Kalispell police
took a report from a man who suspects his ex-wife has sicked two convicts on him. He reported being followed on Sunday.
On Garland Street, some teenagers made scary noises to frighten neighbor children, according to a complaint.
Noisy motorcycles annoyed a man on Fourth Street West.
Trespassing was reported on Greatview Drive.
It's a bird. It's a rock. It's something solid, anyway, that was used to smash a hole in a truck's windshield on Woodland Drive. Another vehicle window was broken on Sixth Avenue West North.
A woman reported problems with her ex-husband on Liberty Street.
Everyone was surprised Monday when a neighbor reportedly tried to get into a man's apartment while the man was home.
Money was reportedly stolen from a Second Avenue East North home. Two people were caught for allegedly stealing cigarettes from a car at Smith's.
A casino asked a spitting man to take his saliva and leave. He eventually did. Another man who seemed disoriented in traffic on Main Street was gone before help arrived.