He called asking for Karen
He called asking for Karen, and when he was told he dialed the wrong number, he called the man on the other end of the line a liar. He continued to call for the next 20 minutes, until finally the Kalispell man called for help.
He had no idea who the California man was, he said, and as a hospital employee, he needed his line free in case of emergency. Kalispell police dialed the caller's number and reached his supervisor in San Diego, who assured them the calls would stop.
A car parked at Flathead High School lost a license plate Friday.
Police received a report of a man lacking licenses for the car he drove and the gun he carried.
An employee reportedly shoved her employer into a desk after being fired.
The five or six vehicles spotlighting and driving through yards on Empire Loop were gone by the time officers arrived.
The kids in the Walgreens parking lot told an employee police had given them permission to loiter there for four hours. An officer arrived soon after and corrected this misinformation.
She didn't know who made the footprints in the snow leading up to her garage, then to her neighbor's back door, but she wanted police to keep an eye on the area.
A 24-year-old woman was arrested for driving drunk and for being sans insurance.
A girl was arrested on runaway juvenile charges.
A boy and girl were arrested for minor in possession of alcohol at a Kalispell grocery store.
Police arrested a 25-year-old man on warrants and assault.
A customer at an East Idaho restaurant reported a number of items, including her coat and cell phone, stolen.
A transient man was arrested on the Mental Health Act after he called a family member and threatened to commit suicide.
Locks were cut off a storage shed, but nothing appeared to be missing.
Police couldn't find the 30-something man reportedly chasing a girl in Woodland Park.
Alert employees led to two drunken-driving arrests Saturday, after intoxicated men - one with a child in tow - drove to Kalispell businesses.