Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Kalispell police advised a woman that she had a warrant out for her arrest after she was involved in a three-car accident on Third Avenue East North. No one was injured in the crash.

| September 15, 2007 1:00 AM

Kalispell police

A woman wouldn't leave the parking lot of a bar on West Idaho Street, claiming her keys were inside. Employees couldn't find any keys. A friend gave the woman a ride home.

A purse was stolen from a vehicle left unlocked at Woodland Park.

Another purse was stolen from a car parked on Woodland Park Drive. Later, it was found and turned in at the police station.

A man's mother wouldn't let him take his child from her Windward Way home. She elbowed him out the door. The man wanted the incident documented for custody reasons.

A well-meaning neighbor turned off lights left on inside a Fifth Avenue East residence. The tenants of that house had supposedly been evicted. Later that night, he noticed they were back on and called police.

A woman called police about a possible drug deal going down outside her Glenwood Drive home.

Someone broke into a garage on Sixth Avenue West but didn't take anything.

A wallet was stolen out of a car on Condor Drive.