Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Halloween's over, but creeps linger

| November 5, 2006 1:00 AM

He said he was trick-or-treating.

That's what he told a woman on Meadows Drive when he showed up in her yard late Halloween night. He didn't have any children with him, nor was he wearing a costume, but he did leave when she gave him candy. She watched him walk down the block and thought he was checking out the other houses.

He showed up again Friday night, when the woman's daughter was waving goodbye to her date from the front porch. The girl ran inside and slammed the door. So far, no one knows who he is or what he wants, but Kalispell police are investigating it.

Police took two teenage boys, ages 15 and 16, to jail after the Alcohol Enforcement Team arrested them in the Walgreens parking lot for alcohol possession. The older boy was also arrested for probation violation. Later, a couple of teen boys were arrested for possession of a toxic substance when they were caught using hairspray for something other than its intended purpose.

Three teenage boys were taken home when they wouldn't stop staggering in and out of a gas station convenience store. A pair of teenage girls was arrested for possession of alcohol and drug paraphernalia.

A pistol and a pack of cigarettes were stolen from a locked vehicle in the Finish Line parking lot. At Fatt Boys, someone simply took a car - the owner had left the keys in it. The thief was believed to be headed toward Lincoln County.

When she was pulled over for running a red light, a woman was arrested for drunken driving. Later, a man was arrested on the same charge.

Two people walked around their car, swearing, after their brodie-spinning was brought to an abrupt halt by a curb and a flat tire. Nothing was damaged, and once the tire was changed, they agreed to drive more appropriately.