Classic comedy explores dynamics of an unlikely friendship
When two unlikely friends find themselves living as roommates, irreconcilable differences lead to laugh-out-loud comedy as the Wolfpack Theatre Company at Glacier High School presents “The Odd Couple.
The play runs May 13, 16 and 17. Curtain time is 6:33 p.m. in the Wolfpack Theatre at Glacier High School.
The play revolves around two friends, both separated from their wives and working through what that means for their identities, finances, friendships and dating lives. Oscar is an easy-going sportswriter who lives like a slob and Felix, is an up-tight, slightly neurotic news writer who just doesn’t know what to do after being thrown out by his wife after 12 years of marriage.
Decades after it premiered on Broadway in 1965, the story of “The Odd Couple” continues to remain popular and connect with audiences. It is considered to be one of the great contemporary comedies of the American Theatre and inspired both a hit movie and multiple TV shows.
“I've always wanted to do a Neil Simon show and this one spoke to me immediately when reading the script,” said director Chris Adamcyk. “Maybe it’s because of my familiarity with the show — I confess, mainly from television reruns which were a staple of my TV watching growing up. Oscar/Felix, the theme music — are iconic cultural touchstones. And it is great to bring Neil Simon to the attention of our students who may not have been too familiar with him — he's a Broadway legend.”
The classic comedy opens as a group of buddies assemble for poker night in Oscar’s apartment. Showing up late, the fussy Felix is depressed and close to the edge. As the action unfolds, the pair’s bickering strains their friendship and they begin to unconsciously repeat the same mistakes they made in the marriages they just left. But, with the help of good buddies and good neighbors, as well as their own witty repartee the pair find a way to thrive.
“The Odd Couple” proves the old adage that the people we love the most also tend to be the ones that can also drive us the craziest. Along with Simon’s unique sense of humor, this underlying theme is what helps connect with the audience as the story unfolds.
“I hope the audience can sit back and just laugh with us. This is the kind of show that doesn't take itself too seriously and hopes the audience enjoys Simon's humor,” said Adamcyk. “The show has a very small and senior-heavy cast which presents both challenges and benefits. Casting such a small group for an all-school is always tough but fortunately, our theater program is so strong that it provides opportunities to participate throughout the year.
“The Odd Couple” is the last show of the year for the Wolfpack Theatre Company which delivered nine productions during the school year.
The cast of “The Odd Couple” includes Lane McKoy, Mac Adkins, Erik Kalvig, Fiona Fuller, Maeve Kintzler, Kaelin Holt, Maeva Malcheski and Gabby Cantrell-Musson.
The tech crew is composed of Kiya Hendershott, Andrea Chandler, Anya Rountree, Braden Wakefield, Ben Colby, Theron Wilton, Calvin Casey, Kaylin Stein, Bella Auclaire and Toben Mallo.
Advanced tickets for the show are available on GoFan, Glacier’s ticketing service, and at Photo Video Plus. Any remaining tickets will also be sold at the door.
Ticket prices are $8 for adults and $6 for children, students and senior citizens. To access the ticketing service, go to and search for Glacier High School. Each night of the production is listed for ticket purchase.