Saturday, October 12, 2024

Kalispell police

| July 11, 2006 1:00 AM

Kalispell police won't catch the thieves red-handed, but someone stole all the cherries off of two trees at a home on U.S. 93.

After taking a report of a suspected drunken driver, police arrested a man on U.S. 2 for his fourth DUI.

An officer counseled a mother who asked for help with her son. Another man wanted some guidance about his girlfriend's 16-year-old daughter.

You can steal third base, but you shouldn't take a bag containing someone's baseball gloves and bat from a vehicle.

A chain-link fence was run over on South Meridian Road.

There were two reports of an intoxicated pedestrian downtown Sunday and a complaint about an intoxicated transient harassing people at Woodland Park. Officers found a transient camp at Woodland Park and warned the assembly that they'll be cited if they return.

There were numerous complaints about fireworks, but residents at Empire Loop found the combined racket from fireworks and a weed trimmer was beyond their tolerance limits.

Someone knocked on a window at 10:30 p.m. on Jubilee Court. Someone skulked around Ogre's pawn shop with a flashlight and then fled when someone else saw him.

It was after 2:30 a.m. Monday when drivers made a traffic stop on Ninth Street and ticketed a young man on suspicion of curfew violation, underage alcohol possession, obstructing an officer and resisting arrest.

Graffiti was reported at Edgerton School and at Columbine Glass on Main Street. A van tire was slashed on First Avenue East.

A neighbor girl was accused of taking a cigarette and alcohol from a home on East California. An investigation revealed that the girl had swiped a partially smoked cigarette but may not have been a booze burglar.