W. Bush, our 41st president, when he was a former president campaigning in Great Falls in 2000 for his son, then presidential candidate George W. Bush.
Farm bill a big win for every American
It didn’t appear in many front-page headlines, but Congress just passed a five-year, $867 billion piece of legislation in a bipartisan, landslide vote. In today’s political climate, this kind of thing doesn’t happen very often but when it does, it should be newsworthy. The fact that it was buried far below White House gossip and college sports scandals in major media outlets isn’t because Congress is avoiding transparency. It’s because we are an increasingly urban nation and the Farm Bill just isn’t on most people’s radar.

Letters to the editor Dec. 27
I have read the Peoples Compact, available online. It is mostly an easy read and certainly very thorough. Most people would agree that having a compact is better than no compact. I support a good compact. Support is necessary and like any good idea, it must be shared. The action necessary is simply to write a one paragraph personal letter to Sen. Steve Daines, Sen. Tester and Rep. Greg Gianforte. Encourage our elected officials to read and to support an alternative water compact. Time is of the essence. A new narrative, is that so bad? Truly the worst case in doing your own research is to better understand what all the hub bub is about. Montana’s future water uses are a pretty big deal. There is nothing to lose and likely everything to gain upon educating yourself.

John Douglas Opalka, 80
Dr. John Douglas Opalka was born Jan. 14, 1938, to William and Anna Opalka in Columbia Falls.

Martin City man to plead guilty in April killing
A Martin City man accused of shooting another man in Hungry Horse in April has agreed to plead guilty to negligent homicide.

Record low jobless rate forces employers to get creative
Record low unemployment rates across the country have infiltrated the Flathead Valley as well, but with so many doors opening for employees, local employers are having to get creative in how they recruit, hire and retain workers, according to Laura Gardner, manager of Job Service Kalispell.
Wednesday, December 26

Commercial growth still brisk, but slowdown may be in sight
After years of frenzied retail construction in Kalispell, the city might be looking at a lull in commercial building.
Legals December 26, 2018
No. 25862 NOTICE OF SALE FOR STATE SCHOOL TRUST LAND The Dept. of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) will offer the following parcel of state land located in Flathead County for sale at public auction on Tuesday, January 29, 2019 at 1:00 PM at DNRC's Northwestern Land Office at 655 Timberwolf Parkway, Suite 1, in Kalispell, Montana under terms and conditions provided herein. Sale No. 922 Acres: 1.789± Legal Description: Lot 7, McGregor Lake, COS 19909, Sec. 16, T26N-R25W Minimum Bid for Land: $340,000 Value of Improvements on Property: $386,000 Location: 460 McGregor Lane, Marion, MT 59925 BID PARTICIPATION A bid packet containing an Offer to Purchase and Bid Deposit Receipt Form and Invitation to Purchase State Land at Public Oral Auction and General Terms & Conditions for Sale is available on DNRC's website, or from DNRC upon request. For Open House dates, go to All persons wishing to participate in the auction must submit a bid deposit postmarked by 5:00 PM on Wednesday, January 9, 2019. The bid deposit must be in the form of a certified check made payable to DNRC equal to five percent (5%) of the minimum bid indicated for that parcel and submitted with a completed Offer to Purchase and Bid Deposit Receipt Form. Failure to submit the bid deposit or Offer to Purchase and Bid Deposit Receipt Form as provided herein will prohibit participation in the auction. All Offer to Purchase and Bid Deposit Receipt Forms and payments must be sent to: DNRC, Attn: Renee Kelley, PO Box 201601, 1539 Eleventh Avenue, Helena, MT 59620-1601, (406) 444-4289 or TERMS OF SALE for SALE No. 922: 1. The improvements and any other personal property on the cabin/home sites are owned by the lessee or other 3rd party. The successful bidder shall be required to pay the appraised value of the improvements in addition to the purchase price of the cabin/home site determined by the highest bid at the auction in accordance with MCA §77-2-318. 2. The minimum acceptable bids for the land are the values indicated above. 3. The parcel will be sold to the high bidder of that parcel. However, the current lessee of the parcel shall retain the option to exercise their preference right for purchase by matching the high bid for that parcel. If that right is exercised, the lessee will be deemed the purchaser of the parcel. If the preference right is not exercised, the high bidder shall be deemed to be the purchaser. The high bidder will be responsible to pay the lessee for the value of improvements located on the property. 4. In addition to the purchase price for each parcel and the purchase of the improvement, the purchaser shall also be responsible for the following costs (if applicable to that particular sale) including, but not limited to: Advertising, Appraisal, Filing Fees, Water Right Transfers, Cost of Closing. All inquiries, bid deposits, or requests for forms must be sent to: DNRC, Attn: Renee Kelley, PO Box 201601, 1539 Eleventh Avenue, Helena, MT 59620-1601, (406) 444-4289 or December 19, 26, 2018 January 2, 9, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________
Ex attacks in attempt to win man back
An alleged hysterical ex believed the way to win a man’s heart back was to kick in his door and scratch his face then call her friends to come over. The man, who reported the alleged attack to Kalispell Police Department, said she might be under the influence and went outside with his 4-year-old.
State seeks input on Montana 35 improvements
The Montana Department of Transportation is asking for public input on a proposal to study improvement options on a segment of Montana 35 east of Kalispell.
No headline
- Red Cross blood drives: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the center, 126 N. Meridian Road, Kalispell; 12:30-4:30 p.m. Spring Hill Suites.

Steven Drent, 63
Steven Drent, 63, of Kalispell, passed away of complications during a surgery Wednesday, Dec. 19 in Kalispell.

Local efforts underway to handle increased tourism
People are flocking to Northwest Montana like never before, and with increases in visitation come additional visitor dollars, traffic and impact in the Flathead Valley and its communities.
Tuesday, December 25
Montana East-West Shrine Game rosters announced
Several local football players have been honored as participants in the 73rd Annual Montana East-West Shrine Game.
Legals December 25, 2018
No. 25861 IN THE JUSTICE COURT FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA Kelly Sorg-Smith Plaintiff vs. Kayla Dittmer Defendant Cause No. CV-18-2129 SUMMONS The state of Montana to the above named defendant...greeting A complaint has been filed in this Court stating a claim or cause of action against you. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the complaint in this action, which is filed with the above named Justice of the Peace, a copy of which is served upon you, and to file your written answer with the above-entitled Court and serve a copy thereof upon the Plaintiff, or Plaintiff's attorney within twenty (20) days after service of this summons. Your answer must be in writing. Your answer must be accompanied by the mandatory fee of $30.00. If you fail to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default, for the relief demanded in the complaint. WITNESS my hand this 23rd day of November, 2018 /s/ CORINNA KELLER, CLERK Clerk of Court December 18, 25, January 1, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________
Alleged DUIer hits building and man
A drunk driver reportedly hit a building on Idaho Street and a maintenance man before driving off to a gas station according to a report from Flathead County Sheriff’s Office. The victim refused medial attention. The man was also seen doing doughnuts in a parking lot. The man was taken to the hospital for a blood draw.
Comments sought on migratory waterfowl haven
Wildlife officials say migratory waterfowl seeking a place for resting and refueling find both at the North Shore Wildlife Management Area along Flathead Lake.

Nativity silhouette a reminder of the Christmas story
Hanging 16 feet tall and 12 feet wide above the congregation of Family Life Christian Church in Kalispell, a silhouetted mural of Joseph, Mary and the infant Jesus stands as a fresh reminder of the power and beauty behind the Christmas story, according to the mural’s creator.

Eugene Ewalt Hamann, 87
Eugene Ewalt Hamann, 87, died Dec. 18, 2018, at the Montana Veterans Home in Columbia Falls.
No headline
- Red Cross blood drives: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the center, 126 N. Meridian Road, Kalispell; 12:30-4:30 p.m. Spring Hill Suites.
Monday, December 24

Message of beloved carol still resonates 200 years later
In 1818 — 200 Christmases ago — one of the most iconic songs of the season was born among a gathering of Christians in Austria, a simple melody with simple words that captured the hearts of those listening.
No headline
- Red Cross blood drive, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the center, 126 N. Meridian Road, Kalispell.
Child hit by vehicle injures foot
Kalispell Police Department responded to a vehicle that reportedly hit a 7-year-old behind a business on U.S. 93 North. The child was conscious and breathing, but unable to get up and had a badly bleeding foot.
An Old-Fashioned Christmas
The wind buffeted the old ranch house with wild abandon. Situated on a point of rock overlooking a meadow and two pastures, there was nothing to arrest the wind before the onslaught. Slivers of light peaked out between the drawn curtains in two of the rooms. The rest of the windows remained dark and blind. A thick frost formed on their panes like cataracts.
Sunday, December 23
Attic fire causes damage, no injuries
Kalispell and Evergreen fire departments responded to a structure fire on 329 Sixth Ave. W. around 2:54 a.m. Sunday.

Flooring business spruces up downtown corner
When Paul Roybal purchased a historic 21,000-square-foot space in downtown Kalispell, he was well aware of how much work it would take to make it a proper home for Roybal’s Abbey Carpet and Floor.
Letters to the editor Dec. 23
Just a note about Dr. Boharski’s letter Dec. 9, having used that facility for myself, my wife, my parents and brothers for over 40 years I feel qualified to comment.

The missing debate about health care
One sad legacy of the lead up to the election of a new President in 2016, and a new Congress this November, was the absence of a serious and sustained debate by candidates about health care. How do we increase access to affordable health care to more Americans and at the same time reduce its costs? The Republican focus on health care is almost entirely about repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) without offering a viable alternative. The Democrats alternatively believe in protecting the ACA but with improvements.

Consumer pays for hospital's mismanagement
I still am having difficulty resolving the issues surrounding Kalispell Regional Healthcare so amply illuminated this past year. The signs of mismanagement were clearly evident for many years as I observed during my time on the board (with nearly 7,000 health-care members) of the Flathead Business and Industry Association — overbuilding, poor business decisions and, in my opinion, Velinda Stevens’ quest to build an empire without regard to cost, to name a few.

Imagination, creativity showcased in local artist's unique work
The website for Veer Off Industrial Designs features a gallery of creations by concrete artist Trevor Osburn. The photos show the basic look of Osburn’s finished products, but they don’t do justice to the skill and imaginative touches of his craftsmanship.

Dance group draws on variety of faiths to find connection
The beat of a drum keeps time for the participants of the Kalispell chapter of Dances of Universal Peace as they danced in a circle, singing along to songs in various languages, taken from various religious traditions.

Leaving with 'indelible memories' of The Bob
Carol Treadwell knows what she won’t miss about her job.

Trade conflicts affect pulse-crop exports in Montana
Effects of the ongoing trade disputes between the United States and its international trading partners have rippled into Montana, particularly with pulse crops such as chickpeas, beans and lentils.

Fairgrounds see steady increase in attendance, events
Newly released data from the Flathead County Fairgrounds in Kalispell shows the property has experienced a spike in both overall attendance and the number of events held at the facility over the last five years.
Legals December 23, 2018
No. 25871 CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council (the "Council") of the City of Kalispell, Montana (the "City") will hold a public hearing on the proposal to establish an Urban Renewal Tax Increment Financing District within a portion of downtown Kalispell on January 7, 2019, at 7:00 p.m., at the Council Chambers in the Kalispell City Hall, 201 1st Avenue East, Kalispell, Montana. The proposal is contained within the Downtown Plan established as an amendment to the City of Kalispell Growth Policy Plan-It 2035 by Resolution No. 5846 on December 4, 2017. The Downtown Plan is available for download on the City of Kalispell website and accessed at: or may be acquired from the Office of City Clerk at the address stated below. Further information may be obtained from Aimee Brunckhorst, the City Clerk of the City, whose address is Kalispell City Hall, 201 1st Avenue East, Kalispell, Montana, and whose telephone number is (406) 758-7756, mailing address PO Box 1997, Kalispell, Montana, 59903. Any interested persons may appear and be heard at this scheduled public hearing, or may file written comments with the City Clerk, or sent to, prior to such hearing. Dated this 17th day of December, 2018. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL Aimee Brunckhorst, CMC, City Clerk December 23, 2018 January 6, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________

Harold Tutvedt, 89
Harold Tutvedt went to Heaven to be with the love of his life on Friday, Dec. 14, 2018.
Pig's potbelly is getting smaller
The potbelly pig has resurfaced in Columbia Falls again! A person called the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office to report she had it in her goat pen, but it appeared to be pretty thin, which might make it less than a potbelly.
Peace on Earth comes from within
Another Christmas is nearly upon us, and amid the busyness of the season there’s a yearning for the one thing that has escaped us for all time: peace on Earth.
Be wary of online offers for 'risk-free' subscription trials
They are all over the internet — ads and links leading to pictures of celebrities and “miracle” products that promise easy weight loss, whiter teeth or disappearing wrinkles.

