3 AARP Seniors Driver Safety Program for all drivers 50 and over, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., today and Jan. 5, at The Summit, Kalispell. Instructors Bob Redinger and Jack Crandall. Cost is $10. Call 751-4500.
3 Public growth policy meeting 1 p.m., Earl Bennett Building, Kalispell, and 6 p.m. Marion School.
3 Red Cross blood drive, 2-6 p.m. at the center, 17A First Ave., Kalispell.
3 Red Cross Adult CPR certification training, 6:30 p.m. Call 752-6433 to pre-register.
3 Kalispell City Council meets at 7 p.m., Kalispell City Hall.
3 Columbia City Council meets at 7 p.m., Columbia Falls City Hall.
3 Whitefish City Council meets at 7:10 p.m., Whitefish City Hall.
3 School District 5 and Flathead High School district board Personnel Committee meets at 7 a.m., district office.
3 MOMS (Mothers Offering Moms Support) meets 9:30-11:30 a.m. Trinity Lutheran Church, 400 W. California St., Kalispell. Program is "Fitness Without a Gym" with Rose Nicholson and Kate Sorensen. Wear comfy clothes. Child care provided. Call 257-LOVE (5683).
3 Alpine Spinners meet to spin at 10:30 a.m. at Bethlehem Lutheran Church. Bring a sack lunch. Call 257-9119.
3 Children's Story Hour is at 10:30 a.m. in the children's department of the Flathead County Library in Kalispell, 247 First Ave. E. Call 758-5822.
3 Red Cross blood drive, 12:30-5:30 p.m. Columbia Falls Community Room. Sponsored by First Citizens Bank and Columbia Falls Rotary.
3 Public growth policy meetings, 1 p.m. at North Valley Hospital and 6 p.m. at Earl Bennett Building, Kalispell.
3 Local Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) Community Group focuses on "Shamanic Healing" with special guest Jill Fanning, 5 p.m. the Ballroom, 430 E. Third St., Whitefish, above Ski Mountain Sports. Free and open to public. Enter at south side of building. Call Alice Hutchison at 862-9591, Gerald Askevold at 862-7711, or Susan Morgan at 862-0816.
3 Chiropractor Richard Puchta offers a free class, "Life Without Limits," to maximize your quality of life at 5:30 p.m., Ashley Square conference room. Call 752-7289; or log on to
3 Red Cross Infant and Child CPR certification training, 6:30 p.m. Call 752-6433 to pre-register.
3 Red Cross blood drive, 1-5 p.m., Whitefish Mountain Mall.
3 47th Whitefish Winter Carnival Merry Maker, 6 p.m. at Great Northern Bar and Grill, Central Avenue. Dinner tickets are $15. Call 862-3501.
3 Monster Truck Show, Majestic Valley Arena, Kalispell.
3 Flathead Valley Wedding and Event Professionals Association annual Wedding and Event Expo 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Flathead County Fairgrounds. Free admission for bridal couples and children under 12. General admission $5. Prize drawings. Grand prize a $1,000 three-diamond pendant. Log on to
3 Public growth policy meeting 1 p.m., Moving Image, Columbia Falls, and 6 p.m. Lakeside Chapel.
3 Red Cross blood drive, 2-6 p.m., at the center, 17A First Ave., Kalispell.
3 Red Cross Adult CPR certified review course, 6:30 p.m. Call 752-6433 to pre-register.
3 The Flathead Conservation District meets at 7 p.m. at 30 Lower Valley Road in Kalispell.
3 Raptor expert Denver Holt discusses adaptations in owls, at Flathead Audubon's next meeting at 7 p.m., The Summit, Kalispell. Free and public invited.
A Look Ahead
3 The public is invited to a free community lecture from 7:30-9 a.m. Jan. 10 at Pathways Treatment Center, 200 Heritage Way, Kalispell. Guest speaker and director of the Youth Service Network will discuss its work of and partners. Free and open to public.
3 AARP Seniors Driver Safety Program for all drivers 50 and over, 12:30 to 4:30 p.m., Jan. 10 and 12, at North Valley Senior Center, Columbia Falls. Instructor Dick Taylor. Cost is $10. Call 892-4087.
3 Red Cross blood drive, 2-6 p.m., Jan. 10, Trinity Lutheran Church, Kalispell.
3 Anyone wishing to volunteer as a driver for the American Cancer Society's Road to Recovery program which transports cancer patients to and from their treatments at Kalispell Regional Medical Center is invited to a free one-hour training at 5:30 p.m., Jan. 10, at The Summit in Kalispell. Snacks and refreshments. Contact Corey Campbell toll-free at 1-877-488-7723, option 3.
3 Public growth policy meeting 6 p.m. Jan. 10, Smith Valley School.
"To have reason to get up in the morning, it is necessary to possess a guiding principle. A belief of some kind. A bumper sticker, if you will." n Judith Guest, American author.
