Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Kalispell police

| June 3, 2006 1:00 AM

investigated a report of a man digging holes on property on Second Avenue West. It turned out to be a man with a metal detector.

A parent asked for help with an out-of-control son on First Avenue West North.

Someone reported concerns about a man who has not been seen recently; he was found deceased in his home.

Two tires have been slashed on vehicles in the past week on Fourth Avenue East.

On East Idaho Street, a resident reported the theft of clothes and a bassinet.

A 16-year-old boy was cited for trying to buy alcohol at a grocery store. A man was arrested for DUI on West Idaho Street.

There was a complaint about a man who was yelling and wouldn't calm down, waking neighbors on Ninth Avenue West. He decided to take a shower and call it a night.

A sinister-looking bottle containing liquid and a fuse was found in a driveway on Second Avenue West. That's under investigation.

A woman at a motel complained a homeless man seems to be stalking her. He's not welcome at the business any more. A little later, he reportedly called 911 to complain of a medical problem, but vanished before an ambulance arrived.

Two doors down, they were laughing and drinking and having a party, but a resident on Ninth Avenue West didn't appreciate the racket at 2:30 a.m.

A stereo was stolen from a vehicle at Northwest Automotive.

A teacher with a class at Woodland Park reported that a 4-year-old boy on a scooter was at the park, unattended, for hours. His mother eventually showed up and the Department of Family Services was notified.

A business suspects an employee of stealing.

A doe appeared on Fifth Avenue West Friday, prompting two calls.