Stories for November 2018


Friday, November 30

Shooting suspect has long criminal history
November 30, 2018 7:58 p.m.

Shooting suspect has long criminal history

A Kalispell man behind bars for his alleged involvement in a Thursday morning shooting and burglary has an extensive criminal past in the Flathead Valley.

Hospital announces leadership restructuring
November 30, 2018 6:43 p.m.

Hospital announces leadership restructuring

Kalispell Regional Healthcare announced Friday there will be a “redesigning of leadership structure,” that will include modified titles, roles and responsibilities of an estimated 130 leaders within the organization.

November 30, 2018 5:10 a.m.

Legals November 30, 2018

No. 25824 NOTICE FOR PUBLIC COMMENT REQUEST FOR FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT The Flathead County Floodplain Administrator has received the following Floodplain Development Permit application: FDP-18-26 A request by John Hale for a permit for the placement of fill within the 100-year floodplain of the West Spring Creek. The applicant proposes to place approximately 550 cubic yards of soil within the regulated floodplain of West Spring Creek. The application indicates the fill will extend from between 25 feet and 70 feet to the edge of West Spring Creek to raise the elevation approximately one to two feet to complete a LOMR-F and gain more area for a proposed drain field. The project is located at 24 Big Sky Blvd and can legally be described as Lot 8 in Big Sky Homesites Add 1 in Section 12, Township 28 North, Range 22 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. The complete application may be viewed at our office. Written or oral comments concerning the above requests should be directed to the Floodplain Administrator at the Flathead County Planning & Zoning Office, Earl Bennett Building, 40 11TH Street West, Suite 220, Kalispell, Montana 59901, (406) 751-8200. Comments should be received by 5:00 PM on Tuesday, December 18, 2018. /s/ Mark Mussman Mark Mussman, CFM® Planning Director Flathead County Planning & Zoning November 30, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________

November 30, 2018 4 a.m.

Gravel-pit expansion proposed in West Valley

Owners of a gravel pit in the West Valley have submitted a proposal to amend their current mining permit, requesting the company be allowed to operate 80 acres at a time, up from its current 40 acres.

Former Inter Lake reporter honored for conservation pursuits
November 30, 2018 4 a.m.

Former Inter Lake reporter honored for conservation pursuits

Stevensville author, outdoorsman and former journalist Dale Burk, who got his start in the newspaper business at the Daily Inter Lake, is one of 16 people who will be inducted into the Montana Outdoor Hall of Fame on Saturday at a ceremony in Helena.

November 30, 2018 4 a.m.



November 30, 2018 4 a.m.

Change in sign status leaves resident unhappy

A person called about a change to a stop sign in front of a church in Whitefish. The caller said the change wasn’t properly marked and it has created a hazard. Her call was returned and the reason for the change was explained, according to the Whitefish Police Department, but she didn’t accept it because it was different and dangerous.

November 30, 2018 4 a.m.

Bigfork bonfires bring community together

Bigfork locals will head back to the basics to help fight the chilly winter weather, gathering for community bonfires Friday nights on Dec. 7, 14 and 21 in downtown Bigfork.

Kalispell siblings help California fire victims
November 30, 2018 4 a.m.

Kalispell siblings help California fire victims

Kalispell native Devin Rich discovered a vase amid the ashes and debris of a home consumed by the Woolsey Fire in California.

Butte stifles Wolfpack in season-opener
November 30, 2018 1:27 a.m.

Butte stifles Wolfpack in season-opener

Braves beat Bulldogs in dual meet

November 30, 2018 1:26 a.m.

Flathead, Glacier swim teams dive into new season

A blend of experience and new talent has the Flathead and Glacier swim teams optimistic after mixed results last season.

Former President George H.W. Bush dies at age 94
November 30, 2018 12:22 a.m.

Former President George H.W. Bush dies at age 94

HOUSTON (AP) — George H.W. Bush, a patrician New Englander whose presidency soared with the coalition victory over Iraq in Kuwait, but then plummeted in the throes of a weak economy that led voters to turn him out of office after a single term, has died. He was 94.

Thursday, November 29

November 29, 2018 7:40 p.m.

Pertussis cases confirmed at Kalispell Middle School

Two cases of pertussis, known as whooping cough, have been confirmed at Kalispell Middle School, the latest cases in what has been an active year for the infectious disease in Flathead County.

Man charged after shooting incident
November 29, 2018 1:11 p.m.

Man charged after shooting incident

A man has been charged with several felonies after he was allegedly involved in an early-morning burglary and shooting in Flathead County.

November 29, 2018 5:10 a.m.

Legals November 29, 2018

No. 25819 Montana Eleventh Judicial District Court Flathead County In the Matter of the Name Change of Hattie Ann Lunceford: Hattie Ann Lunceford, Petitioner Cause No. DV-18-1061A DAN WILSON Notice of Hearing on Name Change This is notice that Petitioner has asked the District Court for a change of name from Hattie Ann Lunceford to Hattie Ann Courtford. The hearing will be on January 8, 2019 at 1:30 p.m. The hearing will be at the Courthouse in Flathead County. Date: November 7, 2018 PEG L. ALLISON Clerk of District Court By: /s/ CHELSEA CHAMBERS Deputy Clerk of Court November 22, 29, December 6, 13, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________

'It's A Wonderful Life' staged in Polson
November 29, 2018 4 a.m.

'It's A Wonderful Life' staged in Polson

Featuring 26 Mission Valley performers, the Port Polson Players will present the holiday classic “It’s A Wonderful Life” for two weekends at Polson’s Theatre on the Lake.

November 29, 2018 4 a.m.

Bigfork Children's Theatre presents 'A Christmas Carol'

The Bigfork Playhouse Children’s Theatre invites the public to watch Charles Dickens’ classic tale of Ebenezer Scrooge in the musical, “A Christmas Carol,” on Dec. 7, 8, 14, 15, and 16.

Christmas Musical Celebration a seasonal favorite
November 29, 2018 4 a.m.

Christmas Musical Celebration a seasonal favorite

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Kalispell will host the Tenth Annual Multi-Denominational Community Christmas Musical Celebration Thursday, tonight, and Friday beginning at 6 p.m. both evenings.

November 29, 2018 4 a.m.

Bigfork mulls options for playing fields

Limited by the stipulations that come with Flathead County ownership of their ballfields, Bigfork Youth Baseball has begun a hunt for their own playing fields, according to the league’s vice president, Alex Olson.

Whitefish Theatre Co. kicks off holiday show Dec. 6
November 29, 2018 4 a.m.

Whitefish Theatre Co. kicks off holiday show Dec. 6

The Whitefish Theatre Co. presents the family classic “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever” as its holiday show at the O’Shaughnessy Center in Whitefish.

November 29, 2018 4 a.m.

Glacier Chorale members to sing at Carnegie Hall

Twenty members of the Glacier Chorale will travel to New York City on Saturday, Dec. 1, to sing Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 “Ode to Joy” and “Choral Fantasy” under Maestro Jonathan Griffiths at Carnegie Hall, under the auspices of Distinguished Concerts International. This is the Chorale’s second appearance at this prestigious concert event, having participated in 2012 under former chorale conductor Jim Stanard.

November 29, 2018 4 a.m.

Ice show report

Well, the unofficial kickoff to the ice fishing season begins this weekend, with the opening of the St. Paul Ice Fishing Show in Minnesota. This show is the granddaddy of them all, the biggest and longest-running celebration of all thing ice fishing and winter sports. While every year there seems to be another show that happens earlier, this one is the big one.

Hockaday celebrates 50 years with 50 works
November 29, 2018 4 a.m.

Hockaday celebrates 50 years with 50 works

The Hockaday Museum of Art next week will debut “50 Works for 50 Years: The Hockaday Collection,” an exhibition celebrating a legacy of artistic excellence in the community.

'The Snow Queen' shimmers in land of ice and snow
November 29, 2018 4 a.m.

'The Snow Queen' shimmers in land of ice and snow

Flathead High School Theatre presents “The Snow Queen” at 6:27 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 4 and 5, in the David M. Hashley Theatre at FHS.

FVCC Theatre presents 'The Secret in the Wings'
November 29, 2018 4 a.m.

FVCC Theatre presents 'The Secret in the Wings'

Flathead Valley Community College’s Theatre Department’s final play of 2018 is Tony Award-winning playwright Mary Zimmerman’s “The Secret in the Wings.”

November 29, 2018 4 a.m.

Weekly Events


November 29, 2018 4 a.m.

Time to pass good policy that saves forests, lives

Within minutes of the deadly Camp Fire’s ignition, several acres were ablaze as fire spotters stood by helplessly. While Capt. Matt McKenzie of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection responded quickly, firetrucks were unable to reach the blaze and helicopters and air tankers were grounded due to the timing and weather, according to a report. Within two hours, the fire tore through the towns of Concow and Paradise before it raged on, claiming thousands of structures and dozens of lives.

Medical program challenges traditional weight-loss methods
November 29, 2018 4 a.m.

Medical program challenges traditional weight-loss methods

How many calories have I consumed and how many calories have I burned?

Dolce Canto chorus performs in Ronan
November 29, 2018 4 a.m.

Dolce Canto chorus performs in Ronan

Mission Valley Live presents Dolce Canto, Missoula’s premier a capella chorus, at 7 p.m. Friday, Dec. 7, at the Ronan Performing Arts Center.

November 29, 2018 4 a.m.

Dogs, their owners getting out of control

A dog walker reported two free-roaming canines, a German shepherd and a black Lab, that were trying to chase and kill ducks in a Kalispell park, according to the Kalispell Police Department. The person couldn’t grab the dogs because she had three of her own. The caller said the dogs left the park and were last seen near a convenience store. An officer who searched the area didn’t find the animals.

Longtime check-station volunteer signs off
November 29, 2018 4 a.m.

Longtime check-station volunteer signs off

When hunters stop at the game check station on U.S. 93 near Olney during next year’s season, one very notable face won’t be there.

November 29, 2018 4 a.m.

Letters to the editor Nov. 29

An open letter to Sens. Steve Daines, Jon Tester and Rep. Greg Gianforte:

November 29, 2018 1:18 a.m.

Dickenson set for star-studded Hall of Fame Induction

Fresh off a career-defining victory in the Grey Cup as a Canadian Football League head coach, legendary Montana quarterback Dave Dickenson doesn’t have long to bask in the celebratory glow around Calgary before hitting the road again.

Wednesday, November 28

Zino and the Bel Aires rock the Kalispell Eagles
November 28, 2018 8:37 p.m.

Zino and the Bel Aires rock the Kalispell Eagles

Matt Avanzino, lead singer with Zino and the Bel Aires, has returned from a brief family vacation and will be singing the classic 1950s and ’60s hits with the Bel Aires on Saturday, Dec. 1, at the Kalispell Eagles. The show starts at 7 p.m. Patrons are advised to arrive early to reserve a table.

Nancy Cawdrey Studio hosts holiday show
November 28, 2018 8:37 p.m.

Nancy Cawdrey Studio hosts holiday show

The Nancy Cawdrey Studio and Gallery’s annual holiday show will feature Hand Woven Wearables by Ami Davis, Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 8 and 9.

November 28, 2018 8:35 p.m.

NorthWestern warns of imposter utility scam in Montana

NorthWestern Energy is warning customers about reported incidents in Montana of scams involving imposter callers fraudulently claiming to be representing the utility company and threatening to shut off service unless immediate payment is made on utility bills.

November 28, 2018 3:26 p.m.

Daybook Nov. 28


November 28, 2018 5:10 a.m.

Legals November 28, 2018

No. 25723 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Board of Commissioners of Flathead County, Montana hereby gives notice, pursuant to Section 76-2-205(1), M.C.A., that it will hold a public hearing to consider a change in the zoning designation in a portion of the Bigfork Zoning District from SAG-5 Suburban Agricultural to I-1 Light Industrial. The boundaries of the area proposed to be amended from SAG-5 Suburban Agricultural to I-1 Light Industrial are described as: Parcel B of Certificate of Survey No. 19959, records of Flathead County, Montana, located in the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 13, Township 27 North, Range 20 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. The regulations defining the SAG-5 and I-1 zones are contained in the Flathead County Zoning Regulations, on file for public inspection at the Office of the Board of Commissioners, 800 South Main, Kalispell, Montana, at the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office, 40 11th Street West, Kalispell, Montana, and on the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office's website at: Documents related to the proposed zone change are also on for file for public inspection at the Office of the Board of Commissioners and at the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office. The public hearing will be held on the 11th day of December, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. in the Commissioners' Chambers, Third Floor, Old Courthouse, Kalispell, Montana. At the public hearing, the Board of Commissioners will give the public an opportunity to be heard regarding the proposed change to the Bigfork Zoning District. Written comments are encouraged and will be reviewed by the Commissioners if received by the Flathead County Commissioners' Office prior to the hearing. DATED this 15th day of October, 2018. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Flathead County, Montana By: /s/ Pamela J. Holmquist Pamela J. Holmquist, Chairman November 21, 28, 2018 MNAXLP _______________________

November 28, 2018 4 a.m.

Kalispell woman charged with promoting prostitution

A Kalispell woman is incarcerated in the Flathead County Jail on a charge of promoting prostitution after authorities alleged she attempted to arrange a sexual encounter.

Amanda Adele Tustin, 89
November 28, 2018 4 a.m.

Amanda Adele Tustin, 89

Amanda Adele Tustin, 89, went to be with the Lord on Sunday, Nov. 25, 2018.

'When the Night Comes' puts homelessness in spotlight
November 28, 2018 4 a.m.

'When the Night Comes' puts homelessness in spotlight

For some teens experiencing homelessness, nighttime brings uncertainty in meeting basic needs — sleep, shelter and warmth.

November 28, 2018 4 a.m.

MOD Pizza plans Friday grand opening

MOD Pizza, the latest eatery to open in the North Kalispell area, will hold its grand opening at noon on Friday, Nov. 30. The restaurant is located at 2244 U.S. 93 N., Suite 103, in the Spring Prairie commercial district.

Group on mission to preserve wildland-urban interface
November 28, 2018 4 a.m.

Group on mission to preserve wildland-urban interface

Located on the edge of the Buffalo Hill Golf Course, its easternmost corner kissing the Stillwater River, Lawrence Park is a central hot spot for local gatherings and Frisbee golf tournaments. It is also a highly valued wildland-urban interface.

Donald L. Stevlingson, 77
November 28, 2018 4 a.m.

Donald L. Stevlingson, 77

Colonel (retired) Donald L. Stevlingson of Bigfork passed away from natural causes on Friday, Nov. 23 at North Valley Hospital in Whitefish at the age of 77.

November 28, 2018 4 a.m.

Land group hosts ag forum in Kalispell

The Montana land Reliance will host the eighth annual Flathead Valley Agricultural Forum on Thursday, Dec. 6 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Kalispell. The half-day program starts at 8 a.m.

Bruce McAtee, 69
November 28, 2018 4 a.m.

Bruce McAtee, 69

On Sunday, Nov. 18, 2018, Bruce McAtee, father of three children, passed away at the age of 69 after putting up a near 30-year battle with Parkinson’s Disease. He leaves behind a legacy of selflessness and fearlessness.

Tuesday, November 27

United Way, financial backer settle lawsuit
November 27, 2018 7:56 p.m.

United Way, financial backer settle lawsuit

Northwest Montana United Way and a Whitefish man who provided loan collateral to complete the $2.3 million purchase of Gateway Community Center in 2015 are working out a settlement, according to court records.

Lincoln County stabbing suspect pleads not guilty
November 27, 2018 7:55 p.m.

Lincoln County stabbing suspect pleads not guilty

Michael Anthony Borchardt-Robertson, 24, of Yakima, Washington, pleaded not guilty in Montana 19th Judicial District Court Monday on charges of attempted deliberate homicide and use of a weapon in commission of a crime in the stabbing of Doug Crum of Libby on the afternoon of Nov. 11.

November 27, 2018 5:10 a.m.

Legals November 27, 2018

No. 25768 Montana Eleventh Judicial District Court Flathead County In the Matter of the Name Change of Jolyne M. Krogstad: Jolyne M. Krogstad, Petitioner Cause No. DV-18-1105C HEIDI J ULBRICHT Notice of Hearing on Name Change This is notice that Petitioner has asked the District Court for a change of name from Jolyne Marjorie Marie Krogstad to Ren Marjorie Krogstad. The hearing will be on December 5, 2018 at 8:30 a.m. The hearing will be at the Courthouse in Flathead County. Date: October 25, 2018 PEG L. ALLISON Clerk of District Court By: /s/ SARA SMITH Deputy Clerk of Court November 6, 13, 20, 27, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________

William Joseph Collins, 62
November 27, 2018 4 a.m.

William Joseph Collins, 62

“I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live…” John 11:25

Bakke photo exhibit finds home at Glacier airport
November 27, 2018 4 a.m.

Bakke photo exhibit finds home at Glacier airport

The photographs of James R. Bakke, a Whitefish artist who died in 2013, have found a new home at the Glacier Park International Airport, thanks to the support and conviction of Terry Abell and Bret Bouda.

Greggory Charles Scott, 67
November 27, 2018 4 a.m.

Greggory Charles Scott, 67

Greggory Charles Scott, 67, passed away Saturday, Nov. 24, 2018.

Frank John Aichelmann, 87
November 27, 2018 4 a.m.

Frank John Aichelmann, 87

Frank John Aichelmann, 87, passed away peacefully on November 13, 2018 in Mesa, Arizona.

November 27, 2018 4 a.m.

Teen injured by falling moose mount

Columbia Falls Police said a 16-year-old boy reportedly required medical attention after a moose mount fell off a wall on top of him, injuring his shoulder. The boy was reportedly bleeding and losing consciousness on his way to the hospital, but was breathing and talking normally.

November 27, 2018 4 a.m.

Kalispell arson suspect back behind bars

A man charged for his alleged involvement in an arson that destroyed thousands of dollars of merchandise at a Kalispell business earlier this year and failed to show for his arraignment May 31 in Flathead County District Court has been returned to jail.

November 27, 2018 4 a.m.

High-speed chase suspect returned to jail

A Kalispell woman who was arrested for allegedly leading police on a high-speed chase in July is back behind bars after law enforcement officials caught up with her recently.

November 27, 2018 1:08 a.m.

