Saturday, March 29, 2025

County to address gravel pit request

| January 24, 2006 1:00 AM

The Daily Inter Lake

The Flathead County commissioners are scheduled to take action this morning on a major gravel-pit expansion proposed near West Glacier.

Last month, the Flathead County Planning Board recommended approval of Robert Spoklie's request for a major land-use permit, which would allow the pit to expand from 7.6 acres to 24 acres.

The mine is on Belton Stage Road just outside of Glacier National Park.

The Planning Board attached several conditions to its recommendation, including limiting the active mine area to a maximum of two acres, with a maximum disturbed area (including the processing area and gravel stockpiles) of 7.6 acres.

The board also wanted the extraction area to be reclaimed as the operation proceeds, rather than waiting for the entire 24 acres to be mined out before it's restored.

Other conditions include limiting gravel crushing and screening to certain times of the year; requiring the construction of a six-foot gravel bike path along Belton Stage from the gravel pit north to U.S. 2; and prohibiting gravel trucks from using loud engine brakes.

The commissioners will consider Spoklie's request at 10:30 a.m. They are not expected to take public comment at that time, though a general public comment period is scheduled at 9:30 a.m.

The meeting takes place in the commissioners' hearing room, 800 S. Main St., in Kalispell.