Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Whitefish considers higher planning fees

by LYNNETTE HINTZE The Daily Inter Lake
| June 12, 2007 1:00 AM

The cost of development is about to go up in Whitefish.

The cost of development is about to go up in Whitefish.

A 32 percent increase in planning fees is proposed and would bring in roughly an extra $80,000 a year if approved. The proposal will be considered by the City Council following a public hearing on Monday.

Planning fees generated about $250,000 in revenue over the past fiscal year.

Developers will pay substantially more for master-plan amendments and zone changes, among other things, if the new fee schedule is adopted. The fee for a preliminary plat review for a major subdivision (six or more lots) would jump $720, from $2,250 to $2,970, plus an increase of $50 per lot, from $150 to $200.

Master-plan amendments would jump from $4,500 to $5,940, plus an extra $10 per acre, from $30 to $40.

Zone changes are slated to rise to $2,310, up from $1,750. Within the zoning realm, conditional-use permits would increase from $750 to $990 and variances would cost an extra $160, increasing from $500 to $660.

Architectural reviews will cost more across the board, as will flood-plain permits and sign permits.

The only category to escape a rate increase is lakeshore permits. Those will stay the same, at $25 for an administrative permit. A major variance will continue to cost $550 per variance and after-the-fact permits remain at four times the normal fee.

The City Council also will readopt its building permit fee schedule, even though the fees won't increase. A public notice indicated the readoption is aimed at providing "greater public notice and formality."

Whitefish's base fee for construction valued between $100,000 to $5,000 is $994 for the first $50,000 plus $7 for each additional $1,000.

Copies of proposed fees are available at Whitefish City Hall or the Planning and Building Department at 1005 Baker Ave.

Features editor Lynnette Hintze may be reached at 758-4421 or by e-mail at