Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Flathead County Sheriff

| June 24, 2005 1:00 AM

The Flathead County Sheriff's Office took reports of family disturbances on Shady Lane and Wagner Lane.

The romance is gone when she throws a coffee cup at you. Deputies mediated that break-down at the Hideaway Trailer Court.

A resident on Lidstrom agreed to stop shooting at prairie dogs for the night after a complaint from a neighbor Wednesday.

A man was arrested for DUI after an accident on U.S. 2 west of Kalispell on Wednesday night. He was reported as trying to drive away from the crash.

Fishing poles were stolen on East Oregon Street. An item was stolen from a plane at Edwards Jet Center. A large bottle of change vanished on Church Drive.

At the U.S. 2 intersection at Wal-Mart, a resourceful but annoying transient reportedly kept hitting the pedestrian button for the traffic light so drivers would have to stop while he asked them for money.

It wasn't just the person who called the Sheriff's Office who was troubled by youths stopping traffic while playing ball on Pickleville Lane, the caller said. A 90-year-old neighbor also was scared, the caller said.

Yellers and screamers were reported at 11:30 p.m. at the Crooked Tree motel in Hungry Horse.

Deputies broke up a kegger at old Tally Lake Road on Wednesday night.

An attempted break-in of a fireworks stand was reported in Hungry Horse.

Two people got to take home citations after an assault was reported at the Blue Moon bar.

A man appeared at 2:45 a.m. at Pinnacle to talk about buying a vehicle from someone, even though he previously had bought a vehicle from that person with a "hot check."

Three people in four minutes reportedly pumped gas and left gas stations without paying.

Air was let out of a tire on Park View Way, and there is a suspect in that deed. Ongoing trespassing problems were reported in Hungry Horse. In Ferndale, a resident is tired of a neighbor walking dogs through his property. Another resident resents it when a neighbor's basketball bounces onto her nice lawn.

A man reportedly made threats and threw a plastic soda bottle at a woman.