The suspect went on the lam.
The chase Sunday afternoon went through the parking lot of the Northwest Montana Fairgrounds before going west on Husky Street. Pursuers lost sight of the fugitive before picking up a sighting several blocks to the north on Ashley Court. There, the posses caught the escaped sheep. However, one woman sheep hunter lost her wallet in the chase, Kalispell police said.
Meanwhile, a black bear was spotted Saturday evening among shrubs on Memory Lane.
That same evening, two bicycles were stolen at the Kalispell Center Mall.
Someone reported Saturday evening that someone else was writing checks from a stolen checkbook.
A 20-year-old male driver ran a red light and ended up ticketed on suspicion of possessing alcohol, which was also in an open container.
On Saturday afternoon, drugs or drug paraphernalia were found in the boys restroom at the Woodland Park pool.
An early morning fight Sunday led to a 17-year-old boy and a 16-year-old boy being arrested on suspicion of having drugs, drug paraphernalia, alcohol and cigarettes.
A bicycle was stolen Sunday afternoon on Eighth Avenue West.