Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Kalispell police

| November 11, 2005 1:00 AM

took a report of someone trying to fill a drug prescription for someone who is in jail.

A vehicle containing cash and other items was stolen as it warmed up at a convenience store on Meridian Road. It was found later at Conlins Furniture. A vehicle found on Sixth Avenue West North turned out to have been stolen in Idaho.

A vehicle was broken into on Seventh Avenue West. Gas was siphoned from vehicles on Honeysuckle Lane.

Two men were charged with resisting arrest after a woman on Greatview Drive said they were at the door of her house, trying to kick it in, yelling and ringing her doorbell.

Couples disputes were reported on First Avenue East and Center Street.

Two teenagers were charged with alcohol possession at Target. A man was arrested for his second DUI on South Main Street. Two people were arrested after a fight at the high school. A man was arrested after a fight at Lamplighter House.

A man with a baseball bat menaced some people at the mall. An unruly poker player is no longer welcome at the Outlaw Inn.

A dog named Spike barked and growled at a woman until she called police.

Sexual harassment was reported at a business. At another, a man was possessed to bring naked pictures of himself to work and show them to co-workers.