Monday, February 28

Bigfork challenge

Winter Special Olympics Cheek

WInter Special Olympics Run

Winter Special Olympics

Glacier High Flooding Cleanup Pod

Glacier High Flooding Cleanup
Libya uprising: Rebels position for fight near capital
magazine iframe
Block-grant cuts would limit local agency
Proposed funding cuts to the federal Community Services Block Grant program would have a dramatic effect on Northwest Montana residents living at or below the federal poverty rate, the Community Action Partnership of Northwest Montana said this week.
Flood repairs under way at Glacier High
School will resume today at Glacier High School despite flooding on Saturday.
Victims interact in restorative justice program
Bringing victims into the youth justice process is what the Victim Impact Program is all about.

National Guard training

Training for the Army National Guard Warriors
Angry woman takes it out on bartender
Kalispell Police Department officers responded to a bar in the 1400 block of Airport Road when a woman threw water at a bartender after her drinking privileges were suspended at 8:18 p.m. Saturday.
Sunday, February 27

Ruth Francis Ostroot
Trevor Jennings Johnson
Trevor Jennings Johnson, son of Jennings and Kathleen Johnson of Kalispell, was born Jan. 25 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.

Arthur A. Lindlief, 74
Arthur A. Lindlief, 74, passed away Feb. 15, 2011, at his home in Kalispell.
It's time for real sacrifice
Sen. Jon Tester’s take is that Congress needs to be deliberative and careful in pursuing budget cuts in the short term, and seriously scrutinize spending in all corners of government, including defense and entitlements.
Logan Steven Reynolds
Logan Steven Reynolds, son of Justin and Rebecca Reynolds of Columbia Falls, was born Jan. 28 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
No-frills health care: wool socks and salve
I was reading a column in my Minnesota hometown newspaper the other day about health care in the days of yore (actually the 1950s and ‘60s) and had to laugh because the writer’s recollections of her mother’s home remedies were exactly like my own experience.
Public spending boosts hospitals
Experts provide snapshots of various economic sectors
Medicare payments to hospitals in Montana constitute 34 percent of net revenue to those facilities, people at a recent economic forum in Kalispell were told.

Arthur Andrew Lindlief
Tensley Sable Conner
Tensley Sable Conner, daughter of Brady and Sarah Conner of Kalispell, was born Jan. 28 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.

Vets angry at vote to privatize home
‘If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it'
When the joint Subcommittee on Health and Human Services voted in Helena to cut funding and privately contract the operation of the Montana Veterans Home, a shock wave rippled through the Flathead Valley.
Burst pipe floods high school
Water pours into ‘pod’ at Glacier
Crews were working to clean up significant water damage at Glacier High School Saturday after a pipe burst, according to Activities Director Mark Dennehy.
Community health center still in limbo
The fate of the Flathead Community Health Center remains in limbo as its federal grant ends Monday and money to continue operations was axed from a continuing budget resolution passed by the U.S. House of Representatives
DeWit scores 16 in Wildkats' NWA divisional victory
RONAN - Future Montana State Bobcat Kayla DeWit scored 16 points and pulled down 13 rebounds as the Columbia Falls Wildkats dumped Libby 46-37 in the Northwestern A girls divisional championship at the Ronan Event Center.

Ruth Frances Ostroot, 96
Ruth Frances Ostroot, 96, passed away on Thursday, Feb. 24, 2011, at Kalispell Regional Medical Center in Kalispell, one day before her 97th birthday.

Musical lifeline: Guitar owned by POW takes a place in history at Canadian war museum
During the endless hours as a prisoner of war in World War II, Alfred “Alf” Binnie’s guitar was an instrument of survival.
Boden Leif Hallstrom
Boden Leif Hallstrom, son of Leif and Jill Hallstrom of Kalispell, was born Jan. 26 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Zoie Rue Gesler
Zoie Rue Gesler, daughter of Joshua and Chelsea Gesler of Kalispell, was born Jan. 28 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Kason Daniell Butts
Kason Daniell Butts, son of Nathan Butts and Kayla Eberly of Kalispell, was born Jan. 23 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Wesley Scott Wyatt
Wesley Scott Wyatt, son of Nathan and Jaime Wyatt of Columbia Falls, was born Jan. 25 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Smoke alarms credited with saving burning home
Firefighters quickly doused a fire at a home on Eighth Avenue West in Kalispell early Saturday morning.

Evergreen retail vacancy rate rises
Evergreen business owners are beginning to mobilize to try to deal with the community’s 40 percent vacancy rate in commercial property.
Economist details aftershocks of recession
While economists have determined that the recession officially ended in summer 2009, Americans still face four challenges in balanced economic growth, according to an economist at the University of Montana.
Lucy Bunker
Lucy Bunker, daughter of Marc and Amy Bunker, was born Jan. 28 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Anderson Cooper and the 'Big Bad Birthers'
CNN’s Anderson Cooper may actually think he is a fair-minded journalist. But probably someone in a mental institution somewhere thinks he is Anderson Cooper. Which just goes to prove that thinking something, doesn’t make it so.
Saturday, February 26

CFalls action

CFalls crowd

Columbia Falls winner

Flathead Missoula Hellgate Basketball Rebound

Flathead Missoula Hellgate Basketball

Play 60
Skull Church moving to monthly service, branching out
Skull Church was bold from the start. Now it’s getting bolder.

Brownies learn some horse sense
The excitement could be summed up in two words: “It’s horsies!”
Kila man drives over 50-foot cliff
An elderly Kila man was severely injured Friday morning after losing control of his pickup and crashing down a 50-foot cliff on U.S. 2 West near Rogers Lake Road.
Claudia Potter Rychlik, 64
Claudia Jane “Nubbie” Potter Rychlik, of Marion, peacefully passed away in her home after a short illness, on Monday, Feb. 21, 2011, at the age of 64. She had many of her family members by her side.
Swan River speller comes out on top
For 15 rounds, Megan Pancoast and Jenna McCrorie had calmly and correctly spelled each word they were given.

Wolfpack cruises by Bravettes
There are good butterflies and bad butterflies.
Snow plow and car collide, plow wins
Columbia Falls vs. Polson for title
RONAN - Five Wildcats scored in double figures to ensure Columbia Falls will be defending its Northwestern A boys divisional basketball title tonight for the second year in a row.
Vikings to play in final
PABLO - Bigfork took care of business in the first half, then coasted from there for an impressive 61-36 victory over Valley Christian on Friday in Western B boys divisional semifinal basketball play.

Claudia Potter Rychlik

'Pack prevails, cinches Western AA title
After the excitement settled and the thousands of fans began filing home, after coach told the team how proud he was, that's when it all sank in for Glacier senior Trey Griffith. And tears streamed down his face.
Vals 3rd in divisional play
PABLO - Caitlin Charlebois scored 23 points and Mallery Knoll 16 as Bigfork claimed the consolation crown Friday by beating Valley Christian 56-41 at the Western B divisional girls basketball tournament.

