Saturday, February 08, 2025

Law roundup: Woman wants cops to ‘put the fear of God’ in teen driver

| January 28, 2025 12:00 AM

A woman allegedly wanted the Kalispell Police Department to “Put the fear of God into the driver” of a Honda Pilot that cut her off in the U.S. 93 Bypass merging lane and flipped her off. She wanted officers to call her to confirm “when this is done.” Officers spoke to the teenaged driver who alleged that cutting her off was an accident and when she started yelling at them, they flipped her off. The teen also said that while stopped at a red light the woman, who was behind them, got out of her car and took a photo of their vehicle. Officers counseled both parties on their behavior and about the woman exiting her car in traffic. It was not clear from the incident log if fire and brimstone was deployed. 

An agitated former patient reportedly returned to the ER and upon entering, pulled the fire alarm, then ran into a pole on the way out.  

A landlord evicted a woman from a mobile home who allegedly left behind three cats. The landlord called the police to find out what her options were in handling the situation, warning officers that “they will be disgusted” with the condition of the place. She was advised to call animal control or try contacting the owner of the cats. 

A male was reportedly heard beating a female who was screaming and crying. The person who heard the commotion told officers they also heard someone saying, “Stop” and things being thrown around, noting it was an ongoing issue. The fracas turned out to be teens roughhousing and their mom said she would handle it.  

Two men who had been drinking were allegedly yelling and screaming in a parking lot after being asked to leave multiple times and the manger thought it was time to ticket them for trespassing. Officers watched the men, who weren’t arguing at the time, leaving the property.  

A spare tire was allegedly stolen from under a truck.  

A 2019 green Jeep Trailhawk was reported as stolen.