Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Keep politics out of Veterans Day

| November 10, 2005 1:00 AM

Tomorrow, when we honor those who have served our country, lets not worry about whether they fought in a good war or a bad war. Lets not talk about Republican wars or Democrat wars. Lets not turn our warriors into political pawns.

The point of Veterans Day isnt to rehash political arguments about foreign policy, or to beat the drum for current ones. Veterans dont make policy, and they should be honored regardless of how anyone feels about the wisdom of a particular war, or even the wisdom of war in general.

And lets take that lesson to heart when we remember the troops currently fighting for their country overseas.

Its not about glory or politics or taking pleasure in the awful power of modern weaponry and warfare.

Its about service to ones country, ones ideals and ones comrades. Its about young people some 18 or even younger who make the decision to commit themselves to a life they cannot possibly fathom, or who having been drafted (in earlier wars) made the decision to tough it out and to become better men and women despite (or perhaps because of) the horrible things they had to witness, or endure, or perhaps even to do themselves.

Lets remember all the people we have known friends, co-workers, parents, acquaintances who went against the grain of modern society and put someone else, or something else, first. Some did not go to war, but they all went through a change when they put on the uniform. They sacrificed a part of themselves for the greater good. Probably that sacrifice is repaid for most veterans in ways that they will always be grateful for true friendship, lessons in honor and dignity and for some who went to war overseas, the recognition that someone else gave his life to save your own.

From the scattered battlefields, some come home shattered; some come home silent. Most come home to resume life and find their appreciation of their friends, family and community deepened.

That should be a two-way street. Our appreciation for the heroes who help keep us free should be deepened every year, too. Tomorrow, think about everything you have, and remember that it was not without a high cost.

Remember to thank a veteran, and dont forget to say a prayer again for those in harms way in Iraq or elsewhere who continue to serve their country. We would be nothing without them.