Monday, March 10, 2025

Kalispell police

| January 10, 2006 1:00 AM

Kalispell police took a complaint about a long-haired man who panhandled and looked at children in a suspicious way Sunday at Gateway Cinema. He was told to stop. He took himself to the Finish Line bar, prompting a complaint that he harassed customers and employees. His next stop was at Appleway Conoco, where a woman said he harassed her. After a fourth complaint on Seventh Avenue West, he was ticketed on suspicion of trespassing.

It was another man who made himself unwelcome - twice - at the Kum and Go convenience store on South Main Street. He was given a ride away from the business in a patrol car.

A driver was arrested for DUI on West Idaho Street. A man at Tidyman's was charged with vehicle theft.

A gray-haired woman in a purple robe stood in the street on Seventh Avenue West and told another woman to hit her with her car. She and any explanation of her behavior vanished before an officer arrived.

On Liberty Street, someone reported harassment by an ex-boyfriend.

A laptop computer and other items disappeared on West Arizona Street. There's a suspect in the case of a check taken from the mail and cashed.

A parent complained about a woman buying alcohol for her son.

A dog on Hilltop Avenue barked itself hoarse, according to a complaint Monday. The animal-control officer checked it out and heard the mighty-lunged animal keep up the noise for 10 minutes straight. The owner got a note that a citation will follow.