Wyoming's late trey sinks Bobcats

LARAMIE, Wyo. — Wyoming’s Marta Gomez scored a game-high 27 points, including a back-breaking three-pointer with one-minute remaining to guide the Cowgirls to a 66-58 win over Montana State on Tuesday night in the Arena-Auditorium.

November 27, 2018 1:07 a.m.

No backing down: Bobcats take on No. 1 NDSU Saturday

BOZEMAN ­— Montana State football coach Jeff Choate knows the challenge that awaits when his Bobcats tangle with the nation’s top-ranked North Dakota State Bison on Saturday in Fargo. But, as he’s said many times with a smile since taking over the Bobcat program almost three years ago, “I never back down from a fight.”

Monday, November 26

November 26, 2018 7:37 p.m.

Wood stove blamed for garage fire

A structure fire reported Monday morning caused significant damage to the garage of a home on Santa Fe Street in Kalispell, but resulted in no casualties.

Harvest ends with mixed results
November 26, 2018 7:36 p.m.

Harvest ends with mixed results

Northwest Montana big-game hunters harvested fewer white-tailed deer and elk than in past years, but the number of mule deer taken was significantly up.

Montana State beats Incarnate Word 35-14
November 26, 2018 3:12 p.m.

Montana State beats Incarnate Word 35-14

BOZEMAN (AP) — Troy Andersen ran for a touchdown and threw for another to lead Montana State to a 35-14 win over Incarnate Word in the first round of the FCS playoffs on Saturday.

November 26, 2018 3:08 p.m.

Class A State champions highlight All-State, All-Conference selections

Joe Lamb and Seth Umbriaco of Columbia Falls earned All-State honors for their performances in cross-country, as they led the Wildcats to the Class A boys cross-country championship.

November 26, 2018 5:10 a.m.

Legals November 26, 2018

No. 25787 Notice That A Tax Deed May Be Issued To: Flathead County Treasurer Anita L. David Current Occupant Pursuant to Section 15-18-212, Montana Code Annotated, notice is hereby given: 1. As a result of a property tax delinquency a property tax lien exists on the real property in which you may have an interest. The real property is described on the tax lien sale certificate as: 22-29-21-SHILO. The real property is also described in the records of the Flathead County Clerk and Recorder as: LOT 4 OF SHILO, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF ON FILE AND OF RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK AND RECORDER OF FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA. GeoCode 07-4078-22-3-04-01-0000. Parcel No. 5113. 2.0The property taxes became delinquent on May 31, 2015, and a property tax lien exists on the property as a result of a property tax delinquency. 3. The property tax lien was attached as the result of a tax lien sale held on July 15, 2015. 4. The property tax lien was purchased at a tax lien sale on July 15, 2015, by Flathead County, 935 1st Ave West Ste. T, Kalispell, MT 59901. 5. The lien was subsequently assigned to REO Holdings, LLC, whose address is P.O. Box 2163, Great Falls, MT 59403, and a tax deed will be issued to it unless the property tax lien is redeemed prior to the expiration date of the redemption period. 6. As of the date of this notice, the amount of tax due, including penalties, interest, and costs, is: Tax $1,652.09 Penalty $29.00 Interest $375.52 Costs $684.73 Total $2,741.34 7. The date that the redemption period expires is January 25, 2019. 8. For the property tax lien to be redeemed, the total amount listed in paragraph 6 plus all interest and costs that accrue from the date of this notice until the date of redemption, which amount will be calculated by the County Treasurer upon request, must be paid on or before the date that the redemption period expires. 9. If all taxes, penalties, interest, and costs are not paid to the County Treasurer on or prior to the date the redemption period expires, or on or prior to the date on which the County Treasurer will otherwise issue a tax deed, a tax deed may be issued to REO Holdings, LLC, on the day following the date on which the redemption period expires or on the date on which the County Treasurer will otherwise issue a tax deed. 10. The business address and telephone number of the County Treasurer who is responsible for issuing the tax deed is: 935 1st Ave West Ste T, Kalispell, MT 59901 (406) 758-5680. Further notice for those persons listed above whose addresses are unknown: 1. The address of the party is unknown. 2. The published notice meets the legal requirements for notice of a pending tax deed issuance. 3. The party's rights in the property may be in jeopardy. Dated this 26th Day of November, 2018. REO Holdings, LLC November 19, 26, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________

Whitefish's Emily Dugan named Teacher of the Year
November 26, 2018 4 a.m.

Whitefish's Emily Dugan named Teacher of the Year

Emily Dugan has always known teaching is her calling.

Visiting researcher studies plastic pollution
November 26, 2018 4 a.m.

Visiting researcher studies plastic pollution

Flathead Lake researcher Xiong Xiong peers into a clear glass jar filled with water, plant matter and a thin, 3-inch-long piece of plastic. It looks like a bristle from a broom or maybe a piece of fishing line.

Letters to the editor Nov. 26
November 26, 2018 4 a.m.

Letters to the editor Nov. 26

Recently a letter was printed on these pages by a reader who wanted to tell Kalispell Regional Medical Center that healing does not come without trust. I can imagine that there are people who have never been sick or who have never sat and prayed for the health of a relative or a friend or a loved one who were seriously ill. But you can trust me when I say that there has been healing, time and time again within the doors of KRMC; and when it might not have occurred elsewhere. And I know that I do not speak for myself alone when I say that trust does not need to be restored where trust has never been lost. My heart is heavy for those who have lost loved ones, but I share in the joy of those who have been healed and thank all the personnel of KRMC for their parts in that.

November 26, 2018 4 a.m.

No headline

Willow Seeley Brenco, daughter of Eric and Susan Brenco of Somers, was born Sept. 12 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.

November 26, 2018 4 a.m.

Panhandling grinds driver's gears

Someone wanted to sign a complaint against “the homeless person who was begging for money,” and walked into an intersection to collect it. The scornful person told Kalispell Police Department that in “Los Angeles it’s illegal to be homeless. It’s illegal to beg for money and it should be illegal here as well.”

Sunday, November 25

November 25, 2018 5:10 a.m.

Legals November 25, 2018

No. 25742 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Board of Commissioners of Flathead County, Montana, herby gives notice, pursuant to Section 76-2-205(1), M.C.A., that it will hold a public hearing to consider a request from the Flathead County Planning Board to amend the text of the Flathead County Zoning Regulations. The character of many of the purposed amendments can generally be described as ensuing consistency in language throughout the regulations and to rearrange the placement of use districts in a more logical order. More significant amendments include, but are not necessarily limited to: eliminating zoning use districts from the regulations, renaming other zoning use districts, redefining various use districts, and permitted and conditional uses to various use districts, complete revision of the sign regulations, and adding and deleting definitions. The Flathead County Zoning Regulations apply in all County zoning districts created under Section 76-2-205, M.C.A., and are on file for public inspection at the Office of the Board of Commissioners, 800 South Main, Room 302, Kalispell, Montana, the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office, 40 11th Street West, Kalispell, MT, and on the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office's website at: Documents related to the proposed amendments to the Flathead County Zoning Regulations are on file for public inspection at the Office of the Board of Commissioners and at the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office. The public hearing will be held on the 13th day of December, 2018 at 10:00 o'clock a.m. in the Commissioners' Chambers, Third Floor, Old Courthouse, Kalispell, Montana. At the public hearing, the Board of Commissioners will give the pubic an opportunity to be heard regarding the proposed change to the text of the Flathead County Zoning Regulations. Written comments are encouraged and will be reviewed by the Commissioners prior to the hearing if received by the Flathead County Commissioners' Office prior to the hearing. DATED the 24th day of October, 2018. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Flathead County, Montana By: /s/ Philip B. Mitchell Philip B. Mitchell, Chairman Pro-Tem November 25, December 2, 2018 MNAXLP _________________________

Medicaid expansion battle shifts to Legislature
November 25, 2018 4 a.m.

Medicaid expansion battle shifts to Legislature

Although an initiative aimed at funding Medicaid expansion in Montana was rejected by voters in the general election, proponents have vowed to continue the quest to find funding to preserve the health-care program that assists low-income residents.

November 25, 2018 4 a.m.

Forest management goes to the forefront

Rains finally fell over Paradise, California on Friday. Thank goodness.

Susan Bonnie Bee Munday, 74
November 25, 2018 4 a.m.

Susan Bonnie Bee Munday, 74

On this day, Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2018, the heavens welcome home Susan Bonnie Bee Munday, 74, a mother of four to Aimee, Brett, Elizabeth and Brian, a sister to Ken, and a wife to Richard. With the marriage to Richard, she was also blessed with step-son Charlie Munday and family, step-daughter Katie Daniels and family, and brother- and sister-in-law Dennis and Linda Munday who are her best of friends. She is the daughter of Richard and Ruth Bee who she has now joined in heaven along with her brother Ken and nephew Mark Bee. Her lifelong sister-in-law Carol Bee and niece Melissa Bee and family also hold a very special place in her heart.

November 25, 2018 4 a.m.

Protecting the environment through capitalism

Mineral, lumber or plastic. It’s all about use and handling of materials found in nature.

Geraldine Marie Mitton, 98
November 25, 2018 4 a.m.

Geraldine Marie Mitton, 98

Geraldine Marie Mitton, 98, our sweet Irish mom passed away Nov. 21, 2018 at her home in Kalispell. She was born May 25, 1920 in Oakdale, NE to Jessie and Margaret Lynch. She was the third oldest of nine children. As a small child she lived in Upton, WY, before moving to Trego. Her childhood was happy times despite having very little. She loved her siblings and loved to reminisce about those adventures and there were lots of them.

November 25, 2018 4 a.m.

Neighbors lend hand to woman locked out of home

A woman who was locked out of her apartment on Thanksgiving Day in Kalispell received a helping hand from her neighbors who said they would take care of her after she couldn’t get in touch with her landlord or a locksmith.

Ruth E. Kauffman, 97
November 25, 2018 4 a.m.

Ruth E. Kauffman, 97

Ruth E. Kauffman passed away quietly on Monday, Nov. 12, 2018, at Invigorate Healthcare of Whitefish previously Whitefish Care & Rehab Center.

November 25, 2018 4 a.m.

Presidents vs. the press

A White House in open warfare with the press. A president insulting a reporter to his face. Journalists denied access to press room. The White House last week? Actually, it’s the White House for at least 100 years.

Car dealership's new owners embrace small-town life
November 25, 2018 4 a.m.

Car dealership's new owners embrace small-town life

From Holland and Tennessee to Anchorage, Alaska, the new owners of Ronan Motors brought a lifetime of experience with both cars and people to the Ronan community they now aim to serve.

November 25, 2018 4 a.m.

Kudos given to courteous plow truck driver

While Joani Young was walking on the Rails to Trails path west of town Nov. 7 she had what she called a heartwarming experience regarding a Montana Department of Transportation plow truck driver.

Ronan brothers turn Dobson Creek into community hub
November 25, 2018 4 a.m.

Ronan brothers turn Dobson Creek into community hub

The powerful aroma of coffee greets customers before they ever reach the porch of the Dobson Creek Coffee Co. in Ronan, beckoning from the parking lot to come inside for a taste.

November 25, 2018 4 a.m.

Truth or consequences

Those philosophers who have wrestled with the concept of truth for centuries can take a break now that politicians have taken over the issue.

New Boys and Girls Club opens in Ronan
November 25, 2018 4 a.m.

New Boys and Girls Club opens in Ronan

The sawdust was flying as volunteers worked long hours last week, wrapping up one the final construction before this week’s grand opening of the new home for the Boys and Girls Club of the Flathead Reservation and Lake County.

New Ronan clinic takes holistic approach to health care
November 25, 2018 4 a.m.

New Ronan clinic takes holistic approach to health care

The staff of the new Wholistic Healing Clinic on Main Street in Ronan aims to cut through the red tape of corporate medical practices in order to give their patients control over their own health care.

Saturday, November 24

November 24, 2018 5:10 a.m.

Legals November 24, 2018

No. 25802 CALL FOR BIDS Notice is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of Flathead County, Montana will receive bids for legal advertising. Bids are to be submitted on percentage of Code prices as outlined in the Montana Code Annotated, Section 18-7-404, et seq., and the Administrative Rules of Montana, Section 2.67.303, et seq. Bidders shall bid by section. Each company must provide a bid security in the amount of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) with its bid. This is to secure the bidder's express covenant that, if the bidder is awarded the contract, the bidder will, within ten (10) days, enter into a formal contract for the provision of legal advertising. The bid security shall be payable to Flathead County and shall be in the form of lawful money of the United States, as a cashier's check, certified check, bank money order or bank draft issued by a Montana bank, or a bid bond executed by a surety corporation authorized to do business in Montana. The bidder shall include with his bid a signed contract, which will be for a term of one (1) year, commencing January 1, 2019 and terminating December 31, 2019. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a bond in the amount of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) signed by sufficient sureties to secure the contractor's covenant to faithfully perform all of the conditions of the contract in accordance with the law and that contract. All sealed bids, plainly marked "SEALED BID - LEGAL ADVERTISING" must be in the hands of the Clerk to the Board of Commissioners, 800 South Main Street, Room 302, Kalispell, Montana 59901, at or before 8:30 AM on Tuesday, December 11, 2018. Bids will be opened and read at 9:00 o'clock a.m. in the Commissioners' Chambers, Third Floor, County Courthouse, Kalispell, Montana. Flathead County reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and to waive any irregularities which are deemed to be in the best interest of the County. Preference will be given to bidders who will receive legal advertising text via electronic transmission. The award of bid will be made solely by the issuance of a letter of award to the successful bidder by the Board of County Commissioners. DATED this 13th day of November, 2018. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Flathead County, Montana By: /s/ Pamela J. Holmquist Pamela J. Holmquist, Chairperson November 24, December 1, 2018 MNAXLP ________________________

November 24, 2018 4 a.m.

Bar employee stops burglary attempt

A burglary was foiled by an employee of a bar in Flathead County after a man kicked a door open, according to the owner of the establishment, who lives next door. A window was also damaged, but the person who tried to get in was scared off, according to the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office.

November 24, 2018 4 a.m.

Glacier band to march in national parade

Glacier High School band has been nominated by U.S. Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont., to march in the National Memorial Day Parade in Washington, D.C., through the

November 24, 2018 4 a.m.

Crucial grant keeps Bigfork after-school program going

Bigfork ACES recently got a boost with a $30,000 grant from the Laura Grace Barrett Living Arts Foundation Fund, which will make an impact in securing the future of the after-school program after a longtime federal grant was not renewed in June.

At long last, Glacier High gets marching uniforms
November 24, 2018 4 a.m.

At long last, Glacier High gets marching uniforms

The Glacier High School band department spent 11 years waiting patiently to step out for the first time since the school opened in formal marching uniforms.

Kalispell business earns ethics award
November 24, 2018 4 a.m.

Kalispell business earns ethics award

In the two years Modern Plumbing and Heating in Kalispell has operated, it’s already an award-winning business.

Friday, November 23

November 23, 2018 8:16 p.m.

Man in jail following strangulation assault

A Flathead Valley man is being held in the county jail after authorities said he tried to strangle his girlfriend during a dispute last month in Lakeside.

November 23, 2018 5:10 a.m.

Legals November 23, 2018

No. 25777 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by LINDY M. LAUDER, as successor Trustee, of the public sale of the real property hereinafter described pursuant to the "Small Tract Financing Act of Montana" (Section 71-1-301, et seq., MCA). The following information is provided: THE NAME OF THE GRANTOR, ORIGINAL TRUSTEE, THE BENEFICIARY IN THE DEED OF TRUST, ANY SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO THE BENEFICIARY OR GRANTOR, ANY SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE, AND THE PRESENT RECORD OWNER IS/ARE: Grantor: Kimberly M. Oberhelman, f/k/a Kimberly M. Rost ("Grantor") Original Trustee: Insured Titles Successor Trustee: Lindy M. Lauder, an attorney licensed to practice law in the State of Montana (the "Trustee") Original Beneficiary: "MERS" Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems as nominee for First Interstate Bank, its successors and assigns (the "Beneficiary") Current Beneficiary: First Interstate Bank Present Record Owner: Kimberly M. Oberhelman, f/k/a Kimberly M. Rost THE DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY COVERED BY THE DEED OF TRUST IS: The real property and its appurtenances in Flathead County, Montana, more particularly described as follows: LOT 16 OF TETON TERRACE, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF ON FILE AND OF RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK AND RECORDER OF FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA. With address an address of 23 Teton Street, Kalispell, Montana 59901. RECORDING DATA: The following instruments and documents have been recorded in the Clerk and Recorder's Office in Cascade County, Montana. Deed of Trust dated July 27, 2012, and recorded August 1, 2012, as Document No. 201200017446, records of Flathead County, Montana; and Assignment of Deed of Trust dated August 14, 2018, and recorded August 17, 2018, as Document No. 201800019461, records of Flathead County, Montana; and Substitution of Trustee dated September 11, 2018, and recorded September 14, 2018, as Document No. 201800022589, records of Flathead County, Montana. THE DEFAULT FOR WHICH THE FORECLOSURE IS MADE IS: Nonpayment of monthly installments of $499.36 due under Promissory Note dated July 27, 2012, which is secured by the Deed of Trust. The borrower is due for the April 1, 2018, payment and for each subsequent monthly payment. THE SUMS OWING ON THE OBLIGATION SECURED BY THE DEED OF TRUST AS OF OCTOBER 2, 2018 ARE: Principal: $63,361.09 Interest: Interest continues to accrue at a rate of 3.5% per annum. As of October 2, 2018, the interest balance is $1,299.68 and interest accrues at the rate of $6.08 per day. Late fees: $86.31 The Beneficiary anticipates and intends to disburse such amounts as may be required to preserve and protect the real property, and for real property taxes that may become due or delinquent, unless such amounts or taxes are paid by the Grantor or successor in interest to the Grantor. If such amounts are paid by the Beneficiary, the amounts or taxes will be added to the obligation secured by the Trust Indenture. Other expenses to be charged against the proceeds of the sale include the Trustee's and attorney's fees, and costs and expenses of sale. THE TRUSTEE, AT THE DIRECTION OF THE BENEFICIARY, HEREBY ELECTS TO SELL THE PROPERTY TO SATISFY THE AFORESAID OBLIGATIONS. THE DATE, TIME, PLACE AND TERMS OF SALE ARE: Date: March 6, 2019 Time: 11:00 a.m., Mountain Standard Time or Mountain Daylight Time, whichever is in effect. Place: Crowley Fleck, PLLP, 1667 Whitefish Stage Road, Kalispell, Montana 59901 Terms: This sale is a public sale and any person, including the Beneficiary, and excepting only the Trustee, may bid at the sale. The bid price must be paid in cash. The conveyance will be made by Trustee's Deed. The sale purchaser shall be entitled to possession of the property on the 10th day following the sale. Dated this 2nd day of October, 2018. /s/ Lindy M. Lauer LINDY M. LAUDER Trustee STATE OF MONTANA ss. County of Missoula This instrument was acknowledged before me on the 2nd day of October, 2018, by Lindy M. Lauder, as Trustee. /s/ Roxie Hausauer Printed name: Roxie Hausauer Notary Public for the State of Montana Residing at: Lolo, MT My commission expires: January 06, 2021 File No.: 034112-000204 November 9, 16, 23, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________

Scandinavian-inspired 'forest school' links kids with nature
November 23, 2018 4 a.m.

