Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Village Well shut down

| September 11, 2005 1:00 AM

The Daily Inter Lake

The Village Well bar in Bigfork is closed, at least temporarily.

The business had three alleged alcohol violations through the Department of Revenue within a one-year period.

According to Flathead County Sheriff's Deputy Travis Bruyer, the business allegedly:

-Allowed employees to consume alcohol after business hours. It faces a $150 fine for that.

-Unlawfully sold alcohol to a minor. The business can be fined $1,000.

-Oversold alcohol to a customer who was later arrested for DUI. The fine for that is $1,500.

Bruyer, coordinator of the county alcohol-enforcement team, has worked with the state Department of Revenue on the case.

He said the business, operating under the name of Sloth Inc., has 30 days to contact the revenue department of its intentions about the charges and the future of the business.

The bar closed Sept. 1 and the manager has left the area, Bruyer said.

A call to the business Friday went unanswered.

Prosecution of violations of liquor laws is pursued under civil, not criminal, law in Montana.