March Madness struck
March Madness struck some vandals who worked on their free-throw skills in town. One launched a paint ball at a truck driving on U.S. 93 and one threw rocks that dented a vehicle driving on 16th Street West.
A passerby was suspicious about why young men were wrestling a pop machine into the back of a truck under the cover of darkness on Fifth Avenue West.
A daycare reported a mother who hasn't come to pick up her child in 24 hours.
A man was arrested for disorderly conduct at the mall. A 19-year-old man was charged with his third DUI Thursday night. He was also charged with underage alcohol possession, having an open container of alcohol, driving with no insurance, and having a suspended or revoked license. With him was a 21-year-old man who was charged with open container and endangering a minor.
Officers were called to Sawbucks to deal with two unpleasant people. Charges of assaulting an officer followed. Another assault was reported at Fatt Boys bar.
A check was stolen from a vehicle on First Avenue East North and someone has been writing checks on a man's old account.
A man on a motorcycle was arrested after failing to stop for an officer who was trying to pull him over.
A business reported about $4,000 missing from bank deposits.