Clifford Patrick Schellinger, 90
Clifford Patrick Schellinger, 90, joined his heavenly father on Dec. 17, 2018, at his home in Eltopia, Washington, with Vernell, his loving wife and partner of 38 years, by his side.
Mechanic's Liens
Liens filed
Saturday, December 22

Limited services at Glacier during shutdown
Services at Glacier National Park will be limited during the government shutdown, the park announced Saturday, but roads and trails will still remain accessible.
Legals December 22, 2018
No. 25857 NOTICE OF PASSAGE OF RESOLUTION OF INTENTION BLANCHARD LAKE ZONING DISTRICT The Board of Commissioners of Flathead County, Montana, hereby gives notice, pursuant to Section 76-2-205(5), M.C.A., that it passed a Resolution of Intention (Resolution No. 966AJ) on December 13, 2018 to change the zoning designation in a portion of the Blanchard Lake Zoning District from AG-40 'Agricultural' to SAG-10 'Suburban Agricultural'. The boundaries of the area proposed to be amended from AG-40 to SAG-10 are described as: A TRACT OF LAND, SITUATED, LYING AND BEING IN GOVERNMENT LOT 4 OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 30 NORTH, RANGE 22 WEST, P.M.M., FLATHEAD COUNTY MONTANA, AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS TO WIT: BEGINNING at the northwest corner of Government Lot 4 of Section 5, Township 30 North, Range 22 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana, which is a found brass cap; Thence along the north boundary of said Government Lot 4 S89°55'03"E 1317.32 feet to a found iron pin and the northeast corner of said Government Lot 4; Thence along the east boundary of said Government Lot 4 S00°00'11"W 1071.44 feet to a found iron pin on the northerly R/W of U.S. Highway No. 93; Thence along said R/W N71°31'54"W 1388.26 feet to a found pin on the west boundary of said Government Lot 4; Thence leaving said R/W and along said west boundary N00°02'41'W 633.57 feet to the point of beginning and containing 25.774 ACRES; Subject to and together with a 60 foot private road and utility easement as shown on COS 13408 (records of Flathead County, Montana); Subject to and together with all appurtenant easements of record. The regulations defining the AG-40 and SAG-10 zones are contained in the Flathead County Zoning Regulations, on file for public inspection at the Office of the Clerk and Recorder, Courthouse, 800 South Main, Kalispell, Montana, at the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office, 40 11th Street West, Kalispell, Montana, and on the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office's website at: Documents related to the proposed zone change are also on file for public inspection at the Office of the Board of Commissioners and the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office. For thirty (30) days after the first publication of this notice, the Board of Commissioners will receive written protests to the change proposed for a portion of the Blanchard Lake Zoning District from persons owning real property within Flathead County whose names appear on the last completed assessment roll of Flathead County and who either are registered voters in Flathead County or execute and acknowledge their protests before a notary public. DATED this 13th day of December 2018. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Flathead County, Montana By: /s/ Pamela J. Holmquist Pamela J. Holmquist, Chairperson December 15, 22, 2018 MNAXLP _________________________

Local graduates featured in 'New Montana Voices'
High school students from around the state are the “New Montana Voices.”
Kalispell skijoring races moved to March
Skijoring at Rebecca Farm has been rescheduled to the weekend of March 2 and 3 due to the lack of snow on the ground and in the forecast for the coming week. The event was originally scheduled for Dec. 29 and 30.

Evergreen excellence
The Evergreen School Board was recognized as one of two “Honor School Boards of the Year” by the Montana Association of School Superintendents.
C-Falls student team excels at business simulation competition
The Columbia Falls High School team “Inkomo Inc.” took second place for the Montana Business Challenge’s fall semester.
Keeping hunting season going with decoys
A man called the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office to report men shooting shotguns at decoys. He thought they were on his side of the river. A dispatcher said it could be a hunting violation.
Bigfork residents sound off on permit proposal
More than a dozen Bigfork residents attended a public hearing on Thursday to discuss if the Land Use Advisory Committee should continue to be allowed to review conditional-use permits.

Ruling that blocked grizzly bear hunt plans appealed
BILLINGS — U.S. government attorneys filed notice Friday that they are appealing a court ruling that restored protections for grizzly bears in the Northern Rockies and blocked plans to hold the first public hunts for the animals in decades.

Bigfork blasts C-Falls, 70-20
COLUMBIA FALLS – Colton Reichenbach scored a career-high 19 as Bigfork coasted to a 70-20 nonconference boys basketball victory over Columbia Falls on Saturday at Columbia Falls High School.
Flathead wrestlers second overall at Best of the West tourney
PASCO, Wash. – The Flathead wrestling team took second in the Best of the West individual tournament, and Tanner Russell racked up four pins to take first place at 170 pounds.
FCS coaches name Olson a First-Team All-American
In the Chinese zodiac, the number five is associated with people who are hard-working and courageous, among other noble characteristics.
Friday, December 21
Spectrum outage affects Flathead Valley
Spectrum customers across the country and in the Flathead Valley were affected by a widespread outage Friday afternoon.
Legals December 21, 2018
No. 25852 NOTICE OF PASSAGE OF RESOLUTION OF INTENTION BIGFORK ZONING DISTRICT The Board of Commissioners of Flathead County, Montana, hereby gives notice pursuant to Section 76-2-205(5), M.C.A., that it passed a Resolution of Intention (Resolution No. 956DO) on December 11, 2018 to change the zoning designation in a portion of the Bigfork Zoning District from SAG-5 (Suburban Agricultural) to I-1 (Light Industrial). The boundaries of the area proposed to be amended from SAG-5 to I-1 are described as: Parcel B of Certificate of Survey No. 19959, records of Flathead County, Montana, located in the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 13, Township 27 North, Range 20 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. The regulations defining the SAG-5 and I-1 zones are contained in the Flathead County Zoning Regulations, on file for public inspection at the Office of the Board of Commissioners, Courthouse, 800 South Main, Room 302, Kalispell, Montana, at the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office, 40 11th Street West, Kalispell, Montana, and on the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office's website at: Documents related to the proposed zone change are also on file for public inspection at the Office of the Board of Commissioners and the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office. For thirty (30) days after the first publication of this notice, the Board of Commissioners will receive written protests to the change proposed for a portion of the Bigfork Zoning District from persons owning real property within Flathead County whose names appear on the last completed assessment roll of Flathead County and who either are registered voters in Flathead County or execute and acknowledge their protests before a notary public. DATED this 11th day of December, 2018. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Flathead County, Montana By: /s/ Pamela J. Holmquist Pamela J. Holmquist, Chairman December 14, 21, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________
Eureka water meetings yield 'peace of mind'
Mike Cuffe lowered his well pump a few years back to keep the water flowing. He speculated then that increased development in the region might have affected the aquifer serving his well.

'Secret Santa' pays it forward
The Christmas season got a lot brighter for more than a dozen families in the Flathead Valley after a “Secret Santa” paid for their layaway purchases at the Kmart in Evergreen.
No headline
- Red Cross blood drives: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the center, 126 N. Meridian Road, Kalispell; 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Glacier Bank, Main Street.

Flathead Republican Women note 80-year milestone
The Flathead County Republican Women reached another milestone this year, celebrating the club’s 80th anniversary.

Glacier downed by Bozeman
Despite a 23-point effort from Bret Michaels, Glacier fell to Bozeman 58-47 in Class AA boys basketball action on Friday at Glacier High School.
Braves grapplers take second in duals at Best of the West
PASCO, Wash., – The Flathead wrestling team won four duals before falling in the championship match to take second place at the Best of the West duals event in Pasco, Wash., on Friday.
Bobcats begin building process at line of scrimmage
BOZEMAN – Montana State football coach Jeff Choate’s philosophy of winning football games from the line of scrimmage out was on full display Wednesday, when he announced the first 17 members of the 2018-19 Bobcat recruiting class.
Thursday, December 20

Dogs pose with Santa at Bigfork event
Bigfork went to the dogs Friday night as pups of all ages, sizes and breeds gathered with their humans to have their pictures made with Santa Claus and enjoy a community bonfire.

Agencies investigate two grizzly shootings near St. Ignatius
The Confederated Salish Kootenai Tribes and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are seeking information on the shootings of two female grizzly bears on the Flathead Reservation that occurred more than two months ago.

Blacktail Mountain to open Saturday
Blacktail Mountain Ski Area above Lakeside will open for the season on Saturday.
Legals December 20, 2018
No. 25864 REVISED December 20, 2018 Notice of Intent to Establish a New Banking Branch The Foothills Bank, a division of Glacier Banks with its headquarters located at 49 Commons Loop, Kalispell, MT 59901 has submitted an application to establish a new branch at the following location: 1750 S. Woodlands Blvd, Flagstaff, AZ 86001. The new branch will function under the name of The Foothills Bank, a division of Glacier Bank. Any person wishing to comment on this application may file his or her comments in writing with the Regional Director of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 25 Jessie Street at Ecker Square Suite 2300, San Francisco, CA 94104, or to the Commissioner of Banking and Financial Institutions, Department of Administration, 301 South Park, P.O. Box 200546, Helena, MT 59620-0546 not later than January 4, 2019. The application may be reviewed, during the comment period, at the above address by calling the commissioner's office at (406)841-2920 and requesting an appointment. The non-confidential portions of the application are on file at the appropriate FDIC office and are available for public inspection during regular business hours. Photocopies of the non-confidential portion of the application will be made available upon request. December 20, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________

Ryan Roy Quimby, 19
Ryan Roy Quimby passed away on Dec. 16, 2018, while in Kalispell.

FVCC enrollment shows slight increase
This fall’s enrollment numbers at Flathead Valley Community College showed a continued correlation between record-low unemployment rates in the valley and the number of credits students are taking, according to President Jane Karas.
Bear spray aimed at dog ends up on boy's face
A man deployed bear spray at a dog that purportedly charged at him. Things went awry when the wind carried the spray into the face of a 6-year-old who was standing around the corner of a camper on Montana 40 in Columbia Falls. And, it turns out, the dog was on a chain. The man did not want to pursue vicious dog charges and the dog’s owner believed his son getting sprayed was an accident. The dog’s owner was advised on county ordinances regarding vicious dogs, rabies and licensing, according to the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office.

Pharmacy benefit manager settles case with state
Prime Therapeutics, the pharmacy benefit manager of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Montana, has settled a case with the Montana Commissioner of Securities and Insurance Office and agreed to pay up to $375,000 for an independent examination of its data.

Letters to the editor Dec. 20
So where is the outrage? Where are the lawsuits?
New developments in the sky and on the ground
American Airlines, the world’s largest passenger airline company, announced last week that it will service Glacier Park International Airport with three summer flights beginning in June. The new destinations include Dallas, Los Angeles and Chicago.

Delno Huber Moore, 93
Delno Huber Moore passed away Dec. 17, 2018.

Mayme Mullis, 92
On Dec. 15, 2018, Mayme Mullis passed from this life to her heavenly home surrounded by her family.

Kalispell boy goes the distance to help Toys for Tots
Carter Colby of Kalispell puts his heart into making sure local kids have a toy for Christmas.
Fast start leads Wildkats over Bigfork
BIGFORK – Columbia Falls scored 30 points in the first quarter on its way to a 78-47 victory over Bigofrk in nonconference girls basketball on Thursday at Bigfork High School.

