Kalispell police picked up a 15-year-old boy for curfew violation on Main and Third Streets after a group of kids were seen heckling women.
Kalispell police
A 24-year-old man was arrested for probation violation, a 16-year old girl was arrested for possessing alcohol, and an 18-year woman was arrested for possessing alcohol after several customers of a pharmacy on Main and Idaho Streets complained about their parking lot antics.
A 17-year-old boy told his mother he was assaulted. She called police, but he took off before they could get there.
A 24-year-old woman reported missing was found. Her car had died.
A 55-year-old woman was arrested for stealing a pack of smokes from a store on Second Avenue West.
A man took a piano bench from a home on East Oregon Street.
A couple of skaters decided to set a trash fire in Woodland Park and leave. It had burned out by the time officers arrived.
Three women were ripping up flowers and knocking over trash cans on West Center Street.
A verbal altercation turned into a physical one after a man confronted somebody else who he said threw rocks at his car. The man's passenger was hurt, but decided not to press charges.