Flathead County sheriff
Flathead County sheriff's deputies investigated a camera and a PlayStation 3 reported stolen from a home on Lore Lake Road.
Late-night pounding on a Commerce Street door in Bigfork, and suspicions of being drunk and stoned, were all part of a case of mistaken identity and address confusion.
An assault was reported in Martin City, but the caller turned verbally abusive and refused to answer the dispatcher's call-back.
Deputies responded to a fight between husband and wife on North Hilltop. They separated for the time being.
Money and drugs, but no guns were involved in an argument between another husband and wife on Hoffman Draw.
At Lakeside, it was alcohol and a requested divorce that fueled a marital argument.
Music got turned down at Stoner Creek Road after complaints of yelling, screaming, screeching vehicles and slamming doors.
Evergreen Junior High has been getting complaints from neighbors that kids are going into the wood to smoke. But, since the school has no jurisdiction there, deputies took on the case.Law4