Monday, March 10, 2025


| August 30, 2006 1:00 AM

Kalispell Police Department conducts a saturation patrol today for Grandview and U.S. 93.

Children's Story Hour is at 10:30 a.m. in the children's department of the Flathead County Library in Kalispell, 247 First Ave. E. Call 758-5822.

Montana's Congressman Denny Rehberg's field representative Keli McQuiston conducts office hours at 11:30 a.m., Chamber of Commerce conference room, 15 Depot Park, Kalispell. Or call 406-543-9550.

Red Cross Pint for a Pint blood drive, 2-6 p.m., at the center's new location, 126 N. Meridian Road, Kalispell. Sponsored by Meadow Gold Dairy.

Flathead Outdoor Club hikes to Picnic Lake in the Jewel Basin. Meet at 5:30 p.m. to carpool to Camp Misery and trailhead. Bring bear spray, insect repellent, water, snack, and headlamp or flashlight. All welcome. Call Mike Spence, 857-2599.

Public meeting to review and request comment of three Whitefish Area School trust lands projects including Trail Runs Through It master plan, 7-9 p.m., Grouse Mountain Lodge, Whitefish. Contact Steve Lorch, 751-2274 or

Take Back the Night event to raise awareness of violence against women and sexual assault, 7:45-10 p.m., Depot Park, Whitefish. Candlelight march, survivor testimonials. All welcome. Call Cassie, 270-0054.


Kalispell Police Department conducts a saturation patrol today for West Idaho and Fifth Avenue West.

Soroptimist Thrift Haus annual $3 bag sale noon to 5 p.m. today; 1 to 5 p.m. Sept. 1-2, 330 First St., Whitefish. Call Sally, 862-5214; or Flo, 862-2543.

Red Cross blood drive, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., TeleTech, Kalispell.

Interactive Flathead County Growth Policy workshop 7-9 p.m., Red Lion Hotel Kalispell, Ballroom A. Includes brief visual tour of policy draft and growth planning principles, followed by a planner's perspective and panel question and answer session. Free. Open to public. Sponsored by Citizens for a Better Flathead.


Kalispell Police Department conducts a saturation patrol today for East Idaho and U.S. 2.

Red Cross blood drive, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the center, 126 N. Meridian Road, Kalispell.

Soroptimist Thrift Haus annual $3 bag sale 1 to 5 p.m. today and Saturday, 330 First St., Whitefish. Call Sally, 862-5214; or Flo, 862-2543.


Kalispell Police Department conducts a saturation patrol for Fifth Avenue West and Second Street West.

Seventh annual Huckleberry Pancake Breakfast 8 a.m. to noon today, Sunday and Monday, Laughing Horse Lodge, on Montana 83, mile marker 71.5, Swan Lake. Fundraiser for Red Cross of Montana.

Montana Antiques and Art Fair 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. today; 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, O'Shaughnessy Center, Whitefish. Admission $5. Presented by Hockaday Museum of Art. Call 755-5268.

17th annual Dahlia Show today and Sunday, Kalispell Center Mall, mall hours. Public welcome to bring cut blossoms between 5:30-9:30 a.m. today.

Soroptimist Thrift Haus annual $3 bag sale 1 to 5 p.m., 330 First St., Whitefish. Call Sally, 862-5214; or Flo, 862-2543.

Japanese residents of the Flathead Valley potluck 6:30 p.m., Lawrence Park, Kalispell. Wear your yukata. Bring chairs, drinks, a Japanese dish. Call Ai, 250-1021; or Atsuko, 253-2955.


Seventh annual Huckleberry Pancake Breakfast 8 a.m. to noon today and Monday, Laughing Horse Lodge, on Montana 83, mile marker 71.5, Swan Lake. Fundraiser for Red Cross of Montana.

Montana Antiques and Art Fair continues today from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the O'Shaughnessy Center, Whitefish. Admission $5. Presented by Hockaday Museum of Art. Call 755-5268.

17th annual Dahlia Show continues, Kalispell Center Mall during mall hours. Public is welcome to bring cut blossoms between 5:30-9:30 a.m. today.


Seventh annual Huckleberry Pancake Breakfast 8 a.m. to noon today, Laughing Horse Lodge, on Montana 83, mile marker 71.5, Swan Lake. Fundraiser Montana Red Cross.

Annual Labor Day Picnic, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Rocky Mountain "Hi" RV Park and Campground, 825 Helena Flats Road, Kalispell. Free burgers, pork, beverages. Live musical entertainment. All welcome.


Red Cross blood drive, 2-6 p.m., at the center, 126 N. Meridian Road, Kalispell.

Clogging classes begin 5:30 p.m., Eagles Lodge, third floor, 37 First Ave. E., Kalispell.