Libby edges Whitefish in duals
WHITEFISH – Libby/Troy edged Whitefish 40-36 to pick up a victory in Western A wrestling action on Thursday at Whitefish High School.
Lady Griz roll into break with 81-49 win
Playing for the first time since Feb. 3, when she crashed to the floor with a season-ending knee injury against North Dakota, Sophia Stiles didn’t waste any time on Thursday night reminding people what was lost that day and what the Lady Griz had been missing in the interim.
Montana Football: Olson named First Team All-American Defense by HERO Sports
Dante Olson has added another trophy to the case. The prolific junior linebacker landed his fourth first-team All-America honor in the past week on Wednesday by online FCS news outlet HERO Sports.
Wednesday, December 19
The good stuff
In my last column, I spoke of the excitement I was facing as I prepared for the St. Paul ice fishing show, not just for the opportunity to speak to show goers about the fishing opportunities Montana has to offer, but to actually see and experience all the new products that are introduced there every year.
Legals December 19, 2018
No. 25858 Public Notice K255CH, Kalispell, MT FAC# 153577 On 10/18/2018, an application seeking consent to the assignment of license of FM translator station K255CH was tendered for filing with the Federal Communications Commission. The station is licensed to Edgewater Broadcasting, Inc. to serve the area of Kalispell, MT. The proposed assignee is Educational Media Foundation. K255CH operates on channel 255 with 0.034 kilowatts of power from a transmitter located at 48-09-57 N, 114-19-49 W. K255CH rebroadcasts KLKM, Kalispell, MT on channel 204. December 19, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________
Group to discuss proposed change in permit reviews
The Bigfork Land Use Advisory Committee will hold a public meeting Thursday to address whether or not its members should be allowed to make conditional-use permit recommendations to the Flathead County Board of Adjustment.
John Frederick 'Jack' Bostedt, 90
Jack Bostedt passed away in Kalispell at age 90 on Dec. 10, 2018.
Columbia Falls debate team on a winning streak
Columbia Falls High School Speech and Debate is on a roll, winning its sixth tournament in Frenchtown on Saturday.
Bob Marshall Wilderness Foundation to search for new director
The Bob Marshall Wilderness Foundation announced Monday that Carol Treadwell, executive director, is leaving the job after a seven-year tenure that the foundation’s chairwoman described in glowing terms.

Ethel Mae Boggs, 96
Ethel Mae Boggs, 96, passed away peacefully on Dec. 17, 2018, in Kalispell at the Kalispell Regional Medical Center.

Jack Avis Jarrett , 93
Jack Avis Jarrett , 93, of Whitefish, passed away Sunday, Dec. 16, 2018; he lived a life many would envy.

Plea deal reached for Big Arm man facing homicide charge
A jury trial was vacated earlier this week in a homicide case where a Ronan woman died after she was allegedly pushed from a moving vehicle in Lake County.

Two Bear touts new rescue detector
Two Bear Air has stepped up its efforts to find backcountry travelers in peril.
No headline
- Flathead County Water and Sewer District-Evergreen meets 7 a.m., District Office, 130 Nicholson Drive.
Potbelly pigs out on freedom in C-Falls
A potbelly pig — possibly the same one that was reported gallivanting on Generation Way the previous day — made the rounds to Tamarack Lane in Columbia Falls where someone found it and placed it in a corral, where it spent some time hanging out with a bull.
Kalispell sets tax-increment district hearing
Kalispell City Council unanimously passed its two main agenda items at its Dec. 17 meeting.

Roger L. Chilcote, 81
Roger L. Chilcote, 81, passed away Dec. 7, 2018, from complications from a fall.
Griz ink 21 in Montana-heavy early signing period
Montana head coach Bobby Hauck filled his team’s coffers with 20 prep stars and one transfer on the first day of the December early signing period to make a total of 21 new Grizzlies.
Tuesday, December 18
Vietnam War keepsake stolen from local VFW
Members of the Glacier Park VFW Post 2252 in Kalispell are wondering why someone would steal a keepsake commemorating the Vietnam War.

Driver injured after car goes airborne, hits house
A bizarre crash on Foy’s Lake Road Tuesday afternoon sent one man to the hospital.

PHOTOS: Community celebrates South Fork bridge
The South Fork Bridge on U.S. 2 in Hungry Horse opened to traffic Tuesday afternoon following a ribbon-cutting ceremony.
Officials ID man who died in Hungry Horse car fire
The Flathead County Sheriff’s Office has confirmed the identity of a man who died in a Dec. 8 car fire near Lion Lake in the Hungry Horse area as Conrad Peak, 77.
Legals December 18, 2018
No. 25861 IN THE JUSTICE COURT FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA Kelly Sorg-Smith Plaintiff vs. Kayla Dittmer Defendant Cause No. CV-18-2129 SUMMONS The state of Montana to the above named defendant...greeting A complaint has been filed in this Court stating a claim or cause of action against you. YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the complaint in this action, which is filed with the above named Justice of the Peace, a copy of which is served upon you, and to file your written answer with the above-entitled Court and serve a copy thereof upon the Plaintiff, or Plaintiff's attorney within twenty (20) days after service of this summons. Your answer must be in writing. Your answer must be accompanied by the mandatory fee of $30.00. If you fail to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default, for the relief demanded in the complaint. WITNESS my hand this 23rd day of November, 2018 /s/ CORINNA KELLER, CLERK Clerk of Court December 18, 25, January 1, 2019 MNAXLP __________________________
Developer proposes wellness facility for 95 Karrow
The developer of the 95 Karrow mixed-use project on the former Idaho Timber property in Whitefish is asking for an amendment to accommodate a wellness facility on the site.
Escaped pig finds hog heaven in C-Falls
A potbelly pig was seen hamming it up around Columbia Falls when someone spotted it on their Generation Way property before it headed toward Fourth Avenue West North. The person told police they had a photo of the pinkish white swine if needed. The pig’s owner described it as an escape artist to Flathead County Sheriff’s Office and claimed he was putting up a “hot wire” to keep it contained.
No headline
- Red Cross blood drives: noon to 5 p.m. Eureka Baptist Church; noon to 4:15 p.m. Lakeside QRU.

Pirates roll in wrestling duals
COLUMBIA FALLS – Polson defeated both Corvallis and Columbia Falls in duals hosted by the Matcats on Tuesday.
Four Griz, Four Bobcats earn All-America honors
Montana junior linebacker Dante Olson has picked up his third First-Team All-America award in the past week, and three other Grizzlies have also been named All-Americans in a trio of releases on Monday and Tuesday.
Bobcats fight but come up short
BOZEMAN — For most of the non-conference season Montana State head coach Tricia Binford looked toward MSU’s game against South Dakota State. It would be a measuring stick for the Bobcat program- a glimpse for where she wants to take the team.
Monday, December 17
Flathead rebounds, takes first at Helena tourney
Flathead High School Speech and Debate prevailed at the Helena City of Gold tournament over the weekend.

Fire destroys camper, damages home
A large camper all but melted into a puddle and an adjacent home was heavily damaged in a fire on First Avenue South in Hungry Horse Monday afternoon.

Judge gives county deadline for decision
Flathead County officials have until Dec. 31 to decide whether Montana Artesian Water Co. is in violation of the Egan Slough Zoning District regulations for operating its Creston water bottling plant, according to an order issued Friday by Flathead District Judge Robert Allison.

New South Fork bridge to be unveiled
Motorists and bicyclists heading through Bad Rock Canyon on U.S. 2 will soon likely enjoy safer, smoother passage over the South Fork of the Flathead River at the edge of Hungry Horse.
Legals December 17, 2018
No. 25838 PUBLIC OPPORTUNITY TO PROTEST TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP OF MONTANA ALL-ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES LICENSE Dave & Lynette Ventures, LLC (Member: David Pike) has applied for Transfer of Ownership of Montana All-Alcoholic Beverages License No. 07-937-2621-001 to be operated at Barrel Republic, 510 Wisconsin Avenue, Whitefish, Flathead County. The public may protest this new license in accordance with the law. Who can protest this transfer? Protests will be accepted from residents of the county of the proposed location (Flathead), residents of adjoining Montana counties (Lincoln, Glacier, Pondera, Teton, Lewis & Clark, Powell, Lake, Sanders), and residents of adjoining counties in another state if the criteria in 16-4-207(4)(d), Montana Code Annotated (MCA), are met. What information must be included? Protest letters must be legible and contain (1) the protestor's full name, mailing address, and street address; (2) the license number (07-937-2621-001) and the applicant's name (Dave & Lynette Ventures, LLC); (3) an indication that the letter is intended as a protest; (4) a description of the grounds for protesting; and (5) the protestor's signature. A letter with multiple signatures will be considered one protest letter. What are valid protest grounds? The protest may be based on the applicant's qualifications listed in 16-4-401, MCA, or the grounds for denial of an application in 16-4-405, MCA. Examples of valid protest grounds include: (1) the applicant is unlikely to operate the establishment in compliance with the law; (2) the proposed location cannot be properly policed by local authorities; and (3) the welfare of the people in the vicinity of the proposed location will be adversely and seriously affected. How are protests submitted? Protests must be postmarked to the Department of Revenue, Office of Dispute Resolution, P.O. Box 5805, Helena, Montana 59604-5805 on or before December 27, 2018. What happens if the transfer is protested? Depending on the number of protests and the protest grounds, a public hearing will be held in Helena or Whitefish. All valid protestors will be notified of the hearing's time, date and location. Hearings typically are scheduled within 90 days. A protester's hearing testimony is limited to the grounds in the protester's letter. Following the hearing, the Department of Revenue will notify the public whether the license transfer is approved or denied. How can additional information be obtained? The cited MCA statutes are online at Questions may be directed to Patty Kautz, Compliance Specialist for the Department of Revenue's Liquor Control Division, at (406) 444-0017 or December 10, 17, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________
Man calls 911 for ride to mom's house
A man on U.S. 93 South called 911 and sniffled before hanging up. He called back saying “I need a ride to my mom’s house,” and hung up. Upon reconnecting, he pleaded again for a ride to his mom’s and dispatchers apparently heard another man in the background saying something about him “wigging out.” Dispatchers told the man to stop calling 911.
Tax-increment district, parking zone on agenda
A proposed tax increment Financing district and the second reading of an extension to a parking zone near Flathead High School are the main agenda items for tonight’s Kalispell City Council meeting.
No headline
- Red Cross blood drives: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Whitefish High School; 1-6 p.m. at the center, 126 N. Meridian Road, Kalispell.

Chief ALERT pilot draws from wealth of experience
As a pilot flying helicopters all over the world, Matt Weller has a few stories to share.
Sunday, December 16
Legals December 16, 2018
No. 25831 Brian D. Lee LEE LAW OFFICE PC P.O. Box 790 - 158 Main Street Shelby, MT 59474 Telephone: (406) 434-5244 Email: Attorneys for Personal Representative MONTANA ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, FLATHEAD COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of CAROL I. SENNER, a/k/a CAROL SENNER, and/or CAROL LUCKENBILL SENNER, Deceased. Cause No. DP-18-292A NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that Sharon L. Nau has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named estate. All persons having claims against the decedent are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice or the claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be mailed to Sharon L. Nau, Personal Representative, return receipt requested, c/o Lee Law Office PC, P.O. Box 790, Shelby, Montana 59474, or filed with the Clerk of the above entitled Court at Kalispell, Montana. Dated November 21, 2018. LEE LAW OFFICE PC By: /s/ Brian D. Lee Brian D. Lee December 2, 9, 16, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________
No headline
- Kalispell Civil Air Patrol lays wreaths at 9 a.m., Glacier Memorial Gardens, then at C.E. Conrad Memorial Cemetery and Woodlawn Cemetery, Columbia Falls. Public welcome to assist.

Ira James 'Jake' Heckathorn, 95
Ira James “Jake” Heckathorn, 95, of Whitefish, grudgingly succumbed to chronic medical conditions on Dec. 5, 2018, at the Montana Veterans Home in Columbia Falls; he retired from the Army with the rank of lieutenant colonel.
CSKT compact is good for Montana agriculture
The success of Montana’s agriculture industry is dependent upon water and water right certainty. It is easily the single most important resource for people across Montana, which is why ratification of the negotiated Montana CSKT Water Compact is critical.

Sheriff wraps up long career in law enforcement
This time, it’s for good.
C-Falls resort tax worthy of consideration
Last month we reported that Columbia Falls is considering a resort tax as a way to pay for expanded emergency services and reduce property taxes in the city. It would be prudent for city residents to keep an open mind about this revenue-generating tool that has proven to be wildly successful in other Montana communities faced with the strains brought about by Montana’s booming tourism economy.

Student needs increasing in face of dwindling outside resources
When asked if the mental-health needs of their high school students are being met, Flathead County principals, counselors and school-based therapists answered separately, but unanimously — there is a lot of need, and at times, the needs are overwhelming the available resources.
It's time to invest in our public trails
Regardless of whether you hike, ride horses, mountain bike, or prefer off-highway vehicles, we all depend on a well-funded and well-maintained trail system in Montana.
Police warned North Fork man may be fugitive
Someone told the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office that a Polebridge resident who had been working on and off at his property may be a wanted man. The caller said the man hadn’t been forthcoming with his information or address.

Glenna Jean Fredenberg, 73
Glenna Jean Fredenberg, 73, passed away on Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2018, at Kalispell Regional Medical Center in Kalispell.

Heloshi Kusumoto, 89
Heloshi Kusumoto passed away on Nov. 22, 2018. Losh was a kind, generous, and loving husband, father, son, brother and friend. He was born on Oct. 19, 1929 … the start of the Great Depression … at the Triple Divide railroad siding on the Blackfoot Reservation near Durham, Montana.

