Law roundup: Man horsing around in ‘tactical gear’ goes berserk
A man and woman were allegedly joking around, and it was all fun and games until “all of a sudden” the man, who was wearing a tactical helmet, vest and glasses he bought on Amazon, got upset and started punching the walls, destroying items and then broke the front door down. The woman told Kalispell Police Department she was using the neighbor’s phone after fleeing the apartment and leaving her phone inside and that his girlfriend was in the apartment screaming.
A bearded man wearing white sheets as a robe reportedly refused to leave the mall. He was moved along and given a lifetime ban from being on the property.
A running truck allegedly blocked traffic in the westbound lane after hitting a snowbank. Someone tried to knock on the window, but it was blacked out and they couldn’t see inside. The Good Samaritan reportedly parked on the side of the road and turned their flashers on so no one would hit the truck. A man was found passed out over the wheel, the call type was changed to a DUI and a tow truck was brought in.
A woman with two "super loud" dogs reportedly refused to leave or acknowledge a general manager who called the police for assistance, telling them it was past checkout, and they would be at the front desk if needed. Officers woke the woman up and gave her 20 minutes to leave the property.
A man was allegedly beaten up by a man in his late 30s.
An extremely tired man reportedly rear-ended a vehicle in a drive-thru after working an 18-hour shift.
A welfare check was requested for a man possibly overdosing on fentanyl when a passerby spotted two occupants allegedly trying to wake him up by hitting him and dumping water on him. One of the occupants reportedly ran to dumpsters like they were trying to get rid of something, asking if the passerby had Narcan. The man declined medical attention when help arrived.
A woman alleged that another woman threatened her and sent her photos of drugs and thought she called the cops on her and would come to her home. Officers determined the message didn’t state any clear or direct threats. The photos showed a woman giving the middle finger and a bag of a white crystal substance.