Helping hands
'It's Christmas in April' helps seniors and disabled residents "Thank you very much - they were a nice bunch of volunteers that worked their butts off. I really appreciated them. I had gutters that have needed to be put up for years so please tell them I said thank you." - A Christmas in April recipient
When United Way Director Sherry Stevens Wulf gathers up the dozens of thank-you letters that pour in after the annual "It's Christmas in April" repair and cleaning program, the proof of the event's success is in those handwritten notes.
"The volunteers were just plain wonderful," one Kalispell area recipient wrote this year. "The youth that were at my place were so polite and kind."
For 12 years, volunteers have gathered every April for a blitz of home repair and spring cleaning at the homes of senior citizens and disabled residents. The event has grown so big that it's been split into two days, one Saturday for cleaning and yard work and another Saturday for repair and carpentry work.
"It helps people remain self-sufficient and independent in their homes," Wulf said.
The tasks are wide-ranging: gardening, flower planting, spring cleaning and yard cleanup on the first work day. The second session, completed yesterday in the Flathead Valley, requires the help of various professionals such as carpenters, electricians, plumbers and roofers.
This year's crew built handicap-accessible ramps, repaired doors, replaced kitchen floors and built fences.
"They're handyman, fix-it type projects," Wulf said.
Volunteers don't have to be skilled, though, she noted. Workers come from businesses, schools, community-service groups and churches, and include any citizen willing to lend a hand.
"Besides helping these people, Christmas in April creates opportunities for volunteers who want a one-day, short-time project," she said.
Eligibility for "It's Christmas in April" assistance is limited to senior citizens 60 and older and handicapped homeowners who have limited income.
United Way coordinates the event, and "It's Christmas in April" operates as a nonprofit organization under the United Way umbrella. Tax-deductible donations can be sent to "It's Christmas in April," P.O. Box 7217, Kalispell, MT 59904.
Volunteers interested in working at next year's event can sign up by calling the United Way office at 752-7266.