Monday, March 10, 2025

Name game continues for new school

by NANCY KIMBALL The Daily Inter Lake
| March 27, 2005 1:00 AM

An ad hoc committee has issued a third and final call for suggestions on a name for Kalispell's new high school.

They need the ideas in writing - not online - by April 4.

The 10-member committee headed by District 5 Superintendent Darlene Schottle has received lots of suggestions, but none that that seem entirely appropriate to the committee.

The greatest number of ideas so far include some form of Glacier in the new high school's name, but committee member Trina Stivers said she and her colleagues feel that is too broad a designation and too common.

Too broad because it implies a generalized region anchored by Glacier National Park some distance outside Kalispell. And too common because the name already is used in dozens of settings from a bowling alley to a burial ground to a bank to a bicycle shop, as well as an elementary school.

Besides, Stivers reported, the committee feels Glacier would be more appropriately applied to a new high school that conceivably could be built in the future closer to Glacier Park.

And they are looking for a striking name for what they anticipate will be a "gorgeous" new high school.

"It needs something more specific, more profound, something unique," Stivers said.

Names of significant people in the school's or the area's development are out, she said, "because there are too many worthy people out there."

Something specific to Kalispell would be nice. She pointed out that, when competing in other areas, Flathead High teams commonly are referred to as "Kalispell."

Although the Web site had been serving as a conduit for suggestions, it is now shut down.

So the committee is asking anyone with new ideas to submit them in writing.

Send or bring them to the District 5 Central Administration Office, 233 First Ave. E., Kalispell, MT 59901.

Be sure to include a rationale for your suggestion. Ideas without that explanation so far have been booted out of consideration.

If you'd like a call from one of the committee members, include your contact information.

Suggestions need to be received by April 4, to allow time for them to be entered into the database before the committee's next meeting on April 7.

From that meeting, the committee hopes to send its preference on for action by trustees at their April board meeting.

Reporter Nancy Kimball can be reached at 758-4483 or by e-mail at