Crosstown Basketball at Glacier High School

Crosstown Girls Basketball

Crosstown Girls Basketball Defense

Crosstown Girls Basketball Floor

Crosstown Boys Basketball

Crosstown Boys Basketball Nervous Fans

Crosstown Boys Basketball Victory

Crosstown Boys Basketball High Five
Friday, February 25

Crosstown Boys Basketball Fans

Crosstown Boys Basketball Defense

Crosstown Boys Basketball backwards layup

Montana Veterans Home

Girl Scout Horse Riding

Girl Scout Horses

Center for Restorative Youth Justice

Horse Rescued from Water
Styling for "we need help" box
Lakeside plan put on hold
The embattled 2010 Lakeside Neighborhood Plan has been put on hold until a lawsuit challenging the neighborhood planning process goes to trial in December.
Crosstown preview: Glacier in hunt for first conference title

Wolfpack on a roll
Griffith’s free throw gives Glacier 10th straight victory
The West is still up for grabs and the Wolfpack has eyes on it.
Gun-toting grandson scares burglars
Kayla Lahr
Kayla Lahr, daughter of Jason and Trisha Lahr of Kalispell, was born Jan. 18 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Macyn Alan Mena
Macyn Alan Mena, son of Matt and Meagan Mena of Ferndale, was born Jan. 20 at North Valley Hospital.
Isobella Jolleen Mary Wriedt
Isobella Jolleen Mary Wriedt, daughter of David Wriedt and Lacy Arend of Whitefish, was born Jan. 17 at North Valley Hospital.
Alise Mae Gunderson
Alise Mae Gunderson, daughter of Kyle and April Gunderson of Kalispell, was born Jan. 19 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Adeline Fiona Nerdig
Adeline Fiona Nerdig, daughter of Matt and Megan Nerdig of Whitefish, was born Jan. 21 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Should bison be treated as wildlife?
Tasked with exploring the feasibility and desirability of establishing a population of wild bison in Montana that would be regulated through hunting, Arnold Dood has found himself pondering their absence from the state’s grasslands.
College to sponsor Arab Culture Celebration
Flathead Valley Community College’s Multicultural Affairs Office hosts an Arab Culture Celebration over several days in March.

Snow job
Northwestern A Divisional: Ronan wins a thriller over Libby
RONAN - The Northwestern A boys divisional basketball tournament opened on a thrilling note as host Ronan slipped past Libby 39-37 on Thursday at the Ronan Event Center.
Phebe Rose Dill-Marston
Phebe Rose Dill-Marston, daughter of Jed Marston and Justina Dill of Columbia Falls, was born Jan. 17 at North Valley Hospital.
Bungling burglar pleads innocent
The 24-year-old man arrested inside Kmart with a bag full of stolen electronics pleaded innocent to burglary in District Court Thursday.
Khole Nevins
Khole Nevins, son of Raymond Nevins Jr. and Vanessa Jelleff of Kalispell, was born Jan. 14 at North Valley Hospital.
Swindler has to repay $210,296
The Kalispell man who orchestrated a Ponzi scheme and swindled investors out of thousands of dollars now says he is gainfully employed and will repay the money.
Ethen James Baker
Ethen James Baker, son of Tiger Baker and Kayla Polston of Kalispell, was born Jan. 17 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Thursday, February 24

Glacier Boys vs. Missoula Hellgate

Treasured Guitar
Sprint Cup 2011: Tracking the drivers

kalispell Glass Logo
AP NDN Video
Weather closes Whitefish schools
Winds, drifting snow and low temperatures hit the Flathead Valley on Thursday morning.

Isn't winter over yet?
Bigfork coach honored by colleagues
Charlie Appleby, head coach of Bigfork High School’s speech, debate and drama team, was selected as the Northwest Class B Drama Coach of the Year.

Jean Lavern (Colby) Spicher, 91
Following a recent short illness, Jean Lavern (Colby) Spicher died peacefully on Monday, Feb. 21, 2011, at Brendan House with her family at her side. She was 91 years old.
School money must be shared
The Legislature and Gov. Brian Schweitzer are justified and farsighted in figuring out how oil and gas tax revenues collected by Eastern Montana school districts can be equalized with other districts in the state.

Edythe Hill

Edythe Hill, 83
Edythe Hill, 83, of Kalispell, passed away Saturday, Feb. 19, 2011, peacefully at home.
Bigfork wins divisional opener
PABLO - Melissa VanDerVeer hit a couple of big shots late in the third period, sparking Bigfork to a 59-37 first-round victory over Valley Christian on Thursday at the Western B divisional girls basketball tournament.

Winter takes toll on vintage city pipes
Broken mains send water into basements
Cast-iron pipes from the 1920s are the culprit in two water main breaks in Kalispell over the past week.
No beer, wine allowed for Boiler Room
There will be no beer or wine served at the Boiler Room on a regular basis after the Kalispell City Council unanimously denied the request Monday.
Deer Park leads local march to Mathcounts event
Cayuse Prairie finishes second in district competition
Two teams of math whizzes will compete in March at a state competition, after impressive performances at a district tournament earlier this month.
Vals chase a championship
Most athletes remember losses more clearly than they do victories. They can remember each play, every move they made and every second in vivid detail.

Basement Flooding
Liquor store gets reprieve
A Flathead County District Court judge issued an order Wednesday allowing a Kalispell liquor store to remain open while its owner appeals the Montana Department of Revenue’s decision to shutter it.
Special athletes compete here next week
Special Olympics Montana will conduct its 16th annual State Winter Games Sunday through Tuesday at Whitefish Mountain Resort.
Dog is hero in this 'dog bites man' story
Wildkats enjoying a successful NWA run
It's been a pretty special run for Columbia Falls on the hardcourt regarding Northwestern A play.

Jean Lavern (Colby) Spicher
Polio's Last Stand: Eliminating the crippling disease
Wednesday, February 23

More Winter Weather
New Zealand earthquake: Rescue efforts continue
Clear Float
AP Newsbrief
AP Newsbrief-5
Divisional play next challenge for Bigfork
One hurdle remains in the state basketball tournament journey for both Bigfork's girls and boys - the Western B divisional.

Senator seeks health-care diagnosis
Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., visited North Valley Hospital and Kalispell Regional Medical Center on Tuesday seeking a diagnosis for health-care problems as well as cures to make the reform law better.

Thelma Mae Potter, 93
Thelma Mae Potter, 93, passed away in the early morning hours on Feb. 21, 2011, guided by the wonderful care and loving attention given by the Immanuel Lutheran Home and Hospice.

Don K adds four new vehicle lines
Kari Dodge deal finalized
Don K Chevrolet/Subaru of Whitefish finalized its purchase of Kari Dodge on Tuesday, making it the most diverse car dealership in the Flathead Valley.
Ruth Darnell, 87
Ruth Darnell, 87, passed away Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2011, in Gig Harbor, Wash., with her daughters by her side.
Tester says budget standoff will end with compromise
A government shutdown is politically undesirable for Republicans and Democrats, Sen. Jon Tester said Tuesday, and he believes that making serious long-term spending cuts will require a comprehensive legislative package with buy-in from both parties.
Superintendent Schottle a finalist for Oregon job
Kalispell Public Schools’ top administrator is a finalist for a superintendent position in Eugene, Ore.
Liquor store could be closed over cited violations
A Kalispell liquor store faces the loss of its state contract over citations for alleged violations that included selling liquor-filled chocolates and failing to file paperwork with state regulators.
Local horse racing still on track
Funding scenario yet to be determined
Horse racing appears to have moved out of the starting gate for this year’s Northwest Montana Fair, even though it’s not clear yet how the funding will play out for two days of racing.
Academy Awards: Hollywood honors best in film
Tuesday, February 22

