Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Flathead County Sheriff's Office

| June 20, 2006 1:00 AM

The Flathead County Sheriff's Office took a report from Parliament Drive, where a resident finds some intruding huskies to be a biological hazard for his flower garden.

The party at Foy's Lake involved underage drinkers, drugs and two girls skinny-dipping, according to a caller. The revelry had ended before a deputy arrived.

A noisy boat prompted a complaint on Flathead Lake.

Bears hate kitchen bands. A resident on Hoffman Road reported three black bears on the porch. The resident banged together a couple of pans, causing the biggest bear to start hissing.

A hand grenade, complete with pin, was found on Kelley Road.

A girl said her mother was trying to run over her dog and her boyfriend. Officers mediated. Another domestic problem was reported on Primrose Drive.

A man said he has no idea who the man was who beat him up at the Old Steel Bridge.

A stealthy transient has been moving camp near the Bigfork public trash containers. However, he reportedly continues to approach people who don't desire his company and root around in the trash before going back to his makeshift camp.

On Montana 83, a driver reportedly tried to hit deer.

The problem with neighbors hurling profanities and insults on Haywire Gulch reportedly has a long history.

An attempted theft from a vehicle was reported on West Reserve Drive. A windshield was broken at El Rancho motel.

Brands, ear tags, and neck bells couldn't stop some cattle from escaping their pasture onto Foothills Road Monday.

Allegations of trespassing and stalking came from South Woodland Drive.

Politer than Goldilocks, the intruder at a cabin on Jellison Road left behind a note for the owner.