The Creative Class Stillwater teacher helps students find their voices through artistic pursuits
There is a famous painting by the French artist Paul Gauguin called Vision after the Sermon, also known as Jacob Wrestling with the Angel. Barbara Beckwith, the art teacher at Stillwater Christian School, dims the lights so the students can see the painting more clearly projected to the front of the room.
Letters to the editor Dec. 16
Many, many thanks to Dr. Boharski for his honest facts regarding the dishonest Kalispell Regional Medical Center. It’s long overdue and greatly appreciated.
Keep checks and balances in House
Should your Montana House of Representatives move away from Constitutional Republic?

Truss, wall operation expands in C-Falls
Crews at Western Building Center’s truss and wall plant in Columbia Falls recently moved into a new 24,000-square-foot facility as demand for housing and commercial framing continues to grow.
Building permits
Trip to Mexico starts with comedy of errors
We landed Thanksgiving Day in Cancun for our daughter’s destination wedding and, after shuffling through customs, headed to baggage claim.

Vern R. Stewart, 92
Vern R. Stewart died peacefully in his sleep at Immanuel Lutheran Home Dec. 15, 2018.
Saturday, December 15
Groundwater origins are focus of Eureka meetings
Mike Cuffe spoke first about the sort of conflict Monday’s meetings near Eureka hope to avoid.

Firefighters battle West Valley fire
Firefighters from three companies battled a small structure fire Saturday evening in the hills above West Valley.

FVHS beats Stillwater boys, SCS girls win 40-24
Spencer Burden had 27 points for Flathead Valley Home School as the Crusaders rolled over Stillwater Christian School 59-49 on Friday night at Stillwater.
Flathead grapplers fifth after first day of tourney
COEUR d’ALENE, Idaho – Flathead is off to a strong start at the Tri-State Wrestling Tournament, sitting in fifth place after one day of action.
Glacier's Marin and Ronan's Mays set to meet in CMR Classic semis
GREAT FALLS – Glacier’s Colby Marin and Ronan’s Justin Mays will meet in today’s 205-pound semifinal at the C.M. Russell Holiday Wrestling Classic,
Montana LB Olson named Walter Camp All-American
Record-breaking Montana linebacker Dante Olson has added another All-American accolade to his resume after leading the nation in tackles during the regular season.

Trump says Interior Secretary Zinke leaving administration
WASHINGTON (AP) — Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, who is facing federal investigations into his travel, political activity and potential conflicts of interest, will leave the administration at year’s end, President Donald Trump said Saturday.
Legals December 15, 2018
No. 25857 NOTICE OF PASSAGE OF RESOLUTION OF INTENTION BLANCHARD LAKE ZONING DISTRICT The Board of Commissioners of Flathead County, Montana, hereby gives notice, pursuant to Section 76-2-205(5), M.C.A., that it passed a Resolution of Intention (Resolution No. 966AJ) on December 13, 2018 to change the zoning designation in a portion of the Blanchard Lake Zoning District from AG-40 'Agricultural' to SAG-10 'Suburban Agricultural'. The boundaries of the area proposed to be amended from AG-40 to SAG-10 are described as: A TRACT OF LAND, SITUATED, LYING AND BEING IN GOVERNMENT LOT 4 OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 30 NORTH, RANGE 22 WEST, P.M.M., FLATHEAD COUNTY MONTANA, AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS TO WIT: BEGINNING at the northwest corner of Government Lot 4 of Section 5, Township 30 North, Range 22 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana, which is a found brass cap; Thence along the north boundary of said Government Lot 4 S89°55'03"E 1317.32 feet to a found iron pin and the northeast corner of said Government Lot 4; Thence along the east boundary of said Government Lot 4 S00°00'11"W 1071.44 feet to a found iron pin on the northerly R/W of U.S. Highway No. 93; Thence along said R/W N71°31'54"W 1388.26 feet to a found pin on the west boundary of said Government Lot 4; Thence leaving said R/W and along said west boundary N00°02'41'W 633.57 feet to the point of beginning and containing 25.774 ACRES; Subject to and together with a 60 foot private road and utility easement as shown on COS 13408 (records of Flathead County, Montana); Subject to and together with all appurtenant easements of record. The regulations defining the AG-40 and SAG-10 zones are contained in the Flathead County Zoning Regulations, on file for public inspection at the Office of the Clerk and Recorder, Courthouse, 800 South Main, Kalispell, Montana, at the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office, 40 11th Street West, Kalispell, Montana, and on the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office's website at: Documents related to the proposed zone change are also on file for public inspection at the Office of the Board of Commissioners and the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office. For thirty (30) days after the first publication of this notice, the Board of Commissioners will receive written protests to the change proposed for a portion of the Blanchard Lake Zoning District from persons owning real property within Flathead County whose names appear on the last completed assessment roll of Flathead County and who either are registered voters in Flathead County or execute and acknowledge their protests before a notary public. DATED this 13th day of December 2018. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Flathead County, Montana By: /s/ Pamela J. Holmquist Pamela J. Holmquist, Chairperson December 15, 22, 2018 MNAXLP _________________________

As finals week bears down, FVCC offers help with stress
Flathead Valley Community College students have reached the end of the semester, but before they can relax and enjoy their Christmas break, they have to get through one of the most stressful times of the year—finals week.

Margaret 'Margie' Helen Neary, 81
Margaret “Margie” Helen Neary, 81, of Kalispell, “went home to be with the Lord” and family on Wednesday, Dec. 13, 2018.
Board mulls $1.2M high school levy
Taxpayers may see a $1.2 million general-fund levy request on the May 2019 ballot for Kalispell Public Schools’ high school district.
Teenager gets comfy in vibrating chair
A teenaged boy got very comfortable in a vibrating chair at the mall, according to a person who called the Kalispell Fire Department. When people tried to wake him, he didn’t respond. When a firefighter arrived, he woke the boy, who said he was just sleeping.
Whitefish's Ring swims to two wins in Missoula
MISSOULA – The Flathead and Glacier swim teams had solid showings at this weekend’s Missoula Swim Meet despite missing some of their top swimmers, and Whitefish’s Preston Ring took the top prize in two events.

Flathead boys sink Wildcats, 57-43
Wildkats edge Bravettes
Local wrestlers finish tourneys with solid placings
GREAT FALLS – Several local grapplers had strong outings at the C.M. Russell Holiday Wrestling Classic in Great Falls this weekend.
Washington tops Montana 69-54
SEATTLE – Washington used a third-quarter surge to open up what had been a tight contest and went on to a 69-54 victory over Montana on Saturday afternoon in the opening game of the Husky Classic in Seattle.

PHOTOS: Flathead vs. Columbia Falls basketball
Flathead and Columbia Falls squared off in boys’ and girls’ high school basketball action at Flathead High School in Kalispell on Saturday.
Friday, December 14
Fugitive jailed after Foy's Lake area chase
A man who was on the Montana Department of Corrections’ most-wanted fugitives list earlier this fall is now sitting in the Flathead County Jail after he led law enforcement officers on a chase Monday west of Kalispell.
C-Falls veteran admits benefits fraud
A Columbia Falls man accused of stealing government benefits by overstating his disabilities admitted fraud and theft charges in federal court Wednesday, according to, U.S. Attorney Kurt G. Alme said Friday.
Mexico citizen admits illegal re-entry after being found by Glacier rangers
A citizen of Mexico admitted Dec. 11 in federal court to being in the United States illegally after Glacier National Park personnel found him Sept. 24 walking while on patrol, according to the U.S. Attorney’s office.
Browning woman admits embezzlement of Blackfeet Head Start
Browning resident Denise L. Sharp, 60, who worked for the Blackfeet Tribe’s Head Start Program, admitted in federal court Tuesday to stealing money through an overall scheme involving others, in which an estimated $232,000 was fraudulently claimed as overtime pay, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Missoula.

C-Falls takes back bell-ringing title
After all the donations were counted, Columbia Falls emerged as the winner of Thursday’s Salvation Army red-kettle community challenge.

Richard 'Dick' Nelson Field, 84
Richard “Dick” Nelson Field, 84, of Whitefish, died Friday, Dec. 7, 2018, after an extended illness.

Orville Ray 'OT' Thomas, 83
Orville Ray “OT” Thomas passed away Friday, Nov. 23, 2018, at Heritage Place in Kalispell.
Legals December 14, 2018
No. 25852 NOTICE OF PASSAGE OF RESOLUTION OF INTENTION BIGFORK ZONING DISTRICT The Board of Commissioners of Flathead County, Montana, hereby gives notice pursuant to Section 76-2-205(5), M.C.A., that it passed a Resolution of Intention (Resolution No. 956DO) on December 11, 2018 to change the zoning designation in a portion of the Bigfork Zoning District from SAG-5 (Suburban Agricultural) to I-1 (Light Industrial). The boundaries of the area proposed to be amended from SAG-5 to I-1 are described as: Parcel B of Certificate of Survey No. 19959, records of Flathead County, Montana, located in the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 13, Township 27 North, Range 20 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. The regulations defining the SAG-5 and I-1 zones are contained in the Flathead County Zoning Regulations, on file for public inspection at the Office of the Board of Commissioners, Courthouse, 800 South Main, Room 302, Kalispell, Montana, at the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office, 40 11th Street West, Kalispell, Montana, and on the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office's website at: Documents related to the proposed zone change are also on file for public inspection at the Office of the Board of Commissioners and the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office. For thirty (30) days after the first publication of this notice, the Board of Commissioners will receive written protests to the change proposed for a portion of the Bigfork Zoning District from persons owning real property within Flathead County whose names appear on the last completed assessment roll of Flathead County and who either are registered voters in Flathead County or execute and acknowledge their protests before a notary public. DATED this 11th day of December, 2018. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Flathead County, Montana By: /s/ Pamela J. Holmquist Pamela J. Holmquist, Chairman December 14, 21, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________
Neighbors frighten real-estate agent
A real-estate agent ran into trouble while attempting to take photos of a property on U.S. 2 in Marion for a client who was selling it. Apparently, neighbors yelled at her to get off the property. Lucky for her they kept the pitchforks and torches at home. The incident made an impact, however, as she allegedly was afraid to return to the scene.

County scraps scenic corridor sign change, for now
A proposed zoning text amendment that would have allowed more road signs along the county’s scenic corridor overlay was sidelined, at least temporarily, amid opposition during a public hearing Thursday before the Flathead County commissioners.

Norman Eugene Hagen, 81
Norman Eugene Hagen, 81, passed away peacefully on ec. 11, 2018, in Columbia Falls at home with his wife, Mary Ann, by his side.
Weekend update
Veterans open house

Legislation aims to help Navy vets exposed to Agent Orange
Flathead County resident Gary Thompson is a Blue Water veteran, a term given to those who served on open ships off the shore of Vietnam during the Vietnam War. He clearly recalls the details of his offshore encounters with Agent Orange, a blend of toxic herbicides used by the United States military during the war to clear thick jungle foliage.

PHOTOS: Stillwater Christian vs. Flathead Valley Homeschool
Stillwater Christian School and Flathead Valley Homeschool squared off in boys’ and girls’ basketball action at Stillwater Christian School in Kalispell on Friday.
Thursday, December 13

American to service Kalispell with new flights
American Airlines, the world’s largest airline company, will offer three new daily flights next summer servicing Glacier Park International Airport.
Legals December 13, 2018
No. 25819 Montana Eleventh Judicial District Court Flathead County In the Matter of the Name Change of Hattie Ann Lunceford: Hattie Ann Lunceford, Petitioner Cause No. DV-18-1061A DAN WILSON Notice of Hearing on Name Change This is notice that Petitioner has asked the District Court for a change of name from Hattie Ann Lunceford to Hattie Ann Courtford. The hearing will be on January 8, 2019 at 1:30 p.m. The hearing will be at the Courthouse in Flathead County. Date: November 7, 2018 PEG L. ALLISON Clerk of District Court By: /s/ CHELSEA CHAMBERS Deputy Clerk of Court November 22, 29, December 6, 13, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________
No headline
- Creston School board meets 7 a.m.
Regional lawmakers tout alternative water compact
An eight-person panel took turns Monday night blasting the existing water compact and singing the praises of an alternative proposal.

Letters to the editor Dec. 13
I recently read the following: When asked how she could work with those dirty, sick people on the streets of India, Mother Teresa replied, “Every one of them is Jesus in a different disguise.”
Economic development group touts 2018 successes
Montana West Economic Development celebrated a year of success at its annual meeting for members and supporters in Kalispell Wednesday.
Evergreen couple exemplifies spirit of giving
Last year the Evergreen Chamber of Commerce established the Brent Hall award to honor community members who exemplify “a spirit of giving, community and business leadership, volunteerism and advocacy for the support of others.”

