Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Kalispell police fielded a number of oddities Friday.

| June 30, 2006 1:00 AM

Among them was a report of an intoxicated man in a shirt that said "Southern Style," scampering back and forth across the highway in front of Wendy's. He was warned, like countless children before him, not to play in traffic.

A man was found at 3 a.m. slumped over the steering wheel of a vehicle outside a motel. He said he went out for a cigarette and fell asleep.

An elderly man with a cane and an oxygen tank perched on top of a suitcase at Sawbuck's. He said he was looking for a ride.

A man and woman who were naked in sleeping bags near Sheppard's pawn shop made loud, obscene noises. An officer told them to take the floor show somewhere else.

At Woodland Park, a man was told to not come back after he made lewd suggestions to the pool staff. It's not the only location where his presence is not welcome.

A disoriented, hitchhiking woman was gone from U.S. 93 when an officer arrived.

The attention of two carloads of youths was focused on a huge sparkler bomb at the skateboard park. It didn't detonate, and it was confiscated. There were several other fireworks complaints.

Wallets were reported stolen at Woodland Park and at the Aero Inn.

A woman was arrested on suspicion of DUI on 11th Street East.

A woman said a man is making threatening calls to her. Threats were reported on North Meridian Road, also.

There were several complaints about gatherings of youths that caused suspicions. Three boys were charged with curfew violations after they were found in a parking lot at 3 a.m., and a girl was similarly charged after a traffic stop. The teens inside Glacier Church after midnight, however, were there for an overnight church activity.