Kalispell police
took a report about a threatening note left on a door on Fifth Avenue East. The resident doesn't know any of the people referred to in the note.
Among arrests made in the past day were a 15-year-old girl charged with disorderly conduct on First Avenue West, a 33-year-old woman charged with partner assault and a 27-year-old man charged with disorderly conduct and a restraining-order violation on Third Avenue East, a man charged with stealing from his employer at Tidyman's, and two teens arrested after they were allegedly seen stealing gas cans at Wild Geese Gardens.
On College Avenue, a 9-year-old boy called 911, upset because his stepfather yelled at him. Two teenaged sisters on Sixth Avenue East required an officer's intervention in their dispute.
There were two noise complaints on Liberty Street, where the homeowner was cited for having a disorderly house and seven citations for underage alcohol possession were handed out.
A man was sent on his way after poking around at Tire-Rama overnight.
An older, balding man carrying a flag around on his back made an obscene gesture at a passerby and wandered in traffic, but caused no trouble once he got into the Social Security office.