Red-kettle competition underway today
Communities across the Flathead Valley will be helping out the Salvation Army’s red-kettle fundraising campaign today by ringing bells for the annual bell-ringing competition.

Big 4th quarter powers Glacier over CFalls
COLUMBIA FALLS – Glacier outscored Columbia Falls 22-7 in the fourth quarter en route to a 58-44 victory over the Wildcats in nonconference boys basketball action on Thursday night at Columbia Falls High School.
Wednesday, December 12
Burglar steals cash and tools from Flathead High School
The Kalispell Police Department is looking for a man who broke into Flathead High School early Tuesday morning and stole cash and tools while causing considerable damage.
Legals December 12, 2018
No. 25835 PUBLIC NOTICE Notice to Water Users (Pursuant to Section 85-2-307, MCA) The following application has been submitted to appropriate water in the State of Montana. THE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES AND CONSERVATION PROPOSES TO GRANT AN APPLICATION FOR BENEFICIAL WATER USE PERMIT. DESCRIBED BELOW ARE THE PERTINENT FACTS WHICH SUMMARIZE THE APPLICATION. THE PRELIMINARY DETERMINATION (PD) DOCUMENTING THE FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW AND ANY CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO THE WATER RIGHT ARE AVAILABLE ON THE INTERNET AT OBJECTION DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 9, 2019. THE DEPARTMENT CAN ONLY ACCEPT OBJECTIONS FILED ON AN OBJECTION TO APPLICATION, FORM 611. MAIL THE COMPLETED FORM AND THE $25.00 FILING FEE TO THE DNRC, PO BOX 201601, HELENA, MT 59620-1601 BY THE DEADLINE SPECIFIED. THE FORM IS AVAILABLE ON THE DEPARTMENT'S WEBSITE. DIRECT ANY QUESTIONS PERTAINING TO THE APPLICATION, TO OBTAIN THE PD OR OBJECTION FORM TO THE WATER RESOURCES OFFICE AT 655 TIMBERWOLF PARKWAY, SUITE 4, KALISPELL, MT 59901-2387, PHONE: 406-752-2288, FAX: 406-752-2843. IF ISSUED, THE RIGHT WILL BE SUBJECT TO PRIOR EXISTING WATER RIGHTS. Application Number: 76LJ 30117748 Owners: FINK, ROBERT & DONNA LIVING TRUST 660 SONSTELIE RD KALISPELL, MT 59901 Purpose (use): MULTIPLE DOMESTIC; LAWN AND GARDEN; COMMERCIAL Priority Date: MAY 22, 2018 at 10:30 A.M. Maximum Flow Rate:540.00 GPM Maximum Volume: 38.03 AC-FT Maximum Acres: 14.00 Source Name: GROUNDWATER Source Type: GROUNDWATER Point of Diversion and Means of Diversion: Diversion Means: WELL(S) Period of Diversion: JANUARY 1 TO DECEMBER 31 County FLATHEAD All in Sec 5; Twp 28N; Rge 20W: ID 1; Qtr Sec NENENW; Subdivision: TRACT/LOT: 2A; Well Depth: 137.00 FEET ID 2; Qtr Sec NENENW; Subdivision: TRACT/LOT: 4A; Well Depth: 205.00 FEET ID 3; Qtr Sec NENW; Subdivision: TRACT/LOT: 1A ID 4; Qtr Sec NENW; Subdivision: TRACT/LOT: 3A ID 5; Qtr Sec NENW; Subdivision: TRACT/LOT: 1 ID 6; Qtr Sec NENW; Subdivision: TRACT/LOT: 2 ID 7; Qtr Sec NENW; Subdivision: TRACT/LOT: 3 ID 8; Qtr Sec NENW; Subdivision: TRACT/LOT: 4 ID 9; Qtr Sec SENW; Subdivision: TRACT/LOT: 5 ID 10; Qtr Sec SENW; Subdivision: TRACT/LOT: 6 ID 11; Qtr Sec SENW; Subdivision: TRACT/LOT: 7 ID 12; Qtr Sec SENW; Subdivision: TRACT/LOT: 8 ID 13; Qtr Sec SENW; Subdivision: TRACT/LOT: 9 ID 14; Qtr Sec SENW; Subdivision: TRACT/LOT: 10 ID 15; Qtr Sec SENW; Subdivision: TRACT/LOT: 11 ID 16; Qtr Sec SENW; Subdivision: TRACT/LOT: 12 ID 17; Qtr Sec SENW; Subdivision: TRACT/LOT: 13 ID 18; Qtr Sec SENW; Subdivision: TRACT/LOT: 14/15 ID 19; Qtr Sec SENW; Subdivision: TRACT/LOT: 16/17 ID 20; Qtr Sec SENW; Subdivision: TRACT/LOT: 18/19 ID 21; Qtr Sec SENW; Subdivision: TRACT/LOT: 20/21 ID 22; Qtr Sec NENW; Subdivision: TRACT/LOT: 22 ID 23; Qtr Sec NENW; Subdivision: TRACT/LOT: 23 ID 24; Qtr Sec NENW; Subdivision: TRACT/LOT: 24 Purpose (Use): MULTIPLE DOMESTIC Households: 24 Volume: 9.41 AC-FT Period of Use: JANUARY 1 to DECEMBER 31 Place of Use: County FLATHEAD ID 1; Qtr Sec E2NW; Sec 5; Twp 28N; Rge 20W Purpose (Use): LAWN AND GARDEN Volume: 27.12 AC-FT Period of Use: APRIL 15 to OCTOBER 15 Place of Use: County FLATHEAD ID 1; Total Acres 14.00; Qtr Sec E2NW; Sec 5; Twp 28N; Rge 20W Purpose (Use): COMMERCIAL Purpose Clarification: 4 COMMERCIAL LOTS Volume: 1.50 AC-FT Period of Use: JANUARY 1 to DECEMBER 31 Place of Use: County FLATHEAD ID 1; Qtr Sec E2NW; Sec 5; Twp 28N; Rge 20W December 12, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________

New guidebook communicates author's love for national parks
Becky Lomax’s latest guidebook reveals on page 725 an important clue to her lifelong and full-hearted embrace of national parks.

Hot Springs man serves as casket bearer for President Bush's interment
Anthony Byrns is only 22 years old and already has one of those memories that will last a lifetime.
Legislators anticipate Medicaid expansion will continue
Three Montana lawmakers, all Republicans, concurred Tuesday during a panel discussion in Kalispell that they anticipate that some form of Medicaid expansion likely will be approved during the upcoming legislative session.
No headline
- Red Cross blood drive, 10 a.m. to 3:15 p.m., Flathead Electric, Kalispell.

Food-truck workers say God intervened before crash
Two MudMan Burgers employees of Whitefish recently narrowly escaped with their lives after they said a heavenly voice warned them to flee their broken-down food truck seconds before a semi truck plowed into it.
Tuesday, December 11

Blizzard conditions headed for Northwest Montana
Blizzard conditions were expected to bear down on parts of Northwest Montana overnight Tuesday and into Wednesday.
Officials ID man killed in hit-and-run
Lake County officials have identified a Pablo man killed in a hit-and-run crash early Saturday morning on U.S. 93.
No headline
Legals December 11, 2018
No. 25823 Jason J. Henderson MACKOFF KELLOGG LAW FIRM 38 Second Ave E Dickinson ND 58601 Phone: 701-227-1841 Fax: 701-225-6878 Attorney for the Plaintiff MT Bar #11414 MONTANA ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, FLATHEAD COUNTY LSF9 Master Participation Trust, Plaintiff, v. McCarthy Hanger a/k/a McCarthy Hanger, III; Sally Hanger; Glacier Bank of Whitefish; United States of America acting by and through the Internal Revenue Service, Defendants. Cause No. DV-15-863A NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure by the District Court of the Eleventh Judicial District in and for the County of Flathead and State of Montana, and entered and docketed in the Office of the Clerk of said Court on May 9, 2017, in an action wherein LSF9 Master Participation Trust was Plaintiff, and McCarthy Hanger a/k/a McCarthy Hanger, III; Sally Hanger; Glacier Bank of Whitefish; United States of America acting by and through the Internal Revenue Service, were Defendants, in favor of Plaintiff and against the Defendants for the sum of $1,744,142.24, which judgment and decree, among other things, direct the sale by me of the real property hereinafter described, to satisfy the amount of said judgment, with interest thereon and the costs and expenses of such sale, or so much thereof as the proceeds of said sale will satisfy; and by virtue of a writ issued to me out of the office of the Clerk of said Court, I, Chuck Curry, Sheriff of Flathead County, Montana, or a Deputy on behalf of the Sheriff, will sell the property described in the Judgment to the highest bidder for cash or credit bid at public auction at the lobby of the Justice Center in the City of Kalispell in the County of Flathead, and State of Montana, on Thursday the 20th day of December, 2018, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., to satisfy the amount due, with interest thereon, and the costs and expenses of such sale, or so much thereof as the proceeds of such sale will satisfy. The property to be sold is situated in the County of Flathead, and State of Montana, and described as follows: That portion of Government Lot 4, Section 33, Township 27 North, Range 19 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana, described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of that parcel shown in Book 504, Page 467, records of Flathead County; thence along the East line of the county road South 00°09'15" West, a distance of 332.25 feet; thence North 88°37'22" East, a distance of 146.45 feet, thence North 58°17' 10" East, a distance of 205 feet more or less to the low water mark of Swan River: thence Northwesterly along the low water mark, a distance of 242 feet more or less to a point which bears South 89°45'46" East from the Point of Beginning; thence North 89°45'46" West, a distance of 255 feet more or less to the Point of Beginning. Physical location: 11 Lazy Swan Lane, Bigfork, MT 59911. Dated this 23rd day of November, 2018. FLATHEAD COUNTY SHERIFF CHUCK CURRY By: Jeff Weyh Civil Department MACKOFF KELLOGG LAW FIRM 38 Second Ave E Dickinson ND 58601 Attorney for the Plaintiff November 27, December 4, 11, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________

Kalispell family asks for help in solving holiday whodunit
A Kalispell family is asking the community to help them find out how a real-life Grinch stole Christmas.
County proposes softening sign regulations in scenic corridor
The Flathead County Commissioners will hold a public hearing Thursday regarding proposed zoning text amendments, including one that would allow advertising signs to be erected in various parts of the county’s extensive scenic corridor overlay, so long as they remain under 250 square feet in surface area.
Rifle wielding woman emerges from woods
Someone had a jarring experience during a walk on Peters Creek Way in Kalispell when a disoriented woman with a rifle on her back reportedly “stumbled out of the woods” and asked to use the person’s phone, then asked where the school was before wandering off. The person thought she appeared to be acting as if she had been drinking and was slurring her words when she said she was “hiking around in the woods and won’t do that again.”
Short-term rental rules proposed for Middle Canyon
Property owners looking to start or continue short-term vacation rentals in places like West Glacier and Lake Five may soon have abide by county regulations before doing so.
No headline
- Kalispell Women’s Connection holiday tea party, 11:30 a.m., meeting room of Victory Baptist Church, 1830 Montana 35. Speaker is Susan Stapley. Cost $8 per person. Call Jan, 857-2467, or Rosainne, 257-8098 for lunch and free child care reservations. Donations for Flathead Food Bank accepted. Affiliated with Stonecroft Ministries.
MSU's Frey earns Big Sky honor
BOZEMAN— After scoring a career-high 31 points in Montana State’s 95-90 win over Washington State on Sunday, Bobcat guard Harald Frey earned Big Sky Conference Ready Nutrition Player of the Week honors.
UM's Olson named to AP FCS All-America team
MISSOULA — Montana linebacker Dante Olson was named an Associated Press First-team All-American on Tuesday following a record-breaking season where he posted a national-best 151 tackles, shattering the UM school record.
Byrd resigns as Wildkat soccer coach
COLUMBIA FALLS — The Columbia Falls School Board Monday Night accepted the resignation of coach O’Brien Byrd from the girls soccer team. He will continue to coach the boys team.
Bonners Ferry downs Libby in dual, 48-17
LIBBY — There were some bright spots for the Libby Greenchain on Tuesday.
Monday, December 10
Health insurance enrollment deadline is Dec. 15
The deadline for Montanans to sign up for 2019 health insurance through the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services is Saturday, Dec. 15.
Bigfork takes first in home tournament
Bigfork High School Speech and Debate cleaned up the sweepstakes points on home turf over the weekend for a first-place finish in Class B-C.
Glacier earns second-place berth in hard-fought battle
The competition was close for Class AA and Class A speech and debate teams battling it out word by word in Bozeman over the weekend.
Unidentified person dies in Hungry Horse area vehicle fire
An unidentified person died late Saturday afternoon in a vehicle fire near Lion Lake in the Hungry Horse area, according to a Flathead County Sheriff’s Office press release.
Legals December 10, 2018
No. 25845 AUDIT PUBLICATION STATEMENT An audit of the affairs of Flathead County Economic Development Authority has been conducted by JCCS Certified Public Accountants. The audit covered the fiscal year ended June 30, 2018. Section 2-7-521, MCA, requires that this publication concerning the audit report include a statement that the audit report is on file in its entirety and open to public inspection at the Administrator's Office, and that Flathead County Economic Development Authority will send a copy of the audit report to any interested person upon request. Sincerely, /s/ Jerry Meerkatz Jerry Meerkatz, CEO Flathead County Economic Development Authority December 10, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________
No headline
- Daughters of the American Revolution, Chief Ignace Chapter Christmas meeting and potluck, noon to 3 p.m., home of Carol White, Kalispell. Call 755-6781 for directions. Bring nonperishable food for veterans pantry.