Ruth Darnell

Thelma Mae Potter
Gabrielle Rose Fontecilla
Gabrielle Rose Fontecilla, daughter of Troy and Liz Fontecilla of Kalispell, was born Jan. 13 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Nathaniel Andre Kolosov,
Nathaniel Andre Kolosov, son of Andre and Anastasiya Kolosov of Kalispell, was born Jan. 10 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Oliver Birch Belz
Oliver Birch Beltz, son of Andrew and Lucy Beltz of Whitefish, was born Jan. 14 at North Valley Hospital.
Tessa Noelle Pacheco
Tessa Noelle Pacheco, daughter of Thomas and Amanda Pacheco, was born Jan. 15 at North Valley Hospital.
Madilyn Racheal Isles
Madilyn Racheal Isles, daughter of Christy and John Isles III, was born Jan. 13 at North Valley Hospital.
Marion Angell Shanks
Marion Angell Shanks, daughter of Alex and Jamie Shanks of Bigfork, was born Jan. 12 at North Valley Hospital.
Noah Samuel Gaston
Noah Samuel Gaston, son of Tim Gaston and Jessica Kinzer of Kalispell, was born Jan. 6 at North Valley Hospital.
Caelan Aleah Gray
Caelan Aleah Gray, daughter of Jared and Anna Gray of Libby, was born Jan. 4 at North Valley Hospital.
Alma Louise Kelsey
Alma Louise Kelsey, daughter of Christopher and Katherine Kelsey of Whitefish, was born Jan. 7 at North Valley Hospital.
Colter Wayne Bengston
Colter Wayne Bengston, son of Wayne and Lindsey Bengston of West Glacier, was born Jan. 2 at North Valley Hospital.
Stella Blue Phillips
Stella Blue Phillips, daughter of Kevin and Rachel Phillips of Whitefish, was born Dec. 30 at North Valley Hospital.
Asher Patrick Kinghorn
Asher Patrick Kinghorn, son of Brandon Kinghorn and Chelsie O’Connor of Eureka, was born Jan. 5 at North Valley Hospital.
Trae Daren Gunlock
Trae Daren Gunlock, son of Troy and Cortnee Gunlock, was born Jan. 9 at North Valley Hospital.
Kieran Garrett Kehoe
Kieran Garrett Kehoe, son of Luke and Aundrea Kehoe of Kalispell, was born Jan. 11 at North Valley Hospital.
Bella Mae Handford
Bella Mae Handford, daughter of Christopher and Daisy Handford of Kalispell, was born Jan. 7 at North Valley Hospital.
Gage David Crawford
Gage David Crawford, son of Del and Crystal Crawford of Kalispell, was born Jan. 5 at North Valley Hospital.
Kane Allan Hermann
Kane Allan Hermann, son of Chase Hermann and Samantha Large of Whitefish, was born Jan. 4 at North Valley Hospital.
Bryson Joseph Archer and Sofia Ann-Marie Archer
Bryson Joseph Archer and Sofia Ann-Marie Archer, son and daughter of Misty Archer of Columbia Falls, were born Dec. 31 at North Valley Hospital.
Aliya Nicole Lime-LeDuc
Aliya Nicole Lime-LeDuc, daughter of Jayme LeDuc and Melissa Lime, was born Jan. 8 at North Valley Hospital.
Kiedis Alexa Lawrence
Kiedis Alexa Lawrence, daughter of Steven and Anah Lawrence of Kalispell, was born Jan. 4 at North Valley Hospital.
Elliott James Heyboer
Elliott James Heyboer, son of Pete and Jenny Heyboer of Kalispell, was born Dec. 24 at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.
Magnus Czeslaw Ulvin
Magnus Czeslaw Ulvin, son of Ryan and Courtney Ulvin of Whitefish, was born Dec. 13 at home.
Creed Robert Mallery
Creed Robert Mallery, son of Ransom and Jessica Mallery of Columbia Falls, was born Dec. 23 at home.

Bigfork Basketball Mallory Knoll

Evergreen Empty Lots

Kari Dodge to Don K Chevrolet and Subaru Plates
Through the gateway: Turkish opinion poll

Basement Flooding Shirley Kennedy

Sen. Tester visits KRMC
David Hobson, 68
David Hobson, 68, passed away on Feb. 18, 2011.
Hundreds gather to support public services
Montana got its version of the Wisconsin union protests Monday when teachers and other members of a pro-Democratic alliance turned out in force at the state Capitol for what they called a “Rally to Save Public Services and Education.”
Man shoots intruder in the back in Libby
A Washington man is in the hospital after being shot in the back by another man near Libby early Sunday morning, but there have been no arrests in the case.
Marion senior to ride across U.S. for children
Mike Williams, 62, of Marion leaves early Thursday morning for San Diego for the start of a coast-to-coast bicycle ride on Saturday to raise money for the Children’s Miracle Network.
Bigfork, Eureka return starters, key players
Sept. 3, 2010
Class B athletes honored for football, volleyball
Three players from the state champion Bigfork Vikings earned all-state football honors in Class B for the 2010 season.
Man wants marijuana returned
The Flathead County Sheriff’s Office got a report from a man shortly after his release from jail Sunday who was complaining that his medical marijuana was not being returned to him by detention staff because his medical marijuana card had expired. He was advised that it would be disposed of after 24 hours.
Library expands eBook selection
The Flathead County Library System has expanded its collection of downloadable materials with the addition of EPUB eBooks.
Bigfork committee accused of open-meeting violations
Flathead County officials say they are checking into allegations that the Bigfork Stormwater Advisory Committee violated the state open-meeting law on several occasions.
Monday, February 21

Phone Pole Accident

Whitefish Winter Classic
Whaling in Japan: Harassment cited as hunt ends early

Canine-powered skiers take to the snow in West Glacier
Canine-powered skiers zoomed around a mile-long track at the Glacier Outdoor Center in West Glacier Saturday where Doggie Skijoring Races were held for the fifth year.

Duane Merle Grob, 83
Duane Merle Grob, 83, passed away Feb. 16, 2011, at St. Vincent Hospital, in the company of his loving family.

Smiles are reward for donated dentistry
While many people sympathize with struggling families, Kalispell dentist Tom Pittaway and his staff put their skills into some of the neediest teeth in town.
Local players earn MCAA honors
Morgan Paolini of Stillwater Christian and Jace Voigtlander of Flathead Valley Home School were named the MVPs of the MCAA basketball tournaments this weekend in Great Falls.

Duane Grob
Federal agency remapping Evergreen flood area
A major revision to the Evergreen area’s flood maps is under way.
Sunday, February 20
Census 2010: Texas fueled by minority growth

Airport launches $8 million upgrade
Taxiway, entrance road to be rebuilt
Glacier Park International Airport will embark on nearly $8 million in airport improvements this summer as part of a new 20-year master plan for the airport.
Shut the 'right to know' loophole
A bill that reinforces the right of Montana citizens and media to access public records and deliberations is thankfully moving right through the legislative process.

Hughes helps Wolfpack rally past Bengals
A little visualization can lead to big success.
Tourism spells revenue, plenty of jobs in Montana, Flathead Valley
Tourism is big business in Montana, and a big chunk of the state’s tourism business occurs in Flathead County and Kalispell, according to speakers at two recent meetings in Kalispell.
Kalispell continues tree removal program
Kalispell workers have been busy the past couple of weeks removing dead trees.

Randy David 'Dell' Willoughby
Icy end for stolen Toyota

Child Development Center gives delayed toddlers a big boost
Nici Zuffelato had no idea how to judge if her toddler Ryker was developing age-appropriate verbal skills until Mary Buenz addressed the Mothers of Preschoolers group at her church.
Big fourth quarter leads Capital over Flathead
Hustle makes up for a lot of mistakes.
One voter who won't support Kalispell school levy
I will not be voting in favor of the Kalispell Public Schools building reserve levy.
'Doughnut' legal wrangling continues
Two members of a committee that drafted a revised interlocal agreement for the Whitefish two-mile planning “doughnut” area have asked the court to grant a joint city-county motion to dismiss a related lawsuit.

Randy David 'Dell' Willoughby, 52
Born March 4, 1958, in Butte, Randy was relieved of his pain Feb. 14, 2011, peacefully at his home surrounded by his family. Randy’s passion for life and riding motorcycles motivated him through his struggles with cancer. Known for his graceful smile, big heart and shiny head, Randy’s devotion and unbeatable love for his family and friends will be forever in our hearts.
Democracy or chaos? From Egypt to Wisconsin
Following the momentous political eruption in Egypt, President Obama told the world, “I am confident that the people of Egypt can find the answers, and do so peacefully, constructively, and in the pursuit of unity that has defined these last few weeks — for Egyptians have made it clear that nothing less than genuine democracy will carry the day.”
Saturday, February 19

Dog Skijoring

Glacier girls vs. Helena

Graduation Gift

Pothole Season Comes Early

Wildcats win showdown
No. 1-ranked Columbia Falls rallies from halftime deficit to beat Polson
COLUMBIA FALLS - That ear-ringing tournament atmosphere can be unsettling at first. Even for an experienced group like the Columbia Falls Wildcats.
'Opt-in' parks fee proposal in trouble
A bill that would require Montanans to “opt-in” rather than “opt-out” of paying a fee to support state parks when they register their vehicles has been referred back to a committee and probably won’t make it the floor of Senate, one of the bill’s co-sponsors said Friday.