Scandinavian-inspired 'forest school' links kids with nature

At Foxtail Forskola, students aren’t bound by walls and nature serves as the curriculum for learning and provides the tools for playing.

Proposal for old hospital site draws traffic concerns
November 23, 2018 4 a.m.

Proposal for old hospital site draws traffic concerns

The potential for increased traffic resulting from a proposed large apartment project on U.S. Highway 93 seemed to garner the top spot of concern last week for both the public and members of the Whitefish Planning Board.

Projects honored for respecting history, neighborhood, landscape
November 23, 2018 4 a.m.

Projects honored for respecting history, neighborhood, landscape

A new, nine-bedroom house designed to be a home for women and children without one, a commercial building and a renovated historic building in downtown Kalispell won acclaim this week from the city’s Architectural Review Committee.

November 23, 2018 4 a.m.

Alleged trespasser steals beer

A caller told the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office that a man had been coming to his property in the Star Meadows area and stealing firewood and beer. He didn’t want to file charges, but he did want an officer to tell the man to stay off his land. When an officer spoke with the man he screamed for a bit before things settled down.

November 23, 2018 4 a.m.

No headline


Columbia Falls eyes 3 percent resort tax
November 23, 2018 4 a.m.

Columbia Falls eyes 3 percent resort tax

The Columbia Falls City Council during a workshop last week took a first look at the pros and cons of a resort tax as a way to pay for emergency services and reduce property taxes to landowners.

Thursday, November 22

November 22, 2018 5:10 a.m.

Legals November 22, 2018

No. 25819 Montana Eleventh Judicial District Court Flathead County In the Matter of the Name Change of Hattie Ann Lunceford: Hattie Ann Lunceford, Petitioner Cause No. DV-18-1061A DAN WILSON Notice of Hearing on Name Change This is notice that Petitioner has asked the District Court for a change of name from Hattie Ann Lunceford to Hattie Ann Courtford. The hearing will be on January 8, 2019 at 1:30 p.m. The hearing will be at the Courthouse in Flathead County. Date: November 7, 2018 PEG L. ALLISON Clerk of District Court By: /s/ CHELSEA CHAMBERS Deputy Clerk of Court November 22, 29, December 6, 13, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________

Letters to the editor Nov. 22
November 22, 2018 4 a.m.

Letters to the editor Nov. 22

I suspect that the one thing that nearly everyone in Montana can agree upon is that the 2015 CSKT Water Compact was and still is one of the most divisive legislation ever to be produced from the state of Montana. Four years after its questionable passage in the Legislature, and two years after Sen. Tester’s grossly expanded version died in the U.S. Senate, we are no closer to either understanding what was in the CSKT Compact nor why it differed so wildly from every other compact in Montana and across the United States.

Alpine Theatre spotlights Giving Tuesday
November 22, 2018 4 a.m.

Alpine Theatre spotlights Giving Tuesday

Alpine Theatre Project is putting a modern spin on the age-old telethon fundraiser for Giving Tuesday this year and inviting everyone to join them in person or online.

Walle Way Lindsay, 78
November 22, 2018 4 a.m.

Walle Way Lindsay, 78

Walle Way Lindsay, 78, passed away in the comfort of his own home surrounded by the love of his family on Nov. 19, 2018.

November 22, 2018 4 a.m.

Jogger takes matters into her hands

A jogger told the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office she was out running when a pair of unfenced Dobermans approached her before she pepper-sprayed them. When the owner heard the dogs barking, he called them back to him. A deputy spoke with the owner of the animals to inform her about animal ordinances.

Historic Film Club offers holiday comedy 'Grumpy Old Men'
November 22, 2018 4 a.m.

Historic Film Club offers holiday comedy 'Grumpy Old Men'

The Museum at Central School Historic Film Club will present the holiday classic “Grumpy Old Men” at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 27.

Noble Dance journeys to the Land of the Sweets
November 22, 2018 4 a.m.

Noble Dance journeys to the Land of the Sweets

The Noble Dance Performing Co. presents “Journey to the Land of the Sweets,” a lively take on the holiday classic “The Nutcracker.”

November 22, 2018 4 a.m.

So now what? Here are a few suggestions

Following each election for Congress the common question is usually, “So now what?” I faced that same question, as did my elected colleagues in the U.S House of Representative from the late 1970s to 1997.

Elmo mother delivers daughter at 25 weeks
November 22, 2018 4 a.m.

Elmo mother delivers daughter at 25 weeks

The four elder McMahon children bounced around their living room in Elmo, tumbling nearer each moment to the cords and machines attached to their baby sister, who was getting a diaper change on the living room rug.

November 22, 2018 4 a.m.

How do we give thanks in trying times?

As we sit down to a table full of turkey and trimmings today, most of us will state the obvious: we’re thankful for our family, friends and any measure of good fortune or health that has blessed us over the past year. Then our Thanksgiving traditions — whatever they may be — will commence.

November 22, 2018 4 a.m.

UM rings in the holidays with 'White Christmas'

The University of Montana’s Theatre & Dance and Music schools are joining to present a holiday classic, Irving Berlin’s “White Christmas,” to audiences throughout November and December.

Snow buntings may arrive soon in the Flathead
November 22, 2018 4 a.m.

Snow buntings may arrive soon in the Flathead

This month’s feature bird, the sparrow-sized snow bunting visits the Flathead in winter, seeking relief from the harsh weather of its breeding grounds in the tundra and has the distinction of being the only winter songbird in our area that is mostly white.

November 22, 2018 4 a.m.

Incoming sheriff assembles leadership team

Little more than a month before he officially takes over as Flathead County’s lead law officer, Sheriff-elect Brian Heino has announced three new members to his team.

Concert and Winter Gala celebrate a decade of guitar excellence
November 22, 2018 4 a.m.

Concert and Winter Gala celebrate a decade of guitar excellence

The Crown of the Continent Guitar Foundation begins fundraising for its upcoming 10th season with two extraordinary nights of music.

Bonnie Chandler Cole, 87
November 22, 2018 4 a.m.

Bonnie Chandler Cole, 87

Bonnie Jean Cole was born Feb. 23, 1931, to Tom and Panzy Wagner in Mitchell, South Dakota.

November 22, 2018 4 a.m.

Big Mountain uphill restrictions begin

Skiers and snowboarders are reminded to follow the uphill hiker rules on Big Mountain as Whitefish Mountain Resort’s ski season approaches.

Flora Mae Isch, 94
November 22, 2018 4 a.m.

Flora Mae Isch, 94

Flora Mae Isch passed away on Nov. 19, 2018, at Lakeview Care Center in Bigfork.

Wednesday, November 21

November 21, 2018 5:06 p.m.

Woman injured in roll-over near Bigfork

A one-vehicle, rollover accident on Montana 209 north of Bigfork resulted in a Bigfork woman being taken to the hospital Tuesday afternoon.

November 21, 2018 5:03 p.m.

Weekly Events


Northwest Ballet's 'Nutcracker' returns
November 21, 2018 5:03 p.m.

Northwest Ballet's 'Nutcracker' returns

This holiday season marks the 30th year the Northwest Ballet Co. has been entertaining Flathead Valley audiences with its “Nutcracker” productions.

Head-on crash in Evergreen sends 2 to hospital
November 21, 2018 noon

Head-on crash in Evergreen sends 2 to hospital

Icy road conditions led to a two-vehicle crash in Evergreen that sent two people to the hospital Wednesday morning.

November 21, 2018 5:10 a.m.

Legals November 21, 2018

No. 25723 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Board of Commissioners of Flathead County, Montana hereby gives notice, pursuant to Section 76-2-205(1), M.C.A., that it will hold a public hearing to consider a change in the zoning designation in a portion of the Bigfork Zoning District from SAG-5 Suburban Agricultural to I-1 Light Industrial. The boundaries of the area proposed to be amended from SAG-5 Suburban Agricultural to I-1 Light Industrial are described as: Parcel B of Certificate of Survey No. 19959, records of Flathead County, Montana, located in the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 13, Township 27 North, Range 20 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. The regulations defining the SAG-5 and I-1 zones are contained in the Flathead County Zoning Regulations, on file for public inspection at the Office of the Board of Commissioners, 800 South Main, Kalispell, Montana, at the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office, 40 11th Street West, Kalispell, Montana, and on the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office's website at: Documents related to the proposed zone change are also on for file for public inspection at the Office of the Board of Commissioners and at the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office. The public hearing will be held on the 11th day of December, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. in the Commissioners' Chambers, Third Floor, Old Courthouse, Kalispell, Montana. At the public hearing, the Board of Commissioners will give the public an opportunity to be heard regarding the proposed change to the Bigfork Zoning District. Written comments are encouraged and will be reviewed by the Commissioners if received by the Flathead County Commissioners' Office prior to the hearing. DATED this 15th day of October, 2018. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Flathead County, Montana By: /s/ Pamela J. Holmquist Pamela J. Holmquist, Chairman November 21, 28, 2018 MNAXLP _______________________

Whitefish housing project gets tax-credit support
November 21, 2018 4 a.m.

Whitefish housing project gets tax-credit support

An affordable-housing project planned on Edgewood Drive in Whitefish will receive $6.75 million in federal tax credits, Gov. Steve Bullock announced Tuesday.

November 21, 2018 4 a.m.

Man's ex was smoking pot, or not

A man called the Columbia Falls Police Department to share that his ex-wife “just drove off with my son and she’s been smoking pot. Wait, perhaps not.” He then hung up and numerous efforts to get in touch with him were unsuccessful. He didn’t give an address, but an officer had plans to patrol the area where the call “pinged.”

November 21, 2018 4 a.m.

Tribe gets $8 million loan for senior care

The Blackfeet Tribe will receive an $8 million loan from the United States Department of Agriculture to help spur the development of a much-needed long-term senior care facility at the Blackfeet Care Center in Browning.

November 21, 2018 4 a.m.

Trio of Bigfork musicians to march in Macy's parade

Three saxophone players from Bigfork High School will be playing in the Big Apple this week for the 2018 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.

Landmark jewelry store to close after 110 years
November 21, 2018 4 a.m.

Landmark jewelry store to close after 110 years

Lisa Schwantes and roughly a dozen of her daredevil young friends hopped a train that summer day and rode a boxcar from St. Paul, Minnesota, to Whitefish.

Tuesday, November 20

November 20, 2018 7:21 p.m.

Man faces felony charge in stalking case

A Flathead Valley man accused of repeatedly threatening, stalking and harassing a woman is facing a felony charge.

November 20, 2018 7:21 p.m.

Tribal pharmacy fined for violating opioid regs

The Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes’ Pharmacy must pay a stiff penalty for failing to regulate its distribution of thousands of oxycodone pills.

November 20, 2018 7:21 p.m.

Ronan shooting suspect arrested after chase, crash

A 16-year-old boy suspected in a shooting last week in Ronan was taken into custody Saturday after wrecking a car he used in an attempt to flee from area law-enforcement officers.

Kalispell dancers to appear in Macy's Parade
November 20, 2018 7:21 p.m.

Kalispell dancers to appear in Macy's Parade

Kira Hadland and Alyssa Roberts, both of Kalispell, will be dancing in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City.

November 20, 2018 7:21 p.m.

Flathead Ski Foundation hosts 'Showcase of Chefs'

The Flathead Valley Ski Education Foundation is planning its annual gala event “Showcase of the Chefs – Gourmet Dinner, Wine Tasting and Auction” for November 29 at The Lodge at Whitefish Lake. The theme for this year’s event is “Celebrating 80 Years of Ski Racing on Big Mountain.”

November 20, 2018 7:21 p.m.

Blackfeet Nation gets $500,000 prosecution grant

The U.S. Attorney’s Office and the Blackfeet Nation announced that nearly $500,000 in U.S. Department of Justice funding has been awarded to the tribe, based in Browning, to assist with violent crime prosecutions in tribal court and in U.S. District Court.

People in US, Canada warned to not eat romaine lettuce
November 20, 2018 5:13 p.m.

People in US, Canada warned to not eat romaine lettuce

NEW YORK (AP) — Health officials in the U.S. and Canada on Tuesday told people to avoid eating romaine lettuce because of a new E. coli outbreak.

Linda Simpson Cloutier, 69
November 20, 2018 4:17 p.m.

Linda Simpson Cloutier, 69

Linda Simpson Cloutier passed away peacefully at her home in Kalispell on Nov. 14, 2018, after a long and courageous battle with cancer.

Clinton 'Clint' Wayne Collins, 84
November 20, 2018 4:17 p.m.

Clinton 'Clint' Wayne Collins, 84

Clinton “Clint” Wayne Collins, 84, passed away on Saturday, Nov. 10, 2018 at North Valley Hospital in Whitefish.

November 20, 2018 5:10 a.m.

Legals November 20, 2018

No. 25768 Montana Eleventh Judicial District Court Flathead County In the Matter of the Name Change of Jolyne M. Krogstad: Jolyne M. Krogstad, Petitioner Cause No. DV-18-1105C HEIDI J ULBRICHT Notice of Hearing on Name Change This is notice that Petitioner has asked the District Court for a change of name from Jolyne Marjorie Marie Krogstad to Ren Marjorie Krogstad. The hearing will be on December 5, 2018 at 8:30 a.m. The hearing will be at the Courthouse in Flathead County. Date: October 25, 2018 PEG L. ALLISON Clerk of District Court By: /s/ SARA SMITH Deputy Clerk of Court November 6, 13, 20, 27, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________

Orland 'Orly' P. Slama, 96
November 20, 2018 4 a.m.

Orland 'Orly' P. Slama, 96

Orly passed away Nov. 14, 2018, at his daughter’s home in Tucson, Arizona.

Doris Lucille Guidi, 70
November 20, 2018 4 a.m.

Doris Lucille Guidi, 70

Doris Lucille was born in a small family doctor’s office in Whitehall, Montana, on May 1, 1948, the only daughter of Arvid and Ella Hanpa. After delivery, Ella carried her May Day baby home across the alley where Doris’s older brother Norman awaited her arrival.

Creston bottling plant gets judicial review
November 20, 2018 4 a.m.

Creston bottling plant gets judicial review

Today in Helena, District Court Judge Kathy Seeley will hear a case brought by a Flathead Valley advocacy group regarding the Montana Artesian Water Co.’s bottling plant in Creston — a facility that has been the focal point for environmental controversy off and on for the past three years.

Joyce Victoria Belstad, 76
November 20, 2018 4 a.m.

Joyce Victoria Belstad, 76

Joyce Victoria Belstad, 76, passed away in Kalispell on Nov. 6, 2018.

November 20, 2018 4 a.m.

Local athletes honored for football prowess

Several local athletes have been honored as Western B football All State and All Conference selections.

Lakeside Marina sale sinks
November 20, 2018 4 a.m.

Lakeside Marina sale sinks

On Aug. 2, J. P. King Auction Co. announced the sale with an exclamation point: “Montana marina on beautiful Flathead Lake is under contract!”

November 20, 2018 4 a.m.

UM athletes are finalists for national awards

Following two of the best individual seasons in all of college football, Montana defenders Dante Olson and Robby Hauck were named finalists on Monday for STATS FCS national player of the year awards.

Monday, November 19

November 19, 2018 8:10 p.m.

'Bizarre' gamer needs to quiet down

A Kalispell resident got a new neighbor who allegedly spent hours playing video games that had “very” loud sounds of “bombs and such.” The resident told dispatchers he attempted to contact the man weeks ago to quiet down, but it had not worked. The resident described the gamer to Flathead County Sheriff’s Office as “bizarre,” and although he couldn’t pinpoint why, said he just seemed “off.”

November 19, 2018 8:09 p.m.

Col. Falls Speech and Debate takes first at home tourney

Columbia Falls Speech and Debate took first place on its home turf this weekend at a tournament featuring 16 high schools.

Northwest Montana hunter success rates continue to lag
November 19, 2018 8:09 p.m.

Northwest Montana hunter success rates continue to lag

The big-game hunting season is down to the final days across Montana and activity in the field is ramping up with the arrival of colder weather.

Christmas tree permits now available online
November 19, 2018 8:09 p.m.

Christmas tree permits now available online

Christmas tree permits are now available for purchase online.

November 19, 2018 5:10 a.m.

Legals November 19, 2018

No. 25780 EXHIBIT A NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON INCREASING WATER RATES FOR THE EMERALD HEIGHTS HOA COUNTY WATER AND/OR SEWER DISTRICT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Directors of the Emerald Heights HOA County Water and/or Sewer District, Flathead County, Montana, (the "District") will meet on the 27th day of November, 2018, at 7:00 p.m., at the Brown residence, 135 Sapphire Ct. Whitefish, Montana, for the purpose of holding a public hearing on increasing water rates for the District. The District Board proposes to increase the current monthly water rate from $36.66 per user to $75.00 per user. The District intends to continue to bill and collect rates on an annual basis. The new rates will provide for rehabilitation of the District's existing well via installation of a new pump, drilling a new well, and replacing the District's water storage tank and maintenance and the payback of loans provided to the District by the Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation. The new rates are anticipated to begin December 1, 2018. All persons who own property in the District and customers of the District may appear and be heard at the time and place of the hearing. For further information regarding the hearing or the proposed new rates, contact Allen Wolf, District President, at 115 Emerald Drive, Whitefish MT or phone at 406-270-3479. Dated this 9th day of November, 2018. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE EMERALD HEIGHTS HOA COUNTY WATER AND/OR SEWER DISTRICT By: /s/ Allen Wolf President November 12, 19, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________

November 19, 2018 4 a.m.

