Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Kalispell police took a report from a woman who said a man

| October 2, 2004 1:00 AM

urinated in her yard in Northridge Heights and, when confronted, asked

her how much it would cost to keep her quiet about it.

Identity theft was reported on Ninth Avenue West.

Windows were broken in a vehicle on Third Street West.

On South Meadows Drive, a youth learned from an officer that he

shouldn't go into his friend's home when no one is there.

A parent reported a suspicious-looking man hanging around Trinity

Lutheran School on a bike at about the time students are released. At

Community Alliance Church, a parent didn't like the way a man stared at

her daughter. More staring at kids was reported on First Avenue West


Police counseled a 10-year-old girl on why she shouldn't call

another girl vulgar names at Liberty Street Park. Police counseled a

goateed man at Valley Glass about why he shouldn't threaten employees.

The fighting, knife-armed bunch reported outside of Syke's left

before officers arrived.

A man was arrested for drugs after a traffic stop on Mains Street.

"Move on" is what an officer told a man in Lawrence Park at 4 a.m.


Whoever stole a miter saw from a truck on Seventh Avenue East

didn't have to damage the truck, too.

A woman on Eighth Avenue East North didn't like "kids hauling her

garbage through the neighborhood."

Threats on Sixth Street East were over custody. On Windward Way,

the same man whom someone recently threatened to beat up reported

vandalism to his car.

A locksmith customer outside the Aero Inn didn't want to pay once

the vehicle was opened. A call to the police can help settle that kind

of thing.