Teachers make lasting imprint
Gathering remembers schooldays past
The details that matter, the ones that linger long after the names, dates and mathematical formulas have disappeared, had little to do with book learning.
Bravettes hold off Bengals
Flathead avenges Jan. 29 loss to Helena High
If a 49-20 loss at Helena High on Jan. 29 was a season low point for the Flathead Bravettes, Friday was easily a season high.
DeWit leads Kats to top seed
POLSON - Kayla DeWit put on an offensive show with 29 points and the Columbia Falls Wildkats (10-7, 8-0) wrapped up the top seed at next weekend's Northwestern A divisional basketball tournament.
Officers investigate reported assault
Friday, February 18

Rocky Mountain Bullriders Challenge

Columbia Falls vs. Polson Boys Basketball
Search begins for new Somers superintendent
The Somers School District is looking for a new superintendent, and school board trustees want community members to be part of the search.

Loggers stop pesky 'Dogs
WHITEFISH - At times, it was pretty brutal.

Susan J. Boyle
DeWit receives national NAIA honor
Former Wildkat scores 32 points in game against MSU-Northern
Columbia Falls graduate and Montana Tech center Kelsey DeWit was named player of the week for all of NAIA National Division I Women's Basketball.
Let schools know how you feel
How do you plug a budget hole that is estimated to be at least a half-million dollars?

Kelly Sue (Conner) Wolf, 43
Kelly Sue (Conner) Wolf, 43, passed away Feb. 15, 2011, in Kalispell, due to natural causes.
Oil money eyed for school funding
Efforts are under way in Helena to siphon oil money surpluses from Eastern Montana school districts for the benefit of schools across the state.
Panel targeting Veterans Home
A legislative subcommittee amendment adopted Thursday could be the first step in either closing down or privatizing the Montana Veterans Home in Columbia Falls.

Picking the perfect puppy
Eureka boys fall in OT to Plains
LIBBY - Plains overcame a rough first quarter to defeat Eureka 63-59 in overtime in a first-round matchup at the District 7B boys basketball tournament on Thursday.
Accused sibling purse thieves plead innocent
A brother and sister accused of trying to steal a purse from an elderly woman in a Kalispell parking lot pleaded innocent in Flathead District Court on Thursday to robbery-related felonies.
Minnesota man faces felony charges for train threat
A Burnsville, Minn., man who allegedly told police there was a bomb aboard an Amtrak train headed across Montana has been charged with two felonies.
Steven A. Charlton, 48
Steven A. Charlton, 48, passed away on Sunday, Feb. 13, 2011, at Kalispell Regional Medical Center in Kalispell.
Northwestern A titles on line tonight
Columbia Falls, Polson play for top seeds at divisional tournaments
The excitement of regular-season basketball reaches an apex tonight with two familiar Class A schools - Columbia Falls and Polson - playing for the top seeds at the divisional tournaments and bragging rights as conference champion.

Susan J. Boyle, 92
Susan J. Boyle, 92, passed away Feb. 16, 2011, in her home at Prestige Assisted Living in Kalispell, following a short illness.
Jailers halt suicide try
Flathead County Sheriff Chuck Curry credits jail staffers for preventing the death of an 18-year-old inmate who attempted suicide late Wednesday night.
Thursday, February 17

Whitefish vs. Libby Girls Basketball
College 2011 baseball season: Game on

Child Development Center

Super G gives young skiers taste of speed
Five alpine ski racers with the Whitefish Mountain team recently competed in this year’s only Super G race series for young Montana racers Feb. 11-13 at Showdown Ski Area southeast of Great Falls.

GPIA Runway Repaving

GPIA Check In

Remembering Teachers Vertical

Glacier Park International Airport

Remembering Teachers
Schweitzer makes stand on wolves
Gov. Brian Schweitzer has drawn a bold line on the land, announcing Wednesday that he is directing Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks not to prosecute ranchers who kill wolves that threaten livestock.

Band trip to Bellevue 'a huge honor'
Glacier High School’s symphonic band leaves today for a trip to a national conference.
Dogs lead the way in skijoring races
Dogs and skiers will hit the snow Saturday in West Glacier for the annual Doggie Skijoring Race.

Hilda Irvin, 88
Hilda Irvin, 88, “joined her heavenly Father” on Monday, Feb. 14, 2011, in Kalispell.

Michael W. Grachek Sr.
North Fork deal is a winner
It’s hard to overstate the significance of the recently announced commitment of the Nature Conservancy to provide about $9.4 million to seal a deal between Montana and British Columbia that will prevent mining in the Canadian headwaters of the Flathead River Basin.
Chainsaws missing, presumed stolen
Gun bill based on C.F. case
A state representative from Columbia Falls will present information Friday on a bill that would allow students to keep hunting rifles in vehicles parked in a school lot.
Cougars, Crusaders have state title aspirations
Stillwater Christian School girls basketball coach Denise Topp has no complaints on how the season has played out to this point.

Noel D. Furlong, 84
Noel D. Furlong, 84, “was called home” Valentine's Day, Feb. 14, 2011, “to be with his beloved wife, Louise” after a sudden illness.
Longtime college trustee Engebretson resigns board post
The resignation of John Engebretson has opened a position in the Flathead/Glacier High School District on the Board of Trustees of Flathead Valley Community College.
High court: Killer can't withdraw guilty plea
The Montana Supreme Court has denied a former Bigfork man’s request to withdrawal his guilty plea for the 2007 shooting death of a 24-year-old Ferndale man.
Kalispell Borders store to stay open
Bankrupt book giant to close 200 outlets

Michael W. Grachek Sr., 71
Michael W. Grachek Sr., 71, of Kalispell, passed away on Sunday, Feb. 13, 2011, at Kalispell Regional Medical Center.

Noel D. Furlong
Tobacco industry insider to present talk on Sunday
Victor DeNoble has gone from secret tobacco researcher to key witness against the tobacco industry over the last few decades. On Sunday he will be in Kalispell for a discussion of the impact drugs can have on students.

Hilda Irvin
Wednesday, February 16

Glacier High Symphonic Band

Randy Mock

Quintin Uziah Wagoner, 2
Quintin Uziah Wagoner, 2 years, 8 months, and 23 days, was welcomed into the family of Steve and Nettie (Kauffman) Wagoner on May 16, 2008.

Thomas 'Tom' Lawrence Sheridan
Governor still upbeat about state budget
Gov. Brian Schweitzer continues to have an optimistic outlook for state revenues and is clearly positioning himself for an upcoming budget tangle with the Republican-controlled Legislature.
Animal shelter history shows progress in euthanasia
The Flathead County Animal Shelter reported a 9 percent euthanasia rate in 2010, a stark contrast to the 73 percent recorded in 1983 when the agency first began keeping statistics.

Florene Vivian Coleman 'Pat' Dunnam

Florene Coleman 'Pat' Dunnam, 92
Florene Vivian Coleman “Pat” Dunnam, 92, of Kalispell, passed away on Feb. 1, 2011.

Randy Mock, 54
Clinton “Randy” Randal Mock, 54, passed away Feb. 10, 2011, at the University of Colorado Hospital in Denver during evaluation for a possible liver transplant. He was cremated and brought home to Montana.

Quintin Uziah Wagoner
Ronan boys defeat Whitefish
RONAN - Kevin Wroblewski scored 18 points and J.J. Tanner added 16 as Ronan defeated Whitefish 69-56 in a Northwestern A boys basketball contest on Tuesday.
Vikings, Vals pull top seeds for 7B play
Bigfork's boys and girls basketball teams, perfect during regular-season District 7B play, are the top seeds for the district tournament which begins Thursday in Libby.
Cabin Fever Days proves to be too much
Badlands Bowl selects 4 local players
Bryan Chery and Joel Horn of Glacier High School, Travis Knoll of Bigfork and Kaleb Johnson from Columbia Falls have been selected to play for the Montana team in the 2011 Badlands Bowl football game.