Kalispell council seeks input on downtown renewal plan

Kalispell officials and businesspeople envision a downtown enlivened by the Kalispell Trail, a multi-use trail scheduled to replace railroad tracks in the years ahead.

November 19, 2018 4 a.m.

No headline


November 19, 2018 4 a.m.

Whitefish plans to raise impact fees

Impact fees are on track to increase by about $1,300 per new home in a proposal that will be considered for approval by the Whitefish City Council on Monday, Nov. 19.

November 19, 2018 4 a.m.

Ex uses hockey stick in unfair face-off

A man told Kalispell Police Department he was outside his motel room smoking when his girlfriend’s ex allegedly approached him swinging around a hockey stick, trying to hit him.

Thomas 'T' Michael Harper, 66
November 19, 2018 4 a.m.

Thomas 'T' Michael Harper, 66

Thomas “T” Michael Harper, 66, of Kalispell, passed away peacefully on Nov. 16, 2018, surrounded by his loving family, at HealthCenter Northwest following a brief illness.

Health Board presses EPA for investigation results Newly released documents shed light on inquiry into payments of attorney fees
November 19, 2018 4 a.m.

Health Board presses EPA for investigation results Newly released documents shed light on inquiry into payments of attorney fees

Libby City-County Board of Health has given the Environmental Protection Agency a Dec. 1 deadline for telling it the outcome of an investigation into the improper use of EPA grant funds.

Community leader finds dream job
November 19, 2018 4 a.m.

Community leader finds dream job

As if it were staged, a man at ImagineIF Library in Columbia Falls presents volunteer Naomi Morrison with a gift bag as she walks through the entrance, thanking her for “all that she does.”

Sunday, November 18

Charlotte T. Heath, 64
November 18, 2018 7:33 p.m.

Charlotte T. Heath, 64

On Oct. 14, 2018, Charlotte T. Heath expired unexpectedly while she and sister Carol were in Arizona visiting their 92-year-old mother Laura.

Melvin Muender, 82
November 18, 2018 7:32 p.m.

Melvin Muender, 82

Melvin Muender, 82, passed away Nov. 5, 2018, of natural causes, at home.

Doris Ann Sistok, 81
November 18, 2018 7:28 p.m.

Doris Ann Sistok, 81

Doris Ann Sistok went home to be with her Lord and Savior on Nov. 12, 2018, after a long struggle with COPD and a brief battle with cancer. She passed away at her home with her daughter and granddaughter by her side.

November 18, 2018 5:10 a.m.

Legals November 18, 2018

No. 25778 CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council (the "Council") of the City of Kalispell, Montana (the "City") will hold a public hearing on the proposal to establish an Urban Renewal District within a portion of downtown Kalispell on November 19, 2018, at 7:00 p.m., at the Council Chambers in the Kalispell City Hall, 201 1st Avenue East, Kalispell, Montana. The proposal is contained within the Downtown Plan established as an amendment to the City of Kalispell Growth Policy Plan-It 2035 by Resolution No. 5846 on December 4, 2017. The Downtown Plan is available for download on the City of Kalispell website and accessed at: or may be acquired from the Office of City Clerk at the address stated below. Further information may be obtained from Aimee Brunckhorst, the City Clerk of the City, whose address is Kalispell City Hall, 201 1st Avenue East, Kalispell, Montana, and whose telephone number is (406) 758-7756. Any interested persons may appear and be heard at this scheduled public hearing or may file written comments with the City Clerk prior to such hearing. Dated this 5th day of November, 2018. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL Aimee Brunckhorst, CMC, City Clerk November 11, 18, 2018 MNAXLP _________________________

November 18, 2018 4 a.m.

Hope for middle ground on Medicaid expansion

Montana Gov. Steve Bullock released his ambitious $10.3 billion state budget on Thursday that calls for an extension of the state’s Medicaid expansion program. Not surprisingly, the two-year budget proposal was immediately met with push back from Republican leaders.

Flathead Valley gulls:  'Bring it on'
November 18, 2018 4 a.m.

Flathead Valley gulls: 'Bring it on'

The gull just might be the Rodney Dangerfield of birds.

Popular Bigfork eatery to reopen next month as Act II
November 18, 2018 4 a.m.

Popular Bigfork eatery to reopen next month as Act II

The stage is set for the second act of one of Bigfork’s favorite eateries, Showthyme, which is under new ownership and soon to open with a host of new flavors.

November 18, 2018 4 a.m.

Evergreen subdivision gets Planning Board approval

The Flathead County Planning Board on Wednesday voted to recommend approval of a proposed 109-lot residential subdivision off West Evergreen Drive near Evergreen Junior High School.

November 18, 2018 4 a.m.

Free Thanksgiving meals served throughout Flathead

The following free community dinners are being offered Thanksgiving Day and will feature both good food and fellowship.

Letters to the editor Nov. 18
November 18, 2018 4 a.m.

Letters to the editor Nov. 18

I was pleased to see the weight of the presidency couldn’t tip the scales against our Sen. Tester, maybe the only real farmer in the Senate.

November 18, 2018 4 a.m.

Accidents can happen anytime, anywhere

Those of us classified as baby boomers tend to boast about how wild and free our childhoods were.

Evergreen ready to embrace trails for safety, regional benefits
November 18, 2018 4 a.m.

Evergreen ready to embrace trails for safety, regional benefits

A key vision for the role trails can play in Evergreen focuses on children getting to school unscathed in a town with a dearth of sidewalks and scarcity of bike and pedestrian paths.

Saturday, November 17

Jones' late TD lifts Cats over Griz
November 17, 2018 8:41 p.m.

Jones' late TD lifts Cats over Griz

MISSOULA (AP) — A wild fourth quarter ended with a timeout, then a fumble, and Montana State pushed past Montana 29-25 in the 118th Brawl of the Wild game Saturday.

November 17, 2018 3:19 p.m.

Trout Creek man arrested in shooting case

A team effort by Northwest Montana law enforcement agencies led to the arrest Friday of a suspect in a Trout Creek shooting.

November 17, 2018 10:54 a.m.

Woman locked in store finds back-door exit

A woman called the Kalispell Police Department to report she had been locked in a store. Before anyone showed up to let her out, she discovered a way out of the back of the store.

Michael Edward Micklewright, 57
November 17, 2018 10:54 a.m.

Michael Edward Micklewright, 57

Michael Edward “Mike” Micklewright, born on Oct. 30, 1961 in an U.S. Air Force hospital in Izmir, Turkey, to the late Edith E. Micklewright and Raymond W. Micklewright, passed away at age 57 on Nov. 10, 2018, in Whitefish.

Kenneth Berosik, 53
November 17, 2018 10:54 a.m.

Kenneth Berosik, 53

Kenneth Berosik, 53, a lifetime resident of the Flathead Valley, passed away peacefully on Nov. 14, 2018.

Thomas Robert Needham, 85
November 17, 2018 10:54 a.m.

Thomas Robert Needham, 85

Thomas Robert Needham, 85, passed away on Nov. 12, 2018.

November 17, 2018 10:53 a.m.

Energy Keepers provides Flathead Lake level update

The tribal-owned corporation managing the former Kerr Dam hydroelectric project provided an update Friday about the seasonal drawdown of Flathead Lake.

November 17, 2018 10:53 a.m.

Transient pleads not guilty in car theft case

A Flathead County transient recently pleaded not guilty in Flathead District Court to a felony charge dealing with a stolen vehicle that had a child in it.

November 17, 2018 10:53 a.m.

California man gets 10 years for trafficking meth to Kalispell

A man who admitted bringing methamphetamine to Kalispell for distribution was sentenced to 10 years in federal prison Thursday.

Blodnick named Kalispell Chamber's Great Chief
November 17, 2018 10:53 a.m.

Blodnick named Kalispell Chamber's Great Chief

The Kalispell Chamber of Commerce’s top recognition honor — the Great Chief Award — was presented to retired Glacier Bancorp President Michael “Mick” Blodnick during the Chamber’s 114th banquet Friday night.

Businessman drives effort to provide tires for those in need
November 17, 2018 10:53 a.m.

Businessman drives effort to provide tires for those in need

Have you ever had an idea that is perfect for the season at hand? Or would have been perfect, if you had thought of it three months prior so you could have a bit of time to prepare for it?

Some Kalispell school projects nearing completion
November 17, 2018 10:52 a.m.

Some Kalispell school projects nearing completion

Completion dates are near for more of Kalispell Public Schools’ $54 million worth of elementary and high school district projects.

November 17, 2018 10:52 a.m.

Teen suspect sought in Ronan shooting

Lake County law enforcement officials are seeking a 16-year-old boy in connection with a shooting that occurred Thursday afternoon in Ronan.

November 17, 2018 10:52 a.m.

Suspect in Libby stabbing charged with attempted murder

Michael Borchardt Robertson, 24, of Yakima, Washington has been charged with attempted deliberate homicide for allegedly stabbing Doug Crum of Libby last Sunday afternoon.

November 17, 2018 5:10 a.m.

Legals November 17, 2018

No. 25776 Public Notice: On or after November 26th, 2018 at 5:00 PM, Ranger Storage LLC, will have a public auction. Gardner Auction Service will conduct the auction at 200 United Drive, Kalispell MT 59901 and at To be sold for cash, the personal items stored at Ranger Storage LLC, 4181 Hwy 93 South, Kalispell MT, by the following persons: Susan Runyon, Brittney Toole, Melenie Haidys, Anthony Buck, Emma Hofer and Gary Russell, others that have received notice per MCA 70-6-420. Ranger Storage, LLC Office: 282 4th Ave WN, Kalispell MT 59901. Phone 406-752-7867 November 10, 17, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________

PHOTOS: Flathead falls to West in Class AA championship
November 17, 2018 3:38 a.m.

PHOTOS: Flathead falls to West in Class AA championship

Photos from Flathead’s 20-14 loss to Billings West in the Class AA state championship game at Wendy’s Field at Daylis Stadium in Billings on Friday night.

Friday, November 16

One grizzly killed by train; two others die of natural causes
November 16, 2018 2:50 p.m.

One grizzly killed by train; two others die of natural causes

A male grizzly bear cub died last week after a collision with a BNSF Railway train on the tracks near Columbia Falls.

No headline
November 16, 2018 12:46 p.m.

No headline

November 16, 2018 5:10 a.m.

Legals November 16, 2018

No. 25777 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL PROPERTY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN by LINDY M. LAUDER, as successor Trustee, of the public sale of the real property hereinafter described pursuant to the "Small Tract Financing Act of Montana" (Section 71-1-301, et seq., MCA). The following information is provided: THE NAME OF THE GRANTOR, ORIGINAL TRUSTEE, THE BENEFICIARY IN THE DEED OF TRUST, ANY SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST TO THE BENEFICIARY OR GRANTOR, ANY SUCCESSOR TRUSTEE, AND THE PRESENT RECORD OWNER IS/ARE: Grantor: Kimberly M. Oberhelman, f/k/a Kimberly M. Rost ("Grantor") Original Trustee: Insured Titles Successor Trustee: Lindy M. Lauder, an attorney licensed to practice law in the State of Montana (the "Trustee") Original Beneficiary: "MERS" Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems as nominee for First Interstate Bank, its successors and assigns (the "Beneficiary") Current Beneficiary: First Interstate Bank Present Record Owner: Kimberly M. Oberhelman, f/k/a Kimberly M. Rost THE DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPERTY COVERED BY THE DEED OF TRUST IS: The real property and its appurtenances in Flathead County, Montana, more particularly described as follows: LOT 16 OF TETON TERRACE, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF ON FILE AND OF RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK AND RECORDER OF FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA. With address an address of 23 Teton Street, Kalispell, Montana 59901. RECORDING DATA: The following instruments and documents have been recorded in the Clerk and Recorder's Office in Cascade County, Montana. Deed of Trust dated July 27, 2012, and recorded August 1, 2012, as Document No. 201200017446, records of Flathead County, Montana; and Assignment of Deed of Trust dated August 14, 2018, and recorded August 17, 2018, as Document No. 201800019461, records of Flathead County, Montana; and Substitution of Trustee dated September 11, 2018, and recorded September 14, 2018, as Document No. 201800022589, records of Flathead County, Montana. THE DEFAULT FOR WHICH THE FORECLOSURE IS MADE IS: Nonpayment of monthly installments of $499.36 due under Promissory Note dated July 27, 2012, which is secured by the Deed of Trust. The borrower is due for the April 1, 2018, payment and for each subsequent monthly payment. THE SUMS OWING ON THE OBLIGATION SECURED BY THE DEED OF TRUST AS OF OCTOBER 2, 2018 ARE: Principal: $63,361.09 Interest: Interest continues to accrue at a rate of 3.5% per annum. As of October 2, 2018, the interest balance is $1,299.68 and interest accrues at the rate of $6.08 per day. Late fees: $86.31 The Beneficiary anticipates and intends to disburse such amounts as may be required to preserve and protect the real property, and for real property taxes that may become due or delinquent, unless such amounts or taxes are paid by the Grantor or successor in interest to the Grantor. If such amounts are paid by the Beneficiary, the amounts or taxes will be added to the obligation secured by the Trust Indenture. Other expenses to be charged against the proceeds of the sale include the Trustee's and attorney's fees, and costs and expenses of sale. THE TRUSTEE, AT THE DIRECTION OF THE BENEFICIARY, HEREBY ELECTS TO SELL THE PROPERTY TO SATISFY THE AFORESAID OBLIGATIONS. THE DATE, TIME, PLACE AND TERMS OF SALE ARE: Date: March 6, 2019 Time: 11:00 a.m., Mountain Standard Time or Mountain Daylight Time, whichever is in effect. Place: Crowley Fleck, PLLP, 1667 Whitefish Stage Road, Kalispell, Montana 59901 Terms: This sale is a public sale and any person, including the Beneficiary, and excepting only the Trustee, may bid at the sale. The bid price must be paid in cash. The conveyance will be made by Trustee's Deed. The sale purchaser shall be entitled to possession of the property on the 10th day following the sale. Dated this 2nd day of October, 2018. /s/ Lindy M. Lauer LINDY M. LAUDER Trustee STATE OF MONTANA ss. County of Missoula This instrument was acknowledged before me on the 2nd day of October, 2018, by Lindy M. Lauder, as Trustee. /s/ Roxie Hausauer Printed name: Roxie Hausauer Notary Public for the State of Montana Residing at: Lolo, MT My commission expires: January 06, 2021 File No.: 034112-000204 November 9, 16, 23, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________

November 16, 2018 4 a.m.

No headline


Elks Lodge seeks buyer for building
November 16, 2018 4 a.m.

Elks Lodge seeks buyer for building

Kalispell Elks Lodge 725 once boasted membership of about 1,200 people, according to David Barnes, the lodge’s current Exalted Ruler.

November 16, 2018 4 a.m.

Emergency drill simulates measles outbreak

What would happen if there was a widespread measles outbreak in Northwest Montana?

November 16, 2018 4 a.m.

Savanna's Act advances to Senate vote

On Wednesday, the Indian Affairs Committee voted to advance federal legislation aimed at addressing the epidemic of missing and murdered Native American women and children.

West foils Braves' title bid
November 16, 2018 2:15 a.m.

West foils Braves' title bid

BILLINGS — The Flathead Braves fell short — eight yards short, to be exact — in their quest for the Class AA state football title, losing 20-14 to Billings West on Friday night at Daylis Stadium.

Thursday, November 15

Bullock aims to re-up Medicaid expansion
November 15, 2018 7:09 p.m.

Bullock aims to re-up Medicaid expansion

HELENA — Montana Gov. Steve Bullock on Thursday proposed a two-year, $10.3 billion budget that includes the reauthorization of a health insurance program for low-income residents and tax hikes that Republican legislative leaders are already dismissing as “not going to happen.”

November 15, 2018 2:22 p.m.

Arson, shooting suspect flees deputies

Sanders County law enforcement officials were seeking a known, but unidentified, man on Thursday who allegedly tried to burn down a hotel and fired a gun in the presence of deputies Wednesday evening.

Sloppy weather on tap this weekend
November 15, 2018 2:11 p.m.

Sloppy weather on tap this weekend

A burst of mixed precipitation followed by much colder temperatures is expected to sweep across Northwest Montana on Friday.

Big-game season down to final weeks
November 15, 2018 2:11 p.m.

Big-game season down to final weeks

Northwest Montana hunters are finally beginning to find success in the field, just as the general rifle season starts to wind down.

November 15, 2018 12:40 p.m.

Ice is back on the lakes

The first glimpses of frozen lakes were viewed over the weekend, on some of the first lakes to traditionally freeze, but we have a long way to go before we can safely say that it’s time to go ice fishing. Every year we get a lake or two that puts on a couple of inches of ice before Thanksgiving, but it is the rare year where it doesn’t melt a time or two before putting on its final coat that stays all winter.

Local dancers head to the Big Apple
November 15, 2018 12:40 p.m.

Local dancers head to the Big Apple

Four dancers from the Academy of the Performing Arts will be dancing in the 92nd annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, Nov. 22, in New York City.

The Waiting: Tom Petty Tribute comes to Missoula
November 15, 2018 12:40 p.m.

The Waiting: Tom Petty Tribute comes to Missoula

Logjam Presents welcomes Bozeman-based The Waiting: Tom Petty Tribute live in concert Dec. 1 at The Wilma Theater in Missoula. Doors open at 7 p.m. The concert begins at 8 p.m.

Choir celebrates life and its beloved director
November 15, 2018 12:39 p.m.

Choir celebrates life and its beloved director

The current repertoire of the Valley Voices Community Choir includes a song by Sonja Poorman titled “Celebrate Life.” An upbeat song with an optimistic message, it could be a welcome part of any choral program. But it has special meaning to the Valley Voices this season as we celebrate the life of our director, Allyson Kuechmann.

November 15, 2018 12:39 p.m.

Weekly events Nov. 15-21


Bigfork native Casey Thomas Brown takes hold of Hollywood
November 15, 2018 12:39 p.m.

Bigfork native Casey Thomas Brown takes hold of Hollywood

Nailing a new Netflix series is just one reason Casey Thomas Brown is ecstatic about the upward spiral of his acting career.

November 15, 2018 5:10 a.m.

