Law Roundup: Woman uses emergency services ‘to vent’
A woman called the Kalispell Police Department because her sister took her baby album. She was advised her complaint wasn’t a law enforcement matter. She said she knew that, but she “just wanted to vent to someone.”
A laptop was stolen sometime in the last week.
A Connecticut man wanted to report a Kalispell businessman for operating fraudulently.
A caller with a history of 911 calls accidentally called the Kalispell Police Department.
A woman tried to remove subjects from a motel that didn’t belong to her. She was counseled.
A vehicle broke down in a turning lane.
A woman was forbidden from returning to a pizza place after it was suspected she had done drugs in the bathroom multiple times.
Someone rummaged through an unlocked vehicle. They took change, trashed the interior and left the door hanging wide open.
An intruder stole a gas tank from a garage.
Two males were spotted taking trash bags out of a house, so someone called 911.
A man wanted to know why officers appeared to be checking his license plate repeatedly. His questions were answered.
A man was worried a truck and trailer were missing, but he said he had not checked with his father, who owns the trailer.
Someone was suspicious because the lights were on at a business and the open sign was displayed, but the doors were locked.
A woman requested a “pretty junky car” be removed from the no parking area in front of her residence.