Of his anatomy.
He was just as proud as he could be
He gave the Kalispell cops a peek.
Oh yes, he was an unconscious streak.
He liked to show off his physique
If a noon Sunday audience could be found
Behind Los Caporales in K town.
KPD told him to move on around
before he invited public critique.
It's not known whether a Ray Stevens album was among 50 CDs, a cooler and groceries stolen from a vehicle Sunday afternoon on Eighth Avenue East.
A German shepherd mix that bit a 16-year-old boy was taken to the Flathead County Animal Shelter, where police had trouble getting the unhappy dog out of the patrol car Sunday afternoon.
A 24-year-old Kalispell man was arrested on suspicion of trespassing Sunday morning on Empire Loop.
A 46-year-old Kalispell man was arrested on suspicion of grabbing the arms of a woman and head-butting her on Seventh Street West early Sunday morning.
A 44-year-old Alabama man was arrested on suspicion of drunken driving on U.S. 93 South early Sunday morning.
A 38-year-old man was arrested on a warrant after a late-Saturday-evening disturbance at Finnegan's.
The bottom part of a vehicle's grill was stolen Saturday evening on Third Avenue EN.
Two 16-year-old boys were ticketed on suspicion of possessing alcohol and littering at the Tidyman's parking lot Saturday evening.