Legals November 15, 2018

No. 25772 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE TO BE SOLD FOR CASH AT TRUSTEE'S SALE on February 15, 2019, at 11:00 AM, at the East door of the Flathead County Justice Center located at 920 South Main Street, Kalispell MT 59901, the following described real property situated in Flathead County, Montana: Lot 2, Block 3 of Underhill Subdivision, according to the official plat thereof, filed in Official Records of Flathead County, Montana Elizabeth C. Marin and Rey A. Marin, as Grantors, conveyed said real property to Old Republic National Title Insurance Company, as Trustee, to secure an obligation owed to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Mortgage Research Center, LLC DBA Veterans United Home Loans, as Beneficiary, by Deed of Trust dated March 31, 2017, and recorded on March 31, 2017 as Document No. 201700006579. The beneficial interest is currently held by Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC. First American Title Company of Montana, Inc., is currently the Trustee. The beneficiary has declared a default in the terms of said Deed of Trust by failing to make the monthly payments beginning October 1, 2017, and each month subsequent, which monthly installments would have been applied on the principal and interest due on said obligation and other charges against the property or loan. The total amount due on this obligation as of September 19, 2018 is $230,883.15 principal, interest totaling $10,902.09, late charges in the amount of $56.41, escrow advances of $2,394.46, and other fees and expenses advanced of $1,635.00, plus accruing interest, late charges, and other costs and fees that may be advanced. The Beneficiary anticipates and may disburse such amounts as may be required to preserve and protect the property and for real property taxes that may become due or delinquent, unless such amounts of taxes are paid by the Grantors. If such amounts are paid by the Beneficiary, the amounts or taxes will be added to the obligations secured by the Deed of Trust. Other expenses to be charged against the proceeds of this sale include the Trustee's fees and attorney's fees, costs and expenses of the sale and late charges, if any. Beneficiary has elected, and has directed the Trustee to sell the above described property to satisfy the obligation. The sale is a public sale and any person, including the beneficiary, excepting only the Trustee, may bid at the sale. The bid price must be paid immediately upon the close of bidding in cash or cash equivalents (valid money orders, certified checks or cashier's checks). The conveyance will be made by Trustee's Deed without any representation or warranty, including warranty of Title, express or implied, as the sale is made strictly on an as-is, where-is basis, without limitation, the sale is being made subject to all existing conditions, if any, of lead paint, mold or other environmental or health hazards. The sale purchaser shall be entitled to possession of the property on the 10th day following the sale. The grantor, successor in interest to the grantor or any other person having an interest in the property, at any time prior to the trustee's sale, may pay to the beneficiary or the successor in interest to the beneficiary the entire amount then due under the deed of trust and the obligation secured thereby (including costs and expenses actually incurred and attorney's fees) other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred and thereby cure the default. The scheduled Trustee's Sale may be postponed by public proclamation up to 15 days for any reason, and in the event of a bankruptcy filing, the sale may be postponed by the trustee for up to 120 days by public proclamation at least every 30 days. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Dated: October 2, 2018. /s/ Rae Albert Assistant Secretary, First American Title Company of Montana, Inc. Successor Trustee Title Financial Specialty Services PO Box 339 Blackfoot ID 83221 STATE OF Idaho ss. County of Bingham On this 2nd day of October, 2018, before me, a notary public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Rae Albert, known to me to be the Assistant Secretary of First American Title Company of Montana, Inc., Successor Trustee, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same. /s/ Diana Reese Notary Public Bingham County, Idaho Commission expires: 07/29/2022 LoanCare, LLC vs Elizabeth C. Marin Rey A. Marin 105324-1 November 8, 15, 22, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________

Robert 'Bob' Stahlberg, 80
November 15, 2018 4 a.m.

Robert 'Bob' Stahlberg, 80

Robert “Bob” Stahlberg, 80, passed away at his home in Columbia Falls on Nov. 13, 2018.

Crews break ground on Col. Falls fishing pond
November 15, 2018 4 a.m.

Crews break ground on Col. Falls fishing pond

Work has begun on a new community fishing pond at River’s Edge Park in Columbia Falls.

November 15, 2018 4 a.m.

No headline

- Kalispell Public Schools Operations Committee meets 7 a.m. district office basement meeting room.

Thomas Robert Needham, 85
November 15, 2018 4 a.m.

Thomas Robert Needham, 85

Thomas Robert Needham passed quickly and unexpectedly on Nov. 12, 2018.

November 15, 2018 4 a.m.

Former train conductor gets $2.17M settlement

A former BNSF Railway Co. conductor from Columbia Falls was awarded $2.17 million by a jury Nov. 7 in federal court for an injury he sustained while working for the railroad in 2015.

November 15, 2018 4 a.m.

Letters to the editor Nov. 15

I have read letters by Bill Baum before in which he grumbled about Jon Tester and that’s his right. However, his Nov. 5 letter went over the top and made some disputable assumptions.

Robert 'Doc' L. Martens, 91
November 15, 2018 4 a.m.

Robert 'Doc' L. Martens, 91

Funeral services for Dr. Robert “Doc” L. Martens, 91, of Glasgow, who passed away Nov. 13, 2018, at Valley View Home in Glasgow, will be held at 1 p.m. Nov. 17 at the First Lutheran Church with Pastor Todd Wright officiating. A reception will follow services and burial will be private.

November 15, 2018 4 a.m.

Grass was greener on other side for elusive calf

A woman called the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office to report a calf eating grass in a ditch outside the fence. She said she saw a farmer in the field, but didn’t check to see if it belonged to him. When an officer investigated, there was no sign of a calf outside the fence.

November 15, 2018 4 a.m.

Flathead Braves just one win away

It’s been 48 years since Flathead High School last claimed a state football title. This Friday, the Braves will get a chance to finally snap that drought.

November 15, 2018 12:46 a.m.

It starts up front for Flathead

While Blake Counts, Jaden MacNeil and Anthony Jones get the most attention game-in and game-out for their spectacular scoring efforts, game-busting runs, accurate passing or acrobatic catches, it’s Andrew Siderius, Patrick Hammond, Sebastian Koch and Max Anderson who quietly do their job to make sure it all happens.

Wednesday, November 14

November 14, 2018 8:38 p.m.

Libby man out for walk stabbed multiple times

A Libby man in his seventies was in stable condition Monday after being stabbed multiple times Sunday late afternoon while out for a walk. His suspected attacker was arrested shortly thereafter.

Case against neo-Nazi publisher will proceed
November 14, 2018 5:39 p.m.

Case against neo-Nazi publisher will proceed

HELENA — The First Amendment’s free-speech protections do not shield a neo-Nazi website publisher from being sued for a “troll storm” by his readers that led to hundreds of anti-Semitic threats against a Jewish woman and her family, a federal judge ruled Wednesday.

PHOTOS: Harlem Globetrotters wow crowd at Glacier High
November 14, 2018 4:55 p.m.

PHOTOS: Harlem Globetrotters wow crowd at Glacier High

The Harlem Globetrotters entertained a giant crowd as they took on the Washington Generals at Glacier High School in Kalispell on Tuesday night.

November 14, 2018 1:45 p.m.

Leadership irrespective of political party

President Trump is contemplating replacing Secretary of Defense, retired Marine Corps General Jim Mattis, apparently based upon Trump’s observation, “I think he’s sort of a Democrat . . .”

Letters to the editor Nov. 12
November 14, 2018 1:45 p.m.

Letters to the editor Nov. 12

Yesterday, Nov. 7, while walking the Rails to Trails I had a heart-warming experience regarding a Montana Department of Transportation plow truck driver.

November 14, 2018 5:10 a.m.

Legals November 14, 2018

No. 25688 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Board of Commissioners of Flathead County, Montana hereby gives notice, pursuant to Section 76-2-205(1), M.C.A., that it will hold a public hearing to consider a change in the zoning designation in a portion of the Evergreen Zoning District from SAG-10 Suburban Agricultural to R-1 Suburban Residential. The boundaries of the area proposed to be amended from SAG-10 Suburban Agricultural to R-1 Suburban Residential are described as: Tract 1 of Certificate of Survey No. 10516, a tract of land in the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 26, Township 29 North, Range 21 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. The regulations defining the SAG-10 and R-1 zones are contained in the Flathead County Zoning Regulations, on file for public inspection at the Office of the Board of Commissioners, 800 South Main, Room 302, Kalispell, Montana, at the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office, 40 11th Street West, Kalispell, Montana, and on the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office's website at: Documents related to the proposed zone change are also on for file for public inspection at the Office of the Board of Commissioners and at the Flathead County Planning and Zoning Office. The public hearing will be held on the 19th day of November, 2018 at 10:15 AM in the Commissioners' Chambers, Third Floor, Old Courthouse, Kalispell, Montana. At the public hearing, the Board of Commissioners will give the public an opportunity to be heard regarding the proposed change to the Evergreen Zoning District. Written comments are encouraged and will be reviewed by the Commissioners prior to the hearing if received by the Flathead County Commissioners' Office prior to the hearing. DATED this 24th day of September, 2018. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Flathead County, Montana By: /s/ Pamela J. Holmquist Pamela J. Holmquist, Chairman November 7, 14, 2018 MNAXLP _________________________

Wayne Everett Norris, 65
November 14, 2018 4 a.m.

Wayne Everett Norris, 65

Wayne Everett Norris, 65, passed away on Nov. 11, 2018 (Veterans Day), after fighting multiple myeloma for the last two years with courage and dignity.

Zinke '100 percent confident' he'll be cleared in probes
November 14, 2018 4 a.m.

Zinke '100 percent confident' he'll be cleared in probes

BILLINGS — U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke declared Monday he’s “100 percent confident” no wrongdoing will be found in pending ethics investigations that have stirred speculation he could get ousted from President Donald Trump’s Cabinet.

November 14, 2018 4 a.m.

TTEC poised to ramp up Kalispell workforce

TTEC Holdings Inc., formerly known as TeleTech Holdings, announced Tuesday the company will be hiring 50 customer-service associates during two hiring events planned today and Nov. 28.

Kalispell Police Department hires new officers
November 14, 2018 4 a.m.

Kalispell Police Department hires new officers

The Kalispell Police Department recently welcomed two new officers into the department ­— Chad Sweigart and Brady Gray.

Stan Martin, 46
November 14, 2018 4 a.m.

Stan Martin, 46

On Nov. 7, 2018, Pastor Stan Martin, also known as the “Powerlifting Preacher,” went home to be with his Saviour after a long battle with leukemia. Stan was a loving son, husband, father, pastor, and friend. He will always be loved and remembered by his wife and best friend, Sharon, their precious daughters Karly, Tiffany, and Brianna, and his parents Craig and Louise Martin. Stan will also be forever remembered by his extended family, church family and friends.

November 14, 2018 4 a.m.

Teen bicyclist involved in Whitefish hit-and-run

A 17-year-old on a bicycle was involved in a hit-and-run when a male driver in a white pickup reportedly hit the youth, running over his knee on Mallard Loop in Whitefish. The youth said he didn’t need medical attention, but the person calling in the report to Flathead County Sheriff’s Office was persistent that medical crews should respond. Montana Highway Patrol also responded to the incident.

Rose Roesner Anderson, 88
November 14, 2018 4 a.m.

Rose Roesner Anderson, 88

Rose Roesner Anderson, 88, passed away on Nov. 9, 2018, at her home in Columbia Falls.

Nonprofit taps into healing power of horses
November 14, 2018 4 a.m.

Nonprofit taps into healing power of horses

For more than five years, Valor Equine Therapy Service Inc., a nonprofit based in Columbia Falls, has used the healing power of horses to help active duty members, veterans and first-responders manage and mitigate the side effects of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a condition that occurs when someone struggles to recover mentally from a traumatic experience.

Ruby Gene Covey, 91
November 14, 2018 4 a.m.

Ruby Gene Covey, 91

Ruby Gene Covey died peacefully in the loving arms of her husband Bill and son Mike on Nov. 9, 2018, at the age of 91.

Tuesday, November 13

State confirms grizzly was involved in Sunday attack
November 13, 2018 6 p.m.

State confirms grizzly was involved in Sunday attack

State wildlife officials confirmed Tuesday that the bear involved in an attack on a hunter Sunday morning northwest of Columbia Falls was a grizzly.

Interior: Drilling would be inappropriate
November 13, 2018 1:12 p.m.

Interior: Drilling would be inappropriate

BILLINGS — The Trump administration plans to appeal a federal court ruling that would allow oil and gas drilling on land considered sacred to Native American tribes in Montana and Canada, U.S. Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke said Tuesday.

November 13, 2018 5:10 a.m.

Legals November 13, 2018

No. 25768 Montana Eleventh Judicial District Court Flathead County In the Matter of the Name Change of Jolyne M. Krogstad: Jolyne M. Krogstad, Petitioner Cause No. DV-18-1105C HEIDI J ULBRICHT Notice of Hearing on Name Change This is notice that Petitioner has asked the District Court for a change of name from Jolyne Marjorie Marie Krogstad to Ren Marjorie Krogstad. The hearing will be on December 5, 2018 at 8:30 a.m. The hearing will be at the Courthouse in Flathead County. Date: October 25, 2018 PEG L. ALLISON Clerk of District Court By: /s/ SARA SMITH Deputy Clerk of Court November 6, 13, 20, 27, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________

Kathleen 'Kathy' Sharrow Taylor, 71
November 13, 2018 4 a.m.

Kathleen 'Kathy' Sharrow Taylor, 71

Kathy Taylor passed away Nov. 9, 2018, after a valiant battle with lung cancer.

Bigfork restaurant offers free Thanksgiving dinner
November 13, 2018 4 a.m.

Bigfork restaurant offers free Thanksgiving dinner

The Pocketstone Cafe in Bigfork will host its eighth annual Community Thanksgiving Dinner this year on Thanksgiving Day. Free to all who come, the Pocketstone welcomes those who cannot or would prefer not to celebrate Thanksgiving on their own.

Local man describes Sunday's bear attack
November 13, 2018 4 a.m.

Local man describes Sunday's bear attack

The bear snarled and slobbered as it tore first into Anders Broste’s right arm, breaking the radius and dislocating the arm, before focusing on Broste’s left ankle.

November 13, 2018 4 a.m.

Flathead has decisive win in Missoula

Flathead High School repeated another first-place finish with Glacier High School taking second at the Missoula Garden City Invitational speech and debate tournament on Nov. 9-10.

November 13, 2018 4 a.m.

No headline


Trophy case addition?
November 13, 2018 12:14 a.m.

Trophy case addition?

Braves looking for first state football championship since 1970

Monday, November 12

Homeless shelters prep for winter
November 12, 2018 8:20 p.m.

Homeless shelters prep for winter

With winter around the corner, Kalispell shelters are preparing for the harsh weather that often cues dozens of homeless locals to come knocking.

Flathead firefighters to battle deadly California fires
November 12, 2018 4:23 p.m.

Flathead firefighters to battle deadly California fires

BILLINGS (AP) — Seventy-three Montana firefighters are traveling to California to help battle the deadly wildfires there.

Carroll coach retires after 20 seasons, 6 national titles
November 12, 2018 4:06 p.m.

Carroll coach retires after 20 seasons, 6 national titles

HELENA, Mont. (AP) — Carroll College football coach Mike Van Diest announced his retirement Monday after 20 seasons and six NAIA national championships.

Love of books drives longtime West Valley librarian
November 12, 2018 4 a.m.

Love of books drives longtime West Valley librarian

On the way to West Valley School library students get a glimpse of the treasure trove inside through hallway windows. Inside, open books with colorful covers sit atop shelving units in a row, creating a rainbow effect.

November 12, 2018 4 a.m.

No headline


November 12, 2018 4 a.m.

Thirsty teens show off in social media posts

Someone called Kalispell Police Department to report partying teens after seeing photos of the minors allegedly drinking shots of alcohol. Turns out, the thirsty teens were drinking water.

November 12, 2018 4 a.m.

Kalispell council gears up for legislative session

If each legislative session in Helena were akin to a three-month football game, then the players and spectators alike would be thinking now about lively offensive strategies and formidable defenses.

Sunday, November 11

November 11, 2018 6:42 p.m.

Whitefish man in stable condition after bear attack

A 36-year-old Whitefish man is in stable condition after being attacked by a bear while hunting.

November 11, 2018 5:10 a.m.

Legals November 11, 2018

No. 25778 CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council (the "Council") of the City of Kalispell, Montana (the "City") will hold a public hearing on the proposal to establish an Urban Renewal District within a portion of downtown Kalispell on November 19, 2018, at 7:00 p.m., at the Council Chambers in the Kalispell City Hall, 201 1st Avenue East, Kalispell, Montana. The proposal is contained within the Downtown Plan established as an amendment to the City of Kalispell Growth Policy Plan-It 2035 by Resolution No. 5846 on December 4, 2017. The Downtown Plan is available for download on the City of Kalispell website and accessed at: or may be acquired from the Office of City Clerk at the address stated below. Further information may be obtained from Aimee Brunckhorst, the City Clerk of the City, whose address is Kalispell City Hall, 201 1st Avenue East, Kalispell, Montana, and whose telephone number is (406) 758-7756. Any interested persons may appear and be heard at this scheduled public hearing or may file written comments with the City Clerk prior to such hearing. Dated this 5th day of November, 2018. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL Aimee Brunckhorst, CMC, City Clerk November 11, 18, 2018 MNAXLP _________________________

No headline
November 11, 2018 4 a.m.

No headline

The recent tragic and senseless events in Pittsburgh are a stark reminder of the increase in hate and prejudice in our country. The City of Whitefish would like to extend our solidarity and condolences for the Jewish community.

John 'Skip' Sandor, 74
November 11, 2018 4 a.m.

John 'Skip' Sandor, 74

Skip died peacefully Nov. 4, 2018, in the presence of friends and family.

Scrappy veteran went through boot camp twice
November 11, 2018 4 a.m.

Scrappy veteran went through boot camp twice

Nearly 40 years separate Re' Richards, 57, from the new recruits tackling Marine Corps boot camp today. Given the chance, though, she'd be down in the mud and belly-crawling beside them in a heartbeat.

New coffee shop looks to create inviting atmosphere
November 11, 2018 4 a.m.

New coffee shop looks to create inviting atmosphere

At Folklore Coffee, the focus is as much about the atmosphere as it is the brew.

Co-working concept comes to Whitefish
November 11, 2018 4 a.m.

Co-working concept comes to Whitefish

Maintaining separation and balance between home life and work life while being around other workers in a professional environment was something Drew Fortner valued. That concept is the crux of a new business in Whitefish.