Hanukkah lights up the night
On Saturday evening, gathered around eight tables at the Kalispell Hampton Inn, Jews from the Flathead Valley came together to light candles, sing songs and share a meal.
Gather 'round, drunk man tells his tale
Although “dead men tell no tales,” drunken men, unfortunately, do. A man who sounded “highly intoxicated” called Kalispell Police Department and said he reportedly got into a fight with someone at a bar and was defending himself. The man, who wasn’t making much sense, said the bartender possibly kicked him out and that “he’d will be waiting by the old Pizza Hut.” He then said people were coming out of the bar, but didn’t know if they were the ones he allegedly defended himself against. The man told dispatchers that he “just wanted to tell his tale.”

A record 51 grizzlies dead or removed from region this year
Fifty-one grizzly bears mortalities were recorded in the Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem this year, the highest ever recorded since recovery efforts started. Most of the bears are dead, though some ended up in zoos and some were moved to the Cabinet-Yaak ecosystem, where the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service continues to augment the population there.
Sunday, December 9
No headline
Sophia Woodworth, daughter of Daniel and Rachel Woodworth of Kalispell, was born Oct. 28 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.

New brewery reflects area's outdoor lifestyle
In the process of opening the new Sacred Waters Brewing Co. taproom, the founders discovered the generosity of the Northwest Montana brewing community.
Letters to the editor Dec. 9
I’m just checking to make sure I got the story right because, to be honest, I sometimes misunderstand and I certainly don’t want to be unfair to anybody. According to the front page of Daily Inter Lake (Nov. 24), the Glacier High School marching band will have the opportunity to march and play in Washington, D.C., for the National Memorial Day Parade? And Glacier High School has dug down into the bottom of the poke and come up with enough money to buy the band some used hand-me-downs so they won’t be embarrassed by marching in their running drawers? Like they have for the past 11 years?
Montanans would benefit from simple majority rules in House
I never planned on being “Old Man Jones,” but time never stops. I am currently the longest serving Republican in the Montana House, having served eight years as senator and six years as representative. I have served under the Senate simple majority rules, and the House super majority rules. I have served in the majority, minority and leadership. I support changing the Montana House procedural rules (not bonding or veto override) to the Senate’s simple majority format.

The cost of health care
In light of the exorbitant cost of health care, I find both a letter of non-apology from the KRMC board and a news article/advertisement for the Digestive Health Institute in the same issue of the Daily Inter Lake interesting. The desire to provide great health care is not nefarious. The question is whether or not you can afford KRMC’s vision of great health care. As an aside, ever wonder where the $24 million to pay their fine came from?

HGTV Dream Home makes debut in Whitefish
Fully furnished and TV-ready, the 2019 HGTV Dream Home built atop Big Mountain in Whitefish stands ready for its television debut and its lucky new owner as one of the country’s most anticipated giveaways nears its opening day.
Legals December 9, 2018
No. 25744 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Board of Commissioners of Flathead County, Montana, hereby gives notice, pursuant to Section 76-2-205(1), M.C.A., that it will hold a public hearing to consider a request by Alexander Charles Johnson, Jr. and Elaine Nahill Johnson to change the zoning designation in a portion of the Highway 93 North Zoning District from AG-40 (Agriculture) to SAG-10 (Suburban Residential). The boundaries of the area proposed to be amended from AG-40 (Agriculture) to SAG-10 (Suburban Residential) are described as: Parcel B of Certificate of Survey No. 13727, located and being in the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NW1/4NE1/4) of Section 07, Township 29 North, Range 21 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. The regulations defining the AG-40 and SAG-10 zones are contained in the Flathead County Zoning Regulations, on file for public inspection at the Office of the Board of Commissioners, 800 S Main, Room 302, Kalispell, Montana, at the County Planning and Zoning Office, 40 11th St W, Kalispell, Montana, and on the Planning and Zoning Office's website: Documents related to the proposed zone change are also on for file for public inspection at the Office of the Board of Commissioners and at the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office. The public hearing will be held on the 17th day of December, 2018 at 10:15 o'clock a.m. in the Commissioners' Chambers, Third Floor, Old Courthouse, Kalispell, Montana. At the public hearing, the Board of Commissioners will give the public an opportunity to be heard regarding the proposed change to the Highway 93 North Zoning District. Written comments are encouraged and will be reviewed by the Commissioners if received by the Commissioners' Office prior to the hearing. DATED this 24th day of October, 2018. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Flathead County, Montana By: /s/ Philip B. Mitchell Philip B. Mitchell, Chairman Pro-Tem December 2, 9, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________

Groups say devices kill non-target wildlife, including pets
Federal wildlife workers kill coyotes in Montana with an arsenal of lethal approaches.
The day I almost blew up the car - and myself
Remember the headline on my column a few weeks ago? “Accidents can happen anytime, anywhere.”
Effort to secure bypass funding deserves praise
Among the top stories of the week was the good news that Kalispell is getting a $12.75 million federal grant to convert roughly 2 miles of the southern half of the U.S. 93 bypass into a four-lane highway.
Avalanche Center daily forecasts begin today
The Flathead Avalanche Center will begin issuing daily avalanche forecasts beginning today.

Carl H. Burrows, 66
Carl H. Burrows, 66, passed away on Sunday, Dec. 2, 2018, at his residence.

Navigating holiday parties with #MeToo in mind
For many organizations, the annual company Christmas party is the biggest event of the year. The budget is large, fun is the name of the game, it’s an opportunity for celebration and fellowship between employees, and it’s one project that most employees don’t mind being a part of.

Constance 'Connie' Guest, 78
Constance “Connie” Guest, 78, died of natural causes on Dec. 1, 2018, at the Brendan House in Kalispell surrounded by her family.
Eric William Emerson, 42
Eric William Emerson died unexpectedly of natural causes on Oct. 27, 2018, while in Rome, Italy.

Opponents to CSKT water compact propose alternative
In July 1855, participants in treaty negotiations included the Salish, Kootenai and Pend d’Oreille tribes and Territorial Gov. Isaac Stevens. The end result was the Hellgate Treaty of 1855.

- Kellie danielson is the new director of Loyal Care, a premier boutique in-home care business. She previously served as president of Montana West Economic Development and chief executive officer of Flathead County Economic Development Authority, and has returned to the Flathead Valley after two years of living out-of-state to assist her parents.
Saturday, December 8

PHOTOS: 2018 Kalispell Christmas Parade
Photos from the 2018 Kalispell Christmas Parade along Main Street in Kalispell on Saturday evening.
Man killed in hit-and-run near Pablo
A 20-year-old man was killed in a hit-and-run early Saturday morning in the Pablo area.
Legals December 8, 2018
No. 25839 PUBLIC NOTICE The Flathead County Board of Commissioners did this 4th day of December, 2018 approve payroll and claims for payment in the amount of $7,074,919.41 for the period beginning November 1, 2018 and ending on November 30, 2018. The full and complete claim list is available for public view in the Finance Office, Flathead County Courthouse, 800 S Main, Room 214, Kalispell, Montana or online at Individual requests for personal copies will be accepted by the Finance Office. Dated this 4th day of December, 2018. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Flathead County, Montana By: /s/ Pamela J. Holmquist Pamela J. Holmquist, Chairman By: /s/ Debbie Pierson Debbie Pierson, Clerk & Recorder December 8, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________

Flathead sees big increase in home-schooled students
The home-schooled student population is surging in the Flathead Valley based on data from a countywide enrollment report released this month.

Advocates for veterans honored by Evergreen Chamber
A couple who has gone the distance to provide care and support for local veterans received the Brent Hall Award from the Evergreen Chamber of Commerce at the Chamber’s annual awards banquet Thursday in Kalispell.
Blackfeet Tribe employees admit guilt in fraud case
Two employees who worked for the Blackfeet Tribe’s Head Start Program in Browning admitted in federal court Thursday to stealing money through a scheme that involved others in which an estimated $232,000 was fraudulently claimed as overtime pay, according to the U.S. Attorney’s office in Missoula.
Bah humbug! Grinch steals presents from vehicle
A man called the Kalispell Police Department and said his wife’s vehicle was broken into the previous night and her wallet, cash and Christmas presents were stolen. The door was unlocked.
Flathead school enrollment stands at 16,473
Enrollment in Flathead Valley schools grew by 3 percent compared to 2017, according to a countywide enrollment report released this month.
No headline
- Flathead Composite Squadron Civil Air Patrol hosts Stuff the Bus, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Shopko, Kalispell. Donate unwrapped Christmas gifts for Salvation Army Angel Tree Program.
Wrestling Flathead fourth at Mining City Duals; Dogs 2nd at Kinney
The Daily Inter Lake

No headline
Friday, December 7
Legals December 7, 2018
No. 25836 Notice of Intent to Establish a New Banking Branch The Foothills Bank, a division of Glacier Banks with its headquarters located at 49 Commons Loop, Kalispell, MT 59901 has submitted an application to establish a new branch at the following location: 1750 S. Woodlands Blvd, Flagstaff, AZ 86001. The new branch will function under the name of The Foothills Bank, a division of Glacier Bank. Any person wishing to comment on this application may file his or her comments in writing with the Regional Director of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 25 Jessie Street at Ecker Square Suite 2300, San Francisco, CA 94104, or to the Commissioner of Banking and Financial Institutions, Department of Administration, 301 South Park, P.O. Box 200546, Helena, MT 59620-0546 not later than Date for 15 days after date of last publication for Flagstaff and Kalispell. The application may be reviewed, during the comment period, at the above address by calling the commissioner's office at (406)841-2920 and requesting an appointment. The non-confidential portions of the application are on file at the appropriate FDIC office and are available for public inspection during regular business hours. Photocopies of the non-confidential portion of the application will be made available upon request. December 7, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________
Weekend update
Vets gift store
No headline
- Kalispell Public Schools finance and operations Committee Meeting 7 a.m. at District Office Basement Meeting Room.
Landowners, agencies discuss Ashley Creek restoration
Mont Peters described a sobering attempt he and his wife made this year to canoe a stretch of Ashley Creek near Smith Lake.
Kalispell officer sues city over sexual harassment claims
A longtime Kalispell police officer has sued the city and the police department, alleging sexual harassment and lost wages because she wasn’t promoted when she said she should have been.

Bravettes bounce Bison in opener
The Daily Inter Lake
Braves post 3-0 mark on 1st day of wrestling at Mining City Duals
BUTTE — Flathead came through with two blow out wins and edged Butte 25-24 on Friday during first-day action at the Mining City Duals wrestling tournament.
Thursday, December 6

Labor board will investigate nurses association's complaint
In its complaint filed Wednesday with the National Labor Relations Board, the Montana Nurses Association alleges Kalispell Regional Healthcare violated the National Labor Relations Act by engaging in unfair labor practices.

PHOTOS: Opening day at Whitefish Mountain Resort
Photos from opening day on Big Mountain at Whitefish Mountain Resort on Thursday.