Amtrak train evacuated
Sewer study calls for sharp increase in basic fee
A new sewer rate study for Kalispell calls for a sizable increase in the base rate.

Thomas 'Tom' Lawrence Sheridan, 82
Thomas “Tom” Lawrence Sheridan died peacefully Feb. 7, 2011, in Spokane, after an 18-year battle with leukemia.
International manhunt snares Big Arm man
Ex-owner of Lakeside Cafe accused of sex crime involving girl
The U.S. Marshals who tracked fugitive Big Arm businessman Bill Weimar to a luxury hotel in Havana last week were prepared to wait him out, since there’s no extradition treaty between Cuba and the United States.

Amtrak train evacuated; rail traffic backs up
An unruly passenger who was removed from an Amtrak train in Northwest Montana later made a threat that led to the train’s evacuation, an Amtrak official said Tuesday.
Tuesday, February 15
Fashion Week 2011: New York
The Egypt effect: Ripples felt throughout region

Shelly's Jellys

5 Sparrows Cafe Products

Eucharistic Adoration
Getting paid: Criticism of Gulf spill claims process
Is abortion really the American genocide

John Roy Gordon, 68
John Roy Gordon, 68, passed away from lung cancer complications on Feb. 9, 2011, at St. Patrick Hospital in Missoula. His immediate family was able to arrive, and he was comforted by their love at his bedside.

Man admits hammer killing
A Kalispell man will be sentenced next month for killing a man and hiding his body.
Money found to seal N.F. mine deals
Another chapter is unfolding in the running effort to ban mining in the Canadian headwaters of the Flathead River: Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer announced a deal Monday that will compensate two mining companies for investments they already have made in the drainage.
Richard 'Dick' P. Strack, 70
Richard “Dick” P. Strack, 70, passed away in Arizona at Danilo Adult Care Home on Feb. 3, 2011, after a long battle with cancer and diabetes.
School budget survey under way until Sunday
Those who want to express their opinion about potential budget cuts to Kalispell Public Schools have until Sunday to sound off.

john gordon
County nixes North Fork zoning change
Agreeing it posed undo restrictions on private property rights, the Flathead County commissioners on Monday unanimously rejected a text amendment that would have banned temporary structures in the North Fork Zoning District’s 150-setback from public roads and bodies of water.
Marijuana 'patients' throw a party
Someone called the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office Sunday to report receiving a text message about a party for medical marijuana card holders. A deputy made contact at a Ridgewood Drive residence and confirmed that there was a party for card holding “patients.”
Monday, February 14
The Grammys: Stars shine, surprise at award show
Spring Training: Gearing up for a new baseball season

Robert Lake Change of Plea

Schweitzer North Fork Buyout
Mortgages Giants: Obama proposes to slowly dissolve
Leader Thin ad position code
Church abuse: Monsignor charged
18 qualify for national speech meet
The Daily Inter Lake

Sandy Carlson

Flathead plus financial job equals happiness
Living the dream
Like so many others who have found their way to the Flathead Valley, Sandy Carlson and her family were lured here by a couple of vacation trips to ski on Big Mountain and see Glacier National Park.

Cardiologist pens heart biography with brother
'The Sublime Engine'
Kalispell cardiologist Dr. Thomas Amidon and his brother, novelist Stephen Amidon, combined art and science to deliver “The Sublime Engine: A Biography of the Human Heart” to Rodale Press in time to publish just before Valentine’s Day.
Heart Health Fair features screenings, book authors
A Heart Health Fair Tuesday offers free screenings for cholesterol, blood pressure, peripheral arterial disease and body fat along with a host of educational events, including readings and discussion of “The Sublime Engine: A Biography of the Human Heart.”
Sunday, February 13

Terms of endearment: Conrad correspondence details early years of couple's marriage
On Valentine’s Day in 1881, Charles and Alicia Conrad were newlyweds.

Alan Lee Moore, 68
Alan Lee Moore, 68, was born on Feb. 2, 1942, in Rochester, N.Y., and passed away peacefully at Brendan House on Jan. 12, 2011.

Leo Bruce Evans, 87
Leo Bruce Evans passed away at 5:15 a.m. on Feb. 3, 2011, at the Montana Veteran's Home in Columbia Falls. He was a beloved son, brother, husband, father, grandfather, great-grandfather, uncle cousin, friend and mentor.
Loyda wins swim crown
BUTTE - Jordan Loyda became the first Glacier High School swimmer to win an individual state title on Saturday at the Butte YMCA pool along with anchoring two Wolfpack relays to first-place finishes.
Ballard victorious
GREAT FALLS - Boyce Ballard had his moment on Saturday night.
Second place for 'Pack
Glacier scores 231 points; Bozeman ends Flathead’s five-year reign
GREAT FALLS - It was a special night.

Alan Lee Moore
Legislature must stay focused
It’s not unusual for Montana legislative sessions to be tangled with seemingly frivolous and constitutionally questionable bills, and the current session is no exception.

Cabin Fever Days
Boats, bikes, barstools hit the hill
Outrageous ingenuity took center stage Saturday in Martin City where the renowned barstool ski races got under way at the 33rd annual Cabin Fever Days.
County planning director overhauls fee structure
In an effort to increase user-friendliness and clarity of planning fees, Flathead County Planning Director BJ Grieve has overhauled his office’s administrative fee schedule.
Knights may get chance to play on Rawson Field
It might surprise some people to learn that Kalispell has a semiprofessional football team.

Leo Bruce Evans
Valentine gift ideas border on the bizarre
I can always tell when Valentine’s Day is drawing near. My e-mail inbox fills up with all kinds of gift ideas. Some are rather intriguing.
Refocused Wildcats rumble past rival Bulldogs
Columbia Falls sets up conference title showdown with Polson next Friday
COLUMBIA FALLS - As Kaleb Johnson smoothly scored the fastbreak layup, adding more points and momentum to the Wildcats' growing lead, the standing Columbia Falls student section began echoing the chant throughout the packed gymnasium.
Seized computers returned to owner
Terry Leonard got his computers back Thursday.
A sinking ship and a rising tide of red ink
It’s hard to be a hero.
Saturday, February 12

The Sublime Engine

Dr. Thomas Amidon Heart Surgery

Dr. Thomas Amidon

Cabin Fever Days Bar Stool Races

Bar Stool Races Wipeout

Bar Stool Races Whistling Andy

Bar Stool Races Slant

Bar Stool Races Red Rocket

Bar Stool Races Plane

Bar Stool Races High Stool

Bar Stool Races Hill

Bar Stool Races Harley

Bar Stool Races Finish Line Fall

Bar Stool Races Fall

Bar Stool Races Canoe

Bar Stool Races Bracing
Glacier's Loyda top qualifier in 200 free
BUTTE - Glacier's Jordan Loyda posted the top qualifying time in the 200 freestyle (1:52.63) Friday at the Montana High School Association State Swim Meet at the Butte YMCA pool.
Polson 7th after first day of mat action
BUTTE - Polson is sitting seventh in the team standings after first-day action Friday at the Class A state wrestling tournament at the Butte Civic Center.

Charles Conrad
2011 could be year of improvement for local economy
The economies of Flathead County, Montana and the United States are recovering, albeit slowly, an economist told several hundred people at Friday’s economic outlook seminar in Kalispell.
Sprinklers planned for FHS fire needs
In about a month, Kalispell Public Schools will ask voters for nearly $6 million over five years.

Close call for county commissioner
Flathead County Commissioner Dale Lauman was not injured Friday after his truck crossed several lanes of traffic on U.S. 93 and nearly crashed into a building south of Kalispell.
Great day for Glacier
Wolfpack in 2nd place, advances 9 to semis; Flathead 5th, has 5 in semis
GREAT FALLS - Remember the hard work, remember the early morning practices.
Ozegovich turns in gritty effort
Flathead wrestler makes quick recovery from MCL injury to compete at state
GREAT FALLS - No whining, no fussing, no coulda, shoulda, wouldas.
Braves cash in at free-throw line
Opportunity called. The Braves answered.