Kalispell native's book about Vietnam seeks to promote healing
November 11, 2018 4 a.m.

Kalispell native's book about Vietnam seeks to promote healing

Stan Bain volunteered for dangerous duty repeatedly during his time in Vietnam. The Kalispell native twice joined nighttime ambush operations that targeted Viet Cong or soldiers with the North Vietnamese Army. He participated in convoys and volunteered for guard duty.

Eureka veteran draws on inner strength honed in Corps
November 11, 2018 4 a.m.

Eureka veteran draws on inner strength honed in Corps

Standing 5 feet tall at 20 years old, Heather Greenwood stepped off the bus and rooted her feet in the yellow footprints where generations of recruits stood before her and vowed to become a U.S. Marine in 1990.

November 11, 2018 4 a.m.

For the good of the whole

In our state constitution, Montanans declare that all political power is vested in and derived from the people. That all government of right is instituted solely for the good of the whole.

November 11, 2018 4 a.m.

11/11: A date forever commemorated

The towering word “Peace!” was proclaimed in headlines of hundreds of newspapers across the country 100 years ago today, Nov. 11, 1918.

Marian Joan Wise, 85
November 11, 2018 4 a.m.

Marian Joan Wise, 85

Marian Joan Wise, 85, of Missoula, peacefully slipped away at her home on Thursday, Nov. 7, 2018, surrounded by family and dear friends.

November 11, 2018 4 a.m.

New gridlock, same old divisions

The 2018 midterm election is over. Republicans expanded their Senate majority while Democrats regained control of the House of Representatives.

November 11, 2018 4 a.m.

Montana facing a very real crisis

Montana is a place where we pride ourselves on having strong, tight-knit communities. However, our communities in every corner of the state are facing a very real crisis: an opioid and meth epidemic.

November 11, 2018 4 a.m.

Moving into uncharted territory

The Nov. 6 election results will launch America into completely unchartered territory. What has happened in the two years of President Donald Trump’s presidency, a period with no historic precedent, will inform what comes next, but the next two years will be wildly different than the previous two.

November 11, 2018 4 a.m.

A Marino service project; well, sort of

Posters went up around the Daily Inter Lake’s offices the week before Halloween announcing a Halloween-themed employee potluck and encouraging staff to bring a soup, side dish or dessert for a chance to win prizes.

November 11, 2018 4 a.m.

Chivalry not dead: Men fought over woman

A woman called the Kalispell Police Department to report two men were fighting over her. She said one of them was drunk.

Women's academy teaches basics of how to shoot a gun
November 11, 2018 4 a.m.

Women's academy teaches basics of how to shoot a gun

A gun should fit like a bra.

Saturday, November 10

PHOTOS: Hamilton drops Columbia Falls, 41-27
November 10, 2018 9:08 p.m.

PHOTOS: Hamilton drops Columbia Falls, 41-27

Photos from Columbia Falls’ 41-27 loss to Hamilton in a Class A seminfinal playoff game at Satterthwaite Field in Columbia Falls on Saturday.

Braves knock off Bozeman 21-17
November 10, 2018 10:18 a.m.

Braves knock off Bozeman 21-17

The Daily Inter Lake

November 10, 2018 5:10 a.m.

Legals November 10, 2018

No. 25776 Public Notice: On or after November 26th, 2018 at 5:00 PM, Ranger Storage LLC, will have a public auction. Gardner Auction Service will conduct the auction at 200 United Drive, Kalispell MT 59901 and at To be sold for cash, the personal items stored at Ranger Storage LLC, 4181 Hwy 93 South, Kalispell MT, by the following persons: Susan Runyon, Brittney Toole, Melenie Haidys, Anthony Buck, Emma Hofer and Gary Russell, others that have received notice per MCA 70-6-420. Ranger Storage, LLC Office: 282 4th Ave WN, Kalispell MT 59901. Phone 406-752-7867 November 10, 17, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________

November 10, 2018 4 a.m.

Sweets thief caught in the act

A Kalispell man has been accused of stealing candy and soda pop from an area business.

November 10, 2018 4 a.m.

Kalispell man accused of raping sleeping teen

A Kalispell man is accused of raping a sleeping teenager at a party in 2017.

November 10, 2018 4 a.m.

Cross-country ski parking lot proposed near Whitefish

A parking lot to access cross-country ski trails near Whitefish, a commercial kennel near Echo Lake and a proposed metal fabrication shop in Bigfork are among the applications the Flathead Board of Adjustment will consider at its Dec. 4 meeting.

November 10, 2018 4 a.m.

Splish-splash, trespasser was taking a bath

A person who recently rented an apartment told the Columbia Falls Police Department someone had kicked in the door and took a bath in the tub. When the renter arrived, he discovered the chains were locked from the inside and he could hear voices inside. He believes the trespassers left from the back door.

Refurbished bronze statue to be unveiled Sunday
November 10, 2018 4 a.m.

Refurbished bronze statue to be unveiled Sunday

The Flathead Valley’s doughboy is back in action and looking good as new.

November 10, 2018 4 a.m.

Flathead man pleads guilty to assaulting wife

A Flathead man is facing prison time after pleading guilty to assaulting his wife during a argument earlier this fall at a Columbia Falls residence.

November 10, 2018 12:04 a.m.

Capital claims AA state volleyball title

BOZEMAN – Helena Capital defeated Bozeman 23-25, 25-19, 25-22, 27-25 to claim the Class AA state volleyball title on Saturday at Brick Breeden Fieldhouse.

Broncs bounce Wildcats in semi
November 10, 2018 12:04 a.m.

Broncs bounce Wildcats in semi

COLUMBIA FALLS — It wasn’t the ending they wanted, but the Columbia Falls Wildcats still hung their heads high after a 41-27 loss to Hamilton in the Class A football semifinal on Saturday at Satterthwaite Field.

November 10, 2018 12:03 a.m.

Big 2nd quarter pushes Fairfield past Bigfork, 48-14

The Daily Inter Lake

Friday, November 9

PHOTOS: Veterans Day assembly in Columbia Falls
November 9, 2018 9:29 p.m.

PHOTOS: Veterans Day assembly in Columbia Falls

A Veterans Day Assembly at Columbia Falls High School on Friday, Nov. 9. Veterans Day this year is Sunday, Nov. 11.

Trump says he's not firing Interior Secretary Zinke
November 9, 2018 1:48 p.m.

Trump says he's not firing Interior Secretary Zinke

WASHINGTON (AP) — Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke and his boss, President Donald Trump, moved Friday to tamp down talk that Zinke might be the next Trump administration official to go.

California wildfire incinerates town
November 9, 2018 1:17 p.m.

California wildfire incinerates town

PARADISE, Calif. (AP) — Five people were found dead in their burned-out vehicles after a Northern California wildfire incinerated most of a town of about 30,000 people with flames that moved so fast there was nothing firefighters could do, authorities said Friday.

Another Keystone XL setback; judge orders review
November 9, 2018 12:58 p.m.

Another Keystone XL setback; judge orders review

WASHINGTON (AP) — In a setback for the Trump administration, a federal judge has blocked a permit for construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline from Canada and ordered officials to complete an environmental review.

November 9, 2018 12:17 p.m.

Fearless bear stares down driver in Bigfork

A person called the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office to report a black bear on Bridge Street in Bigfork that seemed unafraid of people. The man saw the bruin across the street from Bethany Lutheran Church and a block from a daycare. When the driver yelled and bumped his siren, the bear just looked at him and before walking away.

November 9, 2018 12:17 p.m.

University of Montana seeks to reduce budget by $5M

MISSOULA (AP) — The University of Montana is planning to reduce its faculty by 58 members and cut its budget by $5 million by 2021.

Local schools plan Veterans Day programs
November 9, 2018 12:16 p.m.

Local schools plan Veterans Day programs

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the day, Nov. 11, 1918, in which the Treaty of Versailles armistice was signed that ended World War I. Armistice Day would later become the national holiday, Veterans Day.

State wildfire season costs $95M
November 9, 2018 12:16 p.m.

State wildfire season costs $95M

Montana escaped the 2018 fire season bearing a fraction of the damage incurred in 2017, with a total of 1,239 fire starts accounting for a loss of approximately 96,000 acres, according to a year-to-date report by the Northern Rockies Coordination Center.

Bigfork centenarian honored by governor
November 9, 2018 12:14 p.m.

Bigfork centenarian honored by governor

What’s the secret to living 106 years? Edith Wylie said it could have something to do with drinking good bourbon, eating Cheetos and simply having good genes.

November 9, 2018 5:10 a.m.

Legals November 9, 2018

No. 25773 PUBLIC NOTICE The Board of County Commissioners of Flathead County did this 5th day of November, 2018 approve payroll and claims for payment in the amount of $5,580,086.23 for the period beginning October 1, 2018 and ending on October 31, 2018. The full and complete claim list is available for public view in the Finance Office, Flathead County Courthouse, 800 S Main, Room 214, Kalispell, Montana or online at Individual requests for personal copies will be accepted by the Finance Office. Dated this 5th day of November 2018. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Flathead County, Montana By: /s/ Pamela J. Holmquist Pamela J. Holmquist, Chairman By: /s/ Debbie Pierson Debbie Pierson, Clerk & Recorder November 9, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________

November 9, 2018 4 a.m.

Wildcat speakers roar into season

The Columbia Falls speech and debate team launched the 2018-19 season with strong performances over the last two weekends, taking first place in competitions in Hamilton and Kalispell.

November 9, 2018 4 a.m.

Flathead tops speech, debate action at Kalispell opener

Flathead High School’s speech and debate team came away victorious in an always competitive Class AA match-up with Glacier at the Kalispell Kickoff last weekend, totaling 199.5 points compared to 183 for second-place finisher Glacier High School

November 9, 2018 4 a.m.

Whitefish takes second at Kalispell tourney

The Whitefish Speech and Debate Team placed second in the Kalispell Kickoff tournament.

Former VP Biden to speak in Missoula
November 9, 2018 4 a.m.

Former VP Biden to speak in Missoula

Former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden will visit Missoula during his “American Promise” tour Monday, Dec. 3.

November 9, 2018 1:49 a.m.

Flathead, Libby 4th at state volleyball

BOZEMAN — Following a come-from-behind victory against Helena High in Class AA loser-out play, the Flathead Bravettes fell 3-1 to Bozeman to earn a fourth-place finish at the Class AA State Volleyball Tournament on Friday at Brick Breeden Fieldhouse.

November 9, 2018 1:48 a.m.

Prep Football Semifinals Bigfork takes on Fairfield; Columbia Falls faces Hamilton

The Bigfork football team is no stranger to long road trips.

Thursday, November 8

Michael Lee Allen, 79
November 8, 2018 8:04 p.m.

Michael Lee Allen, 79

Michael Lee Allen, 79, of Columbia Falls, passed away on November 6, 2018, while doing what he loved most — fishing!

Thomas E. Christiansen, 94
November 8, 2018 8:04 p.m.

Thomas E. Christiansen, 94

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of Thomas E. Christiansen, who passed away on Nov. 5, 2018, at The HealthCenter.

Hot stove blamed for C-Falls structure fire
November 8, 2018 5:27 p.m.

Hot stove blamed for C-Falls structure fire

A wood stove fire at a Columbia Falls residence Wednesday afternoon displaced one man from the home.

November 8, 2018 5:08 p.m.

Child abducted in Lakeside found safe in Missoula

A child allegedly abducted by her biological mother was found safe Thursday afternoon after the Montana Department of Justice issued an Amber Alert earlier in the day.

November 8, 2018 5:10 a.m.

Legals November 8, 2018

No. 25754 NOTICE THAT A TAX DEED MAY BE ISSUED IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS NOTICE, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR PROPERTY TO: Jonathan Fetter-Vorm 126 Noble Street, #2 Brooklyn, NY 11222 Jonathan Fetter-Vorm 125 McGuiness Blvd, Apt. 1L Brooklyn, NY 11222 Jonathan Fetter-Vorm 133 Pavillion Hill Ave Somers, MT 59932 Jonathan Fetter-Vorm PO Box 365 Somers, MT 59932 Flathead County 935 1st Ave W., Ste. T Kalispell, MT 59901 Pursuant to Section 15-18-212, Montana Code Annotated, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: As a result of a property tax delinquency, a property tax lien exists on the following described real property in which you may have an interest: Property described in the Flathead County Treasurer's Office under Tax Sale Certificate No. 160286, Assignment No. 108656 and Tax Code Parcel No. 0014389 as follows: THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 21, TOWNSHIP 27 NORTH, RANGE 20 WEST, P.M.M., FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA, WHICH LIES NORTHEASTERLY OF THE NORTHEAST RIGHT-OF-WAY OF THE 1951 RIGHT-OF-WAY OF MONTANA HIGHWAY NO. 82 AS DEEDED TO THE STATE OF MONTANA AS DESCRIBED IN BOOK 325, PAGE 373, RECORDS OF FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA. (Vacant rural land, no physical address) The property taxes became delinquent on June 2, 2015. The property tax lien was attached as the result of a tax lien sale held on July 15, 2015. The property tax lien was purchased at a tax lien sale on July 15, 2015, by FRHL, LLC and UMB Bank NA, PO Box 17901, Denver, CO 80217. The lien was subsequently assigned to GUARDIAN TAX MT, LLC, 1423 Grandview Ave. Ste. 101, Papillion, NE 68046. As of the date of this notice, the amount of tax due is: TAXES: $1,507.37 PENALTY: $ 134.93 INTEREST: $ 287.38 COSTS: $ 328.93 TOTAL: $2,258.61 For the property tax lien to be liquidated, the total amount listed in paragraph 6 must be paid by December 21, 2018, which is the date that the redemption period expires or expired. If all taxes, penalties, interest, and costs are not paid to the county treasurer on or prior to December 31, 2018, which is the date the redemption period expires, or on or prior to the date on which the county treasurer will otherwise issue a tax deed, a tax deed may be issued to the assignee or possessor of the tax lien on the day following the date that the redemption period expires or on the date the county treasurer will otherwise issue a tax deed. The business address and telephone number of the county treasurer who is responsible for issuing the tax deed is: Flathead County Treasurer, 935 1st Ave W, Kalispell, MT 59901, (406) 758-5680. FURTHER NOTICE FOR THOSE PERSONS LISTED ABOVE WHOSE ADDRESSES ARE UNKNOWN The address of the interested party is unknown. The published notice meets the legal requirements for notice of a pending tax deed issuance. The interested party's rights in the property may be in jeopardy. DATED at Billings, Montana this 29th day of October, 2018. By: Eli J. Patten Crowley Fleck PLLP PO Box 2529 Billings, MT 59103 Attorney for: GUARDIAN TAX MT, LLC IF YOU DO NOT RESPOND THIS NOTICE, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR PROPERTY. November 1, 8, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________

November 8, 2018 4 a.m.

Conservation permit fee increase proposed

A $6 increase on conservation permits for non-members is being proposed by the Flathead Reservation Fish & Wildlife Board and Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribal Council.

November 8, 2018 4 a.m.

Marion man receives suspended sentence in shooting incident

A Flathead County man who pleaded guilty to firing a gun at his wife and a Sheriff’s Office chaplain trying to mediate a dispute between the two in the Marion area earlier this year was recently sentenced in Flathead County District Court.

November 8, 2018 4 a.m.

Bear paws through garbage in Whitefish

A person called the Whitefish Police Department to report hearing something going through the garbage. It was believed to be a bear.

November 8, 2018 4 a.m.

State seeking input on mountain lion management

Bring up the topic of mountain lions in Northwest Montana and it’s likely to evoke a range of comments and opinions, depending on who is doing the talking.

November 8, 2018 1:05 a.m.

Football Playoffs Braves get another shot at Bozeman in AA semis

It’s back to Bozeman for the Flathead football team.

November 8, 2018 1:04 a.m.

Tough start for spikers at state

The Daily Inter Lake

Wednesday, November 7

Libby hunters pack out elk on mountain bikes
November 7, 2018 8:22 p.m.

Libby hunters pack out elk on mountain bikes

Little, if anything, is easy about elk hunting, but two Northwest Montana men who have hunted them together for several years came up with a creative way get their bull out of the woods after a recent hunt.

Final Montana election results
November 7, 2018 7:58 p.m.

Final Montana election results

Election results with 562 precincts fully reported. Voter turnout: 66.7 percent

Montanans' split views on Trump evident in results
November 7, 2018 7:58 p.m.

Montanans' split views on Trump evident in results

Voters casting midterm election ballots in Montana were divided over President Donald Trump’s performance, and it showed in the results: Republican Rep. Greg Gianforte embraced the president’s agenda and won, but four campaign appearances with Trump failed to help challenger Matt Rosendale unseat Democratic Sen. Jon Tester.

First snow of season causes dozens of accidents
November 7, 2018 7:58 p.m.

First snow of season causes dozens of accidents

Brief, but strong snow squalls resulted in slick roads that caused dozens of traffic accidents and slide-offs during the Wednesday morning commute in the Flathead Valley.

November 7, 2018 7:44 p.m.

Republicans retain control of Montana Legislature in election

HELENA (AP) — Republican majorities appear to be safe in the Montana House and Senate with many races still to be decided.

Tobacco tax hike for Medicaid expansion rejected
November 7, 2018 7:44 p.m.

Tobacco tax hike for Medicaid expansion rejected

HELENA (AP) — Montana voters have rejected a ballot measure that sought to extend the state’s Medicaid program and pay for it in part by raising the tobacco tax.

November 7, 2018 7:15 p.m.

Columbia Falls dentist drowns in boating accident

A well-known Columbia Falls dentist drowned in the Flathead River early Tuesday afternoon during a boating accident.

Greg Gianforte wins first full House term in Montana
November 7, 2018 2:43 p.m.

Greg Gianforte wins first full House term in Montana

HELENA — U.S. Rep. Greg Gianforte defeated Democratic challenger Kathleen Williams in a Montana U.S. House race that wasn’t decided until Wednesday morning, a win that gives the Republican incumbent his first full term after overcoming renewed attention on his attack against a reporter last year.

Democratic Sen. Jon Tester beats Matt Rosendale in Montana
November 7, 2018 1:28 p.m.

Democratic Sen. Jon Tester beats Matt Rosendale in Montana

BILLINGS — Montana Democrat Jon Tester captured a third term in the U.S. Senate with an extremely narrow victory over an opponent President Donald Trump tried to boost by making repeated visits to the state.

