Monday, March 10, 2025

Kalispell looks at $52 million budget

by WILLIAM L. SPENCE The Daily Inter Lake
| August 15, 2005 1:00 AM

The Kalispell City Council will take action tonight on a $52-million annual budget request, including $9.5 million in general-fund expenditures.

Property tax levies and special assessment rates needed to support this spending plan will also be set.

The proposed budget represents a 50-percent increase from the previous year. General fund expenditures - which cover police, fire, parks and general administrative costs - are up 22 percent.

By comparison, Flathead County's budget for fiscal 2004 was $55.3 million.

A $12.2-million expansion of the wastewater-treatment plant accounts for most of the increase in Kalispell's budget. Other major capital investments include a $3-million fire hall, a $2-million airport construction project and a $1.1-million purchase of the Wells Fargo building.

The increase in the general fund budget is due primarily to the incorporation of the Planning Office and the addition of four positions in the Fire Department and two in the Police Department.

The Woodland Water Park budget also was moved into the general fund.

To support this higher spending level, the city staff is proposing a property tax levy of 170 mills. That's up from 155 mills last year.

The levy includes 137 mills for the general fund - just shy of the maximum allowable millage of 137.29 - plus a permissive levy of 12.5 mills for health-insurance costs, and voter-approved levies of 10 mills and 10.5 mills, respectively, for the Woodland pool and new north fire station.

The council will set rates tonight for a number of special assessments, as well.

Assessments for streets, street lights, urban forestry and garbage collection rates are unchanged from last year.

Staff is proposing an 11.5-percent increase in the storm sewer assessment, which pays for maintaining the city's storm sewer system. The total cost to individual property owners is based on the size of their lots and whether they are residential or commercial.

The decorative lighting assessment, which pays for maintaining the downtown street lights, would increase from $1 per lineal foot to $1.50.

Other items on tonight's agenda include:

. A $113,990 annual budget for the Kalispell Parking Commission.

Parking fines make up the bulk of the budget.

. A 5.3-mill levy for Kalispell's portion of the Flathead City-County Health Department budget.

. A 37.5-mill levy for the downtown business improvement district, together with an assessment of 1.5 cents per square foot.

The levy and assessment only apply to commercial properties within the improvement district.

The council also is being asked to approve the district's $75,000 annual budget.

. The final plat for Leisure Heights Phase 2, a 32-lot residential subdivision on 12 acres on the east side of Willow Glen Road, north of Kelly Road.

. The final plat for Glacier Village Greens Phase 20, which creates five single-family lots and 30 townhouse lots on 5.5 acres at the north end of West Nicklaus Drive.

. Authorization to purchase a two-acre lot next to Gateway West Mall.

The city's share of the purchase price would be $156,500. The Flathead County Economic Development Authority would contribute another $156,261.

When TeleTech agreed to lease the city-owned property at Gateway West, it agreed to provide additional parking spaces when the call center employed more than 250 people.

The company recently hit that target. The two acres will be converted into a parking lot.

. A proposal to create a nine-member citizens advisory committee to make recommendations regarding the development of a community center.

The committee members would include senior, teen and downtown business-owner representatives, as well as other interested parties.

The council meeting is at 7 p.m. at City Hall.

After the regular meeting, the council will hold a work session to discuss alternatives to the 72-hour parking ordinance, a school resource officer position and some changes in the city's salary ordinance.