Friday, December 13, 2024

Law roundup: Bicyclist aces tennis net takedown

| April 9, 2023 12:00 AM

A man riding a bicycle around reportedly entered a tennis court, knocked one of the nets down and rode off into the sunset.

Someone asked the Kalispell Police Department to remind people operating a food truck that they could not park and live in it for several days in a row. Officers checked it out and it didn’t look like anyone was inside the truck at the time.

An officer responded to a report alleging that a man with tattooed legs, who “looked like a drug dealer,” was hanging around a school by the buses. The officer counseled the man.

Someone reportedly heard their neighbor slamming doors and throwing things and was fearful that when he was done destroying his apartment, he would go after them because he was angry at them about a job.

Meanwhile, a man with neighbor issues went to the police department because he allegedly thought his neighbor hacked his phone account. Officers gave the man options for dealing with the neighbor since no crime had been committed at the time.

A passerby was concerned a man allegedly sitting in the middle of the road would get hit by a car.

“Kids” reportedly “rip up and down” a street on an ongoing basis which concerned someone because there was a daycare located in the area.

A security employee allegedly asked a man sleeping in a parking lot to move along. The man got up, wandered around and then tried to get on a bus but was not allowed, so he went to the sidewalk in front of the main doors. Officers made contact with the man, who refused to identify himself, and notified him that he would be considered trespassing if he returned to the property. He left.

A man complained about people sleeping in the trench in front of his house and wanted to know about the legality of it.

A man reportedly lying face down next to the fairgrounds fence concerned someone whose husband poked him and he moved and then she tried to wake him up. He eventually made his way to the warming shelter.

Someone allegedly tossed sizable tree branches in a dumpster, which took up a lot of space and a contractor at the construction site had to remove them and asked if the Kalispell Parks and Recreation Department could take care of them. Someone also wanted the call documented for theft of services.

A vehicle parked in a space designated for 30-minute parking had reportedly been sitting there for hours.

A woman who walks with a guide dog reportedly wanted to know what nonlethal items she could carry to protect herself from other dogs.