November 7, 2018 5:10 a.m.

Legals November 7, 2018

No. 25753 PUBLIC MEETING FOR ELIGIBLE NEEDS TO BE CONSIDERED FOR ASSISTANCE The City of Kalispell, Flathead County, Montana West Economic Development, Samaritan House Inc., United Way, Community Action Partnership of Northwest Montana, Kalispell Public Schools, and Kalispell Regional Healthcare are holding a combined public hearing at 1:00 p.m., November 15, 2018, in the Kalispell City Council Chambers located in the Kalispell City Hall at 201 First Avenue East, Kalispell, MT 59901. The purpose of this hearing is to obtain the views of community residents, especially low and moderate income residents, regarding the community development needs and priorities of the City of Kalispell and Flathead County for economic development, housing and neighborhood revitalization, and public facilities. The entities listed above are eligible to submit an application to the Montana Department of Commerce for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and/or a Montana Home Investment Partnership Program Grant (HOME) and wish to obtain public comment on the needs of the community. The purpose of the grant programs and the variety of activities eligible for funding will be fully described. During the public hearing, everyone will be given the opportunity to express their opinions regarding community needs and the type of projects that should be considered. Comments may be given orally at the hearing or submitted in writing before 1:00 p.m. on November 15, 2018 to the City of Kalispell Community and Economic Development Department. Recommendations will be received and evaluated for this cycle of grant funding. If not successful for this funding cycle, all requests will be placed on a list for future consideration. For more information, or to submit comments, please contact the City of Kalispell Community and Economic Development Department at 406-758-7738 or CDBG or HOME application guidelines are available for review on the Montana Department of Commerce website, Reasonable accommodations will be made to enable individuals with disabilities to attend this meeting. Please call the City Clerk at 406-758-7756 to request an accommodation. November 1, 7, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________

Bryce Lawrence Berner, 79
November 7, 2018 4 a.m.

Bryce Lawrence Berner, 79

Bryce Lawrence Berner, of Kalispell, was welcomed into our Lord and Savior’s arms on Saturday, Nov. 3, 2018, surrounded by his loving family.

November 7, 2018 4 a.m.

Active-shooter training set Saturday at GPI Airport

Users of Glacier Park International Airport need not panic when they see a large volume of Flathead Valley emergency responders there Saturday.

Mary Lana Thompson Wirz, 75
November 7, 2018 4 a.m.

Mary Lana Thompson Wirz, 75

Mary Lana Thompson Wirz passed away on Nov. 3, 2018, at Brendan House in Kalispell.

Darrell Alan Sizemore, 51
November 7, 2018 4 a.m.

Darrell Alan Sizemore, 51

Darrell Alan Sizemore, 51, passed away Aug. 5, 2018, in Phoenix, of natural causes.

Mary Frances Olson (MacDonald-Morrison), 64
November 7, 2018 4 a.m.

Mary Frances Olson (MacDonald-Morrison), 64

Mary Frances Olson (MacDonald-Morrison), 64, passed away after a short illness on Nov. 2, 2018, at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.

November 7, 2018 4 a.m.

Volume goes up as clothes come off

A noise complaint was validated when an officer arrived to check it out. The participants said they were wrapping up a game of strip poker and then quiet would resume.

Lilburn Wesley 'Libby' Knutson, 84
November 7, 2018 4 a.m.

Lilburn Wesley 'Libby' Knutson, 84

Lilburn Wesley “Libby” Knutson, 84, of Polson, died Nov. 4, 2018, at Polson Health and Rehab.

Beverly Jane Lindevig Rehbein, 92
November 7, 2018 4 a.m.

Beverly Jane Lindevig Rehbein, 92

Beverly Jane Lindevig was born in Sidney on Aug. 8, 1926, to Thomas and Nettie Lindevig.

November 7, 2018 4 a.m.

No headline


Brodehl cruises to victory
November 7, 2018 3:06 a.m.

Brodehl cruises to victory

Republican Randy Brodehl, a longtime Flathead County resident and public servant, claimed an easy victory during Tuesday’s election for District 3 Flathead County commissioner seat.

November 7, 2018 1:09 a.m.

State volleyball play starts today in Bozeman

Flathead, which was a fixture at the Class AA state volleyball tournament for 13 straight seasons, is finally back.

Whitefish's Costain defies gravity
November 7, 2018 1:06 a.m.

Whitefish's Costain defies gravity

Parkin Costain could ski before he could walk.

Tuesday, November 6

The Latest: Montana election results
November 6, 2018 10:14 p.m.

The Latest: Montana election results

The Latest election results as of 12 p.m. Wednesday

Ski resort proposes big changes for Hellroaring Basin
November 6, 2018 7:18 p.m.

Ski resort proposes big changes for Hellroaring Basin

Hans Castren, a recreation specialist for the U.S. Forest Service, described the proposed changes to Whitefish Mountain Resort’s Hellroaring Basin area as the most significant improvements project during his eight years as the ski area’s permit administrator.

The Latest: Montana's U.S. Senate race too close to call
November 6, 2018 4:27 p.m.

The Latest: Montana's U.S. Senate race too close to call

The Latest on the general election in Montana (all times local):

November 6, 2018 5:10 a.m.

Legals November 6, 2018

No. 25768 Montana Eleventh Judicial District Court Flathead County In the Matter of the Name Change of Jolyne M. Krogstad: Jolyne M. Krogstad, Petitioner Cause No. DV-18-1105C HEIDI J ULBRICHT Notice of Hearing on Name Change This is notice that Petitioner has asked the District Court for a change of name from Jolyne Marjorie Marie Krogstad to Ren Marjorie Krogstad. The hearing will be on December 5, 2018 at 8:30 a.m. The hearing will be at the Courthouse in Flathead County. Date: October 25, 2018 PEG L. ALLISON Clerk of District Court By: /s/ SARA SMITH Deputy Clerk of Court November 6, 13, 20, 27, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________

November 6, 2018 4 a.m.

No headline


Beverly J. Rehbein, 92
November 6, 2018 4 a.m.

Beverly J. Rehbein, 92

Beverly J. Rehbein, 92, passed away on Oct. 26, 2018, at her home in Kalispell, with her family by her side.

Poul Houlberg, 89
November 6, 2018 4 a.m.

Poul Houlberg, 89

Poul Houlberg was born Sept. 29, 1929, in Chicago and passed away Oct. 16, 2018, at Kalispell Regional Medical Center in Kalispell.

Monday, November 5

November 5, 2018 7:55 p.m.

Protect and serve - and let the dog out

A woman called the Columbia Falls Police from the emergency room to ask if an officer could let her dog out while she was in the hospital if no one in her family could take care of it. The woman said officers knew where her key was hidden.

Law enforcement ramped up for Pence visit
November 5, 2018 7:54 p.m.

Law enforcement ramped up for Pence visit

When Vice President Mike Pence visited Billings in late July, the Yellowstone County Sheriff’s Office estimated his overnight trip accrued a nearly $35,000 price tag.

Vice President Pence headlines campaign rally in Kalispell
November 5, 2018 7:54 p.m.

Vice President Pence headlines campaign rally in Kalispell

Donna Oftedahl of Bigfork voted for Barry Goldwater in 1964. The Republican candidate for president lost in a landslide to incumbent Lyndon Johnson, a Democrat.

Rare caribou sightings reported in Northwest Montana
November 5, 2018 5:39 p.m.

Rare caribou sightings reported in Northwest Montana

Rare and documented sightings of woodland caribou in Montana led the Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks to alert wildlife biologists in British Columbia and to remind big-game hunters to make sure of their targets.

PHOTOS: Vice President Pence holds rally in Kalispell
November 5, 2018 5:06 p.m.

PHOTOS: Vice President Pence holds rally in Kalispell

Vice President Mike Pence was joined by Sens. Lindsey Graham and Cory Gardner at a get-out-the-vote rally in Kalispell today. The rally was in support of U.S. Senate candidate Matt Rosendale and U.S. Rep. Greg Gianforte.

Snow expected to bring travel impacts Tuesday night
November 5, 2018 3:17 p.m.

Snow expected to bring travel impacts Tuesday night

Northwest Montana will likely see its first dose of winter weather in valley locations this week.

Big game harvests remains slow
November 5, 2018 2:02 p.m.

Big game harvests remains slow

Snow arrived in the mountains of Northwest Montana over the weekend, but not soon enough to significantly boost hunting success rates across the region.

November 5, 2018 5:10 a.m.

Legals November 5, 2018

No. 25766 FLATHEAD MUNICIPAL AIRPORT AUTHORITY PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE The regular meeting of the Flathead Municipal Airport Authority Board will be held at 4 P.M. on Tuesday, November 13, 2018 at Glacier Park International Airport, 4170 Highway 2 E., Kalispell, MT. A special meeting of the Flathead Municipal Airport Authority Board will be held from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm on Wednesday, November 14, 2018 at Glacier Park International Airport, 4170 Highway 2 E., Kalispell, MT, to conduct Design Consultant interviews. November 5, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________

November 5, 2018 4 a.m.

Whitefish prepares for big annexation

The Whitefish City Council is poised to take the first step toward annexing 22 acres of contiguous land that includes Park Knoll Estates.

November 5, 2018 4 a.m.

Polls open at 7 a.m. Tuesday in Flathead County

As a memorably divisive midterm election season draws to a close, there seems to be one point of agreement that crosses party lines: People will be grateful their TVs will no longer batter them with strident political ads.

Kalispell native shares life lessons in new book
November 5, 2018 4 a.m.

Kalispell native shares life lessons in new book

Kevin Guest does not recall the date his family’s lumber mill in Columbia Falls burned to the ground. A trusted employee had sparked the blaze while welding. But Guest, who grew up in Kalispell, remembers his father’s reaction.

November 5, 2018 4 a.m.

Kalispell council considers urban renewal hearing

Nearly one year ago, on Dec. 4, Kalispell City Council adopted “The Downtown Plan,” intended to help guide downtown Kalispell’s future growth and development.

Margaret Hurd, 81
November 5, 2018 4 a.m.

Margaret Hurd, 81

Margaret Jeanne Swanson was born Sept. 3, 1937, to Donald and Thelma Swanson in Fairmont, Minnesota. She then grew up in Iowa where her family moved when she was quite young.

Election mail bag Nov. 5
November 5, 2018 4 a.m.

Election mail bag Nov. 5

Our democratic society is based on an informed citizenry that votes. Earlier this week I was speaking with a young man in his early 30s and asked if he planned to vote next Tuesday. He did not know if he would. I pointed out that by not voting, he was in fact voting, but letting someone else do it for him. Looking at it this way clearly caught his attention and made him think more seriously about casting his vote. He did have preferences about the candidates and as we spoke further, he seemed to understand the importance of voting.

Sunday, November 4

November 4, 2018 11 p.m.

Woman's potty mouth matches her sign

A person taking their kids to school saw a woman standing near the entrance holding a sign with profanity on it. When the caller attempted to speak with the woman, she cursed at him and the kids could hear what she said.

November 4, 2018 5:10 a.m.

Legals November 4, 2018

No. 25764 Notice of Public Hearing Community Action Partnership of Northwest Montana, a non-profit organization, 214 Main Street, Kalispell Montana, 59901, as managing member of Recapitalization Montana, LLC, a Montana Limited Liability Company, which is Managing Member of Courtyard Associates, a Montana Limited Partnership, hereby notifies all interested persons of Kalispell, Montana, that we are proposing to develop Courtyard Apartments, a low-income rental housing complex on the site at 1842 Airport Road, Kalispell, Montana. This project will consist of 21 one-bedroom apartments, 9 two-bedroom apartments and 2 three-bedroom apartments for families and individuals. This project will be exempt from property taxes. The development and financing of this project is subject to and contingent upon an allocation of federal tax credits. An award of federal Low Income Housing Tax Credits was received from the Montana Board of Housing on November 20, 2017. There will be an opportunity to comment on whether this qualifying low-income rental housing meets a community housing need on November 19, 2018 at 6:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 201 First Avenue E. You are encouraged to attend and comment. November 4, 11, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________

November 4, 2018 4 a.m.

Clothing cache adds to store's eclectic offerings

When Karlene Khor started an eclectic pop-up store on Main Street in Kalispell earlier this year, she had no idea it would open the door to some pretty interesting inventory.

REI's new store in Kalispell opens Nov. 9
November 4, 2018 4 a.m.

REI's new store in Kalispell opens Nov. 9

In 1935, two years after construction concluded of the Going-to-the-Sun Road in Glacier National Park and two years before completion of the Appalachian Trail, Seattle-based outdoors enthusiasts Lloyd and Mary Anderson decided they needed to find a better way to buy gear to outfit their adventures.

November 4, 2018 4 a.m.

Get informed and make your vote count

Believe us when we say we’re as exhausted as you are.

McNeil - Fairchild
November 4, 2018 4 a.m.

McNeil - Fairchild

Jessica McNeil and Steven Fairchild were engaged Oct. 26 at Whitefish City Beach.

Voters decry divisiveness in midterm political battles
November 4, 2018 4 a.m.

Voters decry divisiveness in midterm political battles

Flathead County voters preparing for Tuesday’s crucial midterm election still seem to be motivated by the same things they were two years ago leading up to the 2016 presidential election.

November 4, 2018 4 a.m.

Montana Chamber updates tax study progress

BUTTE — The Montana Chamber of Commerce released initial findings from its study of Montana’s business taxes at the organization’s Annual Meeting Oct. 26. The State Tax Research Institute gave members a first look at its analysis on Montana’s tax structure and some possible reform options in future legislative sessions.

Joyce Marie Gollehon, 69
November 4, 2018 4 a.m.

Joyce Marie Gollehon, 69

Joyce Marie Gollehon, 69, of Kalispell, died Oct. 31, 2018, in Kalispell.

November 4, 2018 4 a.m.


- Karyn Thornton, a certified physician assistant has joined the staff at Tribal Health to provide increased health care to recipients in the Pablo/SKC and Two Eagle River School communities. Thornton grew up in Wisconsin and received her physician assistant education from the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks, North Dakota. She continued to pursue more training and experience in her career, first as an Emergency Medical Technician, then paramedic, and most recently Thornton worked in emergency medicine and cardiology services as a hospitalist in critical access across Montana.

Love Lives Here is grieving with Pittsburgh
November 4, 2018 4 a.m.

Love Lives Here is grieving with Pittsburgh

Love Lives Here is grieving with the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh after a gunman murdered 11 people during their worship service last week. Just a few days earlier, another gunman tried to enter the First Baptist Church in Jeffersontown, Kentucky, then turned away and murdered two African-American people at a grocery store instead.

November 4, 2018 4 a.m.

The good and the bad

You may have heard about it. A couple of days ago two black men in hoodies drove up to the Boston Library at one in the morning. The Boston Library is a place where many of Boston’s homeless people “live” — for lack of a better word. As the two men got out their vehicle they began placing trays of cooked food on the pavement in front of the library. Then they walked around to the sides and back of the library to let the homeless, who were sleeping on cardboard mattresses, know that there was hot food — beef tips and chicken — in front of thelLibrary. Then they left.

Election mail bag Nov. 2
November 4, 2018 4 a.m.

Election mail bag Nov. 2

As the owner of a real estate company with offices on Flathead Lake and the Clark Fork River, I have learned the economic value of clean water when it comes to property values. The simple fact is property on our lakes and rivers is more valuable when the water is clean and crystal clear.

November 4, 2018 4 a.m.

Building permits on file


Children's Center on track for 2019 opening
November 4, 2018 4 a.m.

Children's Center on track for 2019 opening

Construction is underway at Sunnyview Lane on a chilly Friday morning in October. There’s an unfinished atrium staircase, exposed wires and plumbing, and workers slathering white paint on a hallway wall.

November 4, 2018 4 a.m.

Workplace watercooler

The Kalispell Chamber of Commerce will hold its 114th annual banquet and auction Friday, Nov. 16, at the Hilton Garden Inn in Kalispell.

Election mail bag Nov. 4
November 4, 2018 4 a.m.

Election mail bag Nov. 4

This is “as I see it” in response to those who say Tom Clark is a Democrat. I say his record shows he is a moderate. A lot of Democrats are moderate. It’s not black and white!!

November 4, 2018 4 a.m.

Brodehl explains stance on Egan Slough

Several folks have asked me why I remain neutral about the Egan Slough water bottling plant litigation. With the lawsuit filed by bottling plant opponents, the law requires a commissioner to maintain an open mind about the case.

November 4, 2018 4 a.m.

Local doctors in support of I-185

The doctors of Glacier Medical Associates (GMA) strongly support the passage of ballot Initiative-185 for a healthy Montana. Please vote yes on I-185 to protect the health and healthcare of our kids and our state. GMA loves being an important fixture in improving the health of the community and patients that we serve.

Donna C. Lazar, 91
November 4, 2018 4 a.m.

Donna C. Lazar, 91

Donna C. Lazar, 91, passed away peacefully at The Springs in Whitefish and was welcomed into heaven on Oct. 29, 2018. Donna lived a long, wonderful life and will be dearly missed by her family and friends.

Morleys craft handmade vessels with old-school style
November 4, 2018 4 a.m.

Morleys craft handmade vessels with old-school style

SWAN LAKE — Foot-pedal power drives two antique jigsaws. A woodstove heats the shop. There’s no internet service. There’s no cell service.

Marilyn Jean (Bair) Jones, 91
November 4, 2018 4 a.m.

Marilyn Jean (Bair) Jones, 91

Marilyn Jean (Bair) Jones passed away on Sept. 21, 2018.

November 4, 2018 4 a.m.

Theft of Elvis blanket causes concern

Someone called the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office to report the theft of an Elvis blanket valued at $200. She said an acquaintance had been to her residence and used the blanket to clean something. The person said they would take it home to clean it but hadn’t returned it in some time. The collector’s blanket was eventually returned to its owner.

November 4, 2018 4 a.m.

Former sheriff trusts Tester on border security

As a former sheriff and the mayor of a Montana town near our northern border, border security has always been in the forefront for me. It takes resources to keep Montanans safe, combat drug trafficking, and secure the border and local government can’t do it alone. We need a partner at the federal level who is willing to fight to get us the resources we need to secure our border and keep our state safe. I’m glad to say that Senator Jon Tester has been that partner.

Joseph Gaylord Kikendall Sr., 91
November 4, 2018 4 a.m.