Mission to Guatemala

Alicia Conrad
Friday, February 11

Paint-in at the Museum
For all of your recycling services in the Flathead Valley.
Bigfork girls win 16th in a row
BIGFORK - Third-ranked Bigfork held Ronan scoreless in the opening quarter en route to a 44-19 nonconference girls basketball victory on Thursday evening.

Streaking Wolfpack blast Big Sky
Chery hits five treys, scores 21 points in 30-point victory
Four weeks and eight games ago, the woebegone Wolfpack was in a tailspin, losers of four-straight and unable to find that zeal on offense or defense.
Keep Open Meeting Law tough
It may seem innocuous, but a bill that is in motion to close meetings of school boards and other governing panels to discuss labor contract negotiations is a big step in the wrong direction for Montana.
Two men charged after pot bust
Two Flathead County men have been charged with felony drug crimes after a Feb. 3 traffic stop yielded three pounds of marijuana.
Sex abuser given 15 years in prison
A 29-year-old Flathead County man accused of sexually abusing a 9-year-old girl and boy was sentenced to 15 years in Montana State Prison Thursday in District Court.

Thomas Anton 'Oscar' Johnson, 76
Thomas Anton “Oscar” Johnson, 76, passed away on Monday, Feb. 7, 2011, at the Kalispell Regional Medical Center in Kalispell.
Swimmers finish season at state meet
Glacier has 21 competing in Butte, Flathead sends 8
Brandon Rannebarger is more anxious than he is nervous about the state swim meet today and Saturday in Butte at the YMCA pool.

Nellie Ekholt Pritchett

Paul Allen Roberts, 53
Paul Allen Roberts died Feb. 2, 2011, at his home in Kalispell.

Nellie Ekholt Pritchett, 89
Nellie Ekholt Pritchett passed away on Feb. 9, 2011, at the Crest Nursing Home in Butte.

Thomas Anton 'Oscar' Johnson

Paul Allen Roberts
Cluster zone recommended for Bigfork
The Flathead County Planning Board unanimously recommended approval of Residential Cluster zoning for the Bigfork Zoning District on Wednesday.
Thursday, February 10
Fashion Week 2011: New York

Glacier Missoula Big Sky Basketball Kyle Griffith

Glacier Missoula Big Sky Basketball
The Grammys: Starts shine, surprise at award show

Tom Pittaway Profile

New iPhones available at Verizon

Valentines at the Conrad Mansion
Nordic skiing races honor Karen Longhart
The third annual Great American Broken Binding Nordic Race/Tour will be held on Feb. 20 at the Stillwater Nordic Center near Whitefish.
Council to pay developer $312,000
The Kalispell City Council agreed Monday to pay developer Owl Corp. $312,000 to settle a dispute over payment for connecting to water lines.

Libby's Leir on a mission
LIBBY - Don't ask Libby junior Kyle Leir about his 2010-11 season wrestling record.
Tot dials up trouble with upscale 'toy'

W.R. 'Russ' Ramlow, 88
Willard Russell Ramlow died at his home on Feb. 6, 2011.
Polson hopes to contend for trophy
It's going to be a roller coaster ride.

Willard Russell Ramlow

Gordon Gerard Fisher
Medical marijuana fix needed
It’s understandable why Montana Speaker of the House Mike Milburn is pushing legislation that would repeal the state’s medical marijuana law.
Charles Gary Winters, 64
Charles Gary Winters, 64, of Missoula, formerly of Whitefish, passed away Feb. 5, 2011, at St. Patrick Hospital in Missoula, due to complications from cancer.
Stillwater moves to 18-2 in boys basketball
Stillwater Christian School had five players reach double-figure scoring in a 76-24 nonconference boys basketball victory on Wednesday at SCS.
Class AA mat crown up for grabs
It's going to be a battle.
Repeat offenders: Two face charges for their fourth DUIs
Two Flathead County men each are facing their fourth charges of driving under the influence of alcohol after a pair of weekend arrests.
C. Falls decides to add Nucleus stop signs
A four-way stop for Nucleus Avenue in Columbia Falls has gotten the OK.
Norma Lee Johnson, 78
Norma Lee Johnson, 78, passed away on Monday, Feb. 7, 2011, at Kalispell Regional Medical Center in Kalispell.

Gordon Gerard Fisher, 89
After living with heart disease since 1990, Gordon Gerard Fisher’s heart gave up the struggle on Feb. 7, 2011, and he passed away at home in Polson with his loving wife, Park, at his side. He was 89.

No Injuries
Wednesday, February 9

Crosstown Wrestling Handshakes
AP Top Domestic news

Valentines at the Conrad Mansion

Ruth Lowell, 93
Ruth Lowell died peacefully with her daughter Marsha at her side, following a short stay at Brendan House in Kalispell, Feb. 6, 2011. She would have been 94 on March 7th.
Local woman's nephew killed in Afghanistan
Cpl. Lucas T. Pyeatt, 24, the nephew of Nancy Roberts of Bigfork, was killed in Afghanistan Saturday.
Planning Board studies greenbelt zone proposal
What to do about a proposed greenbelt zoning district will be on tonight’s Flathead County Planning Board agenda.

Loyce Huber
Whitefish library group works toward 'seamless' transition
With less than five months to go, a newly appointed Whitefish Community Library board of trustees is in the throes of establishing an independent city library in Whitefish by July 1.
Polson stays 5th, MatCats ranked 10th in Class A wrestling poll
There have been a few changes in the Class A coaches wrestling poll this week.
Lawsuit dismissal proposed
Teen driver had sued estate of woman she killed
An attorney for Justine Winter has moved to dismiss a lawsuit that blamed a Columbia Falls woman for a 2009 fatal crash that led to two homicide convictions for the Evergreen girl.
Senators ask for continued county funding
With a significant federal funding source for rural schools and counties set to expire this year, Montana’s senators are prodding the Obama administration to extend the program.

Spartans top Wolfpack
The turnovers were troublesome all right - 29 all total.

Ron Baird, 60
Ron Baird, former head of CAA’s Nashville, Tenn., office and agent to many of country music's leading artists, died in Nashville on Feb. 3, 2011, of complications from Parkinson's disease. He had just celebrated his 60th birthday.

Ruth Lowell
Glacier boys knock off Sentinel
MISSOULA - Trey Griffith scored 12 points and had four assists and Kyle Griffith added 11 points and three steals as the Glacier Wolfpack downed host Missoula Sentinel 48-42 on Tuesday.

Loyce Huber, 84
Loyce Huber of Bigfork died after a lengthy battle with cancer Saturday, Feb. 5, 2011, at her residence.
No sign of exotic mussels in Flathead Lake
Deep-water divers, genetic testing and laboratory analysis of water samples did not detect any evidence of the presence of exotic mussels in Flathead Lake.

Ron Baird

Firefighters rescue lizards, cats, dogs
Firefighters rescued cats, dogs and bearded dragon lizards from a burning house just off U.S. 2 east of Columbia Falls Tuesday morning.
Doggie video may go viral on 'doo-tube'
Comments split on Boiler Room proposal
Is it time for beer and wine at the Boiler Room?
Keith Olbermann: Going back on the air on Current TV
Tuesday, February 8

Girls Basketball: Glacier vs Missoula Sentinel
Korean crisis: North and South hold talks

Northwestern A in Whitefish

Columbia Heights Fire Dog away from Smoke

Columbia Heights Fire

Columbia Heights Fire Dog away from Truck

Columbia Heights Fire Dog in Truck

Columbia Heights Fire Vertical

Columbia Heights Fire Building

Columbia Heights Fire Ascend Staircase

Columbia Heights Fire Spray

Columbia Heights Fire Windowpane

Columbia Heights Fire Engulfing Smoke

Columbia Heights Fire Smoke near Porch

Columbia Heights Fire Pets Vertical

Columbia Heights Fire Pets

Columbia Heights Fire Smoke Clearing

Columbia Heights Fire Bearded Dragon

Columbia Heights Fire Crews

Columbia Heights Fire Smokey Building

Columbia Heights Fire terrariums
Digging deep: Eastern U.S. ports look to expand
AOL Inc.: Pins hopes on Huffington Post

Snowpack 121 percent of average
It may seem as if there has been unusually steady snowfall this winter, but Northwest Montana’s mountain snowpack is only somewhat ahead of the 30-year average.

