Monday, March 10, 2025

Kalispell police

| March 26, 2005 1:00 AM

Kalispell police took a call after midnight from a woman who heard kittens under her bathtub. Officers politely responded and found there was, indeed, some kind of animal, probably in the basement. They couldn't free the animals without putting a hole in the wall and advised the woman to wait until her husband is home to attempt that.

A man reported his blue Ford Focus was stolen from the Scoreboard Bar Thursday night when he had left it there with the keys inside. The vehicle was found Friday morning, rolled down an embankment into Woodland Park. The owner reportedly admitted he made up the theft report after rolling the car. He was charged with obstructing an officer and filing a false report. He was unhurt.

There have been a number of legitimate car-theft reports in the past week. Still missing is a 1993 green Mercedes. Police suggest owners stop leaving their keys in their vehicles.

Threats were reported at Mom's Place. Threats on 10th Avenue West were over a cat.

A man reported his suspicion that a friend raped his daughter.

Eisinger Motors reported $200 stolen from a business account. Checks were written on a closed account from First Street West.

A stranger approached a man in town and asked where he could buy drugs.

A yelling couple and crying children all quieted down before officers arrived at the Vacationer Motel.

An unwelcome woman got a ride home from the Scoreboard Bar after a complaint that she wouldn't leave. An intoxicated man was also given a ride home after he was reported near traffic by the Whitefish Credit Union. A persistent man knocked on a door for most of the light to get into a home on First Avenue East, were he was denied admission.

There was a complaint about semi trucks leaving their engines running all night on Second Street West.

A transient's watchfulness made a woman uneasy on Claremont Street.

A driver's license was stolen at Checker Auto.