Monday, March 31, 2025

Pool budget amendment tops council agenda

| December 6, 2004 1:00 AM

The Daily Inter Lake

The Kalispell City Council will hold two public hearings tonight on a proposed budget amendment for the Woodland Water Park and several road annexations on the north and east sides of town.

The new pool had about a $65,000 deficit during its first year of operation, despite record attendance, in part because of low season pass sales and a late opening for the new concession stand. Natural gas expenditures were also much higher than anticipated because of inaccurate specifications on the new boilers.

However, the city has since received a $17,000 credit on gas costs because the estimated usage was higher than actual demand. Consequently, the city staff is proposing to transfer $48,000 from the general fund to the pool fund, so that the pool will start off next season in the black.

The road annexation hearing is related to several sections of county road over which the city has accepted ownership over the last several months. The roads proposed for annexation include portions of Granrud Lane, Woodland Avenue, Woodland Park Drive and Willow Glen Drive.

Other items on tonight's agenda include:

. Resolutions related to the above two items.

. The annexation, initial R-2 zoning and preliminary plat approval for Aspen Creek, a 66-unit residential subdivision on 20 acres at the southwest corner of the intersection of Three Mile Drive and Stillwater Road. The project includes 24 single-family home lots and 42 lots for duplex townhouse units.

. Preliminary plat approval for a seven-lot commercial subdivision on 7.5 acres south of Rosauers across from Kelly Road.

. The annexation and initial R-4 zoning for 1.7 acres owned by the city at the north end of Western Drive.

. The annexation and initial I-1 light industrial zoning for 6.4 acres owned by the city on the west side of the city airport, east of the wastewater treatment plant.

. The annexation and initial RA-1 zoning for eight acres owned by the city on the south side of Rawson Field, west of First Avenue West.

. Scheduling a public hearing on Dec. 20 on the preliminary plat for the Cascade Business Park, an eight-lot commercial subdivision on 11 acres west of Gateway West Mall. The developer is proposing that the city help upgrade the access road, Financial Drive, using tax increment revenue from the Westside Urban Renewal District. The Crop Hail Building currently occupies one of the eight lots; the other seven haven't been developed, in part because of the road issue.

. Three reimbursement resolutions related to the new north fire station, a storm sewer project, and a water meter/fire hydrant project. The resolutions will allow the city to be reimbursed for expenditures made prior to selling bonds for these projects.

The council meeting takes place in City Hall, beginning at 7 p.m. More detailed information regarding the above agenda items can be found on the city's Web site, at

Following the meeting, there will be a brief workshop to discuss traffic signal timing and a proposal to fully enclose the new pool, so that it can be used year-round.