Kalispell gets funding for bypass conversion
The city of Kalispell will get a $12.75 million slice of a $1.5 billion federal grant program to expand a portion of the southern half of the U.S. 93 bypass around Kalispell.
Legals December 6, 2018
No. 25819 Montana Eleventh Judicial District Court Flathead County In the Matter of the Name Change of Hattie Ann Lunceford: Hattie Ann Lunceford, Petitioner Cause No. DV-18-1061A DAN WILSON Notice of Hearing on Name Change This is notice that Petitioner has asked the District Court for a change of name from Hattie Ann Lunceford to Hattie Ann Courtford. The hearing will be on January 8, 2019 at 1:30 p.m. The hearing will be at the Courthouse in Flathead County. Date: November 7, 2018 PEG L. ALLISON Clerk of District Court By: /s/ CHELSEA CHAMBERS Deputy Clerk of Court November 22, 29, December 6, 13, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________

Bigfork woman part of elite team that decorated historic home
Having a “white” Christmas took on a new meaning for Bigfork resident Cecilia Egdorf this year when she recently traveled to Washington, D.C., to help deck the halls of the White House.

Whitefish Review hosts author Jim Williams
Whitefish Review will host wildlife biologist and author Jim Williams at Casey’s in Whitefish on Saturday, Dec. 8, for a slide show, reading and discussion of “Path of the Puma — An Expert’s View of the Big Cat’s Fight to Find and Preserve Its Wild,” (Patagonia Works, 2018) a new book about the remarkable resilience of the mountain lion.

Whitefish school superintendent announces job search
Whitefish School District Superintendent Heather Davis Schmidt is seeking a new position due to a change in her family circumstances.

Concerts tap into classic inspirational music
The Glacier Symphony’s “This Sacred Season and Messiah” concerts in Whitefish and Kalispell will offer a delightful assortment of sacred music for the season with a program focused on highlights from Handel’s “Messiah.” The concert includes inspiring works by Johann Sebastian Bach, English composer Ralph Vaughan Williams and American composers Morten Lauridsen and Eric Whitacre. Also on the program will be the premiere of “A Christmas Round,” composed by John Zoltek.

Community celebrations are seasonal favorites
The Flathead Valley rings in the holidays with a host of community festivities. Whether you just want to stroll around downtown amid the holiday decorations, are rarin’ to go for a wagon ride, or are looking for a little hot cocoa and Christmas caroling, gather up your family and friends, put on your (flannel-lined) party pants and celebrate the season!

Valley Voices 'Celebrate the Season'
The Valley Voices Community Choir will present its Christmas concert, “Celebrate the Season,” twice this year, once at Glacier High School auditorium and a second time at Risen Christ Catholic Church in Evergreen. The concert will encompass a range of classic and modern music and performances by the full choir, a smaller group called Evensong, and the talents of Wai Mizutani and the Flathead Valley Community College orchestra.

'The Best Christmas Pageant Ever'
Tßhe Whitefish Theatre Co. presents the family classic “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” as its holiday show at the O’Shaughnessy Center in Whitefish.
Community bands perform a 'Christmas Spectacular'
The Flathead Valley Community Band will join the New Horizons Band to present a “Christmas Spectacular ” Wednesday, Dec. 12, in the Red Lion Ballroom in Kalispell. The program begins at 7:30 p.m.

Overhaul planned for Hungry Horse Dam power plant
The Hungry Horse Dam, which celebrated its 65th birthday this summer, needs a power-plant overhaul that will cost somewhere between $150 million and $200 million.
Man doesn't appreciate off-duty officer's watchful eye
An off-duty border patrol agent was parked in a lot in Kalispell when he saw another person in a vehicle videotaping people. When the agent made eye contact with him, he stopped recording, rolled the window up and flipped off the officer before driving away.

Study would examine mountain lion population
Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks wants to get a better handle on how many mountain lions live in the state, and they hope to conduct a study that may answer some of those questions.
Letters to the editor Dec. 6
Thank goodness the midterm elections are over. We have been pounded day and night for months on every form of media imaginable. The sad part is the orgy of spending that accompanies this campaign of trying to convince voters which candidate is more or less worthy than the other.
It's time to reinvest in our public lands
I recently renewed the tags on our car and I was happy to know that some of that fee was earmarked to support our state parks. Every year, I’m proud to participate, in a small way, in the funding of the parks that mean to much to our way of life. In fact, I’d be happy to pay more because our public lands are why I love Montana. But, while I’m pleased to be able to support our state parks and public lands, I’m also worried about them, because they are facing a very real crisis.
Whitefish Theatre Co. announces auditions for two shows
The Whitefish Theatre Co. is holding auditions in December for two theater productions.

Wolfpack Theatre puts spin on classic yarn
E.B. White’s loving story of the friendship between a pig named Wilbur and a little gray spider named Charlotte comes to life in the touching children’s classic, “Charlotte’s Web,” presented by the Wolfpack Theatre Co. Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 11 and 12, at 6:33 p.m. in the Wolfpack Theatre at Glacier High School.
Betty Bain Sagen, 90
On Nov. 30, 2018, Betty Bain Sagen, at 90 years of age, slipped the bonds of this earth.

Christmas Trolley tours Kalispell's historic east side
The Museum at Central School is partnering with the Montana Trolley to offer interpretive trolley tours of Kalispell’s east-side neighborhood. A museum representative will be aboard to provide historic interpretation and context as guests cruise past some of Kalispell’s oldest dwellings. Because the homes will be decked out in lights and decorations for the holiday season, the tours will prove be both informative and beautiful. New for this season, each group will be treated to a tour of the grand and elegant Keith House on Fifth Avenue East. Each trolley tour seats 25 people, so space is limited.
Weekly calendar
Wrestling Braves edge Big Sky; Glacier falls to Sentinel
MISSOULA — Fin Nadeau’s decision at 132 pounds in the final match of the dual gave Flathead a 31-28 Western AA wrestling victory over Missoula Big Sky/Loyola on Thursday night.
Flathead's Counts AA MVP on offense
Flathead High School senior running back Blake Counts, who helped the Braves advance to the state championship football game last month, has been named the Class AA offensive MVP in balloting by league coaches.
Wednesday, December 5
Flathead man pleads guilty to weapons violations
Flathead County resident Bruce Boone Wann on Monday admitted in federal court to firearms violations after an investigation found he illegally possessed a number of weapons and made an effort to hide them from law enforcement, according to information from the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Missoula.
Flathead man admits to sexual exploitation
Flathead County resident Allen Duane Turman, 43, pleaded guilty Thursday in federal court to sexual exploitation of a child, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Missoula.

Nurses Association files charges over layoffs
The Montana Nurses Association filed charges Wednesday against Kalispell Regional Healthcare for allegedly violating federal rights pertaining to Kalispell Regional’s recent announcement of employee restructuring, according to a press release issued late Wednesday by the Montana Nurses Association.

100 years ago Flathead was in throes of flu epidemic
One-hundred years ago, headlines in the Daily Inter Lake had a recurring theme — the influenza epidemic.

Whitefish Mountain set to open with 5 lifts, 19 trails
A winter storm that lingered through last weekend has boosted snow depths on Big Mountain just in time for Whitefish Mountain Resort to open for its 71st season Thursday.
Legals December 5, 2018
No. 25743 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Board of Commissioners of Flathead County, Montana hereby gives notice, pursuant to Section 76-2-205(1), M.C.A., that it will hold a public hearing to consider a request by Sands Surveying on behalf of Richard O. Poeppel to change the zoning designation in a portion of the Blanchard Lake Zoning District from AG-40 (Agriculture) to SAG-10 (Suburban Residential). The boundaries of the area proposed to be amended from AG-40 (Agriculture) to SAG-10 (Suburban Residential) are described as: A TRACT OF LAND, SITUATED, LYING AND BEING IN GOVERNMENT LOT 4 OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 30 NORTH, RANGE 22 WEST, P.M.M., FLATHEAD COUNTY MONTANA, AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS TO WIT: BEGINNING at the northwest corner of Government Lot 4 of Section 5, Township 30 North, Range 22 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana, which is a found brass cap; Thence along the north boundary of said Government Lot 4 S89°55'03"E 1317.32 feet to a found iron pin and the northeast corner of said Government Lot 4; Thence along the east boundary of said Government Lot 4 S00°00'11"W 1071.44 feet to a found iron pin on the northerly R/W of U.S. Highway No. 93; Thence along said R/W N71°31'54"W 1388.26 feet to a found pin on the west boundary of said Government Lot 4; Thence leaving said R/W and along said west boundary N00°02'41'W 633.57 feet to the point of beginning and containing 25.774 ACRES; Subject to and together with a 60 foot private road and utility easement as shown on COS 13408 (records of Flathead County, Montana); Subject to and together with all appurtenant easements of record. The regulations defining the AG-40 and SAG-10 zones are contained in the Flathead County Zoning Regulations, on file for public inspection at the Office of the Board of Commissioners, 800 S Main, Kalispell, Montana, at the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office, 40 11th St W, Kalispell, Montana, and online at: Documents related to the proposed zone change are also on for file for public inspection at the Office of the Board of Commissioners and at the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office. The public hearing will be held on the 13th day of December, 2018 at 9:00 o'clock a.m. in the Commissioners' Chambers, Third Floor, Old Courthouse, Kalispell, Montana. At the public hearing, the Board of Commissioners will give the public an opportunity to be heard regarding the proposed change to the Blanchard Lake Zoning District. Written comments are encouraged and will be reviewed by the Commissioners if received by the Flathead County Commissioners' Office prior to the hearing. DATED this 24th day of October, 2018. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Flathead County, Montana By: /s/ Philip B. Mitchell Philip B. Mitchell, Chairman Pro-Tem November 28, December 5, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________

Roger DuWayne Jacobsen, 83
Roger DuWayne Jacobsen, 83, of Columbia Falls, passed away peacefully on Nov. 26, 2018. Roger was surrounded by his family at the time of his passing.
No headline
- Friendship Force of the Flathead socializing breakfast 9 a.m., Sykes, Kalispell. For more information call Priscilla 406-756-9332.
Kalispell schools zero in on raising math scores
Kalispell Public Schools are focused on increasing math achievement among elementary students within the next three to five years by putting in place a strategic plan, starting with professional development.

Paws to Play honored for dog-park work
The Montana Trails Recreation and Parks recently awarded Paws to Play a Citation of Merit for its continued support of Kalispell Parks and Recreation and Kalispell’s first dog park.

Kalispell names new interim police chief
The Kalispell Police Department has a new interim police chief as of Friday, Nov. 30, when Patrol Capt. Tim Falkner accepted the temporary assignment after Interim Chief Wade Rademacher retired Thursday.

Phyllis Jane (Ripatte) McCarthy, 86
Phyllis Jane (Ripatte) McCarthy, 86, passed away peacefully on Nov. 30, 2018, surrounded by her family, which includes four children, 13 grandchildren, 28 great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild.

Berton Bert Henry Baldauf, 65
Berton “Bert” Henry Baldauf, 65, passed away on Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2018 at his home in Somers.

Mary Sachkowsky, 102
It is with great sadness that the family of Mary Sachkowsky announce her passing after a brief illness, on Saturday, Dec. 1, 2018, at Buffalo Hills Retreat, at the age of 102 years.

Kalispell OKs urban renewal plan
The Kalispell City Council unanimously approved the Downtown Kalispell Urban Renewal Plan on Monday, setting the stage for the creation of a tax-increment finance district for the heart of the city.
Tuesday, December 4
Montana lawmakers advance new sexual misconduct policy
HELENA — The Montana Legislature’s rules committee on Tuesday advanced a proposal to prohibit discrimination, harassment and retaliation and set a confidential process to report and investigate complaints. The full Legislature must approve the policy in January.

Senator visits Kalispell-based troops in Afghanistan
Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont., visited Kalispell-based National Guard troops in Afghanistan during a whirlwind weekend trip.

Shelter Island estate sold to anonymous 'world traveler'
Shelter Island, a 22-acre luxury island estate on Flathead Lake near Rollins that most recently was listed for sale at $13.95 million, has been sold.

