Disturbance was reported at Hampton Inn
Kalispell police arrested a woman on numerous charges Tuesday night after a disturbance was reported at Hampton Inn. An intoxicated woman had threatened a desk clerk there, according to the report. Officers stopped her vehicle later and she was arrested, collecting criminal charges as she went. She allegedly kicked an officer and tore out the headliner in the back of a patrol car. She was charged with assault, her third DUI, resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, and criminal mischief.
Tuesday afternoon, the VFW reported a problem with a man in a red jacket and a red hat who refused to leave the bar. Fifteen minutes later, a man in a red coat and a red hat was reported at Only One Dollar store, where he was bothering employees. An officer gave him a ride home.
There was a complaint about a belligerent husband at the hospital. An officer counseled the people involved.
It's not every day you see a man pushing a dog house down the street at 11:30 p.m. You would have had to have been on West Montana Street to see it Tuesday night.
Window-pounding at 2 p.m. was the problem on Liberty Street Wednesday morning. Two men caused a disturbance at a homeless shelter; one will be arrested for trespassing if he returns. Threats were reported at the Rose Briar inn. A transient found sleeping in the Bryce apartment building was arrested on two warrants.
Someone caused concern on Sherry Lane Wednesday by appearing to approach a girl; it turned out to be a paper carrier just on his route.
Medication was reported stolen on Eighth Street West and at Flathead Industries.