Herbert Eugene 'Gene' Sevier Jr., 95
Herbert Eugene “Gene” Sevier Jr., 95, of Polson, passed away Thursday, Feb. 3, 2011, at his home.
Canyon School closure part of funding solution
The Columbia Falls School District’s general fund budget isn’t yet final, but school officials are anticipating a minimum $440,000 shortfall in 2011-12.
Get your ride ready for annual barstool ski races
The 33st annual Cabin Fever Days comes to the Canyon this weekend.
New form carries through on patient wishes
Marilyn Olson, community educator with Frontier Home Health and Hospice, has launched a campaign for a form that expresses a patient’s wishes about life-sustaining treatment.
Lost out-of-bounds skier located
The Flathead County Sheriff’s Office got a report Sunday regarding a lost person who was skiing out of bounds near the Blacktail Mountain ski area. The man had a portable radio with him and was eventually located and escorted to safety.

William 'Bill' Joseph Duffy IV, 68
William “Bill” Joseph Duffy IV, 68, of Kalispell, “went home to be with the Lord” on Feb. 2, 2011, with his family by his side.
Monday, February 7
New START Treaty Takes Effect

Herbert Sevier

Bill Duffy

Preparing for Valentine's Day

Snow Pack 21% Above Normal
Census 2010: New Orleans population after Katrina
Field of dreams ... or not?

Kalispell schools ask for input about budget shortfall
With a minimum $500,000 budget shortfall anticipated next year, Kalispell Public Schools officials know they’ll have to make cuts.

Survey outlines potential Kalispell school cuts
A survey exploring possible cuts to Kalispell Public Schools’ 2011-12 budget will be posted on the district’s website this week.
Sunday, February 6

Housing market shows slight improvement
The number of houses sold in Flathead County last year increased by 5.4 percent compared to 2009, and was also higher than the number sold in 2008.
Glacier, Flathead bring home divisional hardware
HELENA - Both Glacier and Flathead got it done on Saturday in the finals of the Western AA seeding tournament.
Fixing work comp a priority
It’s encouraging to see that state lawmakers are pursuing workers’ compensation reform with determined focus and clarity — and that Flathead legislators are leading the charge.
High School Hoops: Polson stuns Columbia Falls
POLSON - Unbeaten no more.

Pirates storm back to win title
WHITEFISH - Maybe the Polson Pirates should have had a coffee before they wrestled their first round Saturday at the Northwestern A Divisional tournament.
Cuffs removed, no questions asked

Chilly Dip, warm pie, bartering for beer
Members of the Flying Penguins jump into Whitefish Lake in the annual Penguin Plunge on Saturday afternoon. This year the group consisted of 48 members who collectively raised $6,000. According to Aaron Norton, this is the second year they have been the largest group to enter the competition.
Resort-tax revenue shows strong turnaround
Whitefish turns in strong fourth quarter
Whitefish resort-tax collections for the last quarter of 2010 indicate a dramatic economic rebound in the resort town.

Clifford Lamar Mower, 32,
Clifford Lamar Mower, 32, "entered into rest" on Jan. 30, 2011, at his home in Kalispell.

The force is with him: Young actor in Super Bowl ad has ties to Whitefish
A 6-year-old boy featured in today’s Super Bowl advertisement for the Volkswagen 2012 Passat has ties to Whitefish.
Seminar focuses on local, state economy
Montana’s economy is the subject of an economic outlook seminar slated for Friday, Feb. 11, at the Hilton Garden Inn in Kalispell.

Local fans pump up for Super Bowl battle
Locals who are Pittsburgh Steelers or Green Bay Packers fans were gearing up this week for today’s big game.

Kalispell's LeDuc finds labor of love
Local physician recalls experience at NFL training camp
On the way to pursuing his dream, Kalispell native Tye LeDuc had to make a stop at Wendy's.
The 'rational' exuberance of spending other people's money
To sink or swim? That is the $15 trillion question.
Saturday, February 5

Kalispell Public Schools Survey

Northwestern A in Whitefish

Fitzgerald training camp 2

Fitzgerald summer camp

Whitefish Winter Carnival

Wolfpack buries Bravettes
The message - no lead is safe, no matter how large - was still fresh when Glacier coach Kris Salonen talked to her girls basketball team during her team's halftime break Friday evening at Flathead High School.

Earl Sheldon Hillier Jr., 74
Earl Sheldon Hillier Jr., 74, passed away Wednesday, Feb. 2, 2011, in Kalispell.
Helen Thompson Miller, 95
Helen Thompson Miller, 95, passed away Jan. 18, 2011, at Swedish Hospital in Seattle.

Blast levels house
Firefighters responding to reports of a loud explosion and heavy smoke seven miles outside Whitefish Friday morning found what amounted to a smoldering crater of debris when they arrived at the scene.
Skiers invited to tour Glacier by moonlight
The public is invited to join a free, 4-mile cross-country ski excursion into the winter night to discover how Glacier Park’s winter residents survive the cold and harsh months.

Keeping kids clothed in style
It started with a pair of pants.
Kalispell man waits to return to Cairo home
When William “Will” Richards of Kalispell left Cairo on Jan. 23, he expected to return a week later to his job at an aquatic center on the outskirts of the huge Egyptian city. He had no inkling the city was about to explode in violent protests.

Earl Sheldon Hillier Jr.

Glacier wins OT thriller
Wolfpack overcomes 18-point first half deficit to prevail over Flathead
"Wow," Glacier head coach Mark Harkins said. "That's all I can say is wow."
Calderwood's shot keeps C-Falls perfect
COLUMBIA FALLS - Jacob Calderwood banked home a shot with 20 seconds left on Friday night to give the Columbia Falls Wildcats a 33-31 Northwestern A victory over the visiting Libby Loggers.
Legislators strive for property tax reform

Harry James Spear, 85
Harry James Spear, 85, passed on Jan. 15, 2011.
FHS, Glacier rolling
Kalispell to send 41 wrestlers to state tournament
HELENA - The Glacier Wolfpack will send 21 wrestlers and the Flathead Braves will send 20 to the Class AA state wrestling tournament next weekend in Great Falls.
Handyman can be home alone, daughter can't
FVCC trustee, wife escape from Cairo chaos
Flathead Valley Community College Trustee Tom McElwain and his wife Carol got more from their Middle East tour than they bargained for – a front row seat to Egyptian history in the making.
Business-tax change will be one of last bills
HELENA – Lawmakers want to tackle the state’s business equipment tax, but it’s predicted to be a moving target through the duration of the legislative session.