Bush called 1983 trip to Glacier 'sheer pleasure'
Glacier National Park had some very high-profile visitors in August 1983 when then Vice President George H.W. Bush and his wife Barbara spent a short vacation in the park, staying two nights in a four-person tent.
Legals December 4, 2018
No. 25823 Jason J. Henderson MACKOFF KELLOGG LAW FIRM 38 Second Ave E Dickinson ND 58601 Phone: 701-227-1841 Fax: 701-225-6878 Attorney for the Plaintiff MT Bar #11414 MONTANA ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT, FLATHEAD COUNTY LSF9 Master Participation Trust, Plaintiff, v. McCarthy Hanger a/k/a McCarthy Hanger, III; Sally Hanger; Glacier Bank of Whitefish; United States of America acting by and through the Internal Revenue Service, Defendants. Cause No. DV-15-863A NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a judgment of foreclosure by the District Court of the Eleventh Judicial District in and for the County of Flathead and State of Montana, and entered and docketed in the Office of the Clerk of said Court on May 9, 2017, in an action wherein LSF9 Master Participation Trust was Plaintiff, and McCarthy Hanger a/k/a McCarthy Hanger, III; Sally Hanger; Glacier Bank of Whitefish; United States of America acting by and through the Internal Revenue Service, were Defendants, in favor of Plaintiff and against the Defendants for the sum of $1,744,142.24, which judgment and decree, among other things, direct the sale by me of the real property hereinafter described, to satisfy the amount of said judgment, with interest thereon and the costs and expenses of such sale, or so much thereof as the proceeds of said sale will satisfy; and by virtue of a writ issued to me out of the office of the Clerk of said Court, I, Chuck Curry, Sheriff of Flathead County, Montana, or a Deputy on behalf of the Sheriff, will sell the property described in the Judgment to the highest bidder for cash or credit bid at public auction at the lobby of the Justice Center in the City of Kalispell in the County of Flathead, and State of Montana, on Thursday the 20th day of December, 2018, at the hour of 10 o'clock A.M., to satisfy the amount due, with interest thereon, and the costs and expenses of such sale, or so much thereof as the proceeds of such sale will satisfy. The property to be sold is situated in the County of Flathead, and State of Montana, and described as follows: That portion of Government Lot 4, Section 33, Township 27 North, Range 19 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana, described as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of that parcel shown in Book 504, Page 467, records of Flathead County; thence along the East line of the county road South 00°09'15" West, a distance of 332.25 feet; thence North 88°37'22" East, a distance of 146.45 feet, thence North 58°17' 10" East, a distance of 205 feet more or less to the low water mark of Swan River: thence Northwesterly along the low water mark, a distance of 242 feet more or less to a point which bears South 89°45'46" East from the Point of Beginning; thence North 89°45'46" West, a distance of 255 feet more or less to the Point of Beginning. Physical location: 11 Lazy Swan Lane, Bigfork, MT 59911. Dated this 23rd day of November, 2018. FLATHEAD COUNTY SHERIFF CHUCK CURRY By: Jeff Weyh Civil Department MACKOFF KELLOGG LAW FIRM 38 Second Ave E Dickinson ND 58601 Attorney for the Plaintiff November 27, December 4, 11, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________

Jerome 'Jerry' Krier Sr., 75
On Friday, Nov. 30, 2018, heaven gained an angel.

Marie K. Greeson, 91
Marie K. Greeson, born in Columbia Falls to Bessie and Daniel Kelleher Feb. 13, 1927, went peacefully home to God Nov. 9, 2018.

Special care packages comfort kids in transition
The holidays mark the most popular time of year for gift giving, but for the children entering Montana’s foster care system, one clear box without paper or bows makes all the difference any time of year.
Car thief makes quick grocery run
According to a Kalispell Police report, a juvenile male reportedly stole a vehicle while its owner was inside a store. According to a witness, the boy was in another car before he hopped into the victim’s car and sped off when the owner went inside. The vehicle’s owner found the car parked in a grocery store parking lot a few minutes later, identifying it by the air freshener and dent on the side. The owner waited in front of his stolen vehicle in case the thief came back out of the store and waited for police to arrive. Police arrived moments later and arrested the alleged thief.
No headline
- Red Cross blood drive, noon to 5 p.m., Bethany Lutheran Church, Bigfork.
Monday, December 3
C-Falls claims first at Stevi speech tourney
Columbia Falls High School Speech and Debate cleaned up at the Stevensville tournament over the weekend, where 15 schools competed.
2 injured in head-on crash Sunday
A two-vehicle head-on collision in Kalispell Sunday night left both drivers badly injured, according to Kalispell Police.

Kalispell doula coaches mothers through childbirth
Birth remains one of the most celebrated parts of life, but in the moments leading up to and following that first cry, some mothers find comfort in reaching for a skillful, helping hand.
Hearing is next step in Whitefish annexation proposal
The city of Whitefish is moving forward with the annexation of 22 acres of contiguous land that includes Park Knoll Estates, and the next step is a public hearing tonight before the Whitefish City Council.
No headline
- FVCC’s Art Club annual Holiday Art sale 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. today through Wednesday on the second floor of the Art and Technology building. Proceeds from the sale will benefit the activities of the club. For more information call David Regan 406-756-3993.
Kalispell council to vote on urban renewal plan
Tax-increment district would fund improvement projects

Northwest Montana ski areas ready for Old Man Winter
Montana skiers and snowboarders are gearing up for another great season on the slopes with opening day at resorts across the region within sight.
Sunday, December 2
Births KRMC
Matthew Hooven, son of Alexander and Laura Hooven of Kalispell, was born Oct. 16 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.

Couple reopens historic haven as event center
More than 100 years of history have marked the picturesque riverside landscape recently brought back to life as The Nest on Swan River, one of Bigfork’s newest and oldest hidden gems.
Rep. White shouldn't be making public land policy
Given how much Montanans value public lands, it’s reasonable to expect the Montana legislature would elect someone as chair of the House Natural Resources Committee who shares those values. But that didn’t happen with the recent appointment of Rep. Kerry White.
Montana taking on the opioid epidemic
On a daily basis we are inundated on both the local and national level with news of how the opioid epidemic continues to infiltrate communities across this country. Previously, over-prescription of chronic pain-relieving opioids was believed to be the main cause of this crisis. This led to state and federal regulations applied to industry and government that have largely controlled the prescription pill abuse issue. However, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, opioid overdose deaths were still 30 percent higher in 2017 than they were in 2016.
Sec. Zinke's time is up
Ryan Zinke, the most scandal-plagued Interior Secretary in modern history, has finally gone a bridge too far. It is, at long last, time for him to go.
Letters to the editor Dec. 2
Nowadays we hear from those who want to revert to the conservatism of the Constitution writers. The original Constitution allowed voting by 6 percent of the population, all of them male, white, and owners of property. Since people like Tom Paine were already advocating for government BY the people, it is not surprising that the disenfranchised began to agitate. As early as 1850 the property ownership requirement disappeared. The movement toward universal suffrage — buoyed by women — moved step by step toward more democracy.

Through a different lens For Jerry Wisher, the auto salvage yard started by his father is a collection of memories
Jerry Wisher knows that many people driving by or living near the auto salvage business his father launched in 1957 consider the operation’s 22-acre lot an eyesore.
911 call prompts terse response
When a person mistakenly called 911, a return call prompted him to say “I’m going to be really irritated if you send someone here.”
No headline
- Missoula guitarist and singer-songwriter John Floridis performs a benefit concert for Neighbors In Need, 4 p.m., Whitefish United Methodist Church, 1150 Wisconsin Ave. Free will offering accepted.

Glacier, Conservancy address increasing visitation
Fifteen hikers within a span of roughly two weeks during the summer of 2017 required emergency “carry-outs” from the popular Loop Trail in Glacier National Park.
Legals December 2, 2018
No. 25827 CITY OF KALISPELL REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQs) FOR WATER AND WASTEWATER COST OF SERVICE AND RATE STUDY Pursuant to the authority granted to it under MCA Title 7, Chapter 5, Part 43, the City of Kalispell is soliciting statements of qualifications for services to perform a comprehensive cost of service and rate study for the City's water and wastewater (including wastewater treatment) utilities. The Statement of Qualifications must be received by the City Clerk at 201 First Avenue East, Kalispell, Montana, by 5 pm local time, January 7, 2019. The anticipated scope of work, proposal selection criteria, and submittal requirements can be found at the City of Kalispell website at, under the Services Tab, Bids & Proposals, or by calling or emailing the City Clerk at (406) 758-7756, General questions pertaining to the project should be directed to Susie Turner at (406) 758-7852, December 2, 30, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________
Vonnie Ovnicek, 78
Vonnie Ovnicek died on Monday, Sept. 17, 2018, in Kalispell.

Eugene Birks, 86
Eugene Birks, 86, passed away Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2018 in Kalispell.

Roberta Louise 'Bobbi' (DeVoe) Altree, 88
Roberta Louise “Bobbi” (DeVoe) Altree passed away peacefully on Nov. 14, 2018, surrounded by family members following a stroke.

Peter 'Pete' John Barten, 85
Peter “Pete” John Barten, 85, passed away suddenly at his home near Lake Blaine Nov. 28, 2018.
Business Watercooler
Robert Much of the Native American Development Corp. PTAC will conduct a Government Contracting 102 workshop from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 11, at the CSKT IT Computer Training Room in the lower level of the Old Tribal Complex in Pablo. It will cover the 8(a) Business Development certification program and the HUBZone contracting certification program, which are designed to help small businesses get preferences in government contracting.

Charles Henley Phillips, 88
Charles Henley Phillips passed away Nov. 22, 2018, at home in Kalispell, surrounded by family and angels.

Karlann S. Coughlin, 93
Karlann S. Coughlin, 93, of Kalispell, passed away on Saturday, Nov. 24, 2018, at HealthCenter Northwest in Kalispell.
Finding balance in tourism and quality of life
Flathead Valley locals tend to love this time of year — after Labor Day and before ski season — when the sidewalks are a little less crowded and it’s easier to get a table at popular restaurants. This “shoulder season,” as it’s called, gives us a little breathing room before the next onslaught of visitors.
Building permits on file

Donn Wayne Fish Sr., 68
Donn Fish, 68, passed away on Nov. 24, 2018, after a brave fight against multiple illnesses, with his wife Dorene and other family by his side.
Saturday, December 1
Legals December 1, 2018
No. 25802 CALL FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Flathead County, Montana will receive bids for legal advertising. Bids are to be submitted on percentage of Code prices as outlined in the Montana Code Annotated, Section 18-7-404, et seq., and the Administrative Rules of Montana, Section 2.67.303, et seq. Bidders shall bid by section. Each company must provide a bid security in the amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) with its bid. This is to secure the bidder's express covenant that, if the bidder is awarded the contract, the bidder will, within ten (10) days, enter into a formal contract for the provision of legal advertising. The bid security shall be payable to Flathead County and shall be in the form of lawful money of the United States, as a cashier's check, certified check, bank money order or bank draft issued by a Montana bank, or a bid bond executed by a surety corporation authorized to do business in Montana. The bidder shall include with his bid a signed contract, which will be for a term of one (1) year, commencing January 1, 2019 and terminating December 31, 2019. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a bond in the amount of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) signed by sufficient sureties to secure the contractor's covenant to faithfully perform all of the conditions of the contract in accordance with the law and that contract. All sealed bids, plainly marked "SEALED BID - LEGAL ADVERTISING" must be in the hands of the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners, 800 South Main Street, Room 302, Kalispell, Montana 59901, at or before 8:30 AM on Tuesday, December 11, 2018. Bids will be opened and read at 9:00 o'clock a.m. in the Commissioners' Chambers, Third Floor, County Courthouse, Kalispell, Montana. Flathead County reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and to waive any irregularities which are deemed to be in the best interest of the County. Preference will be given to bidders who will receive legal advertising text via electronic transmission. The award of bid will be made solely by the issuance of a letter of award to the successful bidder by the Board of County Commissioners. DATED this 13th day of November, 2018. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Flathead County, Montana By: /s/ Pamela J. Holmquist Pamela J. Holmquist, Chairperson November 24, December 1, 2018 MNAXLP ________________________

Glacier's red buses headed for an overhaul
Glacier National Park announced plans Friday for a major overhaul of the park’s 33 iconic red buses, products of the White Motor Co.
Flathead tree-lighting honors fallen law officers
The Montana Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.) is hosting its annual tree lighting at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 5, outside the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office.

Local students perform well at mock UN conference
In a global world, local students showed a keen understanding of international relations with several top winners at the recent Model United Nations Conference at the University of Montana Nov. 19-20.
Bible verses used as threats on social media
The Whitefish Police Department was called about someone posting threatening Bible verses on a social media page. The caller said another man is bullying him online, as well as stalking, trolling and harassing him.
Flathead grapplers 3-0 at Helena Duals, Glacier 2-1
HELENA – The Flathead wrestling team rolled through Class AA competition while going 3-0 at the Helena Duals on Saturday.
Popp, Milner champs at Kalispell Invite
Jace Reed and Preston Ring win boys individual titles
Lady Griz put up 86 against N. Illinois, advance at Classic
In a game with 156 points scored, it was the defense played by Montana that set the early tone as it rolled to an 86-70 victory over Northern Illinois on Saturday afternoon at Dahlberg Arena on the opening day of the 38th Lady Griz Classic presented by Holiday Inn Downtown.