Law roundup: Mom asks police if she can spank child
A mother allegedly beat her neighbor to the punch in calling the Kalispell Police Department after the neighbor threatened to call officers when she spanked her child. She wanted to know if she was indeed allowed to spank her child and her questions were answered.
Officers responded to a report that came in around 6 p.m. Friday that an elderly man allegedly drove a blue Subaru SUV into a new building’s auditorium where the vehicle “took out a window” and damaged the inside wall. He then got out of the vehicle. The damage appeared to be cosmetic only and no injuries were reported.
Store security approached a woman sitting in a Volkswagen Jetta who allegedly stole Epsom salts, telling her she was not free to go and needed to go back into the store. She was given a ticket and released by officers and told she could be cited for trespassing if she returned.
A resident was suspicious of a couple of “kids” reportedly going around the neighborhood and looking through windows. The resident said the blonde female, who was wearing a yellow vest and gym shorts, went to the resident’s door, telling her she was a subcontractor while the males, who were also wearing yellow vests, went across the street to another house. The resident said they parked a small white vehicle down the road. Officers were unable to locate the suspicious trio.
A 6-foot man riding a black scooter reportedly ran a red light.
A resident and business owner complained about a motor home parked in front of their door, which they claimed was also for their customer parking. They alleged the motor home had moved up and down the block over the past few days and wanted it moved along. An officer advised them of the 72-hour parking and lodging ordinances and to make a report if the RV was not in compliance, otherwise, they said the public street was not for their customers to park only.
A woman was suspicious of someone she suspected was involved in a theft ring because, for months they had constantly brought truckloads of items to a residence associated with a lot of traffic.
An apartment dweller was concerned that a man with a blond mohawk was smoking drugs, and not marijuana, near the building, which they said he frequented but didn’t live at. Turns out, he was smoking a plain old cigarette.