Saturday, March 29, 2025

Zone changes come before planning board tonight

| December 8, 2004 1:00 AM

The Daily Inter Lake

Three proposed zone changes in the Bigfork area, one in Evergreen and one along U.S. 93 North come before the Flathead County Planning Board for public hearings tonight.

The specific agenda items include:

. A zone change request from B-3 to B-2 general business for 4.4 acres located at 7975 Montana 35 in Bigfork, just south of Icebox Canyon.

The applicants want to use some of the property to sell "Cozy Cabin" luxury recreational trailers, according to the planning office staff report. Another parcel would be used for retail sales.

. Two zone change requests related to upcoming subdivision proposals on property located along both sides of Chapman Hill Drive in Bigfork, immediately north of Holt Drive.

One zone change would convert 38 acres northwest of the Holt/Chapman Hill intersection from SAG-5 to R-2 limited residential. The other would convert 28 acres located northeast of the intersection from SAG-10 to R-2.

The SAG-5 and SAG-10 zones have five- and 10-acre minimum lot sizes. The R-2 zoning has a minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet, or about half an acre.

If approved, these two changes together would allow up to 141 single-family home lots to be created, according to the planning office staff report. The property would be served by public sewer and water and is surrounded by subdivisions that have a similar density.

. A zone change request related to a proposed subdivision along U.S. 93 North, between Church Drive and Schrade Road, immediately across from Majestic Valley Arena.

The change would convert 215 acres from five-, 10- and 40-acre lot-size agricultural zones to R-2 residential.

. A zone change for property located at 312 Solberg Drive in Evergreen from R-2 single-family limited residential to R-5 two-family limited residential.

The planning board meets in the second-floor conference room of the Earl Bennett Building in Kalispell, beginning at 6 p.m.