Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Kalispell police

| September 9, 2005 1:00 AM

Kalispell police were called to Eighth Avenue West at 2:30 a.m. Thursday when a resident reported people in a red Dodge Durango stealing items from a yard. Three women and a man were arrested for theft.

The items they are charged with stealing: Two balls - one gray and one pink with a picture of Barbie on it.

A city bench was damaged on First Avenue West. A house was hit with eggs on Fifth Street West. At Empire Loop, children reportedly like to relocate rocks from a dirt pile into a resident's yard.

Two boys were charged after one who is unwelcome to skulk around Russell School returned to the playground after being warned not to come back. Charges included trespassing, disorderly conduct and obstructing an officer.

A man who didn't want to leave a home on Second Avenue West listened while an officer explained how he is unwelcome there. First, a man set up a tent in someone's yard on Second Avenue East; then, a woman arrived and passed out in it. An officer gave her a ride home.

On Idaho Street, a man on a red Harley Davidson tried to pass between lanes of traffic and then made a gesture and an unfriendly suggestion to someone who honked at him.

A vehicle and debit card reported stolen on Seventh Avenue West were recovered.

The solo noise of a dog barking on Eighth Avenue West became a chorus when people chimed in with screams for the dog to shut up.

A man who allegedly stole a case of Ice House beer hid between a hardware store and a car lot until an officer found and arrested him.