Joseph Gaylord Kikendall Sr., 91

Joseph Gaylord Kikendall Sr. passed away at Montana Veterans Home of Columbia Falls on Oct. 29, 2018.

November 4, 2018 4 a.m.

Pray for guidance and vote pro-life

Recently a Saudi journalist, Jamal Khashogg, who was self-exiled from his home country for fear of reprisal against him for his very vocal support of increased rights for Saudi women (such as the right to drive an automobile, vote, etc.), was assassinated in the Saudi Consulate in Turkey. All indications are that this slaughter was carried out with the knowledge of and probably at the direction of the Saudi rulers.

November 4, 2018 4 a.m.

I-185 a bad deal for Montanans

Ballot Initiative 185 is a bad deal for Montana that voters should reject. The winners of this bad deal would be the hospital corporations and their wealthy executives. The losers would be the rest of us – veterans, the middle-class, tobacco consumers and most of all, people who want to quit smoking. It’s a costly idea with almost no upside.

McNeil - Fairchild
November 4, 2018 midnight

McNeil - Fairchild

Jessica McNeil and Steven Fairchild were engaged Oct. 26 at Whitefish City Beach.

Saturday, November 3

PHOTOS: Tester, Williams rally in Kalispell
November 3, 2018 8:09 p.m.

PHOTOS: Tester, Williams rally in Kalispell

U.S. Sen. Jon Tester’s “Get Out the Vote Tour” held a rally at the Red Lion Hotel in Kalispell on Saturday. Tester was joined by Gov. Steve Bullock, Democratic candidate for House Kathleen Williams and several other state and local candidates for elected office.

Trump doesn't hide that Tester is reason for Montana stop
November 3, 2018 6:09 p.m.

Trump doesn't hide that Tester is reason for Montana stop

BELGRADE, Mont. (AP) — President Donald Trump made clear Saturday during a campaign stop in Montana that he wants to defeat Democratic Sen. Jon Tester over a personal grudge as much as political ambition.

Montana woman rescues llama from Yellowstone park
November 3, 2018 6:04 p.m.

Montana woman rescues llama from Yellowstone park

IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (AP) — A pack llama that escaped from a guided hike in southern Yellowstone National Park in August was rescued by a Montana outfitter last weekend, just days before most of the park’s entrances were to close for winter preparations.

November 3, 2018 1:08 p.m.

Halloween prankster caught red-handed

A juvenile who egged his neighbor’s house was caught by the homeowner, according to Kalispell Police. The boy was with two others when he threw the egg and hit a window. The egg didn’t cause any damage and the boy’s mother was notified.

Charles 'Chuck' William Roberts, 69
November 3, 2018 1:08 p.m.

Charles 'Chuck' William Roberts, 69

A great man, Charles “Chuck” William Roberts, 69, passed away the morning of Oct. 25, 2018, in Billings.

November 3, 2018 1:07 p.m.

Class A and B teams in rebuilding year, with pockets of strength

Class A powerhouse Columbia Falls High School is focused on raising the bar during this year’s speech and debate season, eying a 14th consecutive championship title.

Glacier, Flathead ready to bring 'AA' game to opener
November 3, 2018 1:07 p.m.

Glacier, Flathead ready to bring 'AA' game to opener

Team members are ready to speak their minds as the speech and debate season revs into high gear with the Kalispell Kickoff today.

Flathead Audubon helps students access nature
November 3, 2018 1:06 p.m.

Flathead Audubon helps students access nature

Kalispell Montessori fourth- through sixth-graders set out on another adventure last week to their outdoor classroom in the Owen Sowerwine Natural Area. Accompanying the students was Flathead Audubon Conservation Educator Denny Olson.

November 3, 2018 1:06 p.m.

ACLU sues sheriff over jailed immigrant

The American Civil Liberties Union is suing Lincoln County Sheriff Roby Bowe, claiming he illegally detained a man at the request of federal officials.

November 3, 2018 5:10 a.m.

Legals November 3, 2018

No. 25750 Public Notice On or after the November 12th, 2018. West valley Storage will have a public Auction. Gardner Auction Service will conduct the auction at 200 United Drive, Kalispell MT 59901. To be sold for cash, the personal items stored by: Elizabeth Galloway, James Daughtery, Trevis Jones and others that have received notice per MCA 70-6-420. West Valley Office: 282 4th Ave. WN, Kalispell MT 59901. 406-257-9066. October 27, November 3, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________

November 3, 2018 1:02 a.m.

Libby 2nd at Western A volleyball


November 3, 2018 1 a.m.

Bigfork pulls away from Roundup

ROUNDUP — Randy Stultz ran for four scores and Brady Thorness returned an interception for a touchdown and also caught a touchdown pass for Bigfork in the Vikings’ 43-18 quarterfinal victory over Roundup on Saturday afternoon in the Class B football playoffs.

Wildcats advance in nail-biter
November 3, 2018 1 a.m.

Wildcats advance in nail-biter

COLUMBIA FALLS — Columbia Falls survived a thriller on Saturday, holding off Lewistown for a 23-22 victory in Class A quarterfinal football action at Satterthwaite Field.

Friday, November 2

November 2, 2018 7:21 p.m.

Two injured in head-on crash in Lake County

Two people were taken to the hospital after a head-on crash Friday afternoon south of Polson.

November 2, 2018 7:21 p.m.

Wardens investigate elk poaching near Troy

Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks game wardens are investigating the illegal killing of a bull elk west of Troy.

Location selected for rally with vice president
November 2, 2018 5:31 p.m.

Location selected for rally with vice president

KALISPELL (AP) — The Montana Republican Party has announced more details about Vice President Mike Pence’s get-out-the-vote rally in Kalispell.

November 2, 2018 5:10 a.m.

Legals November 2, 2018

No. 25761 Camisha Sawtelle Sawtelle Law Firm PLLC P.O. Box 5117 Whitefish, Montana 59937 Telephone: (406) 730-1399 Fax: (406) 862-7451 ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF MONTANA ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT FLATHEAD COUNTY GLACIER WILDERNESS RANCH OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., Plaintiff, vs. FORREST D. GROVES AND COLLEEN M. ANDERSON, Defendant. Cause No. DV-18-816B SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION THE STATE OF MONTANA sends greetings to the Defendants Forrest D. Groves and Colleen M. Anderson: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the Complaint and Demand for Jury Trial in this action, which is filed in the office of the Clerk of this Court, a copy of which is in the possession of said Clerk, and to file your answer and serve a copy thereof upon the Plaintiff's counsel within twenty-one (21) days after the last date of publication of this Summons, and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgement will be taken against you, by default, for the relief demanded in the Complaint. This lawsuit is a foreclosure action against real property described in the Complaint as follows: Unit Number 1, Time Share Week Number 15 of Glacier Wilderness Ranch, being located on a tract of land described as follows: That portion of Homestead Entry Survey Number 1110, located in Section 18, Township 31 North, Range 17 West P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana described as follows: Beginning at Corner Number 4 of said H.E.S. No. 1110; thence South 89°47'23" East, and along the Southerly boundary of said H.E.S. No. 110, a distance of 996.52 feet to Corner No. 3 of H.E.S. No 1110; thence North 00°34'44" East, and along the Easterly boundary of said H.E.S. No. 1110, a distance of 500.00 feet; thence North 89°47'23" West, and parallel to the Southerly boundary of said H.E.S. No. 1110, a distance of 1,118.09 feet to the Westerly boundary of said H.E.S. No. 1110; thence South 13°06'24" East, and along said Westerly boundary, a distance of 513.80 feet to the Point of Beginning. Together with an undivided interest in the appurtenant common elements of said condominium as the said unit, interest and common areas are established, defined and identified in the Declaration of Unit Ownership and exhibits attached thereto, recorded January 8, 1981 in Book 707, Page 755 as Instrument No, 295, and amended as: Recorded March 16, 1981 in Book 713, Page 103 as Instrument No, 3372, and Recorded August 4, 1981 in Book 722, Page 333 as Instrument No. 10635, and Recorded September 22, 1981 in Book 724, Page 622 as Instrument No., 13320, and Recorded September 23, 1981 in Book724, Page 655 as Instrument No. 13393, and Recorded September 17, 1982 in Book 748, Page 772 as Instrument No. 13794, and Recorded November 29, 1982 in Book 753, Page 876 as Instrument No. 17829, and Recorded January 29, 1987 as Instrument No. 87-029-13330, and Recorded January 29, 1987 as Instrument No. 87-029-13340, and Recorded January 29, 1987 as Instrument No. 87-029-13350. WITNESS MY HAND AND THE SEAL OF SAID COURT THIS 12th day of October, 2018. PEG L.ALLISON Clerk of Court By: CASSANDRA M.LOVELESS Deputy Clerk November 2, 9, 16, 2018 MNAXLP __________________________

November 2, 2018 4 a.m.

Police investigate link in Agency, Missoula homicides

Detectives are investigating a possible connection between a double homicide in Missoula on Oct. 19 and a shooting death in Sanders County on Oct. 5.

Charles 'Chuck' William Roberts, 69
November 2, 2018 4 a.m.

Charles 'Chuck' William Roberts, 69

A great man, Charles “Chuck” William Roberts, 69, passed away the morning of Oct. 25, 2018, in Billings.

Theresa Harris-Powell, 53
November 2, 2018 4 a.m.

Theresa Harris-Powell, 53

Theresa Harris-Powell, 53, passed away on Oct. 22, 2018, in Missoula.

November 2, 2018 4 a.m.

Getting gas was volatile event for couple

Someone called the Kalispell Police Department to say a woman had punched a man while they stood at the gas pumps. He left before she did.

Loretta Enger, 82
November 2, 2018 4 a.m.

Loretta Enger, 82

Loretta Enger, 82, of Columbia Falls, passed away Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2018, surrounded by her loving family at The HealthCenter in Kalispell.

New building planned in downtown Whitefish
November 2, 2018 4 a.m.

New building planned in downtown Whitefish

A new mixed-use building plan has emerged for a prime spot on Whitefish’s Central Avenue where the former Lakestream Fly Shop operated.

Polson inventor markets self-defense whip
November 2, 2018 4 a.m.

Polson inventor markets self-defense whip

Seconds matter in an attack situation. So does the choice of weapon if one is forced to fight back.

Flathead rolls over Senior
November 2, 2018 2:09 a.m.

Flathead rolls over Senior


PHOTOS: Flathead tops Billings Senior, 52-35
November 2, 2018 2:03 a.m.

PHOTOS: Flathead tops Billings Senior, 52-35

Photos from Flathead’s 52-35 victory over Billings Senior in a Class AA quarterfinal playoff game at Legends Stadium on Friday.

November 2, 2018 1:47 a.m.

Corvallis reaches Western A divisional volleyball final

The Daily Inter Lake

November 2, 2018 1:47 a.m.

Helena High knocks off Glacier, 21-7

HELENA — Helena High defeated Glacier 21-7 on Friday night in Class AA quarterfinal play of the football playoffs at Vigilante Stadium.

November 2, 2018 1:46 a.m.

C-Falls starts playoff action vs. Lewistown

The Wildcats steamrolled through the Northwest A conference, going 5-0 and outscoring their opponents 306 to 57.

Thursday, November 1

PHOTOS: Flathead advances past Glacier in Western AA playoffs
November 1, 2018 11:05 p.m.

PHOTOS: Flathead advances past Glacier in Western AA playoffs

Photos from Flathead’s 3-0 victory over Glacier in a Western AA volleyball playoff held at Flathead High School on Thursday. Flathead won 25-18, 25-19 and 26-24.

Interior watchdog refers Zinke probe to Justice Department
November 1, 2018 8:12 p.m.

Interior watchdog refers Zinke probe to Justice Department

WASHINGTON — The Interior Department’s internal watchdog has referred an investigation of Secretary Ryan Zinke to the Justice Department, signaling a potential escalation amid a series of inquiries into Zinke’s conduct.

November 1, 2018 8:09 p.m.

Columbia Falls teens accused of stealing car, gun

Five teen-aged boys from Flathead County are facing charges after Columbia Falls Police said they stole a car and a gun during a Halloween crime spree in the city.

Vice president to campaign for Rosendale in Kalispell
November 1, 2018 5:54 p.m.

Vice president to campaign for Rosendale in Kalispell

KALISPELL (AP) — Vice President Mike Pence is making his third trip to Montana during this election cycle to campaign on behalf of Republican U.S. Senate candidate Matt Rosendale.

November 1, 2018 12:09 p.m.

Whitefish hosts avalanche safety workshop

A panel of snow science and avalanche safety experts will be in Whitefish next week for the annual Northern Rockies Snow and Avalanche Workshop.

Whitefish will host session on $7.1 billion industry
November 1, 2018 12:08 p.m.

Whitefish will host session on $7.1 billion industry

It’s no secret that outdoors recreation in Montana is big business. Gov. Steve Bullock wants to see the growth continue.

Beverly J. Rehbein, 92
November 1, 2018 12:08 p.m.

Beverly J. Rehbein, 92

Beverly J. Rehbein, 92, passed away Friday, Oct. 26, at her home in Kalispell, with her family by her side.

November 1, 2018 12:07 p.m.

Halloween power outage no trick

It may have seemed like a Halloween prank, but it was no trick that 13,000 members of Flathead Electric Cooperative were left in the dark temporarily on that spookiest of days.

November 1, 2018 12:07 p.m.

Invest in Montana's future with 6-mill levy

Montanans have a 70-year tradition of investing in state higher education. On Nov. 6, voters across the state will again have the opportunity to renew that economic and societal investment by voting for the 6-mill levy.

Election mail bag Nov. 1
November 1, 2018 12:07 p.m.

Election mail bag Nov. 1

I’m an independent voter and not beholden to any party.

Interest high in proposed 24.5-mile trail system
November 1, 2018 12:06 p.m.

Interest high in proposed 24.5-mile trail system

Trail lovers were optimistic after Tuesday evening’s Crystal Cedar Project meeting in Columbia Falls.

Apartments planned on old Whitefish hospital site
November 1, 2018 12:06 p.m.

Apartments planned on old Whitefish hospital site

A plan to redevelop the former North Valley Hospital site in Whitefish with seven apartment buildings containing a total of 234 apartments has been filed with the Whitefish Planning Office.

Undersheriff adieu Leib closes out long career with Sheriff's Office
November 1, 2018 12:06 p.m.

Undersheriff adieu Leib closes out long career with Sheriff's Office

The Flathead County Sheriff’s Office is in the midst of a transformation that hasn’t occurred in a long time and it begins Friday with the retirement of Undersheriff Dave Leib.

Plein air artist's work on display at library
November 1, 2018 12:06 p.m.

Plein air artist's work on display at library

Escape the chilly fall weather and take in ImagineIF Library’s latest art exhibit, “A Deep Breath,” by award-winning local artist Therese LaChance Ely.

Warren Miller film sets stage for ski season
November 1, 2018 12:06 p.m.

Warren Miller film sets stage for ski season

Warren Miller Entertainment’s 69th full-length feature film, “Face of Winter,” will set the stage for the 2018-19 ski season.

November 1, 2018 12:06 p.m.

'Art of the Hero' exhibit celebrates hometown heroes

Bigfork Art and Cultural Center presents “The Art of the Hero” exhibition Nov. 6 to 23.

Somers Middle School Theater presents 'Annie Jr.'
November 1, 2018 12:06 p.m.

Somers Middle School Theater presents 'Annie Jr.'

The shimmer of Times Square is coming to Somers Middle School at 6:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 2, and 2 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 3.

Nick Spear releases 'Train Wreck of a Heart'
November 1, 2018 12:05 p.m.

Nick Spear releases 'Train Wreck of a Heart'

Released this week, Nick Spear’s independent album “Train Wreck of a Heart” resonates with a wistful beauty that defines a brooding new sound.

Von Kleist and Eldred present The Gift of Thanks
November 1, 2018 12:05 p.m.

Von Kleist and Eldred present The Gift of Thanks

The Gift of Thanks on Sunday, Nov. 18, is a benefit concert for Groovetrail, featuring two of the Flathead’s most talented and beloved performers, Erica von Kleist and Mike Eldred.

November 1, 2018 12:05 p.m.

Events calendar Nov. 1 - 7


Recycled fashion show rocks the runway in Whitefish
November 1, 2018 12:05 p.m.

Recycled fashion show rocks the runway in Whitefish

The Creative Arts Council, the nonprofit that owns and operates the Creative Arts Center in Eureka, brings its wild and wacky Trash-2-Flash Recycled Fashion Show to the O’Shaughnessy Cultural Arts Center in Whitefish Friday, Nov. 9.

November 1, 2018 5:10 a.m.

Legals November 1, 2018

No. 25745 REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS/PROPOSALS (RFQ/P) ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES The Blackfeet Tribe is soliciting qualifications and proposals for Architectural and Engineering services to assist the Blackfeet Tribe in designing a nursing home, and ancillary equipment required for the operation of this long-term healthcare facility. All sealed responses to the detailed RFQ/P must be received at the address below no later than 12:00 p.m. Friday, November 16, 2018. A detailed Request for Qualifications/Proposals (RFQ/P) can be obtained by contacting: The Blackfeet Tribe Attn: Planning & Development Director PO Box 850 Browning, MT. 59417 406-338-7406 October 30, 31, November 1, 2018 MNAXLP _________________________

November 1, 2018 4 a.m.

Here's the scoop on those little green jigs: You won't be sorry!

I don’t think there is a freshwater fish on the planet that can’t be fooled by a green jig.

November 1, 2018 4 a.m.

All-State musicians perform at Missoula

Area high school musicians recently performed at the Montana All-State Festival gala concert at The University of Montana in Missoula.

Libby, Corvallis spikers unbeaten at Western A tourney
November 1, 2018 1:05 a.m.

Libby, Corvallis spikers unbeaten at Western A tourney

WHITEFISH — Northwest teams held the upper hand during the early session on the first day of play at the Western A Divisional volleyball tournament on Thursday.

November 1, 2018 1:03 a.m.

Class AA Football Glacier tests Helena, again; Flathead up against Senior

It’s a rematch from the regular season for Glacier while Flathead draws a foe it has not played in at least five seasons for the opening weekend of the Class AA football playoffs.

Flathead sweeps Glacier for trip to state
November 1, 2018 1:03 a.m.

Flathead sweeps Glacier for trip to state

The Flathead Bravettes are headed to state.