Parent finds pot, turns it in
A parent found a baggie of marijuana at the Kalispell Junior High School parking lot Thursday morning and turned it in to Kalispell police.
A wild turkey outside of the Strand Theater almost caused an accident and then left Thursday morning. The flicks "Premonition" and "Amazing Grace" were playing at the theater. Readers can supply the subtext.
A stop sign was discovered shot Thursday morning at the corner of Fifth Avenue East and Seventh Street East.
A 22-year-old Kalispell woman was arrested on suspicion of drunken driving early Thursday morning in the McDonald's parking lot.
A minute earlier, a 40-year-old Kalispell man was arrested on suspicion of drunken driving at 11th Street and First Avenue East.
A 49-year-old man and a 43-year-old woman were arrested on suspicion of trespassing Wednesday evening on 13th Street East.
A purse was stolen from a vehicle in the Albertson's parking lot Wednesday afternoon.