3 Red Cross First Aid Basics certification training, 6:30 p.m. Jan. 10. Call 752-6433 to pre-register.
3 Back Country Horsemen of the Flathead meet at 7:30 p.m., Jan. 10, Fish, Wildlife and Parks Building, 490 North Meridian Road. Public welcome. Call Don at 862-6955.
3 Red Cross blood drive, 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Jan. 11, Libby High School.
3 Bigfork Parentshare meets at 9:30 a.m. Jan. 11 at the Community United Methodist Church. Sharon Vonk, certified financial planner will be guest speaker. Child care is provided. Call Denise at 982-3257 or Dana at 837-4408.
3 Lakeside Community Club meets at noon Jan. 11, at Vista Linda in Somers. Featured speaker is Lee Ann Becton of Lakeside Wellness & Fitness Center. Call Joyce Scott at 844-2231.
3 Hanneke Ippisch of Big Arm, author of "Sky and "The Spotted Bear: A Rocky Mountain Folktale," will speak at 1 p.m. Jan. 11, in the Vanderburg Building on the Salish Kootenai College in Pablo. Call Carole at 275-4875.
3 Evergreen School District board meets at 6:30 p.m. Jan. 11 in the administration building boardroom.
3 Orientation class for those interested in volunteering for DREAM Adaptive Ski Recreation program 7 p.m. Jan. 11, FVCC Science and Tech (SAT) building, room 148.
3 Bill Schustrom will give a slide presentation on the building of Going-to-the-Sun Road to the Flathead Outdoor Club at 7 p.m. Jan. 11 in the basement conference room of the Flathead County Library.
3 Red Cross blood drive, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Jan. 12, Polson High School.
3 Public growth policy meeting 6 p.m. Jan. 12, North Valley Hospital Lake Room.
3 Orientation class for those interested in volunteering for DREAM Adaptive Ski Recreation program 7 p.m. Jan. 12, Whitefish Library board room.
3 Public invited to a showing of the film, "Strange Fruit," in honor of Martin Luther King Jr., 7 p.m. Jan. 12, Flathead County Library, Kalispell. Sponsored by the library and the Montana Sustainability Fund. Free.
3 Bigfork Parentshare meets at 9:30 a.m. Jan. 13 at the Community United Methodist Church. Child care is provided. Diane Mikelson of Kindermusik will give a demonstration.
3 Red Cross blood drive, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Jan. 14, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Whitefish Stage Road, Kalispell.
3 Columbia Falls Community Choir begins weekly practices Jan. 15. Sign up at 1:30 p.m. Practice 2-4 p.m. at Columbia Falls Junior High School until spring concert April 9. Call Ron Bond at 892-5174.
3 Red Cross blood drive, 2-6 p.m., Jan. 17, Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Columbia Falls.
3 Public growth policy meeting 6 p.m. Jan. 17, Moving Image, Columbia Falls.
3 Red Cross Adult CPR certification training, 6:30 p.m. Jan. 17. Call 752-6433 to pre-register.
3 Public invited to a showing of the film, "Brother Outsider: The Life of Bayard Rustin," about the activist who led the peace march in Washington, D.C., in March 1963 and influenced Martin Luther King Jr., 7 p.m. Jan. 17, Flathead County Library, Kalispell. Sponsored by the library and the Montana Sustainability Fund. Free.
3 Kalispell City Council meets at 7 p.m., Jan. 16, Kalispell City Hall.
3 Columbia City Council meets at 7 p.m., Jan. 16, Columbia Falls City Hall.
3 Whitefish City Council meets at 7:10 p.m., Jan. 16, Whitefish City Hall.
3 MOMS (Mothers Offering Moms Support) meets 9:30-11:30 a.m. Jan. 18, Trinity Lutheran Church, 400 W. California St., Kalispell. Berta Duncan from the Transportation Awareness Program talks about Amber Alert and MDOT. Child care provided. Call 257-LOVE (5683).
3 Alpine Spinners and Weavers meet at 10:30 a.m. Jan. 18 at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Kalispell. Bring a sack lunch. Call 257-9119.
3 Red Cross blood drive, 2- 6 p.m., Jan. 18, Kalispell Center Mall.
3 Public growth policy meeting 6 p.m. Jan. 18, Swan River School.
3 Red Cross blood drive, 12:30-5:30 p.m. Jan. 19, North Valley Hospital, Whitefish.
3 Red Cross Infant and Child CPR certification training, 6:30 p.m. Jan. 19. Call 752-6433 to pre-register.
3 West Valley Neighborhood Planning Committee meets 7 p.m. Jan. 19, West Valley School library.
3 Red Cross blood drive, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Jan. 20 at the center, 17A First Ave. E., Kalispell.
