Kalispell police
A 58-year-old man was transported to Kalispell Regional Medical Center after he crashed his car into the fence at the Flathead County Fairgrounds Saturday evening.
A medical incident apparently caused the man to lose control of his vehicle.
A woman reported to Kalispell police Sunday that someone took a silver ring with diamonds from her home on Liberty Street.
Officers arrested five juveniles for curfew violations after an incident near St. Matthew's Catholic Parish. A woman reported the boys rang her doorbell several times at around 4 a.m. then took off in a vehicle with the awakened citizen in hot pursuit.
At 1:50 a.m., an employee at Fatt Boys reported to police that a very drunk woman refused a ride home and was going to drive. Police officers provided a more convincing argument to the woman .
Two men in dark clothing were reported lurking around a house on Second Avenue East North late Saturday. They disappeared toward Three Rivers Bank.
A transient was found lying in a ditch in front of Baskin-Robbins 31 Flavors around 9 p.m. Saturday. He told officers he would make his way back to his camp site.
Officers investigated an incident in which a man ran into the door at Smith's then left the store. He was found and sent by ambulance for treatment.
A woman on North Riding complained to officers that someone ran into a tree in her yard Saturday. Extent of the injuries was not known.
A merchant on Third Avenue East did not appreciate a testimonial - "Beer kicks A-" - written in red spray paint on the side of the store.