Thursday, January 23, 2025

Letters to the editor Jan. 1

| January 1, 2025 12:00 AM

Columbia Falls doughnut

Now is the time for your voice to be heard. If you live in the former Columbia Falls planning doughnut, within a circle approximately 1 mile from the city limits, your presence at the January Flathead County Planning Board rural zoning workshop is very important. 

This is our opportunity to have a voice in the establishment of county zoning in the entire former city-zoned doughnut area, not just east of Columbia Falls where our neighborhood association has been active. As quoted from the county’s announcement, “This is your chance to have your voice heard and be part of shaping our community! Don’t miss this opportunity to engage and discuss the provisions of a future Zoning District. Your input matters!” 

Even if you think you have nothing to say, your presence is very important.

The 1 1/2 hour-long workshop is Wednesday, Jan. 8 at 6 p.m. at the South Campus Conference Room, 40 11th Street W., in Kalispell. This is the third in a series of workshops. 

To hear the recordings of two previous workshops and for more information go to the Flathead County Planning Board website and click on the Columbia Falls rural zoning information link. If you are unable to attend the workshop the Planning Board will accept letters with your comments.

— Shirley Folkwein, Columbia Falls