3 The Greater Woods Bay Sewer Committee, Woods Bay and Sheaver's Creek Water and Sewer Districts will hold a public meeting regarding the proposed wastewater project at 7 p.m. Jan. 20, in the basement of Bethany Lutheran Church, 8559 Montana 35, in Bigfork.
3 Ruder Elementary School students and the Missoula Children's Theater present "Robin Hood," at 3 and 7 p.m. Jan. 21, Columbia Falls High School's Little Theater. Tickets are $3 for children; $5 adult; $15 for a group of six.
3 Red Cross blood drive, 2-6 p.m., Jan. 23, at the center, 17A First Ave., Kalispell.
3 Valley Voices Community Choir spring semester practices begin Jan. 23. Practices will be 6-8 p.m. Mondays until May 6 concert. Come at 5:30 first practice for sign up and music distribution. Open to teens and adults. Call Joan Lundy at 257-3046.
3 Red Cross Adult CPR certified review course, 6:30 p.m. Jan. 23. Call 752-6433 to pre-register.
3 Red Cross blood drive, noon to 3 p.m. Jan. 24, Christian Center, Kalispell.
3 Red Cross First Aid Basics certification training, 6:30 p.m. Jan. 24. Call 752-6433 to pre-register.
3 Red Cross blood drive, noon to 4 p.m., Jan. 26, bloodmobile, Polson Wal-Mart.
3 Red Cross blood drive, noon to 5 p.m., Jan. 27, noon to 4 p.m. Jan. 28, bloodmobile, Kalispell Wal-Mart.
3 Boomers Singles Activities Group social hour, 6 p.m., followed by dinner buffet at 7 p.m., Jan. 27, Whitefish Ballroom, 430 Third St., Whitefish. RSVP by noon Thursday by calling Bill at 257-1313 or Marilyn at 862-9747. All are welcome.
3 Kalispell Boat Show, Jan. 27-29, Majestic Valley Arena, Kalispell.
3 Blacktail Mountain Ski Area Winterfest Jan. 28. Family Cup ski and snowboard races, ice sculpting, sleigh rides, kids' games, snow golf, snowmobile poker run and more. Call 844-3715.
3 Red Cross blood drive, 2-6 p.m., Jan. 30, at the center, 17A First Ave., Kalispell.
3 Red Cross blood drive, noon to 5 p.m., Jan. 31 at the Polson Methodist Church.
3 MOMS (Mothers Offering Moms Support) meets 9:30-11:30 a.m. Feb. 1, Trinity Lutheran Church, 400 W. California St., Kalispell. Rev. Darrold Reiner of Church at Creston discusses, "How to Get You Kids to Cooperate." Child care provided. Call 257-LOVE (5683).
3 100 Voices Men's Choir performs at the Flathead Lake Women's Choral Festival 6:30 p.m. Feb. 6, Polson High School Auditorium. Open to public.
3 MOMS (Mothers Offering Moms Support) meets 9:30-11:30 a.m. Feb. 15, Trinity Lutheran Church, 400 W. California St., Kalispell. Mary Kay Wilson talks about "How We Live a Life Fully Engaged." Child care provided. Call 257-LOVE (5683).
3 Hunting/Fishing Expo, March 10-12, Majestic Valley Arena, Kalispell.
3 MOMS (Mothers Offering Moms Support) meets 9:30-11:30 a.m. March 15, Trinity Lutheran Church, 400 W. California St., Kalispell. Author Joanna Weaver talks about, "For Better or for Best." Child care provided. Call 257-LOVE (5683).
3 MOMS (Mothers Offering Moms Support) meets 9:30-11:30 a.m. April 5, Trinity Lutheran Church, 400 W. California St., Kalispell. Toni Cancilla, instructor and interpreter talks about "Teaching Your Child to Sign." Child care provided. Call 257-LOVE (5683).
3 Cowboy Down Benefit, April 8, Majestic Valley Arena, Kalispell.
3 MOMS (Mothers Offering Moms Support) meets 9:30-11:30 a.m. April 19, Trinity Lutheran Church, 400 W. California St., Kalispell. Dr. Lynn Dykstra, pediatrician talks about "How to Know When to Call the Doctor." Child care provided. Call 257-LOVE (5683).
3 ALERT Benefit, April 22, Majestic Valley Arena, Kalispell.
3 MOMS (Mothers Offering Moms Support) meets 9:30-11:30 a.m. May 3, Trinity Lutheran Church, 400 W. California St., Kalispell. The Potter's Field Ministry will discuss "The Value of a Mother." Child care provided. Call 257-LOVE (5683).
3 MOMS (Mothers Offering Moms Support) meets 9:30-11:30 a.m. May 17 for a potluck brunch luncheon, Trinity Lutheran Church, 400 W. California St., Kalispell. Child care provided. Call 257-LOVE (5683).