Harry Spear

Crosstown Basketball

Crosstown Basketball Trap

Crosstown Basketball Girls

Crosstown Basketball Rachel Chery

Crosstown Basketball head ball

Crosstown Basketball Brittany Earnest

Crosstown Basketball Flathead Cheer

Crosstown Basketball Boys

Crosstown Basketball Air Time

Crosstown Basketball Referee

Crosstown Basketball Ryan Edwards

Crosstown Basketball Final

Crosstown Basketball Pep Band

Crosstown Basketball OT Shot

Crosstown Basketball Looking for Space

Crosstown Basketball Glacier Celebration

Crosstown Basketball Hecklers

Crosstown Basketball Glacier Fans

Crosstown Basketball Flathead Fans

Crosstown Basketball Glacier Cheer

Crosstown Basketball end game

Crosstown Basketball game end

Crosstown Basketball Flathead Mascot
Friday, February 4
Andy Pettitte: Yankees lefty announces retirement
Quality Horse Barns

Packer Fans

Packers Fan Flag

Steeler Fans Ball

Steeler Fans

Max Page

Darth Vader Super Bowl Commercial Room

Darth Vader Super Bowl Commercial

David Fetveit

House Explosion North of Whitefish
Whitefish gets royal treatment
Hear ye, hear ye.
Columbia Falls Junior High principal honored
Dave Wick was hesitant to talk about an honor he received recently.
Contest begins for young writers
Young writers may submit their short stories or poems to Authors of the Flathead’s annual High School Student Writing Contest.
Cirincione sets 3 state swim records; nationally ranked
Jake Cirincione, a 12-year-old swimmer with the KATS, broke three state age-group records at the FAST Meet in Great Falls last month.
Marion animal ranch faces shutdown
Without an infusion of donations, All Mosta Ranch, an animal rescue in Marion, almost certainly must close at the end of February.
Whitefish superheroes ready for carnival finale
Expect a “Marvel-ous” time at the Whitefish Winter Carnival on Saturday.
Reichner's work-comp plan has inside track
Seeding tourney next for Braves, Wolfpack
There's no going back now.
No. 6 Polson looks to defend wrestling title
WHITEFISH - It's time to step on the mat and mix it up for spots at the Class A state wrestling tournament.

James Howeth
Drunk woman has her hair pulled

Man pleads guilty in double murder
Justin Ray Calbick apologized Thursday in Flathead County District Court after pleading guilty to the 2010 shooting deaths of his father and brother and a hostage situation that followed the murders.
Panel kills hospital tax measure
Thursday, February 3

James R. Howeth, 78
James R. Howeth, 78, of Helena, passed away on Feb. 1, 2011.

Winter found guilty of two counts of homicide
Justine Winter was found guilty of two counts of deliberate homicide Thursday night in Flathead County District Court.

Debbie Winter

Justine Winter Trial

Defense Attorney Max Battle

Prosecuting Attorney Ed Corrigan

Winter trial verdict

Jason Thompson

Justine Winter Day Nine

Crosstown Closet at Linderman

Defense Max Battle

Prosecution Ed Corrigan
Australian Storm: Powerful cyclone hits northeast

Justin Calbick Changes Plea
Planet hunting: Search for life-friendly planets

Gladys M. (Zacharias) Fredenberg, 92
Gladys M. (Zacharias) Fredenberg, 92, of Lakeside, a homemaker, died Saturday, Jan. 29, 2011, at a local care facility of congestive heart failure.

Travis J. Herring, 21
Travis J. Herring, 21, of Milwaukie, Ore., passed away Jan. 20, 2011.
Burglary suspect caught with pack full of goods
A 24-year-old Evergreen man was arrested early Wednesday morning after he was found inside Kmart wearing a ski mask and carrying a backpack filled with stolen electronics, according to the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office.

Travis Herring

Nadine Pearcy

Nadine Edna Pearcy, 93
Nadine passed peacefully in her daughter’s embrace Jan. 30, 2011, “leaving this world to join God and her mother.”
Speech wizards dominate again
The trophy cases must be getting a little crowded at Columbia Falls High School.
Glenn 'Nappy' Freeman, 81
Glenn "Nappy" Freeman, 81, passed away at his Kalispell residence on Tuesday, Feb. 1, 2011.

Robert Edward Schumacher, 92
Robert Edward Schumacher was born Oct. 14, 1918, at Heron Lake, Minn., on the family farm to Edward and Josephine Schumacher. He died Jan. 30, 2011, in Kalispell, at 92 years of age.
Woman never let go of purse
A Flathead County woman told investigators she was trying to get money to buy morphine when she attempted on Jan. 19 to steal a 78-year-old woman’s purse.

Two people injured in crash near Bigfork

Robert Schumacher
City Council to consider Boiler Room's request for beer, wine
Temperatures are rising about a request to add beer and wine at the Boiler Room in Kalispell.
New local coalition watchdogs Legislature
A proposed Senate bill that would allow some local government entities to demand coordination from the federal government before imposing federal policies drew support on Tuesday from the new Flathead County Coalition.
Teenager's trial headed to jury
A jury is expected to begin deliberating today in the case of a 17-year-old Evergreen girl charged with two counts of deliberate homicide for a 2009 car crash that killed a pregnant Columbia Falls woman and her teenage son.
Flathead Valley group gets Capitol experience
Two rural fire chiefs step down
Two rural fire chiefs whose volunteer departments have had contentious relationships with the Kalispell Fire Department over mutual-aid issues have stepped down.
Longtime fan honored at Griz banquet
Pflugrad highlights 2011 recruiting class
Before Montana head coach Robin Pflugrad took the podium in Kalispell and glowed over the future of Griz football, a great man and a great fan was honored.

Gladys Fredenberg
Homecoming was not a happy one
Wednesday, February 2
Charlie Sheen: Enough troubles for two and a half men
Enhancing airport security measures

Wounded Warriors Arrive in the Flathead

Boiler Room Vertical

Boiler Room
Winter weather: Midwest buckles under storm
Post Frame Buildings at La Hacienda RV Park
Egypt unrest: Regime makes new concessions
Fred L. Lehman, 78
Fred L. Lehman, 78, passed away on Jan. 28, 2011, at his home in Missoula, from lung cancer.
Berne Road paving project proposed
A stripped-down version of an earlier plan for a Rural Special Improvement District to pave portions of Jensen and Berne roads has been proposed, and will include only three-quarters of a mile of Berne Road.
Gerald 'Jerry' Maness, 45
Gerald “Jerry” Maness, 45, passed away Jan. 28, 2011, with his family by his side in Kalispell.
Martel wins courthouse contract
Martel Construction was awarded the Flathead County Courthouse reconstruction contract on Tuesday.
Linguist discounts suicide allegations
A psychologist and a forensic linguist testified Tuesday that a 17-year-old Evergreen girl charged with two counts of homicide likely did not intend to commit suicide prior to a 2009 crash that killed two people.
Edgerton principal wins state recognition
A Kalispell educator has been recognized for his work by a state education organization.

Best in the state six years in a row
Tuesday, February 1

Glacier Missoula Hellgate Basketball

Columbia Falls Speech and Debate Championship Celebration
Beer Barter is new Winter Carnival event
There’s a new event at the Whitefish Winter Carnival on Saturday and it involves free beer. Need we say more?
Airport's request to privatize on hold
The opt-out program Glacier Park International Airport sought to privatize its security force instead of using federal workers has been put on hold by the administrator of the federal Transportation Security Administration.
Evelyn Faye Grob, 57
Evelyn Faye Grob, 57, passed away on Saturday, Jan. 29, 2011, at Heritage Place in Kalispell.
Grace under water
Local swimmers making waves with breakout seasons
Maxie Scroggs' journey to competitive swimming has been a process, of sorts, of elimination.
Draft discipline policy elicits spirited discussion
An interesting dilemma regarding Kalispell Public Schools’ chemical use policy emerged during spirited discussion at a recent school board work session.
Cars bogged down on Hodgson Road
The Flathead County Sheriff’s Office got a request Sunday morning from the Montana Highway Patrol to check on several vehicles that were stuck on Hodgson Road because four-wheel drive was necessary to access the area through deep snow drifts. The county road department was also called in to assist.
Defense witness questions details of crash
Defense attorneys for 17-year-old Justine Winter went to work Monday trying to discredit the prosecution’s position about how a 2009 fatal crash occurred on U.S. 93 north of Kalispell.

Waggener, Wolfpack rip Knights
It took Glacier's Ashlee Waggener just over 90 seconds on Tuesday to be whistled for her first foul.
Glacier boys hand Hellgate 1st league loss; Valkyries roll
MISSOULA - Glacier used hot shooting from behind the arc and a big defensive stop in the final seconds Tuesday to knock off Missoula Hellgate 53-51 in Western AA boys basketball play.