A fond farewell to our top cops
Goodbye and good luck to Jim Dupont and Frank Garner.
The departing Flathead County sheriff and Kalispell police chief have served long and well as lead law-enforcement officers in the Flathead Valley.
Monday - the start of the new year - heralds the first day of retirement for Garner and Dupont.
Both men worked within their departments before assuming leadership positions.
Both weathered difficult times that included a police strike in Garner's department and officers who were accused of misdeeds in both departments. Both had to deal with the wrenching experience of having officers who shot and killed suspects.
Being a good cop does not necessarily translate into being a good leader.
But Dupont and Garner were both good cops and good leaders.
They refined their departments in terms of equipment and training. They set high professional standards for their officers and themselves. They served as administrative Kevlar for their officers who performed - shielding them from criticism - and were intolerant of those who didn't.
Dupont and Garner both brought personal qualities to their jobs that couldn't be captured on a resume. They possessed an intangible zeal for what they did, an openness that hasn't always defined police work, and an even nature and sense of humor that made them pleasant people.
Many who knew them described them as kind and charming and we would heartily agree with that assessment.
Their contributions to the community extended far beyond their office doors and 9-to-5 hours. Civic and community groups knew they could call on either man for advice or volunteer work.
As a community, we ask much of our leaders. Dupont and Garner often gave more than anyone but their families knew.
It has been our good fortune to have two such men in key roles in our city and county. Their legacy is something they can be proud of. They leave sound departments for their successors Sheriff Mike Meehan and Chief Roger Nasset to oversee.
Thank you, gentlemen, for what you have done.